Chapter 685, H3921 gene mutant agent

The third chapter is sent! Let’s go to the farmer’s fertilizer first and make a contribution. It’s been an hour.


Well, this wood is awkward, who wants to save someone’s life, then who will engrave the face, in addition to the requirements of the refining skills, the requirements for carving skills are also very high, if there is no Unfathomable realm, want to engrave It’s impossible to come out.

“It’s amazing, I didn’t expect you to be a woodcarving artist.”

Well, this is probably the nature of foreigners. They think of artists, especially cows, especially this folk art.

Wei Xiaobei nodded and collected the finished wood statue, then asked: “What about it?”

“Things? Right, is this enough?”

Legof hurriedly took out a small glass bottle with only half a peanut and a black powder.

In the words of Legov, the amount of this medicine given by Grey-White is only enough for each time, which is saved by his own mother.


Wei Xiaobei took the medicine and let Legov not bother himself, then entered a separate room.

Close the door and Wei Xiaobei checked the room.

There is no eavesdropping device and there is no abnormality.

Of course, even with such equipment, under the double scanning of the inductive pulse and the electromagnetic field, there will be no shape. Besides, Wei Xiaobei’s electromagnetic field has an unimaginable destructive effect on such precision equipment, as long as Wei Xiaobei Willing, then the precision electrical appliances within the scope of the electromagnetic field will be devastated.

The strong current generated by cutting the electromagnetic field is enough to burn the electronic components.

After the inspection, Wei Xiaobei set his sights on the powder and started Erudite.

Name: H3921 gene mutant agent (general)

Introduction: This drug is the result of the Grey-White organization’s research on the Dust World Life Form, which is capable of inducing the Life Form gene mutant with a very low probability of having considerable side effects. Addiction…

Effect 1: Inducing the gene mutant, the success rate is three tenths.

Effect 2: Addiction, stopping taking the drug for more than 24 hours will cause the Life Form gene to collapse.


That’s it!

Seeing this so-called H3921 gene mutant drug, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

It seems that this Grey-White organization is similar to what he sees as a hero. The other party is also studying the genes of Dust World Life Form, and even using members and their loved ones as guinea pigs!

However, the H3921 induced gene mutant success rate is too low, and it is three tenths. I am afraid that even if it is successful, the ending will not be too good, and it will become Monster.

And its side effects are so amazing that if you stop taking more than 24 hours, the gene will collapse.

No wonder this Grey-White will use the drug to control members and their loved ones.

This is also considered waste utilization.

After carefully reading the H3921 attribute table, Wei Xiaobei extended his left hand and spit out the shredded pork. It took more than a minute to develop a Common Person.

Wei Xiaobei naturally won’t take it for himself to experiment.

The Gene of Common Person is basically the same as that of ordinary humans. Wei Xiaobei does not add other messy genes to his genes. It has only been strengthened in some respects.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to use this Common Person for testing.

After the Common Person was cultivated, Wei Xiaobei blended a little powder with water and injected it into the blood vessels of Common Person.

Ok. The effect of the injection can be maximized compared to the administration.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei plunged the meat into the Common Person and began monitoring the changes in his body’s genes.

Of course, this move is changed from the transformation of the modulation, but Wei Xiaobei did not start to modify the modulation effect forget it.

As the shredded pork enters the Common Person, the genetic map of the Common Person appears in the mind of Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei can clearly see that this Common Person is after the injection of the drug. A change is taking place in its genes.

Those genes are recombining with each other, as if they were undergoing a genetic recombination test in nature.

Of course, compared to Wei Xiaobei’s transformation of genetic maps, fusion, the scale of genetic recombination experiments due to drug induction is much smaller, and in many cases, very few genes recombine each other.

It didn’t take long for the drug to pass, and the genetic map was not restored. The link between a small number of genes has broken, and this break has aggravated over time.

Wei Xiaobei then injected a small amount of medication into the Common Person.

This time, under the influence of these drugs, the gene that is being broken has once again entered a state of reorganization.

Arrived at this time. Wei Xiaobei thoroughly understood the role of this drug.

In fact, as long as the drug is taken, as long as the induction of the gene mutant is not successful. Then the human gene that has been taken has already begun to collapse. However, the continuous use of this drug allows the gene to continue to recombine without direct gene collapse.

