Chapter 763, ability: Renren!

Today I almost finished, but I have to catch up, hū hū, there are too many things during this time, this poor Daoist has some headaches!



The entire cruise has five main restaurants that offer passengers international cuisine, four swimming pools, a theatre, a variety of bars, night clubs, luxury casinos, duty-free shops, fitness centers, libraries and even spas, internet cafes, wedding halls, etc. Everything is available.

To put it bluntly, this cruise ship is a miniature city floating on the sea.

Even Wei Xiaobei got on the boat and had to admire the luxury of this cruise.

Just standing on a high point and looking down a circle, there is an illusion of forced elevation.

Of course, a luxury cruise ship like this is just a ticket price, and it is not something that ordinary people can afford.

Well, if you think about the Tedanik, you know that most of the people who take this stuff are wealthy people who have spare cash and free time. It is impossible for ordinary people to play Jack’s tricks.

Even if the office workers have money, do you have that free time to wander for a few months at sea?

Wei Xiaobei is naturally not short of money, and the room booked is the second class on the cruise.

Well, the first class is impossible. The entire cruise ship has more than a dozen rooms in the first class. It is prepared for the big directors of the cruise company and even the VIPs. It can be bought without money.

But even the second room is a very good one.

Under the leadership of the waiter, Wei Xiaobei entered his room and looked around in a circle with some paintings hanging in the room. The overall appearance of the so-called high society style.

A one-dollar tip made the well-behaved big wave waiter leave with joy and leave a message to Wei Xiaobei, saying that he can call at any time, and he is willing to serve the honorable Mister Wei at any time.

Well, Wei Xiaobei didn’t pay attention to what the big waiter’s so-called service was, pushing a door inside and coming to the terraced terrace.

At this time, the cruise ship still docked on the dock, and a large crowd of people slowly boarded the cruise as an ant. Then spread out.

Wei Xiaobei nodded with satisfaction, returned to the room, turned on the TV, took out a bottle of drink, stared at the program on the TV, and slowly drank it.

Well, Wei Xiaobei has not experienced it for a long time.

Not long after, the cruiser whistle sounded, and the huge hull was in the excitement of the passengers. Start slowly and move toward the endless ocean.

No doubt, for most passengers. For the first time on such a luxurious cruise, excitement is inevitable.

In fact, even Wei Xiaobei is fascinated with a trace.

After the departure from the port, the speed of the cruise ship is not fast. This area is closer to the Arctic Circle, so there are many icebergs floating on the sea.

To know that this iceberg is due to buoyancy, the exposed sea surface only accounts for only 10% of the whole. Even less.

In short, when you see a small iceberg on the sea, you should pay attention. It is very likely that a ship will crash into the lower part of the sea. In that case, even the most sturdy ship can only Falling into a sinking end.

However, with the current technology monitoring means. Any iceberg that has a body type that exceeds a certain range and may cause damage to the ship will be recorded and monitored at any time to provide Early Warning information to the passing vessel.

Well, actually before leaving the Norwegian territorial waters. The cruise did not encounter any accidents, even the sudden emergence of icebergs. It was also discovered by the radar on the cruise ship early, so it was avoided in advance.

At night, the cruise has left the Norwegian territorial waters. Since this day is the so-called green Valentine’s Day, a grand celebration was held on the cruise.

The lights on the entire cruise ship flashed, and the passengers sang and danced. They were in restaurants, bars and even theaters, cinemas, and some small games that could be redeemed for prizes. Of course, Eruption will inevitably spark some sparks between lonely men and women.

Well, Wei Xiaobei is hiding in the room to organize the harvest of his trip.

Evolution Points After the Yggdrasil Dust World experience, the rising 33300 points.

However, Wei Xiaobei is not eager to use those Evolution Points, but instead turns his attention to the arrived Storage Ring.

With a certainty, Wei Xiaobei plunged his mind into the Storage Ring, and then a Little Fairy appeared in the room.

Well, that’s the Little Fairy Dami.

For himself to suddenly appear in this very strange place, Damy looked a little one’s head out of fear, screaming around in the room, almost plunged into the power socket.

Upon seeing, Wei Xiaobei hurriedly took Dami into the Storage Ring, and he worried that the little one accidentally killed himself.

However, this Dami’s lively jump is to let Wei Xiaobei down.

Since there is no problem with this Little Fairy, there is no problem with Keith Honey and Xiao Yan.

