Chapter 885, Volcanic Rock Man

First send a chapter, the rest is code……………


In just over ten seconds, he grew his hands and feet. Well, his overall image is like a potato with his hands and feet, no head.

However, in the middle of the big stone, there was a crack in the crack. It should be said that it should be a mouth. The rock man couldn’t wait to lie on the ground and put his mouth close to the orange liquid on the ground, that is, the blood of the volcanic rock, a clay material. The tongue sticks out and starts to scream.

Wei Xiaobei was surprised to find that Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand had an effect on the rock man whose body type was more than two meters.

Name: Volcanic Rock Man

Race: Stone Man

Gender: None

Age: 0.4 years old

Creature Rank :2-Star Normal

Introduction: These volcanic rocks are the life of volcanic rocks that have been transformed by Loki’s finger Divine Power. They have a long life span compared to the ordinary Life Form, but as a natural one, they are more long-lived species. I am in a state of sleep and I am not bothered by it……..

Attribute : (slightly)

Soul Strength: 11

Skills: Sleeping Growth

Special Ability: Sleeping evolution, sleeping mask

Evolution Points : X (cannot accumulate)

Items on hand : none


So, the special radiation released by Loki’s finger turned out to be Loki’s Divine Power! But then again, the speed of the volcanic rock people is slow enough, they have been away for so long, they have life.

Of course, to say this volcanic rock man, whether from the Creature Rank or the attribute. Soul strength and even skill, Special Ability seems to belong to the first class of waste wood. Even if it is a sleepy evolution, it takes hundreds of years for each evolution.

The only sleeping mask is better. During his sleep, no exploration ability can tell that they have life.

It is also this that makes My Xiaod Things Thoroughly Understand, which Wei Xiaobei started before, completely ineffective.

But then, when I was able to see the volcanic rock attribute table, Wei Xiaobei noticed a special wave of inexplicableness.

With Wei Xiaobei, the mind is in contact with this special wave. Wei Xiaobei understood it.

This is the telepathy that the mutant dock has built with itself, but because of the interval between Dust World and reality, the telepathy transmitted by the mutant dock is very weak, the contact just disappears, and then it never appears again.

The information from the mutant dock should be hungry.

And the thing that makes the mutant dock feel hungry is actually these volcanic rock people!

Then think about it, Wei Xiaobei will understand that these volcanic rock people’s blood introductions have the effect of allowing the evolution of similar Life Form, think about it, the mutant dock should probably be drawn into the scope of Life Form.

Whether it is sleeping on the island or volcanic rock people who are **** their own blood, they absolutely did not expect that due to the blood. Make them a prey of a powerful existence.

Wei Xiaobei took a step forward, but the volcanic rock man who had already blood-stained opened his mouth and moved towards Wei Xiaobei to make a silent roar. Probably it can also detect Wei Xiaobei’s threat to himself.

But in the face of a strong person like Wei Xiaobei, only the ordinary strength of 2-Star is completely useless.

With his left hand stretched, Wei Xiaobei grabbed one of the volcanic rock’s arms and then gently applied it. The volcanic rock man’s arm immediately broke, but no orange blood flowed out, and the volcanic rock had no painful symptoms. It seems that this arm does not grow on its body.

Wei Xiaobei took a slight look at the fracture of the volcanic rock man’s arm, which is entirely composed of volcanic rocks. Without any other structural changes, the blood should be in his torso.

Then, Wei Xiaobei stretched out his right hand and turned his palm to the finger, gently moving towards the body of the volcanic rock man.

Wei Xiaobei’s body is undoubtedly much harder than this volcanic rock. Therefore, even if he did not wear ink gloves, the body of this volcanic rock was immediately poked into a hole.

But there is no liquid in this hole.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei stepped through the volcanic rock into pieces.

It must be said that this volcanic rock man is a magical Life Form whose 99% of the body is volcanic rock. Pure volcanic rock, only a small group of blood in the center of the body.

From this point of view. The entire body of this volcanic rock man is considered to be the outer shell, and its real body should be that small group of blood.

But in fact, Wei Xiaobei found that the wavy rock people’s thinking ripples are not transmitted from the blood, but from a few centimeters away, and the place where the ripples of thought are transmitted is just ordinary volcanic rocks, not to mention organs like the brain. No, no organs.

As for the blood, Wei Xiaobei squirted some shredded pork and took a little bit, and the resulting analysis surprised Wei Xiaobei.

This blood is actually not blood, there is no cell inside, just a liquid with special energy.

Well, it can be said that the appearance of this volcanic rock person completely subverts Wei Xiaobei’s understanding of Life Form.

