Chapter 748, Golden Flying Pig

Today is the last day of 3 month. Dear friends, brother sisters, check your ticket holders to see if there are any monthly passes.


Of course, its Yoden bloodline concentration is higher, making it a very high chance to return to the ancestors during the rage.

Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know what it looks like after this guy returns to his ancestors, but definitely doesn’t want to try it.

Undoubtedly, when Wei Xiaobei used Erudite to view the attribute table of the Flame Giant, the Flame Giant also noticed the peek of the arrived Wei Xiaobei.

Compared to other Monster’s horror when he was viewing the attribute table by Erudite, the Flame Giant showed what it was like!


With a roar, Wei Xiaobei saw the numerous Flames in the pores of Flame Giant, and these Flames fell to the ground and rose into the sky, forming a high-speed moving sea, and moved towards Move Xiao Weibei.


Wei Xiaobei snorted and didn’t dare to hesitate. The speed of his legs suddenly increased. Even if it was a bush in front, there was no pause. In a blink of an eye, he rushed in.

The spikes on the shrub have no effect on Wei Xiaobei at all.

However, the speed of the movement of the sea of ​​fire is not slow, and it has not been long since it has gradually caught up.

Wherever the sea of ​​fire passes, whether it is shrubs, dirt or something, it will be ignited in a blink of an eye.

The worms hiding in the bushes, the rodents are counted as eight years of blood mold, the fire sea flutters, there is no chance to escape at their speed, and they are burned into ashes in a flash.

Even a group of elk deer one’s head out of fear that is looking for food rushes into the sea of ​​fire, and there is no need to say more about it.

Wei Xiaobei ran at least five kilometers from this tone before he saw that the sea of ​​fire behind him no longer spread. Then it slowly went out.

It must be said that Wei Xiaobei has been afraid, this Flame Giant King is too high for Flame’s control of Strength, this tone will let the fire sea chase themselves for five kilometers!

If you switch to Green Lake City, I am afraid that most of the Green Lake City will become a sea of ​​fire.

This is not an exaggeration. Look at the unsolidified magma behind you.

In the most dangerous time, the fire tongue almost fell on Wei Xiaobei’s little PP, if it was not Wei Xiaobei at a critical juncture, decisive strength Eruption. I am afraid I have to end up with a heavy blow.

Flame absorption can absorb Flame, but it can’t absorb some special strengths contained in the fire.

On the following itinerary, Wei Xiaobei simply moved around Yggdrasil in order to avoid the Terror’s Flame Giant King and simply circled a big circle and decided not to hit the Flame Giant.

However, the direction chosen by Wei Xiaobei seems to be more troublesome.

Looking at the group of squares in front of me, moving towards Yggdrasil marching milk, Wei Xiaobei is speechless.

It seems that another big battle is about to open?

The number of this group of creams is so scary that Wei Xiaobei is slightly visual. It came to the conclusion that at least more than two thousand heads of cream Giant!

Although the Frost Giant is worse than the Flame Giant, it is also the 3-Star elite. And with so many quantities, even Wei Xiaobei didn’t rush to the idea of ​​brushing Evolution Points.

The reason is very simple. After going through the King of Flame Master, Wei Xiaobei didn’t know if there was any so-called Frost Giant in this group of creams.

Besides, so many frosts gather together, and the combat power of Eruption, Wei Xiaobei is impossible to hold.

Well, let’s be honest. In terms of combat effectiveness, Frost Giant is no match for Flame Giant, but for Wei Xiaobei, Frost Giant is more troublesome to deal with.

After all, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t have the ability to get cold immunity.

Can only continue to detour.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t cultivate the Earth Pig next time, but instead pushed it to the ground as much as possible.

From a probabilistic point of view, the closer to Yggdrasil, the more likely you are to encounter a powerful enemy.

And arrived in this lot. Sitting in the past to dig Earth Pig is undoubtedly the target of exposure.

As the distance draws closer, Wei Xiaobei has encountered more Giants in the past.

There are Flame Giant, Frost Giant, and even Giant’s 骷髅Giant mixed with ostriches. Not many 骷髅Giant’s skeleton shoulders are standing with an ostrich.

However, what makes Wei Xiaobei even more amazing is. Those 骷髅Giant, although move towards Yggdrasil, went as far as possible along the way, but when a group of 骷髅Giant met a group of Flame Giants, the two sides stopped moving forward, then they smashed, and finally, Flame Giant The first attack was launched and a temporary war was provoked.

Shouldn’t these guys be a group?

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei did not quite understand it.

But the battle between Eruption between them is by no means a small fight, but you are dead!

The ostriches just started to vacate and avoided the battle.

But with a body type far more than the same kind of 骷髅Giant screaming, more than twenty ostriches joined the battle, move towards Flame Giant launched a dive.

