Chapter 745, kill! (seeking a monthly pass)

First book a chapter, everyone can see the time, this poor Daoist will go to sleepy.


Who would have thought that someone could actually break the external invisible force field and rush in!

Under the violent impact of Wei Xiaobei, the hard crystal column suddenly cracked, and then Wei Xiaobei slammed into the crack, causing the entire crystal column to collapse.


The so-called Protoss empire, the captain of the aircraft carrier of the Moss Dora Sittro, did not even have a chance to say a word, and was seized by Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know where the key of the Protoss is, is it the same as humans, but it doesn’t matter. In the next moment, Wei Xiaobei tears the other party directly into several pieces!

At the same time, Wei Xiaobei has not forgotten to take its genes.

After all, the civilization of this Protoss is based on the use of Divine Power, so their people’s natural Divine Power is more developed.

For Wei Xiaobei, this is undoubtedly a rare genetic specimen.

Wei Xiaobei tore the captain into pieces, while still preparing to use the back to withstand the tiny lumps of the barrels, but let him absolutely not think that, with the captain hangs, all the inside of the aircraft carrier Everything stopped working, except for those barrels, and even all around the various pipes that flashed blue light.

Inside the aircraft carrier, it suddenly became dark. At the same time, Wei Xiaobei could also feel that the aircraft carrier was falling from the previous floating state.

Well, it is not surprising that the entire aircraft carrier has stopped working, there is no power, it is strange to not fall!

But in the process of falling. Wei Xiaobei felt the thrill of losing weight.

What would be the situation if it fell to the ground? Ten thousand meters high and free fall?


Wei Xiaobei immediately came over with Reflex. Wherever he dared to hesitate, he turned around and tried to move towards the place where he entered before. Fortunately, there is no impact at this time. Otherwise, in the weightless state, Wei Xiaobei wants Finding exports quickly is definitely not an easy task.

Looking for arrived!

The hole, a lot of liquid has been suspended in the air around.

Wei Xiaobei is like a monkey at this time. In a twinkling of an eye, it rushed into the hole.

After Wei Xiaobei rushed into the hole, the next thing was not to worry about Wei Xiaobei. A suction came and I immediately took Wei Xiaobei out.

From the dark environment, I rushed out to the environment of Yang Bright, which made Wei Xiaobei somewhat unaccustomed.

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei felt like he was suspended in the air, and underneath it was an aircraft carrier that gradually pulled away.

As for those interceptors, um, it should have been crashed.

As the aircraft carrier loses power. Those interceptors will naturally not have any good endings.

Well, the suspension time is not long, and Wei Xiaobei’s speed of falling down begins to accelerate.

Wei Xiaobei thought of a move. The back wing of the back then unfolds, holding the body.

I have to say that the feeling of flying is really great.

The wings were gently fanned, and Wei Xiaobei easily caught up with the aircraft carrier that was constantly accelerating.

Looking at Erudite, the aircraft carrier’s attribute table has been damaged.

To be honest, if this aircraft carrier body type is not too big, Wei Xiaobei really wants to put it into the Storage Ring, and there will be time later. Let’s take it out and study it.

Of course, this is just a thought of Wei Xiaobei for it.

Even if you take this thing away, it is estimated to be a troublesome thing.

After pulling a few shells from the aircraft carrier and collecting it from the Storage Ring, Wei Xiaobei stayed away from the aircraft carrier.

The reason is very simple. At this time, from the distant ground, several fires flew with thick smoke.

That should be a surface-to-air missile, in the process of the fall of the aircraft carrier. It caused the attention of China’s air defense units and launched missiles.

The power of this surface-to-air missile is not comparable to that of a shoulder-mounted missile, so Wei Xiaobei is not interested in trying the power of this missile explosion.

The aircraft carrier without any power was hit by the missile at about three kilometers high.

For a moment, the aircraft carrier was directly torn into two halves by the impact of the missile explosion.

Next. The subsequent missiles completely tore the aircraft carrier into pieces, after all, without the protection of the invisible field. This aircraft carrier could not withstand such an attack.

Looking at this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but be a bit confused.

I am afraid that after the missile was launched, the Chinese military regretted it. If you know that this thing, if you take it back and study it, you may be able to research something.

Now, the research value of an aircraft carrier that has been torn into various pieces has been weakened a lot.

Wei Xiaobei did not continue to delay the time, and the body speeded up the fall speed until the height of the kilometer, and then slowly spread the wings, and the former Lingling base glided down.

Before Wei Xiaobei landed on the ground, the status of the Xinling base fell into the eyes of Wei Xiaobei.

At this time, the Xingling base has become a ruin.

