Chapter 399, narcissism, Special Ability Cuscuta Sinensis!

The third chapter is sent, which brother does not look for, squatting to collect the bowl of small workers, monthly 300 soft sister coin!


Well, Wei Xiaobei can forgive Zhang Jinhua’s ignorance. After all, she is also dedicated to her own home, but Wei Xiaobei feels that she must tell her salary level to Miss Zhang Jinhua. Otherwise, Miss Zhang Jinhua may say that she is giving up. If you sprinkle your own meal, come.

“I work at Illustrating Restaurant and I have a salary of 20,000 per month, so… sorry.”

Wei Xiaobei hopes that this number will make Zhang Jinhua shut up.

But Wei Xiaobei absolutely didn’t think that what he thought was completely out of line with Zhang Jinhua.

“Is there a salary of 20,000 per month? Great, my parents will agree.”

Zhang Jinhua then said, let Wei Xiaobei feel awkward, I have a salary of 20,000 a month, what do your parents agree?

However, Wei Xiaobei does not have to rack his brains to guess the meaning of Zhang Jinhua.

Because Zhang Jinhua said the answer: “I promised your proposal.”


After hearing this answer, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but spurt out the old blood. He even suspected his memory for a while. Did he say something that would make the other party misunderstand?

So that Zhang Jinhua misunderstood this point?

But after a careful search in my mind, Wei Xiaobei determined that she did not say anything that would cause Zhang Jinhua to misunderstand.

Then the only problem is in Zhang Jinhua himself.

Is she still immersed in the illusion of the past?

Well, anyway, Wei Xiaobei is not willing to continue with Zhang Jinhua who doesn’t know what to think in this head.

This is like a sentence: “Talk to the brain, you will be pulled by the other party to the same level, and eventually defeated by the other party in a skillful way.”

Wei Xiaobei is quite a bit like this now.

Zhang Jinhua’s thinking is completely incomparable.

So the only thing Wei Xiaobei can do is to leave.

Wei Xiaobei After deciding to leave Dust World, the body is transparent. There is no hesitation at all.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei closing his eyes, the body is transparent, and Zhang Jinhua is a bit stunned, reaching out and trying to touch it, and the result is worn directly from the air.

This is what she did not expect.

Want to run? no way!

I am Zhang Jinhua’s fancy man, it is impossible to escape!

People are like this, the more you can’t get, the more you want to get.

Zhang Jinhua Although the brain hole is different from ordinary people, there is nothing surprising about this.

…… ..

Wei Xiaobei slowly opened his eyes. The entrance to the building is the roof of the steel structure.

I am back.

Wei Xiaobei sighed, and the most recalled in her mind was not the battle with Thousand-eyed Monster, nor the hard work of digging the eyes, but Zhang Jinhua.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei feels that Zhang Jinhua is a bit like a curse.

Of course, perhaps this person is too wonderful, making Wei Xiaobei’s memory more profound.

After a while, Wei Xiaobei dropped the face appearance of Zhang Jinhua from his mind.

Having said that, Wei Xiaobei remembered one thing at this time.

I don’t seem to tell Zhang Jinhua how to leave Dust World?

Well, should this be a problem?

Even if you want to remedy it. Wei Xiaobei couldn’t enter Dust World again at this time, so I can only pray for Zhang Jinhua to be lucky.

Wei Xiaobei left the office. After greeting the person in charge of the project, he drove off the construction site.

What Wei Xiaobei absolutely didn’t think was that, without waiting for how long he drove away, a phone call was stried on his cell phone.

A slightly familiar phone number, Wei Xiaobei remembers Zhou Xingyuan playing, it should be a phone call on the construction site.

“Hey, I am Wei Xiaobei.” Wei Xiaobei’s voice was slightly low.

“Mr. Wei, it is me. Lao Zhang, this is the case. There is a woman in your office who says you know, but you don’t know your name.”

The project leader Lao Zhang’s words are somewhat weird.

I came out of a woman in my office and said that I knew me and didn’t know my name?

Wei Xiaobei feels a bit inexplicable, not a liar. I don’t know if I don’t know, but after a blink of an eye I want to argued one person: “Ask her if she is called Zhang Jinhua?”

Wei Xiaobei Although I asked Lao Zhang to ask, I felt that it was impossible.

That Zhang Jinhua’s position to enter Dust World is definitely not in the construction office, so if she finds a way to leave, then the position that appears in reality should be the location that left before. Instead of following yourself in the construction office!

But two minutes later, Lao Zhang called back: “She said she is called Zhang Jinhua. It is your fiancée.”

Lao Zhang is going to marry her mother at this time. What did you do with Wei Xiaobei’s fiancée running to the construction site? Is it the love of the office?

Well, anyway, I can imagine that Zhang Jinhua’s slightly arrogant attitude is enough to make Lao Zhang feel stingy.

Really Zhang Jinhua?

This unscientific!

Wei Xiaobei immediately stunned God.

