Chapter 516, Ghosts

The third chapter is sent! I feel that today’s dream makes this poor Daoist brain juice consume a lot. I couldn’t have a dream in the past month. Now I have dreamed for two consecutive days. It seems that this poor Daoist needs to find Zhang Daxian at the foot of the mountain to solve her dream.

Of course, as a result, the power to release lightning energy will be enhanced by dozens of times more than now!

Ball lightning!

Well, the ability to have this name does not appear on the Attribute Panel. For now, it is just Wei Xiaobei’s comprehensive utilization technique for releasing lighting energy, transformers, and electromagnetic fields.

To generate this capability on the Attribute Panel is either as impossible as it is, or it is difficult.

After playing a ball of lightning, one accidentally let the ball lightning on the hand explode again, and after making himself dark, Wei Xiaobei paused this dangerous and dying practice.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei is playing this. If it is replaced by an ordinary person, it is estimated that the explosion just happened, and it will not enter the crematorium. I am afraid I have to go into the hospital for a while.

Wei Xiaobei’s attention was patrolled on the Attribute Panel for a while, focusing on Perception.

Perception is gradually becoming a shortcoming relative to its other attributes.

Simply put, in the face of increasingly strong enemies, the search scope of Perceptive Sense is not enough.

The radius of the search range of 450 meters, although in this range, the vast majority of the enemy will be discovered, but in many cases, the enemy may not be hiding within the range of 400 meters.

Take the armored infantry in StarCraft, and without mentioning accuracy, its Gaussian rifle has an effective range of up to kilometers, and its bullets are still lethal even at three kilometers.

In other words, an armored infantry can attack Wei Xiaobei outside the scope of Wei Xiaobei Perceptive Sense.

The bullet speed emitted by the electromagnetic coil is as high as 5 Mach.

In other words. After pulling the trigger for half a second, the bullet hit Wei Xiaobei.

If you can’t advance Early Warning, it is impossible to avoid the bullets fired by the Gauss rifle at the Wei Xiaobei speed.

Wei Xiaobei discovered this when the armored infantry was fighting the Zerg.

Fortunately, the range of the Goss rifle is far, but after more than three hundred meters, the accuracy will quickly decline. After all, any wind may cause a large error in the rapidly flying bullet.

With Wei Xiaobei’s attention focused on the branch attribute. Evolution Points start to burn quickly at two points each time!

The inductive attribute also starts to increase at the speed of each 0.01.


After a few minutes, Wei Xiaobei consumed the 3580Evolution Points and boosted the induced 22.1 points from 40.

As the inductive force attribute was raised to the 40 point, Wei Xiaobei immediately noticed that the Awareness of the outside world was unprecedentedly sharp, even the spiders that were weaving the net on the corridor outside the room, pulling the filament from the tail when weaving the net The sound of Wei Xiaobei can be heard clearly.

Twenty-five meters away, Huang Kun was hitting the big tree with his shoulder.

Forty-five meters away, next to the off-road vehicle parked at the alleyway, a youngster is lying on it. Selfie excited with cell phone.


Of course, this keen Awareness also has some inconvenient places, even if Wei Xiaobei does not want Awareness to be moved to the Awareness.

Andre is now at the bedside, his wife is doing something that is not suitable for children.

Zhu Xinyi is watching a little song. Bathing, water sound huā lā lā …….

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei forced his own feelings about the outside world to be reduced.

In fact, this uncontrolled state of induction, Wei Xiaobei encountered when the inductive force was raised to the 20 point.

But after a long time, the body adapts itself, and it will also shield some unnecessary sounds and so on.

Therefore, the sensitivity of controlling the sensing force is not difficult for the current Wei Xiaobei.

As attention returns to the Attribute Panel, Wei Xiaobei finds that after the sensory attribute is raised to the 40 point. Perceptive Sense has also changed its ability to become an inductive pulse.

Inductive Pulse: This capability enables full Perceptive Sense for a radius of 500 meters or fanned Perceptive Sense for a radius of three kilometers.

As can be seen from the introduction of this inductive pulse, its ability covers the range of Perceptive Sense, expanding its range of effects by a radius of 500 meters, and searching within a radius of three kilometers in a fan-shaped state.

Wei Xiaobei then tested this ability.

After feeling various sounds, images and even hundreds of people’s movements, Wei Xiaobei came to a conclusion.

Within a radius of 500 meters. The same effect as Perceptive Sense, and in the range of 500 meters to 3,000 meters, this ability is like a pulse radar, forming a smaller arc, about a range of about ten degrees.