All the crystal columns, the factory and even the pyramid base in the center have become full of debris.

Undoubtedly, after Wei Xiaobei left the aircraft carrier, Zhao Guang and others did not stick to the factories.

When Wei Xiaobei found Zhao Guang and others, he could not help but nod.

After destroying this Protoss base, these core disciplines have undoubtedly benefited a lot, with the strongest ones being upgraded to 2-Star Terror and the weakest being 2-Star elite.

As for Zhao Guang, it has already been awarded 4-Star.

For Zhao Guang Creature Rank to 4-Star, Wei Xiaobei is not surprised at how surprised.

As the second son of Zhao Yun, 4-Star is nothing at all.

Well, even Xu Feiyang has already arrived at the 2-Star elite!

This is the first time Wei Xiaobei has seen a person who has not entered Dust World and is able to increase his strength to this extent.

Undoubtedly, the benefits of those Monsters that were killed will not distinguish whether they have entered Dust World.

As the base of the Protoss was destroyed, the National Guard here also began to shift positions and reinforce the other Protoss base.

For the Xinling base, Wei Xiaobei is not ready to intervene. After all, the strength of the Xinling base is much weaker than this. It is not difficult to get Zhao Guang to sit down and want to get rid of it.

At this time, Xu Feiyang wrapped Wei Xiaobei, and its main purpose was to ask where the aircraft carrier went.

Wei Xiaobei’s reply was that the aircraft carrier was destroyed by a missile launched by the military.

As for how he came back, Wei Xiaobei laughed and said nothing.

After Xu Feiyang made a few calls, she also believed in Wei Xiaobei’s words.

But at the same time, Wei Xiaobei also learned a miserable news. Due to the appearance of the aircraft carrier, the Green Lake City air route to other areas was temporarily closed, that is, Green Lake City International Airport was in a short time. Stop inside.

And if Wei Xiaobei wants to go to Norway, then there is only one option to transfer to another city’s airport.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei has no opinions, and there is no way to have opinions. The route is closed, which is an objective reason.

Fortunately, Xu Feiyang entrusted the Colonel of the National Guard to send a helicopter to send Wei Xiaobei to the nearby Chengdu City International Airport.

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei will have more time to delay.


The ticket was booked before departure, and when Wei Xiaobei arrived at the airport, it took only 20 minutes to take off from the passenger plane.

As the passenger plane began to take off, the buildings outside the window quickly shrank and disappeared, and Wei Xiaobei took a long breath.

Counting time, Yggdrasil Dust World, I haven’t been to it for a long time, but I miss Miss Fairy Keith Honey.

Wei Xiaobei This flight, during the 12-hour flight and even the transfer, did not encounter any accidents, which made Wei Xiaobei think that his luck should be better.

When the passenger plane landed, Wei Xiaobei left the airport and immediately packed a taxi and went straight to the town.

Here, any taxi driver seems to have a little bit of awkwardness, or the characteristics of the set of words, all the way, the driver will keep talking, and will ask Wei Xiaobei if it is Dongpu, and will ask Wei Xiaobei. Going to travel or taking refuge.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei pretended not to understand the Norwegian language and remained silent.

Of course, if you don’t want to be rough about ordinary people, Wei Xiaobei wants to throw this guy out of the window and drive himself.

Fortunately, with the arrival of the town, everything is over.

The driver of the phone took the banknote, blew his whistle, and drove away cheerfully.

The figure of the taxi was seen disappearing in the distance, but Wei Xiaobei did not enter the town, but left the road and moved towards the wilderness on the roadside.

Here, even in the hottest summer months, the temperature will not exceed 20.

Of course, those plants that temporarily stop growing in the winter, with rare warmth and sunshine, grow desperately and bloom the most beautiful flowers.

In the wilderness, it can be said that there are flowers everywhere, so Wei Xiaobei walking on it is a little swaying.

Less than two kilometers off the road, a dense coniferous forest appeared in front of Wei Xiaobei.

Well, here, the coverage of the forest is very high, as long as you leave the road, it is easy to see a piece of wood.

“Hey, boy, come to travel?”

Just as Wei Xiaobei was ready to enter the coniferous forest, he heard a greeting from afar.

A body type 彪悍 old man, riding a pontoon, wearing a safari, carrying a double-barreled shotgun on hand, a wolf dog is running happily behind the horse.

Wei Xiaobei stopped and waved: “Hello, sir, I am here for travel.”

The pony trotting all the way, and soon stopped, the wolf dog was glare like a tiger watching his prey, staring at Wei Xiaobei, it seems that Wei Xiaobei, once there is any threat, will fiercely rush to Wei Xiaobei A good look. (To be continued~^~)

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