Chapter 760, Bear Child

Send another chapter, today this poor Daoist was teased by a group of bear children, wū wū wū 呜, the evil bear child………….


Breed a group of Common Person, and follow the ass of their own ass to collect pieces of weapons on the ground.

Well, for Wei Xiaobei, there is wealth everywhere, and the weapons of the weapons are collected, enough to waste their own tools for a long time.

It is said that most of the masses of these weapons fragments may not be comparable to the actual alloy materials, but they contain various energy residues, which are completely unmatched by those alloys.

As for the skeleton, even if it is too long, most of the skeletons here are completely worthless. If you touch it gently, it may collapse and become ashes.

Let the Common Person search around and Wei Xiaobei follow the guidance of Keith Honey.

“Yes, this is the breath of the garden of life!”

After a long distance, Keith Honey suddenly screamed with excitement, then closed his eyes, his nose swayed, and moved toward the front, and Wei Xiaobei had to follow.

Soon, on the dilapidated land after the war, a small piece of purple appeared in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei.

Well, to be precise, this is a broken garden.

At least 80% of the plants in the garden have died and dried up, leaving only a few plants in the corners growing stubbornly.

Keith Honey was so excited that she rushed into a flower, but when Wei Xiaobei arrived, Keith Honey escaped from the flower, and her face was wronged and fell on the head of Wei Xiaobei, pointing at the big flower. Cried: “He beat me!”

Wei Xiaobei took a closer look and found a small head in the flower. It was a little Fairy hiding inside.

There is no doubt that Keith Honey felt the same kind of atmosphere, and then excitedly rushed into the flowers, and the strange Little Fairy might think that Keith Honey was going to encroach on his room and gave Keith Honey a few times.

Ok, actually, when the strange Little Fairy saw Wei Xiaobei, the whole person was scared to be stupid.

In the smaller body type of Little Fairy, a human like Wei Xiaobei is undoubtedly a giant.

A huge giant is staring at himself, and no one will feel better.

Wei Xiaobei also has some doubts. According to Little Fairy’s habits, Little Fairy is kind, not to mention the same family. Even if it is good to treat other species, Keith Honey is even more excited and should not be so hostile to the strange Little Fairy. ?

Yes, Wei Xiaobei can feel the hostility of the little Fairy hiding in the flowers.

For a long time, the strange Little Fairy may feel that hiding in the flowers may not be able to escape the claws of this giant, eventually biting his teeth and flying out of the flowers.

Relative to the wings of Keith Honey. The wings of this strange Little Fairy are butterfly wings. Although the speed of flying is not as fast as Keith Honey, it is more elegant.

The strange Little Fairy flew out of the flower. Then hovered over the flowers, and then pulled out a long sword from the waist. Well, it should be made of a certain plant long thorn, pointing at Wei Xiaobei’s nose and shouting: “Leave immediately Dami’s territory, otherwise Dami will give you a good look!”

A very direct threat, the small long sword swings back and forth, if you don’t consider the relationship. There is a bit of prestige.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei was threatened by such a small small for the first time!

It’s like a little mouse move towards a Tiger provocation and threatening the other to give up the forest, otherwise it will be how.

For another Monster, Wei Xiaobei is probably the first time to kill the other party.

But in the face of such a small small point, Wei Xiaobei really did not give birth to killing, just feel a little funny. Cola.

“Little guy, what is your name?”

Wei Xiaobei directly ignored the other’s anger and laughed at Hehe’s question.

“My name is Dami! I have already said, leave Dami’s territory!”

Ok, Wei Xiaobei’s smile suddenly angered the other side. Perhaps Wei Xiaobei did not remember the other’s name is also a reason.

In short. The Little Fairy Dami, waving the long sword, rushed over to move towards Wei Xiaobei, trying to give Wei Xiaobei a good look.

The little guy’s temper is not small, Wei Xiaobei stretched out his right hand, the index finger slammed, and the little Fairy rushed over like a off-line kite, screaming, and flew out in a blink of an eye.

Well, Wei Xiaobei is actually using the strength of the small small arrived, and the control is in place.

Otherwise, just like this, Wei Xiaobei is afraid to kill him directly.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei didn’t think of it, just like this, it also caused a little trouble.

As Dami screamed and screamed out, suddenly there was a big movement in the remaining garden.

From among the beautiful flowers, a little Fairy was drilled, totaling more than thirty, and one of them actually moved towards Wei Xiaobei.

Well, Wei Xiaobei stunned and then flew out one by one.

