Chapter 704, Tu Qingqing! (seeking a monthly pass)

The third chapter is sent, finally understand how the low fever is going on, mother, it is diarrhea, burned for two days before pulling … … has been powerless.


To put it bluntly, if there is no help from the Qingqiu family, don’t say that Zhao Yun has seven or eight thousand sergeants, but in the aftermath of the monsters, how much life can survive is an unknown number.

Having said that, Zhao Yun is still a bit embarrassed about Wei Xiaobei.

After all, this kind of thing is to take the interests of the second brother in exchange for the interests of the military, the interests of Zhao Yun.

Of course, in the Three Kingdoms era, this kind of thing has gone a lot. With the marriage as a means, the two forces united to seek better development.

There are Liu Bei and Mrs. Yu, Mrs. Sun, Queen Wu, Sun Ce and Da Qiao, all of them.

Well, let alone the Three Kingdoms, even before the dynasty, such things are countless.

But then again, in ancient times, the eldest brother was the father, and it was not the mouth to talk about it.

Even if the guardian father is still there, as a long-term brother, helping the younger brother to find a wife is also a matter of reason.

Besides, in the view of Zhao Yun, this is also a good thing. As for the success, of course, we have to look at Wei Xiaobei myself.

However, in the Three Kingdoms era, the status of this woman was not high, and Zhao Yun did not think so.

Zhao Yun said this, Wei Xiaobei feels that he is about to take the opportunity, and he doesn’t know what Reflex he should make.

Although Wei Xiaobei is not a virgin now, she has never talked about love. As for marriage, she has no experience, even if it is the ordinary strong person of 4-Star. It’s really hard to say.

Right, 娶Demon Fox? If you have a son, don’t you have a long tail?

Wei Xiaobei has a lot of thoughts in his mind. I don’t know if I should promise or refuse, but inexplicably, my mind has come up with such a thought.

Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know if it’s stupid, or hey, after thinking about this idea. I immediately said it to Zhao Yun.

Undoubtedly, Zhao Yun was also stunned for the issue of Wei Xiaobei, and he looked a little hesitant.

It seems that I really think about this issue.

The combination of shemale and ancient times, in the Han Dynasty, this kind of thing is far less jealous than the ancient times, but it is a good thing that people envy.

But if the second brother took the daughter of Qingqiu and gave birth to a half-human and half-devil child, it would be a bit of a hassle.

Didn’t it hurt two disciples?

Zhao Yun is more and more wrong. Finally, I sighed and looked at Wei Xiaobei: “If this is the case, I will go back to the brother.”

Wei Xiaobei was moved for a while. Although this did not say hello to himself before, Zhao Yun’s approach also made the modern-conscious Wei Xiaobei slightly uncomfortable, but think about it in another position, this is also a helpless move.

I want to come, the temperament of the big brother is not harmful to myself.

If you refuse this, I am afraid that the Qingqiu lineage will be angry!

If you change to who you are, if you marry a woman, you will not feel a face.

By the time. It hurts the big brother.

Well, well, to be honest, Wei Xiaobei is not the kind of absolutely noble person. While giving yourself reasons, Zhao Yun’s proposal is not a bit of a heart.

The daughter of Qingqiu!

Think about it from another angle. When he was yelling at his old man, he still married Demon Fox. It seems that I have not seen any offspring with a tail.

Of course, this is hard to say. I am afraid that people at that time, even if they have born offspring with tails, will be regarded as innate talent!

Let the big brother ask this question. His old man is absolutely open.

In this way, you can only go by yourself.

I thought of the style of Tushan. Wei Xiaobei’s heart is inexplicable.

Just as Wei Xiaobei was preparing to leave, Zhao Yun said: “If the second brother is really worried, it does not matter, then Tushan’s is also asking for me.”

Throwing this sentence, Zhao Yun picked up the six-story and looked up, no more words.

Wei Xiaobei came out of the account with some doubts in her mind, but she was thinking of what Zhao Yun said in her mind.

The Qingqiu lineage also asks for Zhao Yun?

How do you say this?

Is it the big brother that Phoenix said before?

Well, those monsters continue to invade this valley. To put it bluntly, they want to get the benefits of Phoenix. Is this the same for Qingqiu lineage?

But then again, Qingqiu lineage is Demon Fox. Doesn’t it seem to have any relationship with Phoenix?

That Bi Fang wants to get the Phoenix corpse and there are some sayings, this Demon Fox?

Well, the more I think about this kind of thing, the more chaotic, especially the other party is not the ordinary demon. Wei Xiaobei can’t find too many clues even if he starts the game. After a headache, Wei Xiaobei has no choice but to give up this idea.

“Mister Wei, is there something?”

A charming, yet elegant and moving voice suddenly sounded in front of Wei Xiaobei.

“Ah, it turned out to be Tushan…”

Wei Xiaobei woke up, but found that when she was thinking about the problem, she unknowingly walked before the Tushan tent.

At this time, the sun was like a snow, and Tushan, who was so beautiful, looked at herself with a little curiosity.

Wei Xiaobei’s heart swayed and rushed to converge, but in the blink of an eye he found that he did not know how to call each other.

