Chapter 750, health attribute 80 point (monthly ticket!!)

The third chapter is sent! This poor Daoist finally screamed, the ticket speed came!


At this time, the look in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes is extremely complicated.

Previously, Wei Xiaobei experienced a scene similar to that of Diamond Sutra.

To say that it is a fantasy, it is not very similar. Well, in a nutshell, Wei Xiaobei felt that he became the Fire Dragon in the bead. From time to time, he drilled the beads, spit out two real mercury, and then turned into that small one. snake.

The reason why Wei Xiaobei suspects the illusion is simple. When Wei Xiaobei becomes a Fire Dragon and a snake, he can’t control his body. It is like a bystander living in it. Looking at Fire Dragon, the snake Swimming freely in this liquid bead.

But that feeling is too real, and true Wei Xiaobei does not think it is a fantasy.

The scales on the body, the warm feeling that the liquid brings to you when swimming, and even the friction when spraying real mercury from the mouth are extremely real.

Maybe I just entered the Fire Dragon, the snake body?

Wei Xiaobei thought about it, and put this matter behind his head for a while, and then wait for the time to study again.

At this point, I have recovered all of my body.

After entering Yggdrasil Dust World, Wei Xiaobei’s Evolution Points have risen to 29200.

This value is not high, but it is not too low, but for Wei Xiaobei, these Evolution Points are not enough.

Feel the previous Early Warning, Wei Xiaobei decided to consume the Evolution Points here, improve some strength, and prepare for the next possible battle.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei reviewed the attribute table from beginning to end.

Strength, Agility, Vitality. Intelligence, Awareness, Charm.

Now in Wei Xiaobei’s attribute, strength is undoubtedly the highest, 80.01!

At the same time, the branch attribute under the main attribute of the strength disappears and is completely integrated into the main attribute of the strength, and the characteristics of the main attribute of the strength are extraordinary.

Wei Xiaobei Although I don’t know where my soul’s upper limit on the attribute is raised, the strength of the main attribute of the strength to the 90 point should still be no problem, after the strength Eruption. Wei Xiaobei’s strength main attribute can be promoted to the 90 point in a flash.

But at this time, increasing the strength of the main attribute of the strength to the Evolution Points is a bit large.

0.01Evolution Points are consumed for each 40strength main attribute!

Don’t underestimate this consumption.

In other words, Wei Xiaobei needs to consume 1Evolution Points for every 4000 point strength! To raise the 10 point strength, you need 40000 points!

For now, Wei Xiaobei is very satisfied with the strength attribute. Besides, it also leaves some room for strength Eruption. Otherwise, it will be used when strength Eruption is used. Some problems will arise if you are not sure.

After some research, Wei Xiaobei will be Agility, Intelligence. Awareness, the charm is excluded, and Vitality is finally selected.

Arrived Wei Xiaobei Now with this level of strength, Vitality means longer ability to continue, and the stronger Vitality can make Wei Xiaobei recover faster after the injury!

This is very important. Otherwise, it will be surrounded by strong enemies and there is not enough recovery speed. There is only one dead word!

Health attribute 63.6 point, endurance 65.6 point!

Prioritize the Evolution Points into the health attribute until the 80 point!

Wei Xiaobei calculated a bit, the health attribute was raised to the 80 point, and 16400Evolution Points were needed!

Your current Evolution Points are enough.

But before that, you need to add some insurance to your safety.

Wei Xiaobei move towards all around Look, the induction pulse has already collected all around the environment.

Well, it should have entered the trunk of Yggdrasil, here is a cave of Giant. All around The walls of the cave are semi-petrochemical wood, and the fluctuations of the induced pulses are slightly less than a foot, and they can’t be penetrated even if they are blocked.

And the a trace of the golden light, the induction pulse can not spread, there seems to be a strong breath to block the peep of the induction pulse.

Behind you is the channel that comes in. From the perspective of its darkness, I am afraid that it has gone deep into the trunk for ten kilometers.

Ok. If this is put into reality, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

But here, after anyone has seen Yggdrasil’s majesty, there is nothing strange about this.

Yggdrasil is such a Giant! Its branches are hundreds of meters, several kilometers in diameter, and the trunk is so deep that it is not surprising.

Wei Xiaobei then nurtured hundreds of Common Persons, which were scattered throughout the cave, one at a distance, each responsible for all around environmental changes.

This is also a helpless thing. When Wei Xiaobei raises the attribute, attention needs to be Full Attention. As a result, there is basically no awareness of the changes in the outside world. In such a place, there is no awareness of external changes. Very dangerous thing.

