Chapter 780, the very different Zhang Jinhua

Suddenly diarrhea, delayed codewords, hey, can only work hard.


Xu Feiyang is still very convinced of the strength of Wei Xiaobei.

Soon, the National Guards evacuated as much as possible. Well, before the evacuation, the remaining small deep-water bombs were thrown into the water.

After all, shipping these things is not a safe thing, it is better to deal with them directly.

As the National Guards evacuated, more than a dozen core disciples were present.

For the owner of Wei Xiaobei, these core disciplines met very little, and they qualified to participate in the last siege of the Xinling base, but they saw the strength of Wei Xiaobei.

The new core discipline is also heard from the mouth of Senior, the owner of the museum, this time can see the owner, most of them with the eyes of worship, but a few will be suspicious.

After all, in the eyes of some core disciplines, the old core disciles are too much, how can humans be so powerful!

Of course, at this time, it is a good time to test the strength of the owner, so whether it is old qualifications or newcomers, they will focus on Wei Xiaobei.

For such a look, Wei Xiaobei is already used to it.

When I came to the lake, Wei Xiaobei communicated a little, and the original Life Form swam from the mud to the lake.

Then everyone saw the Monster on the lake.

To say that this Monster is really disgusting, the streamlined body resembles a fish, with six duck feet, all around the mouth with a circle of tentacles, two arms behind the head that fit on the body. At the end of the arm is a sharp edge, while the body all around has a pair of eyes.

In short. From the perspective of appearance, this Monster has quite fierce combat power!

Monster was so imposing that it rushed past Wei Xiaobei, the lake’s fast move towards the lake.

But what happened next made everyone stunned.

The Monster stopped in front of Wei Xiaobei and squatted in front of Wei Xiaobei.

What’s happening here?

Say good war?

Xu Feiyang only thought that Wei Xiaobei had used this ability that he did not know to control the Monster. He could not help but sigh: “expert is expert!”

When Wei Xiaobei came over with Monster, everyone noticed that this Monster seemed to be a little different from before.

The six duck feet became the four hooves that adapted to the land run, and the arms were two more out, and the end of the tentacle had a sharp bone blade!

This Monster has become more lethal than when it was in the water!

to be frank. Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised by the changes in this original Life Form.

I don’t know how this original Life Form evolved, but it has the ability to quickly change the body part.

To put it bluntly, if needed, this original Life Form can even transform all the hooves into arms with bone blades to enhance the attack.

Even if you have a few more arms out, it is nothing.

3-Star Normal!

Have Special Ability : body change, stealth.

However, if the combat power is Eruption, I am afraid that even the 3-Star Terror Monster may not be its opponent.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also sees that the potential of this original Life Form is 3-Star Terror.

This is also the limit of its evolution in reality.

Wei Xiaobei then threw the original Life Form to Xu Feiyang. It is fulfilled the agreement between the two.

Xu Feiyang After learning about the combat power of this original Life Form, the look at Wei Xiaobei has become extremely complicated.


Does this still have people to live?

Such a powerful Monster, can this guy be domesticated?

of course. Xu Feiyang didn’t know that this thing was actually Wei Xiaobei.

After confirming that the original Life Form was able to understand his own orders, Xu Feiyang was happy to leave with the original Life Form, and even forgot to give Wei Xiaobei a sigh.

Compared to placing Wei Xiaobei around, Xu Feiyang is undoubtedly more interested in having a powerful Monster that he can command.

According to Wei Xiaobei, this Monster will become stronger if you do some related combat training!

In this way, Xu Feiyang, after returning to the mental hospital, developed a thorough training plan for the original Life Form, preparing to turn the Monster into a trump card in his hand.

Things for Xu Feiyang. Wei Xiaobei did not pay too much attention.

When Wei Xiaobei found Zhao Guang, a long time unconnected person called Wei Xiaobei.

Dan Bing !

This is what Wei Xiaobei didn’t think of.

The last time I contacted Wei Xiaobei, it was time for the nightclub to disappear.

After that, Dan Bing suffered a lot of pressure at this time, and with the loss of Huayang Group, it became extremely low-key and gradually disappeared into the eyes of the public.

Dan Bing is also an old friend of Wei Xiaobei, so Wei Xiaobei simply let him go to Dojo to say things.

Wei Xiaobei had a hard time to cook a table in person. One is to comfort Zhao Guang, who is quite hard during this time, and the other is to receive Dan Bing, an old friend.

When Dan Bing came to the door, a woman who was almost forgotten by Wei Xiaobei appeared.

Zhang Jinhua !

To be honest, this Terror woman almost disappeared from Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

But this time I saw Zhang Jinhua, the change made Wei Xiaobei quite surprised.

Dignified and generous. There is a world of difference between people and people.

