Chapter 386, thunder sound! (seeking a monthly pass)

The second chapter is sent! This poor Daoist can weaken the recommendation ticket?


On the way back to the outdoor Martial Field, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t wait to check out his Attribute Panel.

Sure enough, the Flame resistance in Special Ability has been promoted from the basic to the Elementary level, while the desertification (basic) has not changed at all. I think that this Red Bi blood is not symptomatic for the Special Ability of desertification.

Elementary level: The host can passively resist high-temperature below 500 degrees Celsius and even direct smash of Flame, weakening half of damage, and weakening one-third damage to high-temperature or Flame above 500 degrees Celsius. The ability to promote the need to take a bath higher Creature Rank related to the blood of Monster.

There is no doubt that Flame resists this Special Ability and is different from other Special Ability. It is just a promotion from the basic to the Elementary level. The passive resistance is high, and the high-temperature is directly increased by 500 degrees Celsius from two hundred degrees Celsius.

Of course, the effect of resistance is still to reduce half of the damage, and to the high-temperature Flame above five hundred degrees Celsius, weaken one-third of the damage.

This is already very good.

Wei Xiaobei tested it with a gas stove while passing through the kitchen. Natural gas flames with an outer flame of up to 2000 degrees Celsius were not desirable to burn the arm. Even if one third of the damage was weakened, no effect would be seen.

Therefore Wei Xiaobei’s arm is placed two feet above the natural gas Flame, where the temperature drops rapidly to less than three Baidu, the arm is placed there, the arm skin can feel the biting fire, but obviously the damage is weakened a lot. After the skin was baked for a while, it began to slowly whitish.

From this point of view. In practice, the ability of this Flame resistance is more powerful than the attribute description.

Very good, Wei Xiaobei is contented on the lounge chair.

The benefits that I have gained are not just the improvement of Flame’s resistance to this Special Ability. Wei Xiaobei finds that the breath in his meridians has also changed somewhat due to the previous changes, with a trace of silk.

Just this change, Wei Xiaobei can detect that his body temperature is higher than the normal human body temperature, specifically, Wei Xiaobei did not measure with a thermometer, but still can get the answer through Precision Calculation.

The temperature under the tongue should be 40 degrees.

Ok. This is already a symptom of severe high fever. It should be known that a normal human sublingual temperature should be between 36.3 and 37.2.

The temperature of the skin surface is lower due to contact with air, but it is also above 38.

In other words, anyone who comes into contact with Wei Xiaobei’s body will think he is ill.

But Wei Xiaobei knows that his body has never been so good. When the breath of the silk is spread in his meridians, Wei Xiaobei can feel his breath being slightly quenched by Flame, its inner strength. The impurities contained in the quenching gradually disappear.

There is no doubt that this is a good thing for Wei Xiaobei.

Next. Wei Xiaobei carefully pulled out the feathers on the body of Red Bi.

The feathers of this Red Bi are completely different from other birds. Just touching, Wei Xiaobei’s fingers are burned.

Some feathers are too soft to use. Wei Xiaobei also closed up, this thing is good, Wei Xiaobei is going to use this soft feather to make a small stove, whether in Dust World or reality, you can use the heat of feathers to cook.

There were not many hard-nosed scorpions, only seventeen, and the rest were destroyed by Wei Xiaobei’s sword. Can only be mixed with soft feathers to make a small stove.

Wei Xiaobei Of course, the Red Bi corpse was originally destroyed by the gas sword. After the feathers, it was like a rotten meat.

Wei Xiaobei frowned head, I thought I could only make meat porridge with meat, but I couldn’t help but steam it.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei got up early in the morning, and the sun had not risen. I drove to the Crested Mountain in the west of move towards Green Lake City.

This Green Lake City has two natural landscapes, one of which is Green Lake City’s famous green lake. The water quality is clear and the lake is full of light and waves. It is the first place for urban residents to relax.

This Fengtou Mountain is the second largest landscape. Located on the western outskirts of Green Lake City, it is one of the four famous mountains in Sichuan Province, extending from Fengshan to the end of Green Lake City. Because its main peak is like a crested head, it gets its name.

If the green lake is the best place to go in the early spring, then this is a good place for the citizens to play in the golden autumn season.

There are three main peaks in Fengtou Mountain. Whether it is the main peak or the side peak, it is covered with tall and straight ginkgo trees. When the golden autumn season, countless golden leaves fall, and the three peaks are decorated with golden yellow. Like three golden mountains, a small river named Zima River turns back and forth halfway around the foot of Sanshan Mountain. It is finally poured into the green lake. It is a golden ready-to-wear, a jade belt around the waist, and it is extremely rich and luxurious. The unobtrusive visual impact comes to the fore.

To be honest, that feeling is hard to describe in words.

The car was parked at the open-air parking lot at the foot of the mountain, and Wei Xiaobei ran along the mountain road paved with bluestone to the main peak of the mountain top.