And these Common Person can quickly report the changes found to Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, the biggest advantage of this is that after Wei Xiaobei converges on his own breath, even if Monster breaks in here, it is impossible to attack Wei Xiaobei in the first time. The bigger possibility is move towards those Common Person. go with.

After all, Wei Xiaobei converges, and in terms of appearance, it is about the same as those of Common Person.

This is much better than the weaker pig.

After arranging these things, Wei Xiaobei will focus on the health attribute!

Evolution Points are quickly consumed, while the health attribute begins to slowly increase.

As I said before, after the attribute upgrade exceeds 60, the speed of the upgrade will become very slow.

Wei Xiaobei is already familiar with such changes, so there is nothing surprising.

Health attribute After the beginning of the promotion, Wei Xiaobei’s body has undergone some changes, the vitality has increased, and all the cells in the body have become active.

From a scientific point of view, metabolism is enhanced.

From the perspective of Wei Xiaobei, it is a more subtle change.

As the activity of this cell increases, the rate of true mercury production in the acupoints of the meidians in Wei Xiaobei increases.

As for the bead in Dantian, not to mention.

When the health attribute is promoted to 70, the meridians are filled with real mercury.

Under such circumstances, the internal gas has disappeared as much as possible.

The pressure created by true mercury causes the meridians to squeak, while a significant portion of the true mercury accelerates the penetration rate with pressure. A trace of mercury is infiltrated from the meridians into the bones, internal organs, Muscle, blood vessels, etc. .

Even the blood pumped from the heart, under the penetration of true mercury, continues to move toward silver.

This is a process of rapid transformation.

Even Wei Xiaobei didn’t think that this conversion would be so fast as the health attribute improved.

After the arrived, Wei Xiaobei’s sweat on the skin is covered with a trace of silver, but after a moment, the silver will penetrate into the body.

Health attribute Under the passage of time, under the consumption of Evolution Points, the move towards the 80 point is approaching.

Cell viability has now increased to a fairly high level.

If Wei Xiaobei’s body tissue is placed under an electron microscope, it will be found that its cell division is quite fast, basically splitting every minute.

But the problem is that even at this split speed, Wei Xiaobei’s height, weight and so on have not increased.

On the contrary, every time every cell divides five times, there will be a splitting disruption, which will form polyploid cells.

As a result, these cells do not know how many times after a period of splitting and splitting.

However, these polyploid cells do not seem to be much of a hazard to the Wei Xiaobei body.

The health attribute has finally been upgraded to 80!

Wei Xiaobei regained his attention, sank his mind, checked the body, and there seemed to be some changes inside the body.

Even Wei Xiaobei can feel his body full of infinite vitality with his eyes closed.

But then, Wei Xiaobei looked at the attribute table a little surprised.

Behind the health attribute 80 point, the ability of the Cut Limb Regeneration disappeared.

It is not surprising that after the Muscle and Physical Strength under the previous attribute reached the 80 point, its attribute capability disappeared.

But the problem is that the ability of Cut Limb Regeneration has disappeared. Instead, it is not a superb, but a question mark!

question mark?

Wei Xiaobei thought about it and focused on the question mark, and then a lot of information was generated in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

After a while, Wei Xiaobei turned back and looked strange.

There is a lot of information. If you explain it one by one, I am afraid I can directly publish a book.

In the final analysis, in a word, the question mark is actually an attribute additional capability that has not yet been selected.

So, maybe you don’t understand.

To put it bluntly, it is a kind of inexplicable reason. Wei Xiaobei seriously doubts the reason for the relationship with the beads. The information in the question mark gives Wei Xiaobei two options.

One is superb and refined, and the resilience is completely out of the mortal range. As for the benefits, it is necessary to choose and then slowly ponder.

The second is bloodline. In a nutshell, Wei Xiaobei now has three bloodlines, Human, Fire Dragon, and Ba Snake.

Well, Wei Xiaobei didn’t think that the little snake turned out to be the reproduction of Ba Snake bloodline.

If you choose the bloodline ability, the effect is probably similar to those of Monster’s bloodline. If you want to become Fire Dragon, Ba Snake, um, it is impossible.

But the body can show some of the capabilities of the bloodline.

For example, Fire Dragon’s high-temperature, Ba Snake’s physical strength, resilience, etc., or control of Flame?

The information is indeed described in this way, but there are also such tips, perhaps the choice of bloodline ability, the effect will be very general.

In the words of Wei Xiaobei, in fact, this is a gamble.

Wei Xiaobei has even carried out a series of analyses on this information.

After a long time, Wei Xiaobei finally got the answer, and the choice of two should be better than one. (To be continued~^~)

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