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei’s time from childhood to big, I am afraid that there are not many today.

In a hurry to drive back, Wei Xiaobei looked at Zhang Jinhua from the construction guard room.

No way, if Wei Xiaobei doesn’t care, then Zhang Jinhua will be sent to the police station. In that case, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know what Zhang Jinhua will say in the police station.

In short, what Wei Xiaobei thinks is to bring Zhang Jinhua out and send it back, completely cutting off the trouble.

Of course, before this, Wei Xiaobei still wanted to find out why Zhang Jinhua could follow his own appearance at the construction site.

As Wei Xiaobei expected, when Zhang Jinhua saw the off-road vehicle, he could not help but exclaim.

Obviously, in the understanding of the car, Zhang Jinhua took Wei Xiaobei out of the street.

“This car remembers that the price of luxury equipment last month was 1.58 million?”

Zhang Jinhua accurately stated the actual value of the car.

While sitting in the co-pilot, Zhang Jinhua even puts a lot of care in the car, arrested, and the eyes are staring at Wei Xiaobei. Give Wei Xiaobei an illusion that you want to swallow yourself.

“Where is your home? I will send you back.”

Wei Xiaobei put on a pair of sunglasses to hide his facial expression.

“I’m going to see my parents so soon, isn’t it fun?”

Perhaps Zhang Jinhua’s brain nerves are indeed a bit more than others, and thus misunderstood Wei Xiaobei’s words, shyly twisted.

Well, Wei Xiaobei is most fortunate to wear a pair of sunglasses, and when the Muscle face is stunned, he successfully reminds himself that he can’t be impulsive. Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei really didn’t know if he would create a corpse murder in the car.

Wei Xiaobei The most wanted thing to say at this time is: “Miss, are you shameful?”

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that Zhang Jinhua’s worldview is totally different from his own. Perhaps his so-called shame is not shameful to the other side.

However, Zhang Jinhua also has a relatively normal time.

When Wei Xiaobei was about to drop Eruption from the car, Zhang Jinhua said his home address, although it was still a shy appearance, but Wei Xiaobei finally suppressed the fire, off-road The vehicle is as if it were a F1 racing car. In just ten minutes, it was sent to Zhang Family, eight kilometers away.

As Zhang Jinhua said, Zhang Family is indeed a restaurant. Zhang Family restaurant, but it is not too good to see business, otherwise, Zhang Jinhua will not think of using his lifelong happiness to recruit a son-in-law.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei can only express his gratitude and insensitivity.

After the car stopped, Wei Xiaobei called Zhang Jinhua.

Zhang Jinhua thought that Wei Xiaobei would like to kiss him, who would like to know. Wei Xiaobei’s eyes move towards her. Zhang Jinhua feels that Wei Xiaobei seems to see through himself, just as the inner world is exposed to the broad daylight, which makes Zhang Jinhua horrified, but fortunately, the next moment Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are recovered, Zhang Jinhua Frightened by this, I still want to kiss goodbye. Even after rolling down the car, it seems that there is a mad dog chasing after it, and a smoky drill into the restaurant no longer dares to appear.

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei has placed an Investigating Attribute on Zhang Jinhua.

But then again, this Zhang Jinhua was able to detect the Investigating Attribute’s deep sneak into his soul. It is to make Wei Xiaobei somewhat awkward.

Be aware that this Investigating Attribute is likely to be discovered when it is released. But that’s basically the powerful Monster, or a human with some special innate talent like Zhu Xinyi.

And Zhang Jinhua’s performance is undoubtedly awkward.

Anyway, I was able to scare away Zhang Jinhua, and Wei Xiaobei also felt very good.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also worried that Zhang Jinhua would once again wrap himself after returning to God. He quickly slammed the throttle and left without driving.

On the way back to Dojo, Wei Xiaobei relaxed and began to look at the Jinhua’s attribute table.

Name: Zhang Jinhua

Race: human

Gender: Female

Age: 28 years old

Creature Rank :1 Star Elite

Attribute :

Strength :5(Muscle 6,Physical Strength 4)

Agility : 6 (Hand-eye Coordination 7, Flexibility 6, Reflex 5, balance 6)

Vitality: 9 (healthy 6, endurance 12)

Intelligence :10(Learning 7,Reasoning 13)

Awareness : 11 (Willpower 6 (-2), Common Sense Judgement 10, Perception 11 (+7), Intuition 12)

Charm: 11.6 (Courage 9, persuasion 8 (+10), Character Attraction 5 (+7), leadership 4, Attractive Appearance 4)

Skills: Beginner, Beginner, Near Perfection

Special skills: narcissistic Cuscuta Sinensis.

Evolution Points : X (cannot accumulate Evolution Points )

Items on hand : None.


Well, when Wei Xiaobei read Zhang Jinhua’s attribute table, his face was extremely rich.

This attribute table is really beyond Wei Xiaobei’s expectations. (To be continued~^~)

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