It must be said that the Giant side was initially at a slight disadvantage, but as the ostrich joined the battle, the Flame Giant side collapsed.

Even the strongest Flame Giant can’t withstand the ostrich’s life sucking attacks, even if they fire the Fireball to blow the ostrich into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei quietly left, on such a battlefield, Wei Xiaobei did not have the confidence of so many ostriches.

Fortunately, after bypassing the battlefield, the next journey became much safer, close to the trunk of Yggdrasil.

Here, all kinds of Monster have gathered again, Great Python, Great Wolf, Giant’s Treant, and even a group of elk have joined the battle against Giant.

The scene is extremely confusing.

Under such circumstances, Wei Xiaobei does not mind picking up some Evolution Points.

In a short and intense battle, a golden flying pig was accidentally hit by a mutant version of Frost after hitting a few Flame Giants.

Although the torque of the giant cream Giant’s Frost is extremely incomparable, the speed of the golden flying pig is too fast, and it rushes to the sky in a blink of an eye, away from the attack range of the mutant cream Giant.

But the golden flying pig also seems to be hit hard by the arrived. After flying for a while, it can no longer support it. The golden color of the body is dim, and the move towards the woods falls down.

Wei Xiaobei had long been eyeing this golden flying pig, so when it fell, he quickly moved towards the woods and rushed over.

The golden flying pig fell into the woods so much that Wei Xiaobei could easily find the whereabouts where the other party fell.

I have to say that this golden flying pig is not in a good state. At this time, he is kneeling beside a big pit, panting his tongue with his tongue.

On its back, a piece of Frost is slowly spreading. Well, the head of this flying pig has a lot of Flexibility relative to other pigs and can reverse the head to back.

Every time the tongue is wounded, the Frost on the wound will slow down.

But in any case, the flying pig at this time was very seriously injured.

Wei Xiaobei quietly approached the ground until the other party felt that something was wrong. When he tried to support the body from the ground, Wei Xiaobei jumped out and his eyes fell on the other side. Erudite started!

Name: Golden Flying Pig

Race: descendants of Gulinbult

Gender: Male

Age: 530 years old

Creature Rank :4 Star Elite

Introduction: Its father is the rich god Frei’s mount Gulin Bursti, but since Gulin Brest is a castrated boar, this golden flying pig is actually a legacy of Gulinsbury. A golden mane is changed, it is the king of the pig, with the noble bloodline of Gulinsbury……..

Attribute : (cannot be viewed)

Skills: rapid flying, Giant, fast collision.

Special Ability: Gulin Boss Bloodline (because of the higher share of the ancient Linbuls bloodline, naturally weakens any control ability, naturally shields any peep, dangerous Early Warning, can be bloodline Eruption, has a very high chance to recover after death Root hairs!)

Evolution Points : X (cannot accumulate Evolution Points )

Items on hand : none

……… ..

The descendants of Gulin Bursti? Will it become a golden mane?

Ok, anyway, Wei Xiaobei’s huge spear in the hand has moved towards the golden flying pig.

It must be said that even Wei Xiaobei’s Erudite failed to let the golden flying pig hesitate to pause. When Wei Xiaobei huge spear was about to stab the golden flying pig, the golden flying pig disappeared instantly.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t even have time for Reflex. He felt a pain in his chest. The layer of suffocating cream on the skin suddenly crushed. Wei Xiaobei instantly felt like the baseball was struck by the arrived, and flew back.


With a violent crash, Wei Xiaobei slammed more than a dozen big trees in a row and eventually fell to the ground.

Fast speed!

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei was the first to encounter a guy who was so fast.

It’s not too light to say that it’s hurting. Even in the case of serious injury, I will fly myself out in a flash.

The chest was sore, Wei Xiaobei touched the chest and broke at least six ribs on this hit!

Fortunately, for Wei Xiaobei, this is not a very serious injury, as long as the ribs do not penetrate the lungs, otherwise Wei Xiaobei needs to find a way to pull the broken ribs out of the lungs.

The golden flying pig, standing in the distance not far from Wei Xiaobei, his eyes were extremely human, and the little eyes screamed and screamed, seemingly laughing at Wei Xiaobei’s slowness.

Courting death !

To say that this golden flying pig hit Wei Xiaobei and escape, Wei Xiaobei really can’t take it, but now Wei Xiaobei feels his injury and knows that the golden flying pig’s injury is not enough to make it launch. More attacks.

Otherwise, just then, Wei Xiaobei is not a broken rib fracture, I am afraid that a hole in the chest is not a problem.

Wei Xiaobei shocked the whole body, but he was shocked by the golden flying pig. Then he took two steps, but did not escape, and made a re-attack. (To be continued~^~)

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