Chapter 1692, Void!

Today, the code word is slow, so I am updating now. Sorry, sorry for everyone.


This time, the double-angle of the demon king still spreads yellow light, trying to secure the monkey god in the direction of his own sprint.

This time, the monkey god can be regarded as a crisis of life and death.

Although the monkey god is the 5-Star level, its physical recovery power is naturally very strong, but if it is once again hit by the demon king, once again through the body, being filled with a lot of dark devastating inflammation, this monkey god may not have Any retreat.

Therefore, the monkey god roared, the whole body mad wind erupts, golden light shines, suddenly turned into a golden giant python, a wave of spurting out of its mouth, perhaps the cow devil has a defect in the double horn, suddenly spread the yellow When the light was sprayed, when the yellow light was on, the monkey god escaped from the yellow light!

Of course, the monkey god will not easily escape from the yellow light, and naturally will not give up the opportunity to counter the bull demon.

The monkey god leaps high, the body type is like a mountain peak, and the giant stick dances like a sunflower in the same round. In a moment, it moves from the side to the cow demon!

While the demon king in the charge is facing the attack of the monkey god, it is too difficult to dodge the flash, but the demon king is not good at all, while the giant stick is smashing himself, the bull’s head is forced to sigh, and the move is lost. Towards The monkey god has smashed into the past and has the same intentions.

It is not difficult to say that the monkey god’s position at this time is to avoid the attack of the demon king. However, after avoiding it, this round of attack naturally falls into disuse.

But the monkey god is also very embarrassing to himself. It does not evade the attack of the demon king. You have to come, but before that, I will squat you down!

And when the demon king hit himself, the monkey god slammed, the stick squatted faster, and even the space where the giant stick all around continued to appear a trace silk space crack!


At the same time that the stick hit the demon king, the Horn of the Devil also hit the monkey god!

The stick hit the demon king, and the body of the giant sank down, and the stick was soaked in a large section, and the sound of the broken cone of the back was clearly heard.

And the Horn of the Devil will also pass the monkey god again!

But this is not the end of the battle!

Even if both sides are in a state of being hit hard, there is no desire to stop the war.

The monkey god, which was pierced by the horns, lifted the stick again, and moved toward the cow demon!

This time, there was a dazzling red light on the stick, and all around a circle of Terror’s wind wrapped it, making the stick seem to be in a myriad of whirlpools, looking extremely awkward!

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but frown, and he could feel the rules of the wind from the wind around the stick all around!

Of course, the rules of this wind are somewhat different from the rules of the wind that you have mastered, but in Wei Xiaobei’s feelings, it is even stronger!

Just a giant stick lifted up, all around there are countless dense black space cracks!

Feeling here, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but be surprised. Wherever he could still hide the benefits of hiding in the ice gap, he immediately took out the ice seam and quickly escaped from move towards Antarctica!

This is not a problem with Wei Xiaobei’s hunch.

This is undoubtedly the monkey god Hanuman is desperate!

Imagine what it would be like after the two 5-Star tiers began to work hard.

Do not say anything else, the light is the aftermath of the strength of the two confrontation, I am afraid that the ice cover of Antarctica can be directly smashed, and even the space here is completely crush!

The demon king seems to be desperate, and there are two black shiny Flames in his nostrils. These two black Flames are squirted and moved toward the monkey god. At the same time, the look of the demon king is immediately It became a disappointment, and after the two black Flames spouted, it seemed to have taken away the spirit of the body!


A dull bang in the flesh came from behind Wei Xiaobei, and Wei Xiaobei didn’t slow down, but turned to look at the situation.

I saw that the giant stick had been shackled on the back of the cow demon before the sun, and it was a flesh and blood, and even mixed a lot of white bones!

It can be said that, just like this, the demon king is temporarily abolished!

But the monkey god who left this stick is not so good. The demon king runs out of the whole body and the two black fires are wrapped around the monkey god. It is like two snakes, while burning the body of the monkey god, it also moves towards Dive into it!

The monkey god sighed and sighed at this time, and the giant sticks in his hand almost fell.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but give birth to the idea of ​​returning.

Undoubtedly, at this time, both the demon king and the monkey god are in a stage of serious trauma, and their mutual damage also makes their injuries difficult to heal in a short time!

As a result, Wei Xiaobei was undoubtedly given the opportunity to rob!

You know, although Wei Xiaobei is weaker than the two, he has nine men of Avatar!

Plus your own body, ten 4-Star Calamity peaks!

Siege of two of the most devastated 5-Star strong, it seems that the opportunity is not small!

Whether it is the ox horn of the demon king or the giant stick of the monkey god, it is a very powerful baby!

To be honest, let alone Wei Xiaobei, when most of the world’s Dust World practitioners encounter this scene, I am afraid that there will be unbearable greed!

But after this thought, Wei Xiaobei’s inexplicable heart gave birth to a sense of stinging threat!

Wei Xiaobei is already familiar with his own predictive ability.

And this unprecedented threat has emerged, even reminded Wei Xiaobei!

The 5-Star level of the strong no matter how much damage, it is also 5-Star strong, not those 4-Star, 3-Star weak can compare!

It seems that the god of wealth, which is not worthy of the name, has brought a lot of misunderstandings to himself.

At the same time, Wei Xiaobei speeded up again, all around the breeze, and after a burst of sound, even rushed out at a speed nearly ten times faster than the speed of sound!

At this moment, the space cracks that surround the cow demon and the monkey god all around have become one after another.

A crisp, like the sound of a glass crush move towards in all directions.

Wei Xiaobei saw that the demon king and the monkey god were in a dark void!

