Chapter 774, teach skills!

Is there a ticket? Brother brothers! GGGGGGO!


As for special clothes, um, very strong, will not be easily worn out, at least more secure than the real clothes.

The biggest highlight is the special kettle. Wei Xiaobei improved the rune of the Fire Dragon water bottle and added it to the kettle. The effect is that the kettle can self-condense one-third of the pot of pure water every day while purifying. The water that is filled into the kettle, even if it is mixed with toxins, can be purified, but the time is slightly longer forget it.

With this special kettle, those core disciplines are much easier in Dust World.

You know, the most painful thing in Dust World is not that there is no food, but that there is no water to drink.

This can be seen from Wei Xiaobei’s earliest entry into Dust World.

Besides, even if you find water in Dust World, you may not dare to approach, you may not dare to drink!

Well, as for the core disciplines who want to refine some of the customary weapons, they need to consume contributions.

Fortunately, the core discipline’s customary weapons can’t be beyond that, huge spear, stick, sword, hammer, etc. Wei Xiaobei can also refine the batch after classifying these requirements, which saves a lot of time. .

Finally, even Zhang Zhilong ran to ask Wei Xiaobei to help refine a pair of gloves.

Well, although Zhang Zhilong is an actor of the Eight Extremities Fist, he is also good at Three Emperor Cannon Fist. Undoubtedly, he prefers to fight with the enemy.

To this end, Wei Xiaobei separately refines the Second Senior Brother.

The material is mainly Yggdrasil leaves, the inner fiber is extracted and dried, and the Yggdrasil leaf fiber is melted with a small amount of black silver metal ingot, and then added to the dung stone and made from Paradise Hill stone.

This pair of gloves is released. Really makes Zhang Zhilong happy.

Light and tough, it has almost a skin feeling on the hand. At the same time, when the body is motivated, a layer of Flame and Bright energy can be seen on the glove, and the lethality is not too small.

To be honest, if Wei Xiaobei had already booked a flight back to Green Lake City, I am afraid that I have plans to refine my gloves. Anyway, this glove does not occupy a position, and other weapons can be used in my hand. of.

After finishing the things of those refiners. Wei Xiaobei then turned his attention to the Attribute Panel on his own.

Now Wei Xiaobei’s Evolution Points have 27800 points.

The number of these Evolution Points is not too large, but Wei Xiaobei feels that it should be used in part. After all, the power of the basic attribute can directly improve its overall strength.

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Xiaobei decided to upgrade the branch attribute under the Awareness main attribute first.

Well, after all, the ability to sense pulses is getting less and less powerful. In many cases, this ability is greatly limited, which makes Wei Xiaobei vulnerable to enemy attacks.

Needless to say, the entire lifting process.

After consuming 6800Evolution Points, the sensory attribute raises the arrived 43 point from 60.

As the inductive component is raised to the 60 point, the ability to sense pulses is also promoted to a new capability.

Heaven People induction!

Heaven People Sensing: This ability has a powerful sensing effect. Capable of capturing any kind of gaze, most sensitive to malicious eyes, regardless of distance. At the same time, this ability can feel some traces of fate and can complement each other’s related abilities.

Well, to say that this new ability gives Wei Xiaobei the feeling that it is closer to the ability to make a difference.

But then again, after the promotion of this ability, Wei Xiaobei was initially somewhat unaccustomed.

As long as there is someone, then Wei Xiaobei can clearly feel the eyes of others, just like a feather is always scratching in the place of gaze. Well, even the gaze of some animals will make Wei Xiaobei feel this way.

As for the malicious look, Wei Xiaobei has not noticed it yet.

But in any case, this feeling is really uncomfortable. After adjusting for a few days, Wei Xiaobei finally reduced this feeling and felt comfortable.

But this ability is indeed very powerful, it is not just to capture the eyes. To the extent that Life Form’s strength is at a certain degree, its atmosphere will be felt by Wei Xiaobei.

Well, in a nutshell, it’s near the Wei Family Island. In the induction of Wei Xiaobei, Monster King is like a little sun sunk in the ocean.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei consumed 5960Evolution Points to raise the Willpower attribute to the recognized 60 point.

After Willpower upgraded to 60. The perseverance of this sturdy ability has turned into a new ability to be tempted.

Well, for the name of this ability, Wei Xiaobei knows from Mencius: “So I am tempted, I have never been able to.”

Motivation: This ability is enhanced by perseverance, able to resist most illusions, charms, etc., and has a greater chance of resisting the pressure of Life Form above its two stars. Mental effects, after the Life Form pressure, any skill effect increased by 50%.

