Chapter 396, Immortal Grade (monthly ticket)

The third chapter is sent! Today, I was tortured by the Lord. This poor Daoist also went to lie down.

Fortunately, although Wei Xiaobei ignored her “extraordinary beauty”, but Zhang Jinhua is not a fool, the things that fall in the pocket are their own things, holding the barbecue and squatting, but the eyes are dead. Staring here.

To be honest, Zhang Jinhua feels that he is the protagonist of any novel today, and of course the protagonist of the abuse of the main text.

Originally at home with a handsome guy who just hooked up, who thought that he had just connected the video, called a husband, the other immediately turned off the video, and he was so angry that he would drop the microphone.

The result is such a fall, and I will come to the world of Terror in the next moment.

There are white ash everywhere, and the black beetle of Terror is drilled under the white ash.

Finally came to the shore of the lake, and even encountered the arrival of his own white horse Prince, from then on a happy life, luxury, servants, top world luxury.

But all this finally disappeared.

Why did it disappear, Zhang Jinhua still didn’t want to understand.

This man seems to have some potential in front of him. It seems that he has mastered the abilities. What should he be able to become a sturdy man in the future?

However, I have to observe that this girl can not be easily hooked.

Zhang Jinhua feels that this man should look at his beauty and wisdom. Otherwise, why does he only give himself a barbecue?

Isn’t this just trying to get your attention? What’s more, before this man’s fascinating eyes stood in the water staring at himself, if it wasn’t for the girl’s righteous words, he yelled at him, maybe he would be violent, and would me…

Shame is dead.

Wei Xiaobei, who was busy experimenting with the dishes, did not notice that Zhang Jinhua’s attention had been transferred from the disappearing White Horse to the owner himself, and he was also pleased to think that Wei Xiaobei was drooling about her.

Ok. If Wei Xiaobei knows what Zhang Jinhua thinks in his mind, I am afraid that the first thing is to hide far away, and dare not come closer.

Like this narcissistic “top beauty”, he can’t afford it.

A piece of Finest Quality Wild Boar cut into small Ding, a Thousand-eyed Monster tentacle cut into small Ding, a few reed tender ribs cut into small Ding, a Land Temple pickles radish, plus salt, first stir fry with lard. Then put the spirit rice, water, and tanning together.

This time, it takes a lot more time to make the porridge than the previous reed pickle.

A glance at Zhang Jinhua, perhaps hungry, or perhaps the barbecue is really delicious, Zhang Jinhua is full of oil at this time, but the attention is not placed on Wei Xiaobei.

Today’s Wei Xiaobei is much stronger than before, but it seems to be much more tolerant.

In the past, if I met people in Dust World, the first thought was if the other party leaked the secrets of Dust World or their secrets.

It is best to kill people and eliminate all the troubles.

And now Wei Xiaobei sees the level of the problem a lot higher.

a girl. Even if you take things out, I am afraid that the first Reflex of others will send them directly to the neurological hospital, and those who are willing to believe this rhetoric. I am afraid that there will be no more than two in one hundred.

Besides, what if someone believes?

What if I stare at myself?

Are you still afraid of this?

The strength of the team makes Wei Xiaobei full of confidence.

The reeds next to the Dust World green lake are much better than the real reeds, and the fire is burning.

It didn’t take long for the water to open.

Wei Xiaobei will stir it with a spatula every other time to prevent the rice porridge under the iron pan from being burnt and stick to the paste.

About ten minutes later, Wei Xiaobei cut the cleaned half Evil Thought mermaid into diced meat and added it.

Half an hour later, the scent in the pot began to drift away with the steam. It takes up to two minutes to get the pot up.

Just then, Wei Xiaobei suddenly thought about it, and remembered that there was a bowl of Fortune Virtue Tea in his storage bag.

That stuff can boost 30% within a week, and after a week, Fuyuan will permanently increase 1%, and All Evils will be opened within three days, Myriad Laws Immunity!

This blessing is a good luck!

It seems to be almost luck to make your own dishes.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t hesitate to think of it, this good thing is not needed. Just letting go, it is not a good thing.

Take the bowl of Fortune Virtue Tea out of the storage bag, and Wei Xiaobei doesn’t care about the hot, and drank it clean.

With this bowl of Fortune Virtue Tea, Wei Xiaobei feels warm and warm. The whole body is very comfortable, just like a sauna that has just been washed out.

Just when Wei Xiaobei wants to start the pot. Suddenly, a clear comprehension rose, and I slap my head, the most important ingredients, I actually forgot.

Red Bi meat!

This stuff was actually forgotten in the storage bag.

Wei Xiaobei will then take the Red Bi meat out of the storage bag.

This Red Bi meat, Wei Xiaobei, has been treated before, and all of them are made into meat sauce. At this time, throw it into the pot and stir it back and forth with a spatula, so that it is scattered into the porridge.

As the Red Bi meat was scattered into the porridge, the original scent suddenly disappeared.

