Chapter 700, Qingqiu has a fox (seeking a monthly ticket)

The second chapter is sent! The third chapter is in the code word…


One of them has a deer head, but it is weird, but it is endless. A antler on the top of his head bows and moves toward the soldiers. Even a round array of dozens of soldiers will be washed away.

This monster grows too special, and Wei Xiaobei thinks about it when he slightly recalls his mind.

There is a description of this monster in the Classic of Mountain and Seas. This beast is called the elk, the deer head, and the body is endless, but the meat is very delicious, not hunger for seven days after eating.

The second monster, Wei Xiaobei, is very familiar with it. It looks like a chicken, three heads, six eyes and six wings! This is Shang Fu, who once killed a few heads near the rental street.

The third monster is shaped like a tiger, but weird with a long oxtail, it makes a shit like a shit at the time of attack, but likes to eat human flesh, every killing soldier, The corpse was rushed to the side to enjoy it, completely ignoring the changes on the battlefield, so the proportion of death in the three monsters was the highest.

It is often killed by soldiers besieged by gluttony.

This beast is called 彘, and its status in the Classic of Mountain and Seas is not high, which is the general cannibal monster forget it.

Wei Xiaobei gaze through the monsters, and then probe the monster’s attributes.

It is said that the strength of these three monsters is not strong, and Shang Fu does not need to say, 2-Star is ordinary.

Hey, 2-Star is normal.

The strongest is the elk, the 2-Star elite.

But the number of these three kinds of monsters can be quite a lot. There are thousands of people who attacked the stone wall. As for the stone wall, I am afraid more than ten times!

And these monsters are not afraid of death, hang one. There will be more rushing from outside the stone wall, which will really make the soldiers’ casualties not small.

The most important thing is that above the high wall outside the stone wall, there is a blue fox with several tails in it!

Of course, if it is not Wei Xiaobei’s excellent vision, it is impossible to see that the cyan dot is a fox.

After all, from here to the position of the cyan fox, there are more than two thousand meters.

“Nine Tails Fox!”

When Wei Xiaobei saw the blue fox, he couldn’t help but scream.

This Nine Tails fox is famous in the Classic of Mountain and Seas, and in the ancient legends of China.

“The country of Qingqiu. Its Yang Duoyu, its yin and more green. There are beasts, its shape is like a fox and Nine Tails, its sound is like a baby, can eat people, eaters are not jealous.”

This Nine Tails fox comes from Qingqiu.

It is said that this Nine Tails fox can turn into a gorgeous woman to seduce men, absorb men’s yang, and have powerful mana.

“It only has six tails.”

Just as Wei Xiaobei saw the excitement of the cyan fox, he heard a slightly lighter voice not far away.

Wei Xiaobei turned to look at it, but it was Zhao Yun’s eldest son Zhao Tong.

“Unified. I have seen second uncle.”

Zhao Tong saw Wei Xiaobei turn around and rushed to see him.

Wei Xiaobei nodded, but the state of Zhao Tong didn’t look very good. The left arm was hung on the chest by the strip and it looked like it was injured.

“How is this going?”

Wei Xiaobei Seeing the fierce battle on the stone wall, the soldiers were able to stabilize the battle, and the officers above Sima did not take action, and the heart was not in a hurry, and even pointed to Zhao Tong’s injured arm.

It turned out that Zhao Tong had a big fight with a monster yesterday, and one accidentally grabbed his arm. However, the monster was also killed by Zhao Tong, so Zhao Tong did not suffer.

Wei Xiaobei was worried. Then Zhao Tong untied the bandage of the injured arm and looked at it. He said that the recovery was good. After all, with the strength of Zhao Tong, the arm was broken and he could grow back in more than a week.

Ok. Even so, Wei Xiaobei helped Zhao Tong clean up the wound and took some potion to take it.

After re-wrapping Zhao Tong’s injured arm, Wei Xiaobei was curious about Zhao Tong’s previous talk about the Six Tails fox and asked about it.

Zhao Tong said after Wei Xiaobei.

The cyan fox does have only six tails. Wei Xiaobei can also be seen by careful inspection.

In the words of Zhao Tong, the Six Tails fox is not terrible. Even if you can easily get rid of each other.

And the Six Tails fox is the mastermind of driving these monsters to invade, as long as the other party is killed, those monsters naturally retreat.

But the Six Tails fox, the squadron is really afraid to move, this time is only monitored by Zhao Yun.

The reason for this is not complicated.

To put it bluntly, the blue Six Tails fox has a good mother!

The mother is said to be a Nine Tails fox!

And this Nine Tails fox family is extremely united, and if it hurts one of them, the next trouble will be more.

Even Zhao Yun is not willing to blame the Nine Tails Fox.

In this way, the Six Tails fox can be kept so safely, constantly driving the monster move towards the stone wall to launch an attack.

So, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

This is the typical small fight that will provoke the old.

