Chapter 739, Wild Boar Crossing (seeking a monthly pass)

Well, this chapter is scheduled to be released. This poor Daoist is sleepy. I only slept for three hours at night, and I woke up and coded again.


No way, this giant bird is undoubtedly a failure, and Wei Xiaobei directly put it into the ranks of cannon fodder, and let it be with the Earth Pig 趴arrived.

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei consumed a lot of brain juice in order to cultivate a few flying Life Forms, which also consumed a lot of material reserves.

After dozens of trials, Wei Xiaobei finally developed his own flying life form.

Name: Flying wing

Introduction: This is the life form of Life Altar, which is formulated by the mixed mix of Bi Fang, Angel, Red Bi and other genes.

Creature Rank :3-Star Elite

Attribute :

Strength :20

Agility : 50

Vitality : 40

Intelligence :2

Awareness : 4

Charm: 10

Skill: flying

Special Ability :Bright Energy

… ..

Well, to be precise, this is the life form that Wei Xiaobei named as the flying wing. The overall shape is a pair of wings, no head, the body in the middle of the wing is flat, with four claws.

The four claws were able to hold Wei Xiaobei from behind.

When Wei Xiaobei let the wing hug himself from the back, it would be difficult to find the existence of the paw if it was not carefully looked at. It would only be considered that Wei Xiaobei had two wings.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei has been shocked by his own whimsy.

Of course, it is good to be able to nurture the 3-Star elite, Agility up to 50 points to cultivate Life Form, and Wei Xiaobei.

The only problem is that this wing does not look at the attribute is not low. But in fact there is not much combat power.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei is already very satisfied.

With this flying wing, I am able to fly!

And the speed of this flying wing is not slow, at least more than the speed of the helicopter three hundred kilometers per hour without any problem.

In addition, the cost of cultivating this wing is not too low. A wing with a wing length of three meters needs to consume Wei Xiaobei 10000 material!

But at the same time, this flying wing has the advantage that it is very small when it is cultivated. The diameter is no more than half a meter, and the cultivation speed is very fast. Only ten seconds can be cultivated successfully!

As a result, Wei Xiaobei then recycled the raised wings with shredded pork.

After all, cultivating Life Form like this, Wei Xiaobei feels that if it’s okay, it’s better to hide it.

After Wei Xiaobei replenished Life Altar, the Common Person opened the farm gate and even the pig house. The remaining pigs, the sows, were driven out.

I don’t need to take any more material, so these little pigs are left. Sows, it’s better to give them a life. Of course, as soon as they go out, it’s life and death, and Wei Xiaobei can’t manage it.

Of course, the survival ability of these piglets and sows should not be weak. At this time, it is summer, and the food outside is not awkward.

Well, Xu Feiyang, who has been waiting outside, feels that he is about to wait for his ass to smoke.

Initially, the pigs’ screams came from time to time, but it didn’t take long for the sound to disappear and let Xu Feiyang think about it, and I didn’t know what Wei Xiaobei was doing inside.

Next, it is a wait of up to three hours. Until the sky was close to dusk, two people came out and opened the door. Xu Feiyang had a happy heart and was waiting to ask.

Who wants to know. Next is a group of piglets, sows rushing out. Almost did not drown Xu Feiyang in the pigs.

If that was the case, it would be miserable. The head of the investigation team even trampled a group of pigs and spread it out. Xu Feiyang’s face was thrown away.

When the pigs ran out, Xu Feiyang saw Wei Xiaobei coming out with dozens of people and saw him squatting.

The people on this farm are not gone, how come a group of people?

Ok, this is not a problem. The problem is that after Wei Xiaobei got on the bus, he let Xu Feiyang drive, completely ignoring those who followed him.

Well, Wei Xiaobei let the car drive, anyway, it is impossible to squeeze so many people.

As the road started, those people lined up to follow the car, and Xu Feiyang had to lower the speed to accommodate the crowd behind.

But at this time, the most serious problem has emerged.

Lu Hao just opened less than 30 meters, what is the rushing out of the farm gate?

Is there a problem with the rearview mirror?

Xu Feiyang also refused to possibly hit the street tree on the side of the road, turned around and looked at it, good guys, a group of pigs, um, looks like Wild Boar, rushed out of the farm, and moved towards this side!

Is it Monster? ! !

Xu Feiyang thought of this in the first time, and a tine pulled out the pistol at the waist.

“Continue to move forward, followed by the trump card I used to deal with the Protoss base.”

Wei Xiaobei thought about it. Xu Feiyang saw that these Earth Pigs were so tense, and when they met the National Guard soldiers, they might have problems, and they told Xu Feiyang.