But here, Wei Xiaobei did not release them. After all, this is on the cruise ship. If people are mixed, they may be discovered.

After determining that the Storage Ring was able to bring some Life Forms out of Dust World, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sighed in relief, and then turned his attention to the attribute table that emerged from the arrived mind.

This time, Wei Xiaobei put the Evolution Points on the charismatic leadership index.

This branch attribute does not seem to be of much use for Wei Xiaobei’s combat effectiveness, but if the leader is promoted to the 60 point, then there may be a Special Ability that Wei Xiaobei wants.

Recruiting the rebels!

Listening to the noise coming from outside the cabin, Wei Xiaobei focused on the leadership.

Evolution Points began to consume at a rapid rate, while leadership began to improve.

Needless to say, the process of promotion is that after the 8000Evolution Points are consumed, the leader raises the arrived 40 point from the 60 point.

But what Wei Xiaobei didn’t think was that after the leadership was promoted to the 60 point, the new ability to replace the ability to be good and savvy was not to succumb to rebellion, but another ability.

A crony!

Well, just look at the name of this ability, you know that this ability does not seem very good.

But after a close look at the introduction of this ability, Wei Xiaobei’s brows were raised.

Reciprocity: This ability has a special effect, it can transfer your skills to any Life Form, when you pass the skills, the ability will be launched, there is a chance to improve the skill level of the transfer, the effect depends on the host and The relationship between Intimacy and Life Form is taught.

Well, the understanding of this ability should indeed be understood literally.

That is to say, after possessing this ability, Wei Xiaobei can pass on his skills to any Life Form, regardless of whether it is human or not, and the more intimate Life Form with Wei Xiaobei relationship, the greater the effect.

In fact, in Wei Xiaobei’s view, this ability is much more powerful than recruiting.

The key point is that as long as Wei Xiaobei is willing, he can impart skills to others and increase the strength of each other.

Of course, Evolution Points consumption is inevitable.

Just as Wei Xiaobei was preparing to raise another attribute, there was a panicking scream outside.

“God! What is that?”

“Is it Halloween today? How can I get such a thing?”

“Europe, NO, I think it should be a whale, don’t panic.”

“Is it a sea otter? God!”

“Ah, be careful!”

…… ..

Frowned head, Wei Xiaobei came to the terrace.

Ok, just arrived at the terrace, Wei Xiaobei saw several Great Python-like things crawling up the cruise liner.

this is?


Wei Xiaobei knows that this is probably not the Life Form in reality, and even Erudite is launched.

Name: Sea monster

Race: Norwegian Sea Monster

Gender: Female

Age: 340 years old

Introduction: This is a Norwegian sea monster whose ancestors played an important role in the battle of Ragnarök, which has considerable Terror combat power in the ocean.

Creature Rank : 4 Star Ordinary

Attribute : (slightly)

Skills: Near Perfection, Near Perfection, Unfathomable, Perfection

Special skills: Juli (when his ten wrists are simultaneously exerting force, strength raises 10 points), ink escapes (when it sprays ink, with magical toxicity, it can make the enemy lose the possibility of chasing), sea monster bloodline ( Intimidate orders everything Marine Life Form )

Evolution Points : X (cannot accumulate Evolution Points )

Items on hand : none

……… ..

This is a Norwegian sea monster!

Well, Wei Xiaobei remembers that there is a guy in the Grey-White organization that is a pet, but it is a male.

The big guy who is trying to climb the cruise ship is a female. In terms of age, it is much older than the male.

There is no doubt that this Norwegian sea monster comes from Dust World and does not know how, it comes to the reality.

The ship of the Giant was used as a box for food by the Norwegian sea monsters. The screams of the delicate little foods could not dispel the appetite of the sea monsters.

In fact, someone has been killed at this time.

There are several people on the terrace who have been scared to make their legs soft and make a sharp scream. They don’t know that they should hide in the room at the first time.

Well, these guys are mostly half-fruited, with beautiful women in their arms, probably enjoying a sweet life before, but now, the appearance of the Giant Sea Monster has scared them all.

Human screams are undoubtedly the best guide for sea monsters looking for food.

A stout, like a pole, is extremely flexible. The terraces are swept away.

The continuous scream was arrived. At this time, it was finally interrupted. Instead, the terrace suddenly crashed. Several figures fell and were caught by another tentacle. In the twinkling of an eye, the tentacles disappeared into the sea. (To be continued~^~)

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