Well, in fact, even if you continue to take drugs, the possibility of gene collapse may occur.

In other words, as long as the drug is taken, the problem of gene collapse is like a sword of Damocles hanging over the head, Eruption at any time.

After understanding the effects of this drug, Wei Xiaobei probably understands how to solve the trouble caused by this drug.

Quite simply, using Life Altar to fix the genes that are crashing, the problem is solved.

Pushing open the door, Nalegov waited in the living room and saw Wei Xiaobei coming out. He asked anxiously: “Can you do it?”

“Yes! This is a very good solution. Bring your parents over.”

Wei Xiaobei nodded.


When he heard Wei Xiaobei say this, Legof was excited, and he could sit still, hurriedly got up, and moved towards outside.

Well, Legov’s father is a middle-aged white man who looks a little strong and is about 50 years old, and his mother is a white woman who looks like he is in his forties, and his face is awkward.

I want to come here too. I am in such an environment. Because of my own reasons, my son is controlled by Grey-White. The two are in a bad mood and how to be happy.

After Legov introduced the two sides, Wei Xiaobei did not say more, just asked who would come first, and be strict, there is a certain danger, but it will not be fatal.

The husband and wife are eager to be the first one.

The reason for this, Wei Xiaobei naturally knows, whoever is replaced, knows that the first one is the test, and the risk is naturally greater than the second.

It can be seen that Legov’s parents are very loving.

This made Wei Xiaobei inadvertently think of his parents, want to come, if parents encounter such a thing, I am afraid it will be like this.

This point makes Wei Xiaobei even more convinced!

Only by becoming stronger and stronger can you protect the safety of your loved ones!

In the end, the old couple couldn’t argue, and Wei Xiaobei made a decision, letting Legov’s father go to bed first.

Well, men, in many cases, you should take a little more risk.

Since Wei Xiaobei made the decision, the dispute dissipated, but when she saw her husband lying on the bed, she had to wait in the living room. Legof’s mother was full of worry.

Legov whispered comfort to the mother. In his mouth, Wei Xiaobei became the world’s number one doctor. Of course, his heart was also worried, but it was all at this time, even if it was a remorse. It is also impossible.

Wei Xiaobei naturally can’t show his own means to others, at least to cover up some of the best. Otherwise, he might scare the heart of Legov’s father.

Reaching for the neck of the Legov father presses, a trace current stuns Lef’s father paralysis.

To say, Wei Xiaobei’s control of current is now more and more refined.

The use of this current can be quite a lot, and this is used to replace the anesthetic but it is just one of them.

Stretching out his left hand, a squid of pork squirted and wrapped the Legov father lying on the bed.

Later, in Wei Xiaobei’s mind, the genetic map of Legov’s father appeared.

After reviewing it carefully, Wei Xiaobei was surprised to find that the gene of Legof father is somewhat different from normal people.

Some of its genes are not found in the genetic map of ordinary humans, but this part of the gene is suppressed.

However, seeing here, Wei Xiaobei has some understanding. No wonder, Legov can easily conquer the whales, and think that this part of the gene should be dominant in it.

When you have time, you should check out the genetic map of Legov.

For Wei Xiaobei, the drug-induced gene breakdown is easy to solve.

The gene is forcibly restored by Life Altar, and this ability is actually a modification of the modulation that restores the modified gene.

Of course, for this reason, Wei Xiaobei paid the price of 100Evolution Points.

Well, for a guy who might activate cooking skills, this price is worth it.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei has long discovered it.

There is also a difference between this cooking skill.

Take Zhu Xinyi, who originally had an Intermediate cooking skill, but after upgrading to Reach the Higher Level, he couldn’t continue to improve and couldn’t restore Stamina, or spirit. The food is coming.

In other words, Zhu Xinyi is a very common cooking skill, unlike Wei Xiaobei’s cooking skills.

But if you want to come, people with cooking skills in China are probably not in the minority, but so far, only Wei Xiaobei is alone.

Of course, you have to add Legov now.

After recovering the gene of Legov’s father, Wei Xiaobei also took out a few silver needles and inserted them into several points on the other side.

Well, this is mainly to cover up, but it is undeniable that with Wei Xiaobei’s medical skills, these silver needles will be inserted, and the body of Legov’s father will get a little benefit. (To be continued~^~)

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