It was indeed a little early for Wei Xiaobei to come out. Arrived here is a little over five points. Even the oldest old man did not appear on the mountain.

At this time, although the golden color of the mountains in the golden autumn season has not been seen, but the breeze has passed, the golden leaves that are faintly falling still make people feel relaxed and happy, and indulge in this rare beauty without knowing it.

The main peak of Fengtou Mountain is 818.712 meters, and the height from the foot of the mountain to the mountain top is about 370 meters.

Within the Green Lake City all around the county, this Fengtou Mountain is also considered to be a unique mountain.

Of course, if the scope is widened, the Crested Mountain naturally cannot be numbered.

On the mountain top, in front of Wei Xiaobei is a row of wooden corridors, and at the end of the corridor is a magnificent pavilion platform hanging from the cliffs, engraved with beautiful images of Phoenix and the story of Phoenix.

This magnificent pavilion platform was built in the Tang Dynasty before the Green Lake Prefectural Governor, a local wealthy businessman named Phoenix.

Standing on the Phoenix stage, you can see the side peaks from the left and right, and you can see the river down and the scenery is limitless.

The great poet Qinglian layman of the Tang Dynasty traveled to this place, and gathered with friends on the Phoenix stage to drink poetry, leaving the eternal singer “Dengfengtou Phoenix Station”.

Dengfengtou Phoenix Station

Phoenix on the Phoenix tour, the phoenix to the Taiwan Air River.

Wu Gong Huacao buried the path, the Jin Dynasty clothing crown into the ancient hill.

The three mountains are half-green, and the two waters are divided into Egret Island.

There are always clouds that can cover the sun, and Chang’an does not see people.

Wei Xiaobei has learned this poem. It is said that this poem tells the story of the great poet’s unsatisfactory. In Wei Xiaobei’s opinion, this poem is a bit, but more is heroic.

Looking down at the Phoenix station, Wei Xiaobei didn’t come to Phoenix’s Taiwanese poetry, and turned to move towards the square on the left.

In fact, three years ago, the open space on the left was still a green meadow, but now, in order to provide the citizens with the venue for morning exercise, the open space is hardened, paved with cement, and turned from green to gray. On the contrary, letting this beautiful mountain top seem like a scar.

Of course, this is the responsibility of the garden management department and has nothing to do with Wei Xiaobei.

Looked at the sky, a white light like a smog on the horizon, the air is fresh and incomparable.

Wei Xiaobei deep took a deep breath, came to the open space to stand, the figure slightly sinking down, the cement floor under the foot faintly issued a slight crush sound, posing a Tiger-Panther Thunderclap pile starter.

The eyes closed slightly, the breath in Dantian slowly began to follow the meridians, accelerating, flowing through the internal organs, and the Wei Xiaobei’s figure began to move slowly, sometimes as the Tiger went down, sometimes as a leopard on the tree. The figure is constantly changing, and the internal organs of the body are slowly swaying under the scour of breath, and the slight tingling sensation comes along.

Wei Xiaobei knows that this is a minor injury caused by the internal organs of the Meridians, and this injury will make the internal organs re-healing and become more powerful.

This is one of the important ways to perform tempering above the Transforming Vigor.

Of course, like other exercises, this Tiger-Panther Thunderclap pile also takes time.

Ordinary people can only practice this exercise once a week, otherwise the damaged internal organs will not recover easily, but it will cause guilt.

After the small accomplishment, practice every three days, and if you want to practice once a day, you need to get the grand accomplishment stage.

For most of the Transforming Vigor experts, I would like to know that it takes more than fifteen years to practice this Tiger-Panther Thunderclap pile to the grand accomplishment realm.

While Wei Xiaobei is practicing this Tiger-Panther Thunderclap pile, it is a big bargain, and its recovery ability is extremely strong. Normal humans need to stop at most for half an hour, otherwise the internal organs are easily damaged.

Wei Xiaobei can be resilience, if there is nothing, practice for more than four hours each time, and this time can be said to be persevering every day.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei practiced for one month, just the same as other people’s practice time of four or five years, coupled with the original strong resilience, so that the degree of enhancement of the organs when recovering is not comparable to ordinary people.

In fact, during this time of practice, Wei Xiaobei has noticed that his Tiger-Panther Thunderclap pile is about to break through small accomplishment and enter the grand accomplishment stage.

Time and by bit, Wei Xiaobei figure is changing faster and faster, like a tiger leopard, and almost all of the rear is almost invisible.

This Tiger-Panther Thunderclap pile was originally part of the internal strength. From slow to fast, it refers to the Tiger-Panther Thunderclap pile before the grand accomplishment. It speeds up a little bit to accelerate the breath and strengthen the internal organs. From fast to slow, it means after the grand accomplishment, from fast to slow, the speed is put to the extreme, and the breath is used on the tempering viscera. (To be continued~^~)

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