These Little Fairy seem to be irritated by Wei Xiaobei. While holding the big devil, they condense a small group of Fireballs. The water balls move towards Wei Xiaobei are lost, and even some small vines grow on the ground. The spike was tied to Wei Xiaobei’s calf.

Of course, these attacks are not of much use for Wei Xiaobei.

But for Wei Xiaobei, these little guys are also in trouble. They can’t play too hard, don’t fight, those little Fireballs, the little water polo is coming over, it’s uncomfortable.

At this time, Keith Honey was anxious and hurriedly persuaded: “Don’t fight, don’t fight.”

But those Little Fairy didn’t pay attention to Keith Honey at all, but thought they had the upper hand and the more they started.

But not long after, really trouble appeared.

Far from blowing a breeze, it seems to have some odor.

Although Wei Xiaobei smelled this stench, but did not pay attention to it, but the little Fairy, who was tempted by the smell, suddenly felt like a worm that had blown up the nest.

“The old black is coming!”

“It’s terrible, hide it!”

“Don’t go back to the room, hide below!”


“How can you lead the old black?”


The soldiers were in a mess, and Wei Xiaobei saw it one by one.

It’s said that these Little Fairy are very weak, but they are not even afraid of themselves. Is it so stinking that they scare them?

This made Wei Xiaobei wary. Is there any powerful Monster coming over?

But Wei Weibei waited for the pulse to move around all around, but found the source of the smell.

A few black-faced crows are moving towards this side.


By the way, Wei Xiaobei thought about it at this time, Keith Honey said, the natural enemies of Little Fairy are the crows.

Of course, the crows near Yggdrasil are much bigger than the crows in reality.

Compared to Little Fairy, which is not much bigger than the fingers, these big crows are indeed natural enemies, and they can be crushed at will.

Little Fairy have moved towards the roots of those plants, and at this time, the previous Dami was called move towards Keith Honey.

Well, it’s Fairy, Wei Xiaobei didn’t understand too much, but Keith Honey translated it: “The old black is coming! Silly girl, I don’t know how to hide!”

At the same time of translation, Keith Honey was a slap in the face, no doubt she was particularly angry with the word “stupid girl”.

As for the so-called old black, that is, the big crow, Keith Honey is not afraid.

No way, I saw Wei Xiaobei more, a few crows, that is, clay chickens and pottery dogs forget it.

The big crows flew over and saw Wei Xiaobei, but hesitated. They dared to move towards the broken garden and hovered in the air.

Seeing that the crows didn’t fall, those Little Fairy were scared and the body shivered.

Well, after all, for them, the big crow arrives, as long as it is discovered, it is a dead word, so that the big crows hover in the air and let them think that the crow is looking for themselves.

The passage of time is a torture for them.


For these strengths, the 1-Star elite’s big crow, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t look at it at all, but after seeing the big crow hovering, Keith Honey was a little scared, but he was angry, lightly shouted, and his tongue was spring thunder.

A high-speed airflow rushed into the air, and the big crows were not blown out by the airflow during the time of Reflex. They almost fell off the ground, and then they dared to hover in the air, one by one. Wings, desperately fleeing.

Well, with the big crows fleeing, what happened next was to make Wei Xiaobei feel a bit stunned.

“We have won! The old black is scared away by us!”

Perhaps feeling the departure of the natural enemies, the Little Fairy Dami first rushed out, waving the spikes on his hands, excited to declare victory, um, but the two calves still trembled.

Well, probably these Little Fairy really think that they have scared away the natural enemies and flew out to cheer.

Wei Xiaobei thus sees the character of these Little Fairy, timid, arrogant and thick.

Is it obvious that I scared off the big crow?

“It’s obviously the big brother scared off the big crow, shy, shameful, cheeky!”

Wei Xiaobei is not good with these little guys, but Keith Honey is not willing to let Wei Zibei take the same kind of merit. Even if he stands up from Wei Xiaobei’s head, move towards those little Fairy who make their voices. .

“What? He can’t even win, can you scare away the old black?”

“That is, this silly girl is really thick.”

Suddenly, Keith Honey’s words made those Little Fairy extremely dissatisfied, and moved towards Keith Honey to launch a language attack.

Feeling that Keith Honey was in the worst mood, Wei Xiaobei had a corner and lightly shouted: “The old black is back!”

“Old black is back!”

“Come back? Hurry up!”

“Hide, hide, hide!”

Wei Xiaobei’s sudden catastrophic consequences, the smug Little Fairy blew up again, even two small Fairy stunned in a panic, dizzy and fell to the ground. (To be continued~^~)

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