Wei Xiaobei can fix this fan in one direction. Perceptive Sense is performed within ten degrees of this direction, and the fan can be rotated at a certain speed. Thereby all situations within the range of three hundred and sixty degrees are obtained.

Simply put, the faster the fan rotates, the greater the consumption of the spirit, the slower the rotation, the smaller the consumption.

Even with Wei Xiaobei’s current strength, the top speed is 30 degrees per second, but at this speed, after more than ten laps, Wei Xiaobei’s spirit will be clean.

The most economical rotation speed is ten degrees per second, which assists some mentally-enhanced foods and can maintain a full day of consumption.

But there is also a flaw, it takes thirty-six seconds to turn around in a circle.

That is to say, during the rotation process, a considerable portion of the range that is not temporarily covered by the fan will have a time-lapse search vulnerability.

If the enemy is fast enough to reach 83 meters per second, then basically it can be rushed from the outside of the sensing range to Wei Xiaobei.

Not too fast, as long as the speed of the helicopter is about the same.

Of course, for Wei Xiaobei, it’s just a few minor flaws for it.

The ability to increase the search sensitivity range to the 3000 meter radius has been a significant improvement.

In fact, this is not the limit of this ability, Wei Xiaobei found that if you are willing to further reduce the fan shape, then the radius that can be explored will increase accordingly.

Of course, as a result, the inductive time difference vulnerability will also expand.

However, when it comes to buildings or slow moving enemies, this time difference is not enough.

The limit of this radius of exploration should be 10,000 meters.

Of course, in the process of repeatedly using this ability, the induction pulse will also slowly increase, but this lifting process is much slower than the transformation, and the electromagnetic field is too slow.

The inductive attribute enhances the arrived 40 point. The more important Intuition attribute, Wei Xiaobei, naturally cannot be pulled down.

concentrate! Intuition attribute promotion!

The same is the Evolution Points consumption at two points each time.

The branch attribute Intuition is much slower than the branch attribute of the inductive force.

From 22.1 to 40, Wei Xiaobei spent more than 20 minutes, even making Wei Xiaobei’s spirit a little tired.

It also consumes 3580Evolution Points, making the ability to advance to Intuition Early Warning a new capability.

Ghosts make a difference: Because the Intuition attribute reaches a certain height, the host is in danger and faces a major choice. It will be like a ghost and a god to help you see the fog of fate, knowing the direction of danger and making favorable choices in advance. This ability complements the Decisive ability, and its strength has a direct relationship with the Intuition attribute.


The power of ghosts is similar to Intuition Early Warning, but it can be seen from the introduction that this ability seems to have a little relationship with things like fate.

Because of this, in Wei Xiaobei’s ability, this ability is quite special.

However, this ability, Wei Xiaobei can not be tested.

After all, for Wei Xiaobei, it can be a dangerous thing, and it is really dangerous, and Wei Xiaobei is not likely to create a danger to test.

After pondering for a while, Wei Xiaobei gave up thinking about this issue for the time being.

After a lot of consumption, Evolution Points have been reduced from nearly 20,000 points to 8894 points.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei focused on the upper limit of the voltage of Release Electricity.

Since every three Evolution Points can raise the 1 volt limit, Wei Xiaobei consumes 1500Evolution Points and raises the voltage limit by arrived 2500 volts.

This ability, Wei Xiaobei has not been upgraded for a long time.

After raising to the upper limit of 2500 volts, Wei Xiaobei is able to discharge a current of up to 10,000 volts with variable voltage capability.


Wei Xiaobei had a heartbeat, and a circular arc was generated between the index finger and the middle finger of the left hand, and then Wei Xiaobei placed his left hand near the iron bed railing.


A louder discharge came, and the arc disappeared even as it entered the bed rail.

30 centimeters away.

Wei Xiaobei nodded and the results did not surprise himself.

After the voltage is raised to 10,000 volts, the current released by itself has greatly improved in breaking the air and hindering the formation of circuit paths.

According to the breaking air obstruction distance of one centimeter per kilovolt, the voltage of 10,000 volts can only be discharged within a distance of less than ten centimeters.

But in Wei Xiaobei’s hand, even in a room with low relative humidity, the discharge distance exceeded 30 centimeters.

If the air is relatively humid, this discharge distance may reach more than one meter.

Wei Xiaobei was a little excited at the moment, and some wanted to invest more Evolution Points into Release Electricity, but after a little thought, Wei Xiaobei suppressed the impulse. (To be continued~^~)

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