Chapter 702, veterinarian? (seeking a monthly pass)

The first chapter is sent! This poor Daoist first go to the meeting, get up and code again………..Yes, is there a monthly ticket?


“Well, the second brother, can’t be scorned, bring the little girl to the fox, we will go back to the camp and say that this is not a place to stay.”

Zhao Yun move towards That Tushan’s nod, his face smiled, but there was not much color in his eyes, so Wei Xiaobei could not help but admire.

Big brother is not a permanent mountain Zhao Zilong!

In the face of the female color, the calmness of the Taishan press is enough to make the younger brother crouch!

Regardless of what Wei Xiaobei is doing, the big brother still has to listen. Wei Xiaobei hurriedly bent over and held the Six Tails Demon Fox in his arms.

At this time, Zhao Yun had already led the white horse to the front, and that Tuoshan move towards Wei Xiaobei apologized and walked on the side of Zhao Yun.

Wei Xiaobei was made up of this smile, and his mind was once again blank. When he came back, he saw that the big brother had gone out of his way, and he did not dare to neglect and rushed to keep up.

However, this way back, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes did not turn on the back of Tushan’s back.

Looking at a few more eyes, Wei Xiaobei discovered that this Tushan’s feet are like jade, but it is red fruit, but the place where it falls, three inches from the ground, without dust, is extremely elegant.

Well, I can’t read it any more.

Wei Xiaobei is really worried about seeing a few more eyes, the body will be ugly.

When they arrived at the stone wall, the monsters that had besieged the stone wall had long since disappeared when Wei Xiaobei punched Six Tails Demon Fox. They fled.

If you want to come, those monsters are originally driven by this Six Tails Demon Fox. Six Tails Demon Fox has been beaten by the town of Guanxi. The remaining beasts are still not escaping, but when?

But see here. Wei Xiaobei’s heart is also a constant doubt.

Anyway, this Six Tails Demon Fox drives many monsters to attack the squadron. This was originally the enemy, but why did the big brother come back with this Tushan?

What is the secret inside?

Uh huh, Wei Xiaobei can’t figure it out!

Even if you start the vine, you can’t find any direction, and the whole thing is in a fog!

Well, don’t want to, this will always be As the water recedes, the rocks appear.

finally. Wei Xiaobei had to put the matter down temporarily.

After the stone wall, the sergeants who guarded the stone walls sang a courtesy.

“General Hu Wei! I have seen Mister Wei!”


Well, as for Tushan’s, it falls in the eyes of the sergeants, but it does not seem to exist.

However, in Wei Xiaobei’s view, perhaps these sergeants are really not seeing Tushan!

Just like before, I am generally.

I have to say that this Tushan is worthy of Nine Tails Demon Fox.

Ok, anyway. Wei Xiaobei’s heart is still faintly dividing the other party into the hostile camp, and there are some concerns about the future.

Who changed it, suddenly set up such a hidden enemy. I am afraid that my heart will not face it calmly.

After crossing the stone wall, Zhao Tong hung his arms and looked at Wei Xiaobei with a squint. The look of the face on his face was suddenly loose, and then he looked at the awarded Tushan.

Suddenly, this young green cheeks red, hurriedly lowered his head, and Wei Xiaobei could not help but laugh.

of course. This Zhao Tong is 4-Star’s ordinary Creature Rank, and its real strength is probably comparable to the 4-Star elite, but it is always a pure love young.

Well, it is in the military camp, and in this military camp, there are some rough men, but the women are half-none. Suddenly they see such a beautiful person, and the look is not the same. On the contrary, it is a little fake.

However, Zhao Yun seems to be a little unhappy at this time. He took a look at Zhao Tong: “Zhao Jun Sima, you are injured, why don’t you raise your account and you will be able to raise it?”

This is in the military camp. Under the broad public, Zhao Tong was in the ranks of the Sima in the army. Although it is Zhao Yun eldest son, Zhao Yun still calls for military service.

“Ah, general, the end will only see the stone wall crisis…”

Undoubtedly, Zhao Yun made Zhao Tong unprepared, and his face was white, and he quickly defended.

Well, Wei Xiaobei, who followed, couldn’t help but sigh.

Big brother, big brother, you will make your son look like.

It is no wonder that there is a saying that the father and the dog are usually. If the father is very capable, the son will not grow very well under the pressure of the father.

Of course, Zhao Tong is not bad.

“Go on, remember, I will find you second uncle to heal!”

Well, although it is superficially stern, but Zhao Tong is always his beloved eldest son, so Zhao Yun has a face, but in the end it reveals a trace of the color of the father.

Ok, to be honest, even Zhao Tong didn’t think that his father would say this, stunned and hurriedly thanked him.

All the way in the past, the officers encountered on the road have bowed to Zhao Yun.

Well, most of these officers are 4-Star Ordinary, and even a few are 4-Star elites.

Most of them look at the peerless women on the side of the armed Zhao Yun. They can’t help but look at each other. They don’t talk about the color and the soul. How do you say that there are snacks and horses? How do you say these officers are fine robots, but the generals are on the side. Do not dare to talk too much, have to retreat.

