The 394 chapter is more accustomed to it. It is not necessarily the White Horse Prince who is stepping on the water. (The chapter name is so long, it must be very handsome!)

The first chapter was sent. Today, the hostess has been complaining that the computer desk is very uncomfortable. This poor Daoist had to cancel the meditation state, went to the green lake village under the mountain and finally bought an expensive computer desk. (One leg is a little bit ruined), watching the Lord’s heart and joy, directly ignore this poor Daoist handed down the white note, specially approved this poor Daoist to help wipe the table, to pick up debris. This poor Daoist is really thanking Lord Ron…………. owe, how is this gray so heavy!


To be honest, Thousand-eyed Monster’s injury to Wei Xiaobei during his lifetime was probably not as great as the damage caused by the bursting of his eyes.

Ten eyes were continually swayed, and several explosions were made, and Wei Xiaobei was blown up with flesh and blood.

If Wei Xiaobei doesn’t use his left hand to block his eyes every time, I am afraid that the eyes will be hurt.

Although Wei Xiaobei’s powerful limb rejuvenation ability can restore the eyeball after a period of time, it is a delay.

If it is not Wei Xiaobei’s Willpower is strong enough, if you switch to another person, after the eyeballs burst into flames, I am afraid there is no confidence to continue digging.

Extremely explosive!

These eyes are like a mine buried in the body of Thousand-eyed Monster. The action is slightly larger, and the eyes will explode. There is no possibility of being spared.

To be honest, with Wei Xiaobei’s current Hand-eye Coordination, and even Flexibility, even if a mine that has been stepped on is placed in front of it, it can be quickly removed and will not explode.

But the eyes of this Thousand-eyed Monster after death should not be called mines, but should be called cold water drops that fall into hot oil!

There is no chance of an explosion, but it will definitely explode.

Your sister!

After the eleventh eyeball exploded, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but burst into a foul language.

Although there are at least 10,000 remaining eyeballs on the body of this Thousand-eyed Monster, this trend can be followed. Don’t say 10,000, even if it is 100,000, a million, it will eventually become a slap and then disappear.

After thinking for a while, Wei Xiaobei put down the dagger and stood on the body of Thousand-eyed Monster and stood up.

With this start-up, the speed of the breath in the Meridians in Wei Xiaobei began to slow down. In the end, the breath is almost stagnant.

After a long time, Wei Xiaobei gently spit out a suffocating gas, and regained the dagger, and carefully gathered it in front of an eyeball.


No accidents occurred and the eyeball exploded again.

Wei Xiaobei wiped away the flesh and body fluids of his face, without any sigh of relief, changed his eyes and continued to dig.

Bang! Bang! 嘭嘭嘭bang! …………

One by one explosion. Wei Xiaobei At this time, it was like a child in the New Year’s season. I was eager to ignite a firecracker and listen to the sound of the explosion.

An hour has passed. Wei Xiaobei didn’t know how many eyeballs he had dug, not a thousand, at least 800.


Just as Wei Xiaobei habitually inserted a dagger around an eyeball, his heart inexplicably gave birth to a trace of insight, and then he came to understand.

This eye should have a play!

And then, what Wei Xiaobei couldn’t believe is that this eyeball really didn’t explode after the daggers were swiped. It was easily taken out, leaving only a vulgar hole.

Finally succeeded!

The whole process is like a dream, so Wei Xiaobei has some disbelief in his eyes.

But in the end, the eyes in the palm of the hand made Wei Xiaobei understand, and he really succeeded.

As he was removed from the corpse, the yellow eyeball began to shrink and some changes occurred.

The eyeball, which was originally soft and tender, began to harden by the wind, and crystallized from appearance a little. Eventually it became an eye-shaped cat’s eye spar, but the size is only half the size of peanuts, which is extremely small and cute.

The so-called opal stone is a gemstone with the same effect as a cat’s eye.

And this cat’s eye spar is like this.

While Wei Xiaobei sighed in relief, an Investigating Attribute was placed on the yellow cat’s eye.

Name: Eye of ** (Finest Quality)

Introduction: This object is formed after the eyes of the Thousand-eyed Monster are removed. Naturally, it can smother the ** in the heart of Life Form to create a slight illusion and wear it. Equivalent to the Enhanced Host Character Attraction attribute, which can be used alone or in the Heart Nucleus of Thousand-eyed Monster to enhance the Heart Nucleus illusion.

Effect 1: A slight illusion, equivalent to enhancing the host Character Attraction attribute 0.5 point, this effect can be superimposed.

Effect 2: Incorporate the Heart Nucleus of Thousand-eyed Monster to enhance the illusion of Heart Nucleus **.


When Wei Xiaobei saw the attribute effect of this eye, he couldn’t help but feel a bit stunned.

This is too abnormal, right?

Wearing this is equivalent to enhancing the Host Character Attraction attribute 0.5 point.

Although the Character Attraction attribute enhanced by a single eye is only 0.5 points, it looks very small.