Calling Tushan?

Looks like too official, knows this Qingqiu Demon Fox lineage, every fox can claim to be Tushan’s, just like the ancient Wang, Zhang, Li, just pointed out that a woman from a family for it.

Called Miss Tushan? Ok, it always feels weird.


For a time, Wei Xiaobei entangled the problem of this title, but it was still in place.

“Mister Wei, the slave named Tu Qingqing, can be called slave school Tu Xiaomei.”

See Wei Xiaobei stand in the same place, that Tushan’s look is moving, but it is a mean with a smile.

“Then, what about the little fox girl?”

Wei Xiaobei was the first time to know the name of Tushan’s name in front of him. He felt like he was peeking at the arrived secret, and his heart was excited and excited, but he turned to inexplicable thinking of a problem.

“Under Nine Tails, you can’t claim to be Tushan, so you are still a little girl.”

Tushan. Well, it should be called Tu Qingqing now. The original look of grace and glory turned into a lively and sly look, and it made people look like Wei Xiaobei.

“Oh, oh, understand.”

Less than Nine Tails, you can’t claim to be Tushan. The feeling of being inside is very mysterious.

Just like arrived Nine Tails, the status is different?

Well, anyway, Wei Xiaobei suddenly found himself temperament cultivation base is not enough, in front of women in such a poor performance.

“Mister Wei, if you have time, please take a seat and check out the situation of my little girl.”

That Tu Qingqing looks the same, and the words are invited.

“it is good.”

With more words and losses, Wei Xiaobei has decided to start from this moment. Less to say more, lest the figure be further corrupted.

But then again, Wei Xiaobei didn’t think of it at the moment. If you record your own behavior, it is no different from the young woman who meets the favorite girl!

After the account, Wei Xiaobei was surprised to find that Six Tails Demon Fox, ah, Fox Little Girl has now turned into a human form, lying on the bed and falling asleep.

“Also ask my husband to treat my little girl.”

Tu Qingqing made a gesture of asking, but turned and took out a set of tea sets. While busy, move towards Wei Xiaobei and ask: “I don’t know if Mr. likes tea or plain tea?”

Looking at the twisted waist, and occasionally the snow, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are wide, and I still hear what tea tea, I only know in my mouth: “Hey! Hey.”

Tu Qingqing nodded and no longer talked about it, focusing on the tea set.

Wash the tea set. Take tea, take condiments, boil water…….

Wei Xiaobei is not the kind of **** heart attack, after seeing more than two eyes, he hurriedly regained his eyes. His face was awesome and his ears were reddish. Sitting cross-legged on the side of the little fox, stretched out his right hand and gently placed it on his wrist, trying to transfer his mind to the diagnosis.

Well, in fact, without the diagnosis, Wei Xiaobei can see the color of this little fox girl probably knows seven or eight.

Compared with the previous one, the fox girl’s injury has been much better. The recovery ability of the Qingqiu lineage is also good. Of course, it is far worse than Wei Xiaobei.

After the diagnosis, Wei Xiaobei said his own determination and let Tu Qingqing insist on taking the medicine to the little fox.


How do you feel that there is something wrong with this tent? Is there a taste like ginger, meat, peanuts, etc?

Just when Wei Xiaobei wondered about the matter, Tu Qingqing brought the tea up.

Wow, this taste, this color!

Well, Wei Xiaobei looked at the bowl of ginger, the meat, and even the thick layer of oil, and it felt big.

He really wants to ask, is this sure to give people tea?

“Sir, please use tea.”

Perhaps it was to see Wei Xiaobei’s look a little bit uncomfortable, then Tu Qingqing snorted and screamed, and handed the bowl of tea in front of the arrived Wei Xiaobei.

The delicate white hands are more attractive in the light of the tea bowl.

“Okay, I drink.”

Wei Xiaobei said, his eyes fell on the tea.

Erudite starts!

Name: Qingqiu Tea (Immortal Grade)

Introduction: This is Tu Qingqing’s hand-made ginger, meat, sheep, peanut, and purple fragrant from Qingqiu tea, which is produced by Qingqiu tea. It is the Immortal Grade in tea…

Effect one: refreshing, this thing to drink, can increase the spirit and strength.

Effect 2: shaping, this thing to drink, can be beautiful, charm of the character to enhance 2 points.

……… ..

Immortal Grade !

It must be said that Wei Xiaobei was the first to see the tea with Immortal Grade.

Before we said that Wei Xiaobei had the best tea, it was Land Duke’s Fortune Virtue Tea.

After reading the shaping effect of this Qingqiu tea, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sigh. This Tu Qingqing is a woman, but it is always a woman. This effect is two. If you get it, you don’t know how many women will be rushing.

Wei Xiaobei does not lack the two points of the charm of the focus, but the effect is somewhat mysterious.

What does it mean to increase the spirit? Wei Xiaobei didn’t see it.

Anyway, people Tu Qingqing are about to get tea in front of their mouths, there is no problem with this tea, Wei Xiaobei no longer drink, there is suspicion of rudeness. (To be continued~^~)

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