You know, even the mutant Agricultural Market, the mutant dock, has its own Heart Nucleus. To put it bluntly, it is the same as the organs of other Life Form brains.

Even the penis, the strange Spirit Body like Disc fairy, has something like Lingzhu as the core.

The volcanic rock people in front of Wei Xiaobei have nothing in the body that can be called the Life Form organization. Except for the liquid containing energy, they are volcanic rocks, which can have life and have the corresponding thinking ability.

This is indeed a magical Life Form.

After Wei Xiaobei killed several volcanic rock people and continued to study for five or six hours, he had to put the matter behind his head and could not study it at all.

Well, in this case, you can only get rid of these volcanic rock people and take blood.

As I said before, in the face of a strong person like Wei Xiaobei, these volcanic rock people are completely a bunch of weak chickens that are easily and easily killed. Even if there is a 3-Star ordinary volcanic rock man, it still becomes the prey of Wei Xiaobei. After the blood is drawn, it becomes a volcanic rock of a crush.

When the volcanic rock people on the small desert island are sleeping, Wei Xiaobei can’t determine whether it is a volcanic rock person or a common volcanic rock, so Wei Xiaobei can only deal with the moving stones.

Fortunately, as long as the moving stones are volcanic rock people, this is probably the time when they are hard to wake up once, the body is moved, and they walk around, and when they are tired, they fall asleep again.

One hundred and thirty-seven volcanic rock people!

This is the result of Wei Xiaobei for most of the day.

It is said that the blood of this volcanic rock is really not many, one hundred and thirty-seven volcanic rock people, the smallest slap size, the most sturdy enough to have a diameter of ten meters, but in the end, the blood taken out by Wei Xiaobei will only be loaded. Filled with two porcelain bottles.

But then again, things like this would have been impossible.

Can collect two porcelain bottles, Wei Xiaobei has been more satisfied.

The stones on the small desert island have basically been turned over by Wei Xiaobei, and even if there are still missing volcanic rocks, there are not many people.

Wei Xiaobei patted the dust on his hands and removed Loki’s fingers from the Storage Ring.

Since these volcanic people are the products of the change after being exposed by Loki’s finger, Wei Xiaobei feels that it needs more goodness. Then, at this time, there is a lot of radiation, and when there is a next time, there will be many volcanic rocks on the island. people.

Later, Wei Xiaobei sat down and began to adjust some of the things that were set before.

Wei Xiaobei has a lot of plans before, and three of them are more critical.

One is to use Life Altar to develop a production line that can be used to produce drugs.

If this plan was put in the past, Wei Xiaobei might think it was a delusion, but now Wei Xiaobei doesn’t think so.

In the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, who is accustomed to playing with genetic maps, the so-called Life Form is actually a precision-arrived Life Form machine.

It is only possible to revamp any of the Life Forms by simply adapting their genetic modifications.

If you can cultivate the production lines that Zeng Wanshui needs, then the next few plans will be easier to carry out.

For example, Life Form warships and so on as envisioned by Wei Xiaobei.

These inspirations are not coming out of thin air. The Zerg Leviathan is a Life Form warship.

In addition, Wei Xiaobei also has plans to use warships to make warships and so on.

Of course, if you can, Wei Xiaobei wants to combine the refiner with the nurturing Life Form to create a more powerful Life Form.

After all, such a means is also part of the composition of Wei Xiaobei.

If these plans are successful, Wei Xiaobei probably doesn’t have to worry about what happened to Wei Family Island in reality.

However, the meal has to be eaten bit by bit, and the road has to go step by step.

Before returning from the port city to the country, Wei Xiaobei’s giant goldfish was actually a Prototype of a battleship.

However, due to the lack of relevant knowledge at the time, Wei Xiaobei spent a lot of material, and only cultivated a giant goldfish forget it similar to a diving ferry.

As far as fighting power is concerned, the giant goldfish is completely a slag in the war. It has little use except for the big one.

But now it is different. Wei Xiaobei has acquired a lot of genetic data after using Loki’s finger to carry out many different experiments. Even the gene library has expanded dozens of times.

Some of the genes with more exotic effects can be used on Wei Xiaobei’s plan.

Sitting on a stone, Wei Xiaobei thought about it, saying that Wan Zhang high was flat, then his initial experiment should be placed in the basic part.

For example, cultivating some small Life Form machines.

However, the scope of this choice is relatively large. With reference to the machines in reality, the number is numerous and the functions are numerous.

Wei Xiaobei was really not very good choice for a while, and after a long time, he thought of a more reliable idea. (To be continued~^~)

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