Chapter 384, slightly a little girl

The third chapter is sent!

But they pulled the guns at a much slower speed than the Wei Xiaobei take action. At the moment Wei Xiaobei just rushed in, a few stones flew out of their hands, and in a blink of an eye they broke the four-person arm. The pistol had to fall to the ground.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei had already reached the bed and easily stunned the four.

The iron gate to the basement was an electronic lock. Wei Xiaobei couldn’t unlock the password for a while, but the intelligence of the ordinary people quickly let Wei Xiaobei find the arrived solution.

As soon as the right hand lifts, the iron gate is silently and into the storage bag.

This is the benefit of the storage bag, as long as there is no life, and there is enough space in the storage bag, then it can be included in the storage bag.

I have to say that the reserve item, such as the storage bag, is indeed a good means of stealing the vault.

Following the passage, the three officers were standing in front of the cage in an attempt to let Stephen and others tell their own experiences.

There is no doubt that Stephen and others have been silent since returning, and soon attracted the attention of the Military Intelligence Bureau.

If this is not the case, Stephen and others will not be held so quickly.

Before leaving Dust World, Wei Xiaobei let the soldiers go back and remain silent.

But this is not Wei Xiaobei’s negligence. You know, people like the Military Intelligence Bureau are not afraid of opening your mouth.

As soon as you open your mouth to respond to their questions, you will soon be able to find out what they want to know.

As long as you say the first sentence, then you are finished, even if you are silent behind, then the confession will let you spit out the truth.

Therefore, the best way is to keep opening, but it can be delayed for quite some time.

At least these Military Intelligence Bureau personnel will think that you may be intimidated by the greater trauma.

“Gentlemen. Things should come to an end.”

Suddenly, the Military Intelligence Bureau staff found that Stephen and others had a pleasant look on their faces. They wanted to ask something, but they heard a voice coming from behind them. The next moment, they only felt a pain in the back neck. Coma came over.

In order to prevent the sound from being heard, and in order to mislead these Military Intelligence Bureau personnel, Wei Xiaobei speaks a language with a little French flavor. This is easy to hear.

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei’s sentence has brought him a lot of benefits afterwards.

As a result, the Military Intelligence Bureau will focus on the European countries. It is not known whether the suspects will be placed in the Eagle Kingdom or France.

From Wei Xiaobei, three Military Intelligence Bureau personnel were stunned, and when they opened the door, Stephen and others did not speak and made a squeaking gesture to Wei Xiaobei.

After leaving the cell, Stephen pressed a small box on the table and spit out a long breath, but still did not speak. Until leaving the row, Stephen only said the reason.

The small box is a simple recording device used by the Military Intelligence Bureau to record sounds, and Stephen doesn’t know if there are more recording devices or monitors in the basement.

To know. The guys in the Military Intelligence Bureau are all good players in this area. They will play the recorded words over and over again, and finally find out the flaws in your words!

After the rescue of Stephen and others, Wei Xiaobei did not have more nonsense, and said his arrangements.

After all, in this kind of thing, one person is short-sighted, Wei Xiaobei also hopes that the soldiers will express their opinions, after all, how to escape from the problem here. They are more familiar with the environment than they are.

Wei Xiaobei’s arrangement is to go to a fishing boat. Everyone goes to Australia by fishing boat and then finds a way to go to China. Wei Xiaobei stays in the Hawaiian Islands for a little damage and attracts the attention of the military.

After all, fishing boats are too common in the Pacific Ocean, and it is easy to be ignored. Of course, if you are not lucky, you will be intercepted if you have not run out of the Hawaiian Islands. Then the result is hard to say.

After listening to Wei Xiaobei’s arrangement, the soldiers basically had no opinion. Instead, Stephen added something after nodding.

The idea is to drive out the patrol boat on the G island and transfer to the fishing boat in the open sea to escape. At that time, Wei Xiaobei will drive the patrol boat to the USA. After that, the patrol boat is set to the no-cruise mode move towards one direction. After that, Wei Xiaobei is doing a little damage or what can be done.

As a result, the attention of the Sam Navy will be concentrated in the direction of the patrol boat, giving everyone the opportunity to escape.

Since the matter was decided in this way, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate. Anyway, the people on the island are now stunned by themselves, and it is convenient to do anything.

Stephen and others then went out to drive the patrol boat out of Hawaii, waiting for an uninhabited island near the open sea, and Wei Xiaobei returned to the speedboat and drove back in speedboat.

After the speedboat was returned, Wei Xiaobei disguised himself and went straight to the dock.