This Nine Tails fox doesn’t know how many heads there are. It’s no wonder that Zhao Yun hasn’t taken action until now. Well, even the Advanced officer has no take action.

But to say that this Nine Tails fox is different from other monsters, it should be quite wise, and how can it be killed, so Wei Xiaobei doesn’t quite understand it.

But Zhao Tong said that when he was here, he was a little bit vomiting, and his face gave birth to a few red clouds, with his white face, but it looked a bit strange.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t ask for it. He simply turned his eyes to the Six Tails fox and then started Erudite.

The existence of Demon Fox is really new to Wei Xiaobei.

Name: Six Tails

Race: Qingqiu Demon Fox

Gender: Female

Age: 610 years old

Creature Rank :4-Star Normal

Introduction: This demon is a group of Qingqiu Demon Fox, who is good at changing beautiful women and absorbing the yang of human beings……..

Attribute : (slightly)

Skills: People Perfection, Tempered, Mastering through Fusing and Linking

Special Ability : Magic (change, absorbing yang, illusion, charm,????)

Evolution Points : X (cannot accumulate Evolution Points )

Items on hand : none


Well, after seeing this Qingqiu Demon Fox A Ying’s attribute table, Wei Xiaobei is really a bit sloppy.

embroidery? Poetry? calligraphy?

Ok, is this the rhythm of playing a talented woman?

Having said that, this is more than six hundred years old, the poetry is also Tempered, the calligraphy is Mastering through Fusing and Linking, which is too slow to grow?

Of course, for a monster, it is very good to be able to do this.

However, Wei Xiaobei started this Erudite, and the Six Tails Demon Fox, which was far above the sky, suddenly noticed that someone was peeping at himself, and then his eyes were cold, and his eyes fell far on Wei Xiaobei!

A keen Awareness!

Wei Xiaobei has been using Erudite for so long, and the number of times it has been locked in an instant is very small.

Really let Wei Xiaobei not think that this Six Tails Demon Fox found himself so quickly!

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei felt that the Six Tails Demon Fox had changed and turned into a stunning woman.

Tsing Yi Miluo, hair tenderening, alum, and graceful.

Is this not Zhu Xinyi?

How did she come here?

Wei Xiaobei At this point, the mind is in a mess, and the legs move toward the move towards the valley.

“second uncle !”

Wei Xiaobei was very fast at the moment, and even Zhao Tong didn’t come over with Reflex for a moment. When he came back, Wei Xiaobei had already rushed to the stone wall.

Zhao Tong was shocked and hurriedly chased, but because of this delay, when Zhao Tong rushed to the stone wall, Wei Xiaobei’s body was like a big bird leaping from the stone wall.

“good very good.”

That Six Tails Demon Fox saw Wei Xiaobei running, and my heart couldn’t help but a moment, and moved towards the ground.

I have to say that the eyes of this Six Tails Demon Fox are still very accurate.

Demon Fox feeds on the man’s yang, and Wei Xiaobei’s yang is in the eyes of Six Tails Demon Fox, just as dazzling as the newborn sun.

If you take the man’s yang, you can grow a tail again!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are red, blood boiling from excitement, the whole body temperature rises unconsciously, and even the clothes that are wearing begin to emit a burnt smell!

“Come on, my lover.”

Six Tails Demon Fox’s humanized eyes are smug, and the shape expands several times in a blink of an eye. After that, it becomes a stunning woman, and Wei Xiaobei under move towards falls.

Hey, Wei Xiaobei put the Six Tails Demon Fox into a beautiful woman, her eyes filled with blazing desires, and even a pair of hands could not help but stroking it.

The woman smiled charmingly, the cherry mouth was slightly open, a pink tongue stretched out, and the teasing licked her lips.

This scene is the result of Wei Xiaobei’s heart Flame burning, the mouth can not help but kiss.

Sure enough!

The woman’s charming face flashed a smug smile, and the small mouth took the initiative to welcome it.

As long as the lips intersect, forcefully suck! Everything is over!

But at this moment, Wei Xiaobei, who was originally full of desire, suddenly laughed and the redness of his eyes suddenly dissipated.

not good!

At this moment, the woman who turned into Six Tails Demon Fox only felt a chill in the back, and knew that it was dangerous!

But just in this Six Tails Demon Fox wants to speed up, when Wei Xiaobei is taken down, Wei Xiaobei hands tight! The body that the woman is trying to struggle with is firmly locked!

Then there was no mercy and fragrant jade, Wei Xiaobei took the woman’s body in one fell swoop, and then moved towards the ground!

A loud bang!

The woman’s body collided with the ground and suddenly smashed a pit on the ground.

At the same time, Wei Xiaobei grabbed his right hand and a big bow appeared. Then he moved towards the snow-white jade neck and flipped it. The tough bowstring entangled the delicate neck and tightened it!

But even so, the woman’s neck was only deep in the bowstring, but no blood flowed out.

“Dead! Demon Fox!” (To be continued~^~)

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