Chapter 682, simple guy

The third chapter is sent! This egg, this poor Daoist is almost ruined, um, I will go eat more and add more nutrients.


Of course, this is not a false concern. The reason is very simple. Most people in the Grey-White organization are forced to join.

The whale manipulator was no exception. It was because the family was kidnapped and had to join. At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s frustration seemed to be arrived, and he whispered comfortably.

After sitting for a while, Wei Xiaobei seemed to have a little spirit and talked to the other party.

Falling in the eyes of Kamaras, Wei Xiaobei at this time should completely give up the resistance, which is considered to be the idea of ​​breaking the can, and it will not be long before the guy can fully integrate into Grey-White.

Well, like this guy, Kamaras looked too much, initially sticking to his beliefs, not willing to join Grey-White, even with Grey-White, but for a variety of reasons, had to join Grey-White .

After joining Grey-White, it quickly fell, merged and so on.

Well, in a nutshell, this is like a good person with a spirit of cleansing. After doing the first bad thing, I feel that I can no longer be clean, and simply become worse!

Wei Xiaobei is also bored, and the focus of his chat with the whale manipulator is the whale under his feet.

Well, whales were originally giant mammals in the ocean.

This point, as long as I have been to elementary school, I probably know it.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei knows that the Latin name of the whale is derived from the Greek word “sea monster”, which shows the ancient people’s fear of the whale, a marine behemoth.

Well, to be precise, whales are a very broad term.

From various whales living in the ocean. Dolphins to the white porpoises that live in the rivers belong to the whale range.


However, the whale at the foot of Wei Xiaobei is 60 meters long and visually exceeds the weight of 700 tons.

The whale maniper was very fond of introducing to Wei Xiaobei, this whale is called Alice, or a little girl. Only 15 is old.

Ok, light can draw a conclusion from this point.

This whale is not yet an adult. If you wait until it reaches adulthood, its body type may grow to nearly 200 meters!

And Wei Xiaobei saw the attribute table of this whale.

Compared to the Norwegian sea monster, this whale is naturally weaker, 3-Star elite, but it has a trace Poseidon’s bloodline!

So this whale looks like the relationship with the Norwegian sea monster is not too good, even the Giant Seahorse behind it is a bit of a fear of the whale.

This is also normal.

For this monster, the guy with the body type is a competitor. Either one surrenders to another, or they are not pleasing to each other, since both bloodlines are considered noble. Then it is possible to decide when to put on one.

After all, Poseidon is the sea god in Greek mythology, while the Norwegian sea monster is the Terror marine behemoth in Norse mythology! It is normal for the two sides to be indifferent to each other.

As for the Giant Seahorse behind, although it is 3-Star Terror, there is no magic bloodline, just a kind of forget forget it in Dust World.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei feels a little admired by the vision of this Grey-White organization.

Not to mention what it would be like between Dust World and reality, but I know the current situation. I am afraid that the sky will soon be unable to fly the passenger plane.

Compared with fighters, the passenger plane is too cumbersome and has no self-defense ability. Once the Monster in the sky increases, most of the routes will become a reality.

Now this has not happened, it is because of two reasons, the first does not want to cause panic, the second is that the Monster in the sky appears less. Taking into account the first reason, plus commercial factors, governments have not announced a ban.

But after that, it is hard to say.

Once most areas prohibit passenger aircraft from taking off, then the ocean becomes extremely important.

Actually. From the era of the Great Navigation to the present, the ocean has always been a cheap transportation channel for the human world.

Grey-White now has a Dust World experience that can control marine beasts. Wait until the number is too much, not to use this to control the ocean, to threaten it is still no problem.

Although the warships are powerful, they are not saying that the world is invincible. No matter how many warships are possible, they are not allowed to escort all the merchant ships and passenger ships. It is impossible for governments to have so many warships to escort.

Wei Xiaobei thought, the idea is flying a little far.

When Wei Xiaobei came back, the whale manipulator looked at him helplessly, holding a vacuum bag in his hand and a roast chicken inside.

“What do you want? Is it so fascinating?”

“Oh, nothing, thank you.”

Wei Xiaobei took the vacuum bag, pulled it apart, grabbed the roast chicken and smashed it up.

Not to mention, at this time, Wei Xiaobei’s stomach is really hungry.


At the entrance of this roast chicken, Wei Xiaobei was a little bit stunned, and his mouth was not chewed. It looked like he had a poop!