Well, although Wei Xiaobei has not seen it with his own eyes, he has seen such a void when he tried to open the space channel in the past!

Simply put, this is the real void!

This is the void outside the world!

Wei Xiaobei didn’t know what the void should be, but he knew that when this void appeared, it meant that there was a gap in the real world’s space barrier! Make the material of the real world directly exposed to the void!

If the space barrier of the real world is an obstacle to the isolation of Dust World, then the space barrier crushed by both should be used to isolate the real world and the void.

If you think about it, you will know. If there is a gap under a teacup, what kind of situation will happen?

The tea in the teacup will continue to flow away!


Like the wind, for a moment, there was a panic on the face of the demon king and the monkey god. Perhaps they absolutely did not think that the fierce battle between the two sides would actually hit the gap of the real world space barrier.

But no matter what, the demon king, the monkey god has no chance to regret at this time.

An unmatched suction is produced at the same time as the void reveals, and the body of the demon king and the monkey god is shrinking.

Well, to be precise, their bodies are not shrinking, they are leaving the real world, they are sucked into the void, and as they grow away from the real world, they seem to have naturally reduced their body type. .

Of course, it is not just the two destroyers that are sucked away. The air around them all, the ice cover below and the black fire that continues to burn on the ice sheet are all torn under the suction of Giant. Countless pieces, leaving the real world!

It can be said that this suction is beyond the imagination of Wei Xiaobei.

Even Wei Xiaobei, who has escaped from Antarctica, feels the attraction.

Fortunately, because the distance is far enough, the suction has arrived at the end of the arrived, not to mention the Wei Xiaobei sucked, even a small stone is difficult to be sucked.

But Wei Xiaobei doesn’t think that this suction is really small.

In fact, within the scope of Wei Xiaobei, there is a dramatic change in the situation in Antarctica!

The first is that the innumerable mass of light air is quickly taken away by the void, followed by the ice cover on the ground, and the crush is constantly crushed by the suction force. The ice after the crush then floats up and moves toward the void. After arriving at the void, it continued to shrink and shrink, and eventually disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei has some sense.

What kind of joke, if the space barrier gap here has always existed, what kind of situation will happen?

First of all, the entire Earth’s air will be sucked away by the void!

After all, the air is flowing, the air in Antarctica is pumped away, and the air around all will move towards Antarctica where the air pressure is very low. Then the previous conclusion will appear, and the entire Earth Life Form will suffocate because of the lack of air. And die!

Wei Xiaobei now needs almost no air, and there is Qing Mu Paradise as a back road, why not be afraid of this situation.

But Wei Xiaobei can’t possibly see this happen!

Besides, the loss is not just the air, just look at the ice cover under the void.

It is like a Giant vacuum cleaner with no power limit, the pulverizer, the ice cover has been crushed almost, the large land is exposed, and there are numerous tiny cracks.


According to this trend, the air will not flow for the time being, not to mention, at least this Antarctic will probably be sucked out of a big hole!

As a pole of Earth, if this happens, what will happen next, even Wei Xiaobei does not know.

But this is definitely not a good thing.

According to the amplification effect of the butterfly effect, such a situation in the Antarctic is likely to cause large-scale earthquakes and other changes in other places!

At the very end, it is possible to have a destructive effect.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei who saw this scene could not help but be anxious.

The demon king, the monkey god himself exiled himself into the void, but left a big scourge for himself!

It must be prevented from happening!

Wei Xiaobei is suspended in the sky above Antarctica. All around the wind has become more and more fierce due to the suction effect of the void. If it is not at the foot of Wei Xiaobei, it seems that he is rooted in the air, and even he has to be blown away.

How to do?

Wei Xiaobei’s twelve minds are spinning at this moment, thinking about ways to stop the disaster.

What should I do with the space barrier crush? Online, urgent!

Ok, if you can, Wei Xiaobei really wants to hang such a message online.

But he also knows that even if he does, the answer is probably not what he wants.

Then the netizens who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic will probably be excited to compose various kinds of paragraphs to ridicule themselves.

For example, sticking with paste, then the problem is coming, what if there is no paste? Answer; yourself!

Or, refer to the son-in-law…….

If it is Qing Mu Paradise, the space barrier is crushed, and Wei Xiaobei can borrow the identity of her own creator and use the potential of Qing Mu Paradise to make up for the space barrier of the crush.

But here is the real world!

Wei Xiaobei is neither the creator of the real world nor the master of the real world.

In other words, if there is no change in the situation, he can’t do anything!

Wei Xiaobei After turning his head to dizzy, he only had to be a reliable way to do it. After waiting for the real world space healing ability to exert its own effect, he would try to speed up its healing speed!

Of course, in addition to this, Wei Xiaobei has several unreliable methods, such as the previous method of referring to the niece to fill the sky, and then expand the space barrier to stimulate the real world and activate the repair ability in advance.

However, in Wei Xiaobei’s estimation, these methods have a very low success rate and may lead to more dangerous consequences.

Take the method of the son-in-law to make up the sky, Wei Xiaobei can use the wreckage of Naha to make up the sky.

The wreckage has its own space to repair the effect, and it will naturally have some effects.

But now the wreckage is stored in Qing Mu Paradise and becomes part of the Qing Mu Paradise. It is providing Meng Mu Paradise with a lot of growth potential.

Therefore, if the wreckage is repaired, it will definitely have a great impact on Qing Mu Paradise.

In addition, the method of expanding the hole in the space barrier, if it does not work, is equivalent to the acceleration of the real world Life Form move towards the abyss.

Just as Wei Xiaobei felt a headache, the void all around began to change.

a trace The translucent cyan mist is rapidly generated, as if a border is set in the void.

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