Chapter 1687, caught!

This poor Daoist suddenly found that the collection of this book is still a thousand to 100,000, hū hū, to be honest, this is the first time to achieve such results, thank you for your support!


The existence of Dust World will actually lead to something in reality!

If such a large number of things happen, what kind of consequences will it cause?

Terror is extreme!

To say that those Dust Worlds still maintain their own old-fashioned behavior, according to the habits of myths and legends, it is undoubtedly much easier to resist in reality.

But if Dust World has something to start with in the reality, then some of the advantages in reality will certainly not exist!

Take the current Scorpio, can you imagine the scenes of the little monsters holding modern firearms?

This is simply a disaster of Terror.

This is just the simplest speculation.

Let me say, if those Dust Worlds have taken away the nuclear bombs in reality, what kind of situation would it be?

Wei Xiaobei At the thought of this, the brow could not help but wrinkle.

Of course, maybe I think too much.

After all, the god of wealth has a language that knows this ability, and it is not surprising that it learns some real-life discourses.

Ok, I don’t think much about the things here, but I’ll take it back and talk about it!

After all, from the current situation, the god of wealth is a common level of Terror’s 5-Star, but it doesn’t seem to have much combat power. Perhaps its 5-Star common level is more From other abilities, or the world of treasures it holds!

At the thought of it, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but feel excited about the world of treasures that appeared in Luo’s attribute table.

It is said that Wei Xiaobei has not seen the world controlled by other gods.

For example, Gao Tianyuan, controlled by the god of the heavens, is a semi-independent world.

However, it seems that the control of Gao Tianyuan by the Amaterasu is not quite in place, so that Wei Xiaobei did not have too many restrictions when fighting with it.

Well, this time, don’t think so much.

Wei Xiaobei thought about it, and even after sensing the lost Storage Ring position, then the three-legged Jinwusu, who was sleeping on his shoulder, woke up and jumped from his shoulder. The body type suddenly expanded to the size of the truck.

Wei Xiaobei stepped on the three-legged Jinwu back, and the three-legged Jinwu showed his wings, and even disappeared into the sea with a stream of red light!

Antarctica, this is the last pure land on Earth.

But today, the two streams of light are chasing back and forth over the Southern Ocean outside the Antarctic.

The streamer in front of the golden body, when turning, will show a wretched man standing on the gold coin, and then the stream of light is red, but there is no image at all.

“Don’t chase! Don’t chase, I will give you the ring and return it to you!”

Probably chased by the flaming stream behind, the wretched man standing on top of the gold coin, after a scream, threw a ring out.

Undoubtedly, in front of this is the myth of Tianzhu, the god of protection of wealth, all of them.

It was originally intended to throw away the Storage Ring and take the chase away.

What he could absolutely imagine was that when he threw away the Storage Ring and stepped on the gold coins to prepare for the turn and escaped, there was another flaming red light blocking his escape route.

what’s going on?

Qibi Luo is waiting to continue to turn, you can find yourself all around has been surrounded by three three-legged Jinwu!

And without waiting for him to speak, the beam of light ejected from the three three-legged Jinwukou has already moved towards himself!


The speed of the light column is too fast, even if it is a lot of Luo, I did not think that there will suddenly be three Jinwu surrounded themselves.

Therefore, after the rapid dodge, Gabriel was still hit by the light column ejected by the three Jinwu!

When Robin reappeared from the ever-exploding beam of light, the jewels of the whole body were dissipated by at least half of it!

“The ring is back to you, how can I hit me? Help!”

Well, though, Wei Xiaobei wants to explore the true strength of this game and teach the other side, but it is more unexpected than the next Reflex.

Dignified 5-Star Ordinary Creature Rank, the god of wealth, will be called life-saving? ! !

This really makes some surprises.

Wei Xiaobei has taken the Storage Ring back at this point, after a little inspection, sighed in relief.

From the traces left on the Storage Ring, it can be seen that the god of wealth is really wanting to open the Storage Ring, but because it is unlawful, it can’t be opened, but it leaves two traces on its appearance.

Of course, if Wei Xiaobei doesn’t care, and give it enough time, the Storage Ring may not be able to open!

You must know how this is the god of wealth and the world of treasures.

It’s hard to say that there is nothing to do with the Storage Ring.

Of course, there is only one end result of such a means, the Storage Ring bursts, and the things stored in it will fall out like the flowers of the sky.

But in that case, Wei Xiaobei is estimated to be angry and vomiting blood.

The reason is very simple. The Storage Ring, which was stolen by Luo, is the one that stores the sun gun!

Wei Xiaobei took the sun rifle out of the Storage Ring and turned it into a big bow. Then he pulled the bow and led the arrow, and the move towards the three-legged Jinwu chased the shot. !

How to say that the game is all 5-Star’s ordinary existence, although the combat power looks very weak, but when the Arrows is about to shoot him, there is a situation that makes Wei Xiaobei quite stunned.

The seemingly cumbersome Cheby was facing the Arrows, but his fingers were accidentally pointed to Arrows.

As a circle of golden light blooms, the Arrows suddenly becomes a golden sparkling gold coin!

Although the gold coin still slams into the forehead of Chebi Luo with great force, the destructive power of gold coins and Arrows is naturally different.

After a scream of Chebi Luo, he reached out and grabbed his forehead.

But before that, Wei Xiaobei had already seen that there was a big bag like a buns on Luo’s forehead.

There is no doubt that Chebyro was indeed hit.

However, due to the huge gap between the gold coins and the Arrows, even Biro had a big bag on his forehead. It seemed to be alive and kicking, and there was no such thing as being affected.

However, Wei Xiaobei was not discouraged. Instead, he took three Arrows and shot it again. At the same time, he took three golden urns from his shoulder and joined the siege of Gabriel.

The siege of the six-headed three-legged Jinwu, together with Wei Xiaobei, shot time from time to time, making it even more difficult for Luo to be in a moment.

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