“How? Is it not good?”

This whale manipulator is actually a youngster who is less than thirty years old. He has a big beard and looks old. His character is a bit embarrassing. He can’t help but see Wei Xiaobei’s move, and then some self-deprecating said with a smile : “This roast chicken is what I did, but everyone doesn’t like it. It’s hard to eat, but now it’s impossible. On this sea, if you don’t eat anything, you can’t stand it.”

“NONONO! You made a mistake and did a good job.”

Wei Xiaobei hurriedly swallowed the chicken, but his eyes were directly on the roast chicken in his hand.

Before starting Erudite, I also looked at the three marine behemoths and the Kamaras. The other two people also glanced at it and didn’t look at it.

I didn’t pay attention to this roast chicken.

But now, this roast chicken, Wei Xiaobei eats something that is not quite right, and it doesn’t look like ordinary food at all, but it is similar to what it cooks.

After eating, some stamina and spirit were restored.

Name: French red wine roast chicken (general)

Introduction: This food comes from the hands of the giant whale manipulator Legov. It is made from turkey, red wine and cumin.

Effect one: restore trace stamina, spirit.


What is going on?

Wei Xiaobei once again looked at this giant whale manipulator called Legov, who really didn’t have the skill to cook.

But what kind of French red wine roast chicken baked out can actually restore stamina, spirit, although the quality is just ordinary.

This is already very weird, perverted!

With the approval of Wei Xiaobei, the amount of words of Legov was improved and he expressed his ideals to Wei Xiaobei with great interest.

Be a world famous chef!

Well, in a nutshell, this Lego’s small ideal is this.

But his parents want him to be a lawyer, or a doctor, and then become a trader!

Ok, Wei Xiaobei arrived, then I realized that there is a high skill in the skill bar of Mao, such as law, pathology, finance, etc.!

Of course, whether it is the hope of the parents or their own ideals, after the encounter with Grey-White, annihilated.

Until now, Legov’s parents have been locked up in an unknown place, and Legov has been serving the Grey-White organization for ten years!

Legov’s voice was small and he was worried about being heard by Kamaras.

Wei Xiaobei feels that this guy is quite tempered, and he is very simple.

Well, to be honest, if a guy whose family is really held up by Grey-White is here, what Legov said is likely to bring him a murder.

Well, relative to Grey-White, Legov said that these words are already equivalent to betraying Grey-White!

And Wei Xiaobei, if you want to mix up in the Grey-White organization, then reporting Legov seems to be a good advanced approach!

In addition, through the exchange of cooking skills, Wei Xiaobei found that Legov is likely to be on the verge of activation skills, in short, to breakthrough!

Once the breakthrough is done, you may be able to get cooking skills!

How strong is the skill of cooking, Wei Xiaobei is well aware of himself.

Like a potential guy like this, Wei Xiaobei will not let go.

Of course, if you want to really put Legov into your majesty, the only way is to rescue the other parents!

Well, Wei Xiaobei will naturally not say what he wants to do at this time. With the simplicity of Legov, he told him that he might be happy to show his stuff.

Looking at Legov, who had a good time with Wei Xiaobei, Kamaras sitting on the top of the Norwegian sea monster looked gloomy.

To be honest, in the Grey-White organization, the most disgusting people in Kamaras include Legov.

Oh, there is a contrast to know the gap.

It is said that Kamaras was originally intruded by Grey-White.

But unlike Legov, Kamaras was so heart-wrenching that he soon got the appreciation of the upper Grey-White.

However, Kamaras was slightly miserable after the failure of the Thai base last time. He was severely punished by the upper level of the award. In order to regain the trust and save his life, Kamaras actually killed his parents! To show that you will never betray the loyalty of Grey-White!

Well, this guy has done this kind of thing, I am afraid that even if it is out of Grey-White, there is no good end. As a result, it is really like his wish, and he is re-trusted by the upper level.

But the reason why people are different from animals is that they are human.

Kamaras did not say that he had no regrets when he killed his parents.

But regretting regrets, Kamaras, when he saw a guy like Legov, would think of what he had done, and then he would resent his heart.

For Maulegov, this guy doesn’t kill his parents?

Well, people like Kamaras, who are as dark as they are, are ashamed of what they are doing, and they will resent the people around them not to be as confusing as they are, which will make their hearts very dirty! (To be continued~^~)

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