Chapter 1681, Holy River

The hand hurts, so the code word is slow……….



A series of water pillars came from the sound of the spray, and thousands of water pillars were moved toward the king of Kalou.

The King of Gallo seems to be prepared for this scene.

In any case, although he occupied the position of a natural nemesis, the strength of the “Dragon” king is not much different from himself. Together with the thousands of powerful “dragons”, this is the same as the Jialu Luowang. I dare not say that I have a chance to win.

Therefore, the next moment, the king of Jialuo Luo made a sharp call and escaped this wave of water pillar attack.

I have to say that Jialuoluo can treat “dragon” as food, and there is no reason.

Although the “dragon” seems to have a large body type and can spray the power of Giant’s water pillar, its water pillar can even shoot more than 2,000 meters, but most of them can not fly!

At this point, Can Louro, who can fly, can play them on the palm.

And when these “dragons” are tired, then Jialuluo can easily kill and use it as food.

However, the 3,000 “dragons” led by a “Dragon” king are not so good.

In particular, the “Dragon King” water pillar attack can really attack the King of Jialulu, and even drive the Water Race from other “Dragons” to attack King Kalouro!

This makes King Galouro very jealous.

After all, King Kalouro was so powerful that he would be hurt, especially in this wave of water pillar attacks. King Kaloulu was even beaten with golden blood.

But the scream that was before the King of Gallo was not made for no reason.

Not long after, there were hundreds of Jialou Luofei flying in the distance.

Undoubtedly, they came to listen to the call of the arrested King Kalou.

But then again, compared to the “dragon”, the number of these buildings is actually a little less.

Of course, in terms of combat effectiveness, the strength of these buildings is much stronger than those of the “dragons.”

Wei Xiaobei From a distance, they can determine what they belong to according to their different forms.

And in the hundreds of Galoulou, half of them are the metamorphos of Kalou, and the rest are the wet Gauluo.

And even the wet Galouro is the Creature Rank of 4-Star Terror!

On the other hand, those “dragons” don’t look at their large number, and the body type is huge, but most of them have only the general strength of 4-Star.

4-Star and 4-Star Terror, although both are 4-Star levels, but the gap is too big.

It can be said that in terms of the apparent strength, these hundreds of Kaloulou can crush those “dragons”.

This is also the case, when those Jialuoluo appeared, the “dragons” trembled involuntarily.

This is also a helpless thing, after all, those Kaloulou are the natural enemies that feed on them!

This is like a zebra. If you encounter a lion, you will be afraid and you will escape a truth.

After the “Dragon” king hesitated for a while, he even turned and left to see his king left, and the rest of the “Dragon” naturally did not dare to stay in place, and quickly followed.

Seeing that the “Dragon” left, the King of Kalou Luo made a full of laughter, but it did not pursue the intention, just waiting for his subordinates to come.

After leaving a distance, “Dragon” came to the side of the famous holy river of Tianzhu.

This holy river is very famous. Even in China, there is a ridiculous saying that it has been circulated that “the bowl of holy water is dried up, and it is still a scorpio!”

Of course, the reason for this is nothing more than the influence of various reasons, this past holy river has become very dirty and forget it.

There is no doubt that even those “dragons” feel hesitant after seeing this holy river.

No way, as I said before, this holy river is too dirty.

The river is extremely muddy, and even far away you can smell the Terror smell coming from the river!

Hey, you know, because the Scorpio people believe that as long as the body or ashes are poured into the holy river, the human soul can rest in peace, so that the corpse of the corpse poured into the holy river every year reaches a degree of Terror!

When you think about it, you know that most of the Scorpio people burn their own gasoline when they deal with their bodies. As a result, the effect of burning is naturally impossible to match the crematorium.

Most of the corpses after the end of incineration still have a large amount of body tissue. It is imaginable that such corpses are wrecked and the ashes will fall into the holy river.

In addition, in recent years, the industrial development of Tianzhu has been developing at a high speed, and the environmental supervision in Tianzhu has been weak, which has caused a large amount of industrial wastewater to be dumped into the holy river. As a result, the taste of the holy river water has been repelled.

Even these “Dragons” were hesitant after feeling the taste of the holy river, until the “Dragon” king swayed the body and rushed into the holy river, and the rest of the “Dragon” was afraid to shrink. Go on.

Undoubtedly, this holy river has a special meaning for these “dragons”. When they enter the holy river, they immediately become a spirit. Many “dragons” are even full of lust in their eyes, and they are entangled with each other.

But no matter what special significance this holy river has for them, at this moment, a Small Red Dot suddenly appeared above the sky, and then quickly became bigger!

The Small Red Dot was suddenly the Vermilion Bird that ran away before, and it was killed at this time, carrying the full-scale Flame move towards the Holy River at a very high speed!

It must be said that the vigilance of these “dragons” is very high, perhaps because they are often preyed by Garro, so they are particularly sensitive to threats from the sky.

As a result, they have risen to the body in the river, and their throats have swollen rapidly, in an attempt to move towards the high waters!

But at this moment, the speed of the Vermilion Bird under the dive suddenly increased by several times, and the distance of several kilometers was instantaneous!


A loud bang came, and Vermilion Bird slammed into the holy river!

Innumerable Flames spurt out at this moment, moving toward all around, and instantly igniting this holy river!

In fact, just the movement of the Vermilion Bird on the holy river at high speed caused the “Dragon” to suffer a lot.

The river is subjected to high-speed impact, and in a flash it turns into a bead of many moves towards all sides.

After these water drops are given high energy, their lethality is arrogant.

At least a circle of more than 500 “dragons” around the body was shattered by thousands of drops of water at this moment!

Although the vitality of these “dragons” is extremely strong, there are thousands of holes in the body. When the whole body of blood spurs more than 80% in a flash, even if it is strong, it has to fall into suffocation. In the state.

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