To the effect, the pigs in the back are produced by special means, which is very useful.

Xu Feiyang had to drive the car and called the colonel and said hello in advance. Otherwise, then a large group of Wild Boar rushed over. The checkpoints along the way must not be scared.

Not to mention Xu Feiyang, when I was shocked, I used the rearview mirror to look at the Wild Boar group that followed. I only said that after the checkpoints along the way, I felt a bit incomprehensible.

“Squad leader, are there new tasks?”

When the soldiers saw the squad leader picking up the phone, they couldn’t help but ask.

The squad leader only came back to the moment: “Well, if you see Wild Boar, let it all go.”


In the face of the squad leader’s order, the soldiers on the checkpoint were worried.

However, at this time, an ATV in the distance drove over, but what caught the attention of the soldiers was a group of people behind the car, um, and the pigs in the distance!


What is going on with this?

The squad leader gave a shock to forget the phone that was received before, and urged the soldiers to enter the bunker.

Seeing the squad on the checkpoint, Xu Feiyang couldn’t help but smile. He stopped the roller in front of the checkpoint and hurriedly said: “I am Xu Feiyang of the investigation team. You have not received the notice from the superior?”

“What notification?” The squad leader is now staring at the Wild Boar group that is approaching, where there is a mind to think about what the superior notice.

Instead, his little soldier’s brain turned quickly and hurriedly reminded: “Squad leader, you are not saying that you have Wild Boar, have you let it go?”

“Ah, yes, this is the order.”

The squad leader looked stunned and hurriedly removed the barbed wire on the checkpoint.

But when the Wild Boar swarmed past the checkpoint, even the squad leader felt that his legs were a little soft.

No, these Wild Boars seem to be a little different from the normal Wild Boar. Just watching the Muscle that it swells, the speed of running, and the countless number, it gives a great Intimidate.

The squad leader seems to have an illusion that if these Wild Boar move towards the checkpoint launches an attack, I am afraid that the bunker next to it will not work.

Well, this way in the past, except for the soldiers on a checkpoint, because of too tense, accidentally fire, the rest is still good, no trouble.

After arriving at Longwangjing Town, Wei Xiaobei let the Earth Pig rest on his own, and then together with Xu Feiyang to bring together the core discipline, probably to talk about the plan.

Well, actually this plan is extremely simple.

To put it bluntly, after Wei Xiaobei sent a signal, everyone swarmed and earned the benefits…

Well, although the big head will be taken away by Wei Xiaobei, the remaining benefits are not counted for the core discipline. After all, this is an opportunity for them to gain benefits in reality.

Wei Xiaobei then circled a large circle, carrying the group of Earth Pigs, orbiting the rear of the Dragon King Town, and then stood on a small ocean building.

The third floor of this Xiaoyang Building is also a good house in this area.

However, the owner had already left, Wei Xiaobei just climbed the top of the building and saw a Large group mouse fleeing.

Wei Xiaobei suspects that even if Dust World Life Form ruins humans, these mice may be able to live comfortably.

Once again, I looked at Longwangjing Town. The Xingling Base is probably saving strength. Of course, it is not far from the time it takes to attack all the National Guard.

After all, more than four hundred enthusiasts, more than 30 dragon knights, are enough to completely defeat the National Guard.

However, those protoss may want to accumulate more strength to avoid larger casualties.

I have to say that their ideas are good. Just wait until the warship transmission factory delivers the first aircraft carrier, and the all around National Guard has no chance to fight back.

In any hot weapon war, the air power determines the outcome of a war.

But now, Wei Xiaobei is coming, I am afraid that there are some problems with the wishful thinking of the Protoss.

After slightly estimating the distance between himself and the Protoss base, Wei Xiaobei took out the White Fog Dragon Spear and turned it into a White Fog Dragon Bow. Then he bowed his arrow and took a slight aim. A normal Arrows flew out. .

This is where Wei Xiaobei dares to duel a base of a spirit, although Wei Xiaobei has never tested how far the White Fog Dragon Bow can shoot, but how far is it, how can it be played farther than the photon turret?

Hey! Bang!

Less than half-time, a violent explosion came, five meters from a photon turret at the outermost part of the Xingling base. A group of dust rises and rises, and a few heads are out of reach. There is no Reflex enthusiast. It has become a splash of debris and juice under the violent impact.

In the face of a hit, Wei Xiaobei slightly frowned head.

This situation is what he did not expect.

With his own Unfathomable archery, he even pulled out five meters!

Be aware that the target you are aiming at is the photon turret!

Although the same number of fans were killed, it also caused Wei Xiaobei to have some doubts.

After shooting a few more shots, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

The problem should be on the crystal column. (To be continued~^~)

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