Well, this temperamental ability is almost the same as that of perseverance, but the final part of the introduction is very different.

Wei Xiaobei quickly understood the benefits of this ability, that is, if the enemy confuses Wei Xiaobei with illusion and so on, or exerts the pressure of Life Form, and Wei Xiaobei succeeds in resisting, then all skills Increased 50%! Then Wei Xiaobei suddenly Eruption’s counterattack will make the other side unforgettable!

If you think about it, you know, for example, the current released by Wei Xiaobei raises 18000% based on 50 volts, that is, 27000 volts, and then the energy Eruption, which is quite Terror.

Strength Eruption Increases 30% by maximizing 50% on Martial Arts realm! Then Wei Xiaobei’s strength attribute can be raised to 95 points in a flash!

In short, this ability is quite large for Wei Xiaobei’s strength.

Next, Wei Xiaobei did not continue to upgrade the attribute, but instead Zhuuyiyi and Huang Kun recruited their own room.

For Master’s summons, Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun seem a bit strange. After all, Master basically meets every day. Is there anything that I don’t have to summon alone?

Wei Xiaobei’s reason for recruiting two disciplines is that it is not okay, but is about to pass on one of his skills to the discipline, and try to see how much the ability of the cronyism is to impart.

After listening to Wei Xiaobei’s words, both Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun were in the mind.

Undoubtedly, the ability to teach skills is quite powerful, and even skills that you don’t have can be mastered in a flash.

Wei Xiaobei also informed the two disciplines of the skills they had.

Unfathomable, Life Form Genetics (Unfathomable), Mastering through Fusing and Linking, Unfathomable, Electrical Work (Matchless), Eight Extremities Fist (Matchless), Fishing (Reach the Higher Level), Three Emperor Cannon Fist (Perfection), pseudo-hidden weapon (Unfathomable), Unfathomable, Reach the Higher Level, Unfathomable. Language {China Wen (proficient), English (proficient), French (proficient), Spanish (proficient), Danish (proficient), Western divine (slightly), Ancient Sanskrit (proficient)}.

There are a total of thirteen skills. As for Special Ability, it is impossible to teach. Even if it consumes more Evolution Points, it is impossible. At the same time, Skill’s Realm can’t be taught without Unfathomable.

Well, the Eight Extremities Fist was excluded by the two disciplines in the first place.

Whether it is Zhu Xinyi or Huang Kun, the two people’s Eight Extremities Fist have reached the point of arrived Near Perfection, and Zhu Xinyi is about to enter Perfection. If you choose this skill, it is undoubtedly the lowest cost.

Well, in fact, Wei Xiaobei’s skills, more useful for the two disciplines are archery, refining, pseudo-hidden weapon, medical, cooking.

As for engraving, this was originally an auxiliary skill, and it was of little use. Wei Xiaobei was originally activated to bring Sacrifice to other skills.

There is also language, this kind of skill that can be learned for teaching, and it is actually a waste.

In the end, Zhu Xinyi chose archery, while Huang Kun chose cooking.

This result made Wei Xiaobei feel a little unbelievable.

According to the inherent thinking of Wei Xiaobei, Zhu Xinyi is a girl. How should cooking be the first choice? While Huang Kun is a boy, it seems strange to choose cooking.

But considering that Zhu Xinyi originally had cooking (Intermediate), and Huang Kun’s food intake is quite large, this is well understood.

In addition, if the skill of cooking is raised, then cooking with some powerful Monster meats, it is easy to cook some foods such as enhancing attributes, etc. For Huang Kun, the benefits are quite good.

In any case, this is their own choice, and Wei Xiaobei will not intervene.

Later, Wei Xiaobei let Huang Kun come over, put his hands on the back of the other side, and chose to teach cooking skills!

As the skills are taught, Wei Xiaobei can clearly see that Evolution Points are being consumed quickly.

Of course, no matter how you consume it, the 2000Evolution Points are fixed every time you pass the skill.

It must be said that the impact of imparting skills on people is still quite large.

At the end of the transfer of skills, Wei Xiaobei felt that people were a little helpless, and the spirit was not very good, while Huang Kun was sweating all over, just like fishing out of the swimming pool.

Later, Wei Xiaobei looked at it and had to say that Wei Xiaobei was quite surprised.

According to common sense, Wei Xiaobei’s cooking skills are Unfathomable, then it should be Tempered when taught to Huang Kun, but the cooking skill that Huang Kun obtained at this time is Near Perfection!

A whole level has been upgraded!

It is important to know that cooking skills are difficult to upgrade, and it is somewhat difficult compared to those of ordinary skills. (To be continued~^~)

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