After arrived dock, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but frowned his head, and the situation was somewhat different from what he had imagined.

It is brightly lit here, as for people, it is everywhere.

It is not difficult to steal a fishing boat in such an environment.

Fortunately, after a few laps in Wei Xiaobei, a 500-ton fishing boat was just docked. After the sale was sold, the people on board left.

Wei Xiaobei sneaked into the sea, dive to the other side of the fishing boat, climbed up and entered the helmsman’s room.

Fortunately, although this fishing boat is somewhat old, it is quite convenient to start up. Wei Xiaobei is not easy to drive the fishing boat with his driving skills, and he is brave enough to drive it out.

There are a lot of thrills in this process. Wei Xiaobei is the second time to sail, the first time to open a fishing boat, which is completely different from the feeling of a speedboat. One can be regarded as a truck, and the speedboat can only be regarded as a motorcycle.

In any case, because the driving skills have reached the realm of Reach the Higher Level, although it is very unfamiliar, Wei Xiaobei still bumps the fishing boat out of the sea.

After leaving a phone number and some money for Stephen and others, Wei Xiaobei drove a patrol boat around the Hawaiian Islands and set a large circle to set the unmanned cruise mode. Wei Xiaobei jumped off the boat and watched the patrol boat move towards USA. The direction is only a certain distance before returning.

Wei Xiaobei went back to the hotel, turned on the TV, watched TV, and played cell phone. During the period, she refused a lot of beautiful women who came to the door to do special services. Until the next day, it was near noon, Wei Xiaobei was very good. The hotel, once again rented a speedboat, and by the way, recruited two beautiful tanned women to play together.

As Wei Xiaobei had guessed, not long after going out to sea, a patrol speedboat drove over and signaled Wei Xiaobei to check.

“Hello, is there anything?” Wei Xiaobei held a beautiful woman with a pair of flowers and flowers, and let a soldier on board the ship look at Wei Xiaobei with a trace.

Obviously, they need to work hard to search for the escaped Stephen and others, and the damn China 佬 佬 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 佬 佬 佬 佬 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

It seems that they are not willing to be more irritated. After a slight look at the bottom of the ship without any hanging objects, the soldiers returned to the patrol boat and left.

In fact, for these Sam’s soldiers, this is just a gesture forget it that means that they are working hard on their own tasks.

They have been searching hard for two hours and have found nothing at all.

If you think about it, you know, since those guys have stolen the patrol boat, how could they stay here, isn’t that a fool?

What’s more, Wei Xiaobei is not a luxury yacht. It can’t hide anyone at all.

Wei Xiaobei knows that since it is still searching, it can only prove a problem, the patrol boat, they have not found it.

Although Wei Xiaobei did not destroy the GPS positioning system on board, the patrol boat that had been opened for thirteen hours was on the sea and it was difficult to search in a short time.

After the night, Wei Xiaobei took advantage of the night. A sea police boat docked at the special dock pulled out the sea valve and let it sink directly in the port, causing a mess.

This behavior allowed senior officials responsible for the search to determine that at least some of Stephen and others were still hiding in Hawaii.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei, who attempted to bid farewell to his virgin career in the hotel, was directly pressed to the ground for the first time, while the bed was a woman who was lose one’s head out of fear.

Undoubtedly, the search for Strength has increased, and the suspicion has turned to the land.

However, such a search operation has caused a wave of protests from hotel operators. There is no doubt that any tourist who is pressed on the cold ground after opening the door is enough to make a negative assessment of the tourist environment in Hawaii.

Correspondingly, those hotel operators can’t comfort the tourists without using free means.

The next day, the search for land continued to come to an end.

Wei Xiaobei Although there is no news channel, it can be guessed that the patrol boat was found to be arrived.

After all, the patrol boat, an offshore ship, filled with oil, can be lucky if it can run two thousand nautical miles.

With GPS positioning, if you can’t find the patrol boat one day and one night, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know how to comment on the execution of the Sam’s military.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t stay too much in Hawaii, and Move towards hotel manager Eruption said that he would retain the right to sue, and then boarded the plane with the anger of never coming to Hawaii again, leaving Hawaii.

Wei Xiaobei feels that her performance innate talent is good. The problem is that it is too real. The result is that Wei Xiaobei sat in the seat and whispered when the plane was lifted. A Chinese sister next to him also joined the complaint. in.

Wei Xiaobei said that she is not a senior member of the Appearance Association, but the girl next to her does not have any eyes on him. The most important thing is that the girl is too familiar, and especially can say that even after Wei Xiaobei closed for a long time, I can hear the girl lingering in my ear. (To be continued~^~)

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