Well, if it is not Wei Xiaobei’s memory is extremely strong. I am afraid I can’t recognize her coming.

But the biggest change is that Wei Xiaobei feels the atmosphere of the arrived 2-Star Life Form.

Although Wei Xiaobei did not use Erudite to view it directly, he was able to determine that his Creature Rank had reached the elite 2-Star elite.

This is what Wei Xiaobei didn’t think of.

Of course, Zhang Jinhua is now the wife of Dan Bing Ming Media, Wei Xiaobei can not be rude, and then Dan Bing is invited to eat together.

Zhang Jinhua’s changes are not mentioned for the time being. Dan Bing’s main purpose here is to have dinner. When the two gathered together, Wei Xiaobei finally knew.

Huayang Group wants to relocate Corporation Headquarters to Wei Family Island.

Undoubtedly, Dan Bing made an important decision about the changes in Green Lake City and even China.

After all, in Dan Bing’s view, Wei Xiaobei’s Wei Family Island is undoubtedly the safest place in the world.

Of course, the same is true, at least for now.

Huayang Group wants to relocate Headquarters to Wei Family Island?

For Dan Bing’s request, Wei Xiaobei didn’t think of it before.

Wei Xiaobei was caught in contemplation.

Well, the first thing to be sure of is that Huayang Group’s relocation to Wei Family Island is definitely a good thing for Wei Family Island.

Well, the current Wei Family Island has too little population and can’t even support some of the corresponding public facilities.

For example, until now, there is no supermarket in Wei Family Island. This is not Wei Xiaobei. It is not prepared. The problem is that there are too few people. The material of all people is purchased from the urban islands hundreds of nautical miles away. It is like In the small mountain village in the mountains, whoever goes to the town to go to the market, will help the whole village to buy the commodity back.

Even the hospitals, cinemas, etc. are not on the agenda, so the Wei Family Island cannot be called a fully functional town.

To put it bluntly, many things in the current Wei Family Island are inconvenient.

If Huayang Group moves in the past, it will at least increase the population of Wei Family Island by a thousand people, and it will also be able to promote the development of many aspects of Wei Family Island.

But there is also a problem here. That is, Huayang Group also said that it is also a Corporation. After moving to Wei Family Island, will it affect the operation of Wei Family Island. We must know that the status of Wei Family Island is basically militarized. Managed.

There must be a lot of contradictions in it.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also considered Dan Bing. What happened to Huayang Group after its relocation?

After waiting for Wei Xiaobei to express his concerns, Dan Bing laughed.

In Dan Bing’s view, Wei Xiaobei’s concerns are not a problem at all.

After the relocation of Huayang Group’s Headquarters, everyone naturally followed the laws of the Kingdom of the Republic of Nepal and the Wei Family Island regulations. At the same time, Huayang Group only moved to the Headquarters and had no influence on the overall layout of the Corporation.

After all, after the Monster Eruption incident in Green Lake City, Huayang Group has begun to sell some fixed assets, strive to acquire more cash flow, and prepare for the migration of Headquarters.

After discussing the two sides, Wei Xiaobei, in view of Dan Bing’s previous help, and the other party’s willingness to obey the management of Wei Family Island, Wei Xiaobei finally agreed to Dan Bing’s request.

But this thing, Wei Xiaobei is not likely to follow up personally, so Wei Xiaobei gave this to Zhu Xinyi.

Well, compared to others, Wei Xiaobei is the most reassuring person on the Wei Family Island, even Zhu Xinyi.

Regardless of relationship Intimacy or ability, and even control of the overall situation, Zhu Xinyi is among the best among the people.

After calling Zhu Xinyi to explain the matter, Wei Xiaobei immediately remembered the change of Zhang Jinhua, and even asked Dan Bing.

For the change of Zhang Jinhua, Dan Bing is slightly blushing.

It turns out that the reason why Zhang Jinhua has become what it is now is because of Dan Bing.

A month ago, Dan Bing accidentally entered Dust World. As a result, Zhang Jinhua even started the narcissistic Cuscuta Sinensis and chased Dust World. After that, there is no need to say anything.

Zhang Jinhua saved Dan Bing, but then it was inexplicable Eruption, killing a lot of Monster, and thus upgrading to the present strength.

With strength, nature will have confidence, so Zhang Jinhua is now completely different from before.

But Dan Bing feels a little blushing, and the manly man is actually going to save his wife, which is a bit too much.

Waiting for Dan Bing to leave, Wei Xiaobei did not rest, Xu Feiyang’s phone came over.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei knows that this Xu Feiyang is no good to call.

Waiting to pick up the phone, Wei Xiaobei’s guess is really correct, there is no good thing. (To be continued~^~)

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