Chapter 765, solving the problem

The second chapter is sent! Trying to work in codewords! Seeking a monthly ticket!


“Oh, baby, you are going to be mine soon.”

Kamaras smiled and rubbed his hands on the top of the sea monster, giving a faint blue light that looked very different.

Under the influence of the blue light, the sea monsters that had been struggling with the gradual relaxation gradually disappeared. The eyes of the two wheels, like the wheels, began to slowly close.

Undoubtedly, this Kamaras seems to have mastered new capabilities that can be used to conquer sea monsters.

However, for Wei Xiaobei, this is all empty talk.

With the right hand grabbing, White Fog huge spear appeared, and move towards the Kamaras stabbed.

The Kamaras didn’t have Reflex at all for this sudden change. The eyes widened and looked at the stage spear, and the body couldn’t move.

However, the sea monster under his control saw the owner being threatened and hurriedly struggled to block Wei Xiaobei’s attack with his tentacles.

But the previous advantage has become a hindrance at this time, although the sea monster has been relaxed, but the entangled tentacle wants to separate in such a short period of time, it is impossible.

The next moment, pū chī, the sharp gun head pierced Kamaras’ chest.

The Kamaras screamed and was caught in the hands of Wei Xiaobei.

At this point, one of the sea monster’s tentacles was finally released, and with the spray, move towards Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei’s legs were lightly touched, and the tentacle was easily escaped. At the same time, the left hand was slightly forced and snorted. The Kamaras’ neck bones were broken and the head was gently smashed. There was no more life, and a blue stone caught on the right hand and fell, but Wei Xiaobei grabbed it.

Kamaras finally hangs up.

Wei Xiaobei has long noticed the small action of the awarded Kamaras, such as the one who once threatened his family, Wei Xiaobei is impossible to let go.

Fighting a snake is not dead, it is against it!

At the moment when Kamaras hangs, the sea monster that was manipulated by him suddenly became angry, and the tentacles chased Wei Xiaobei and continued to fall down. I wished that Wei Xiaobei would be turned into a meatloaf in a flash.

undoubtedly. The relationship between this sea monster and Kamaras is not just the master and the slave.

But after losing the command of Kamaras, the sea monster’s threat to Wei Xiaobei was reduced to the ultimate.

Wei Xiaobei can easily escape from the tentacles.

Well, the blue stone, Wei Xiaobei glanced, and the face was a bit surprising.

Name: Finest Quality

Introduction: This is a mysterious stone that, after being crushed, allows the holder to appear anywhere in the sea through the sea random.

I have to say that this Kamaras is also a bit embarrassed. There is such a baby on hand, and it has been killed by Wei Xiaobei before it can be used.

of course. If it uses this stone of the sea, Wei Xiaobei can only watch the other side escape.

But now, Wei Xiaobei dropped the body of Kamaras and the stone of the sea into the Storage Ring.

at this time. Another sea monster seems to have awakened from the previous coma.

After the wake, the sea monster became very angry, and in a flash, it was together with the Kamaras sea monster.

It is not surprising that the relationship between the two parties was originally hostile, and Kamaras almost enslaved the sea monster. The sea monster could not find Kamaras, and it was justifiable to find Kamaras pets.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei became a bystander, watching the two sea monsters in the sea to kill the waves, Wei Xiaobei is also happy.

But not long after. Wei Xiaobei’s face became a little weird.

Perhaps without the control of Kamaras, or the battle is full of blood, the two sea monsters are finally entangled again, and there is an unexpected change in Wei Xiaobei.

Well, to put it bluntly, under the concern of Wei Xiaobei, the shameful behavior of the next generation has been carried out.

This is not surprising, after all, the two sea monsters have different genders, and different genders of the same type of Life Form. There will always be some attraction like hormones.

This is not a big deal. What Wei Xiaobei didn’t think of most was that after the two sea monsters ended the long process of reproduction, it seemed to form an alliance. Dozens of tentacles turned around and looked at the fun. Wei Xiaobei squatted.


Wei Xiaobei, who was quite a bit out of reach, was almost caught in the sea by tentacles. Although the dodge was timely, it was also covered with a smashed spray.

After spit out the seawater poured into the mouth. Wei Xiaobei snorted, and with the lightning erupts on the White Fog Dragon Spear, the whole body appeared, and the sea monster of move towards Kamaras rushed over.

The thief first smashes the king and shoots the first shot!

Undoubtedly, the change of another sea monster is that the sea monster of Kamaras is making a ghost. No matter what the husband and wife are, the Wei Xiaobei has not let go of the other party’s plan.

