Chapter 880, balance: action freely

Send another chapter! In the codeword, hey, this poor Daoist now feels that the time is not enough every day, even the usual exercise has given up, this poor Daoist’s little belly seems to grow out, it is said that there are five months of birds……….


However, to Wei Xiaobei, fortunately, although the archery skills did not improve, but the color of the changes did not fade, which means that the impact of Sacrifice on archery skills has not disappeared.

In this case, if the next Sacrifice object chooses the archery skill, then the chance of success will increase dramatically.

The brain was a little faint, and Wei Xiaobei licked his head. He knew that this was one of the consequences of Sacrifice’s failure.

In addition to this, the soul strength also drops the 5 point and becomes the 141 point.

This is an inevitable phenomenon. The complete disappearance of a skill and the damage to the soul are not small.

Back in his room, Wei Xiaobei just greeted Tu Qingqing and fell to the bed and fell asleep.

Looking at the slumbering husband, Tu Qingqing could not help but shake his head and help Wei Xiaobei take off his shoes and clothes before he slept.

To say that Tu Qingqing is busy during this time, in addition to carefully teaching Li Lanxing and Zhang Tiantian two disciplines, as the mother of Wei Family Island, she also needs to replace Wei Xiaobei to handle some affairs.

Previously these things were originally handled by Zhu Xinyi, but with the arrival of Tu Qingqing, Zhu Xinyi did not know what to think about, actually accepted the master, and began to hand over some things to Tu Qingqing.

The next morning, Wei Xiaobei woke up and found that Tu Qingqing was not there, after Wei Xiaobei washed. I saw Tu Qingqing in the restaurant of the main villa.

At this time, Tu Qingqing completely disappeared from the costume image when he left Dust World. He wore a professional professional women’s dress, holding a stack of documents in his hand and looking through the pages.

Wei Xiaobei was curious and took a look at the file.

This is a procurement case about the establishment of an internal wireless network on the Wei Family Island.

In Wei Xiaobei’s view, Tu Qingqing wants to quickly integrate into this modern society, and even if it is smarter, it will take quite a while.

How can I read the documentation of these specialized terms now?

This is a little different from Wei Xiaobei’s imagination.

“what happened?”

Tu Qingqing has now taken his attention back from the document and looked at Wei Xiaobei standing behind him. Asked about the hair that fell in front of you.

Not to mention, the current appearance of Tu Qingqing is completely a commercial white-collar image. If it is replaced by the previous words, Wei Xiaobei is completely unimaginable.

“Can understand?”

Wei Xiaobei feels incredible. Anyway, Tu Qingqing is smarter, has no Attribute Panel, and has no skills to assist. How can it be integrated into modern society in such a fast time, and can also view documents so skillfully.

Be aware that you can do this. It’s not just a computer switch, it’s a natural gas stove, and it’s as simple as knowing why the light bulb is on.

The reason why these children know this is because they have lived in this era since childhood, and they have been able to hear it for years, plus a little learning.

Tu Qingqing’s situation is like a primitive person who came to modern society and turned into a modern person in just a few months. And still the elite!

Ok, at this time, Tu Qingqing feels like a person in Wei Xiaobei’s feelings. It is a bit strange to be inexplicable.

“How can you not understand? Fujun, are you too young?”

Tu Qingqing’s soft voice and the name of her own, let Wei Xiaobei instantly find a sense of familiarity, but fortunately, his wife is still Tu Qingqing.

After that, everyone entered the restaurant one by one. Wei Xiaobei did not ask about this matter.

However, Wei Xiaobei understood some of the documents between Zhu Xinyi and Tu Qingqing.

It seems that this is also the participation of Zhu Xinyi.

Ok, woman’s business, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t want to participate too much, after eating breakfast. Tu Qingqing and Zhu Xinyi discuss things away, and then back to the Wei Xiaobei arrived villa. One mind turned to the shipbuilding information, and one mind focused on the Attribute Panel.

Wei Xiaobei took advantage of this free time to improve the branch attribute under the Agility main attribute.

For now, Agility is the main attribute Wei Xiaobei 70.88, and the strength attribute is 90.01, although with a strong Martial Arts realm of, Wei Xiaobei barely able to control the strength is too large and the negative effects, but this is not A long-term solution.

Therefore, upgrading the Agility attribute is imminent.

Hand-eye Coordination under the Agility attribute has reached 82 point, do not put a temporary attribute, and Flexibility of 65.5, Reflex 66, balance 70, which can be put into three branch attribute Evolution Points to improve.