I smelled it carefully, and there was no smell in the steam. It was clean.

But not long after, don’t say the aroma, even the steam is no longer emitted.

Wei Xiaobei’s heart was excited, and immediately followed by the fire under the pot, an Investigating Attribute fell into the wok.

Name: Red Bi Concentrate (Immortal Grade)

Introduction: This is made from Red Bi meat, Thousand-eyed Monster tentacle, spirit rice, half Evil Thought mermaid, Land Temple pickled radish, Finest Quality Wild Boar barbecue, reed tenderness and so on. .

Effect 1: Aroma, taste increased 1% Hundred Twenty.

Effect 2: Complete recovery of stamina, spirit.

Effect three: Take this thing, temporarily increase the full attribute 3 point.

Effect 4: Taking this item will permanently improve the Flame ability.

Effect 5: Taking this item will permanently increase the Flexibility 4 point, Reflex 2 point.

Effect 6: Take this item and temporarily release the illusion attack ability.

Effect 7: Take this item and temporarily release an Advanced acceleration.

Effect 8: This object can be divided into twenty doses.


Undoubtedly, from the attribute table of this Red Bi porridge, it comprehensively surpassed Wei Xiaotal’s Immortal Grade made in Land Temple. And its edible component is 20 parts.

Not to mention its ability to improve the attribute, Flame ability, just after each take, can temporarily release a illusion attack ability, Advanced acceleration ability is very strong.

This illusion attack ability is the door-keeping ability of Thousand-eyed Monster, and the acceleration of Advanced should be the ability of Red Bi. Although each copy can only be released once, Wei Xiaobei takes it and temporarily enhances the combat power. It’s almost impossible to imagine.

Wei Xiaobei originally planned to send the Red Bi porridge to Ge Datian. Now it seems that it is reserved as a trump card. If it is not needed in the future, it is not too late to give Ge Datian.

“Can this give me something?”

At the time of Wei Xiaobei to be wild with joy, Zhang Jinhua’s voice rang.

It turned out that Zhang Jinhua had already eaten two pieces of barbecue. It was not a very comfortable feeling to eat meat and drink mineral water. Therefore, Wei Xiaobei had just cooked a pot of porridge, although there was no fragrance. But it is much better than the cold mineral water.

Give you something?

Wei Xiaobei was in a good mood at this time, and did not ridicule Zhang Jinhua, pressing his right hand. Bring Red Bi porridge into the storage bag.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei, Zhang Jinhua curl one’s lip: “Small!”

Wei Xiaobei suddenly got a little dizzy, what a joke, if this thing is to get the reality to sell, just because of the added attribute, at least 10 million can be sold.

In addition, you can release an illusion attack, even if the president has to smash!

What is the value of this?

If this stuff. Wei Xiaobei can be taken out in a generous manner, I am afraid he should at least be the strength of 4-Star Terror.


With Immortal Grade in hand, Wei Xiaobei was in a good mood and not so mean, and immediately put a pot of water and fired again.

In addition to the Red Bi meat, the rest of the ingredients were added one by one.

Wait until the steam is hot and the fragrance is overflowing. Wei Xiaobei gave Zhang Jinhua a bowl.

This time, naturally it is not Immortal Grade, but the tentacle pickled porridge, Treasure Grade forget it, because it did not join Minor Youth Spring Water, it is a little worse to increase the attribute. There is no increase in life, but the rest are similar.

Wei Xiaobei found. With the tentacles of this Thousand-eyed Monster, it’s not difficult to make Treasure Grade, so it’s also a bit more generous.

Besides, Wei Xiaobei also held the purpose of letting Zhang Jinhua test the drug.

In any case, this Treasure Grade porridge doesn’t have much negative effects, at least in this respect than the porridge made with Yin Fire.

Also able to improve stamina, spirit, ability to temporarily feel, persuasion, Character Attraction, how to say, is also Zhang Jinhua earned, even if there is such a small side effect, it is worth it.

Zhang Jinhua has no doubt that Wei Xiaobei suddenly became generous.

Zhang Jinhua thinks this way: This brat is doing bad porridge, I am embarrassed to give it to myself, and I will make another pot. It is obvious that I am absolutely in love with myself. What can I do? Still observe and observe, your lifelong happiness can not be handed over like this.

In short, Zhang Jinhua drank porridge and watched Wei Xiaobei continue to be busy there, and his heart was tweaked. If there were not so many scars on the brat face, it would be fine.

After that, Wei Xiaobei made a few pots of porridge, but they were all Treasure Grade.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei can understand it, even if there is the bottom of the effect of Fortune Virtue Tea, the probability that Immortal Grade can be made, I am afraid it will only increase by a few percent.

Looking at the space in the storage bag, it seems that there is not much space. Wei Xiaobei also cleans the iron pot and collects it in the storage bag. After that, he takes out a bowl of Treasure Grade-grade porridge and drinks it to restore stamina and spirit. Stay in Dust World for a while. (To be continued~^~)

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