White Fog Dragon Spear pierced into a tentacle between the eyes, and the intense lightning followed the tentacles, and it was poured into the head of the sea monster in a blink of an eye.

There is no doubt that the Ocean Life Form, which has a fairly high proportion of water in the body, is less resistant to current than the Land Life Form.

Just like this, the sea monster’s tentacles that reached the surface of the sea fell down and splashed countless waves.

Even the current that spreads along the seawater has affected another sea monster, causing its tentacles to move at a slower rate.

Even the smell of protein after burning is heard in the air.

With a current of up to 18,000 volts, even if you can’t directly kill this sea monster, you can make your body stiff for a short time.

Undoubtedly, seawater is a conductor with a relatively good current, which is much stronger than air.

Wei Xiaobei’s current release capability completely restrains the sea monster!

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei’s White Fog Dragon Spear stabbed the head of the move towards the sea.


The soft and elastic sea monster’s head can’t stop the sharp shot of the sharp head. In the twinkling of an eye, White Fog Dragon Spear plunges into the head of the sea monster until the end of the gun!


The head was so severely hit, the sea monster was suddenly shaken by the current stiff body, and then all the tentacles crossed down, in an attempt to make Wei Xiaobei a small piece of meat.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not escape at all, and the right hand was forced. Huge spear slammed in his head, and the vigorous spear was like an electric drill. In the blink of an eye, a half-meter in diameter was opened on the skull. hole!

At the same time, the white Fog that popped up above the huge spear constantly moved towards its body.

The Norwegian sea monster, the software Monster, is extremely tenacious, but under the focus of Wei Xiaobei’s head, even the tenacious vitality can’t last long.

The current rushed along the White Fog Dragon Spear again, and the fallen tentacles were soft again, and there was no way to threaten Wei Xiaobei.

After dozens of consecutive attacks, the head of the sea monster became a horse-like honeycomb, mixed with White Fog’s fleshy blood and even the brain flowing along the holes.

The sea monster has also become dying, and the huge life of its body has begun to decline rapidly.

But even so, the sea monster still struggled to make the final attack on Wei Xiaobei.

On the other hand, another sea monster seems to be aware of the risk of arrival, and when the partner launches the final attack, he turns to move towards the sea and sinks.

Want to escape?

Wei Xiaobei had a little smile on his face and easily escaped the attack of the sea monster in front of him. White Fog Dragon Spear suddenly shot, and in a blink of an eye he penetrated into the head of the sea monster that had not completely sunk into the sea.

The sea monsters screamed, but the speed of sinking into the sea suddenly increased, but the huge body disappeared above the sea, leaving only a small whirlpool.

Wei Xiaobei Right hand, White Fog Dragon Spear returned, then Wei Xiaobei plunged into the sea and chased it down.

From then on the surface of the sea, from time to time, some waves were washed up. The calm sea was also turbulent, and even a few sharks attracted by bloody water rushed out of the lose one’s head out of fear. The sea.

For a long time, the sea surface has returned to calm.

After about ten minutes, a slamming sound, Wei Xiaobei’s head was drilled out of the sea.

The sea monster that escaped finally failed to escape the clutch of Wei Xiaobei. The seabed in the depth of more than 1,000 meters was killed by Wei Xiaobei and was included in the Storage Ring.

Back to the sea, Wei Xiaobei took the second sea monster into the Storage Ring, and ignored the sharks that came up. When the legs stepped on the surface of the sea, they moved towards the road.

This time, Wei Xiaobei is also a small gain, in addition to solving the threat of sea monsters, but also harvested 3000Evolution Points.

It must be said that in the real world of killing Monster, Evolution Points will be much higher than Dust World.

It is said that this Norwegian sea monster is 4-Star ordinary Monster, and its Evolution Points income should be around 1200, but on average, each Norwegian sea monster contributes 1500Evolution Points to Wei Xiaobei.

This increase is not too small, close to 20% five or one quarter.

As for the Kamaras, the Evolution Points contributed to Wei Xiaobei are almost nothing. After all, its combat power is mainly reflected in the sea monsters, and its own is the strength of 2-Star Terror for it, for the 4-Star elite Wei Xiaobei, there are some Not worth mentioning.

Of course, the bodies of two Norwegian sea monsters are not small gains.

However, at this time Wei Xiaobei did not have time to dissect the body of the sea monster, and after a hurried return to the cruise, he took a hot bath and slept comfortably.

Compared to Wei Xiaobei’s Shu Tan, the captain, sailor and passengers above the cruise ship can always be suspended in the air during the next voyage.

Any change on the sea may trigger their panic. (To be continued~^~)

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