But the key issue is the introduction later, this effect can be superimposed!

That is to say, if you put ten eyes into a necklace and wear it on your body, then the Character Attraction attribute added to yourself will have 5 points!

If you wear twenty eyes, then the added Character Attraction attribute will have 10 points!

Your sister! That is simply a dumping of the country.

The Attractive Appearance branch attribute under the charm focused attribute is actually the person’s face value. The more beautiful the face is, the better the shape, the higher the branch attribute. Conversely, the lower the branch attribute, the ugly the face. The worse the shape.

Character Attraction should probably be equivalent to temperament.

Some girls or men, if they look at their faces, are really ugly, but because of their higher Character Attraction attribute, you will feel that he is very temperament, even if the face value is low, it can attract a lot. look.

The same effect as Courage, leadership, and persuasion, such as the president of some large organizations, is very ugly. However, due to its higher Courage, leadership, and persuasion, it shows a unique charm.

That is to say, a person with a very low charm of the character, as long as he carries more eyes, can raise his character Attraction to a very high degree, thus raising the charm of the attribute.

Wei Xiaobei gaze on the body of Thousand-eyed Monster, after a constant explosion. The number of remaining eyes is still more than nine thousand.

Needless to say, you only need to be able to dig out a thousand eyes, then you can increase the Character Attraction beyond 500!

This will be a terrifying scene.

Wei Xiaobei walked down the street, countless men, women like flies, bees around Wei Xiaobei, asked Wei Xiaobei’s cell phone number, home address and even age, height and so on.

Ok, actually. Wei Xiaobei suspects that if a certain charm branch attribute is too high, it may have catastrophic consequences.

But anyway. All of the above should be fantasy.

Do not say anything else, it is the difficulty of excavating this eye, it is enough to make people vomit blood.

Not to mention the more difficult problem of being able to carry 1000 eyes.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei throws these things out of his mind and continues to dig his eyes. People are still better at down-to-earth, and too many illusions are encountered after the cruel reality. It will make people feel uncomfortable with a despair.

Time passes by.

After blasting nearly a thousand eyes, Wei Xiaobei’s curved waist straightened and the spine continued to make a sound of pā pā pā.

Even with Wei Xiaobei’s incomparable Vitality, after a long stretch of work, the spine was somewhat unbearable, and there was some soreness.

After a while, the spine was a little comfortable, and Wei Xiaobei only stretched out. I spit out the turbidity.

From the time I entered Dust World, it should have been more than five hours.

There is not much time left.

Turning over the storage bag, Wei Xiaobei pulled out a few pieces of barbecue from the storage bag that would complement Stamina and extend Dust World time.

There is still a total number of barbecues in the storage bag, but there are so many barbecues that can extend Dust World time.

obviously. Just relying on the extended time of this barbecue, I want to dispose of the body of this Thousand-eyed Monster. It is impossible.

Wei Xiaobei frowned head, it seems a little embarrassing, the body of Thousand-eyed Monster is too large, the storage bag can not be installed at all, otherwise Wei Xiaobei can put the body of Thousand-eyed Monster into the storage bag Go, don’t worry about more things at all.

No matter what, try this Thousand-eyed Monster tentacle and try to make dishes that extend Dust World time.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei picked up some of the end tentacles from the water and inserted the huge spear into the body part of the Thousand-eyed Monster that had no eyes, letting the king spear start to extract the remaining strength, and dragging the dozens At the end of the roots, the tentacles, stepping on the lake, move towards the shore.

Stepping on the waves!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei, who is advancing rapidly on the lake, is quite refreshing. It is not difficult to run on the lake when the speed is fast enough, and even when the power is properly used.

The only trouble is that Wei Xiaobei runs on the lake and the water floods into the calf.

This is also a helpless thing.

Stepping on the water, Wei Xiaobei quickly approached the lake.


That is?

Wei Xiaobei looks like a candle, and at a glance, he looks at a woman who is sitting on the lake.

Remember this woman is called Zhang Jinhua, how is it still?

The lake surface was uploaded to quickly slam the sound of the water, and Zhang Jinhua, who was worried, was awakened from meditation and fantasy.

Her face with a trace of surprise moves towards the lake.

Undoubtedly, after the Thousand-eyed Monster was killed, Zhang Jinhua had to withdraw from the illusion, which made her extremely lost. How did the White Horse Prince, the mansion, the hordes of servants, all kinds of world-class luxury brands, with 11 zero bank cards are gone?

Heaven, kill me!

At that moment, Zhang Jinhua was completely unable to accept the conflict between this illusion and reality, and really had a dead heart.

Therefore, Zhang Jinhua will be sitting on the shore of the lake in a silly manner.

After hearing the sound of stepping on the water, Zhang Jinhua thought it was his own white horse Prince.

The result was a fixed look, a stupid brat standing in the water at this time, his face still showing a smirk of his own mouth. (To be continued~^~)

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