After watching Evolution Points, Wei Xiaobei’s Evolution Points have 24440 points left after upgrading several skills.

After a little thought in my mind, Wei Xiaobei chose to raise the balance attribute.

Compared to several other branch attributes, the balance attribute is actually the largest with the strength controlled by strength.

Don’t think that the upgrade of balance attribute is just that the body won’t fall over, it can balance the Muscle strength in the body, prevent Muscle strain, or crash.

With Wei Xiaobei hit their attention on the balance attribute, Evolution Points began to consume, while the balance attribute the increase as a result.

After consuming a full 10,000 Evolution Points, Wei Xiaobei raised the balance attribute to the increased 80 point.

Like other attributes, when the balance attribute reaches 80, the subsequent auxiliary ability will disappear and disappear.

But Wei Xiaobei can still feel the existence of this ability, but it does not appear on the Attribute Panel, but it is hidden in itself.

The balance point is not raised to 80 Wei Xiaobei expected to bring the pain, just a Unit of heat flow occurs throughout the body, all around walk, let Wei Xiaobei body feel very comfortable, while Wei Xiaobei found the body appeared Some abnormalities, the Muscle in the body becomes much smoother with the flow of this heat flow.

At this time, the true mercury that slowly infiltrated from the Meridians accelerated the rate of infiltration and mixed with those heat flows, continuously infiltrating into the organs of Wei Xiaobei, bones and even Muscle, blood vessels and so on.

This is a feeling that makes people feel very strange.

Well, Wei Xiaobei felt that there was a slight itching in the body, and there was a slight tingling, and there was even an inexplicable impulse of blood vessels filling up, which made him unable to hold back in this strange feeling of comfort.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei suppressed this impulse in time, but in the daytime, if he was heard by the outside guy, his old face could be completely thrown away.

After a long time, the heat flow disappeared, and Wei Xiaobei then sinks his mind and sinks into the body to see the changes.

What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that the amount of real mercury that penetrated into the body was several times more than before, and his body seemed to become a lot lighter, and some feathers felt like a gust of wind blowing. I will fly away in general.

this is?

Wei Xiaobei even checked the body all over again. At the end, Wei Xiaobei was a surprise, trying to gently rub the legs on the ground.

What happened next was that Wei Xiaobei was quite unwilling to recall.


Wei Xiaobei A little bit of ground, the foot is like a rocket engine, pū chī immediately rushed up, the next moment, came a loud noise, Wei Xiaobei’s head directly broke the ceiling and even the roof, hard to create their own The skull was stuck on the upper floor.

Fortunately, there was no living in the room on the upper floor. Otherwise, suddenly I saw a human head on the floor, and I was not allowed to be scared to death.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t know at this time that he should be glad that he was too light or he should feel sad about his strength. With his hands, he broke his head out of the floor.

As the body floated on the ground, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

In fact, the disappearing ability to walk freely should be improved.

Although this capability disappeared on the Attribute Panel, Wei Xiaobei probably also tested how the capability of the arrived is going on.

To put it bluntly, before you can walk freely, you can maintain the ability to run at an altitude of no more than one hundred and thirty-five degrees. If the inclination exceeds this angle, then there is only 50%.

And this wall can be solid or liquid, but it can’t be a gas!

But now, the gas limit has been eliminated.

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei can run at any level of the gas as long as he wishes, and there is no angle limit. Of course, the gas restriction is canceled, and the solid and liquid angle limits are naturally eliminated.

In order not to let the villa be more damaged by itself, Wei Xiaobei left the villa and went straight to the eastern reef area of ​​Wei Family Island.

This is one of the no-man’s areas of the Wei Family Island, and Wei Xiaobei can walk freely without interference.

Wei Xiaobei tried to gently jump his legs. When he jumped to more than ten meters, his legs stood in the air, just like standing in the water. The ability to start makes the air under Wei Xiaobei’s legs Like a hard ground, it can hold it.

Jump again! 30 meters height!

Three jumps! More than forty meters…….

Wei Xiaobei began testing parallel movements while standing on his legs at a height of 100 meters.

One step two steps, three steps four steps, five steps…..

Hu, Wei Xiaobei feels that his feet are empty.

peat! Wei Xiaobei just had a chance to make complaints, the whole body was like a shot, falling from the air.


Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei had already walked above the sea surface, and then fell down, that is, fell into the sea.

The height of one hundred meters fell and hit the sea or the land, and the result may be completely different.

Ordinary people may hit soft tissue contusions when they hit the sea, but the impact on the land will definitely die. (To be continued~^~)

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