Entering the camp, Zhao Yun even called a pro soldier to build a small tent next to his own camp.

Subsequently, the Tushan family invited Wei Xiaobei to enter.


In the face of the famous Nine Tails Demon Fox, Wei Xiaobei really has a little hesitation. After entering, it is not known how to suck himself or not.

At this time, Zhao Yun move towards Wei Xiaobei nodded: “After a meeting, I will come to the camp, and the big brother has something to say to you.”

I am suspicious.

I want to come too. Look at Zhao Yun and this Tushan, not to be an ally, at least not as an enemy. Besides, it may not be in this tens of thousands of people. What is Tu Shan’s dare?

Self-deprecating, Wei Xiaobei holding the Six Tails Demon Fox, even after entering the small tent, Tushan immediately followed, move towards Wei Xiaobei smiled: “My younger sister was used to being spoiled by the elders since childhood. To make this happen, I hope Mister Wei will forgive me.”

“Nothing, that is, my fist is a little heavy before.”

In the face of such a beautiful person, the words are like a spring breeze, Wei Xiaobei knows that the other party is Nine Tails Demon Fox, and at this time, he can’t give birth to a little bit of gas. Then, the only thing that suffers is the Six Tails Demon Fox, which has no damage at all.

This is the end of the matter, otherwise, I am staring at this Nine Tails Demon Fox, I am afraid that it is somewhat inconvenient to act.

Isn’t there a saying that is good, not afraid of thieves stealing, afraid of thieves!

Being stared at by an invisible Nine Tails Demon Fox is not a good thing.

Well, there are already many such records in China’s history.

When the incident is hard, the heroes who are in the limelight will often die the fastest. On the contrary, those who know the compromise will become the major event.

The former has Xiang Yu at the end of the Qin Dynasty, Lu Bu at the end of the Han Dynasty, and the single male at the end of the dynasty. The latter has Han Gaozu Liu Bang, Wei Taizu Cao Cao, and Tang Taizong Li Shimin.

Anyone who is a big business can be soft and hard, soft and soft, and can open up the world, and the next horse can lead the crowd. When you are weak, you can endure the humiliation of your sins. When you are strong, you can rid the roots!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei didn’t think about how much performance, but he didn’t have the trouble and still didn’t want to provoke it.

Besides, didn’t you listen to people?

The younger sister was used to being spoiled by her elders since childhood!

The focus of this sentence is not the spoiled, but the elders!

What is an elder?

The elders of this little fox, this is the elder of Tushan!

To put it bluntly, the meaning of this sentence is that there is a Large group in the family, you think about the consequences.

When it comes to this, Wei Xiaobei is the pillar of Optimus, and he has to honestly let the face come out.

After getting the words of Wei Xiaobei, Tushan’s appearance was somewhat happy, and then he whispered: “I heard that Mister Wei’s medical skills are brilliant. Although Xiaomei’s self-inflicted, she also asked Mister Wei to treat the younger sister.”

After that, Tushan’s pair of eyes looked forward to Wei Xiaobei, which really made him feel a little unbearable, his heart was violent, and his belongings were abnormal. He had to avoid the eyes and ears, right hand 狠狠Pinch a pin on the thigh, under the pain, the strange feeling just subsided.

Well, it’s been around for a long time, it’s the same.

It is no wonder that Tushan’s own coming in, the ultimate goal is still here.

Well, Wei Xiaobei also knows how heavy his fists are, plus the special effects of electric current. The injury suffered by this little girl is not just as simple as breaking a few bones!

To put it bluntly, even its Demonic Qi has been shaken by more than 70%. As for the charm, the soul is not hurt, it is what it should be.

As a result, this little fox girl has not yet woken up, and it is normal for the injury to be unable to recover.

At the thought of the parents, the front is a beautiful and alluring, the delicate and beautiful beauty of the rumors, Wei Xiaobei can not refuse, can only nod.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei is a bit strange. In the face of this Six Tails Demon Fox, his own tenacity and strong will can completely immunize the other person’s charm.

Can be biased in front of this Tushan, even the charm is not, how do you nod your head nod?

The elders in the family are certainly a reason, but they are not the most important.

See Wei Xiaobei nodded, Tushan’s rushed joyfully said: “Please ask Mr. to treat him quickly.”

Well, a few words down, this Tushan’s name for Wei Xiaobei has changed from Mister Wei to Mr., and the specification has been upgraded.

You must know that in ancient times, the word “Mr.” was not a random name.

In ancient times, there were professors who called the professors, and those who were high school were called Mr., and those who were seniors were Mr.

But in the final analysis, the name of the other Mr. is to put themselves at a lower level.

For the existence of Tushan’s existence, it is not a general meaning to do this.

At least in the heart of Tushan, Wei Xiaobei’s status is not low.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei didn’t think of this at all, and since he nodded, he would not deliberately delay the time.

But then again, Wei Xiaobei usually says that there are many times of seeing a doctor. Well, people in Dojo and even some familiar people find their heads. Wei Xiaobei will take action, but this is the first time for a veterinarian. (To be continued~^~)

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