Chapter 1678, Ruin City

Today this poor Daoist saw a news, Trump said that global warming is a scam we have, but this poor Daoist saw on the Internet last year that some people say that global warming is a scam for the old US, hey, it seems that Sichuan I often read our network, otherwise how could he say this?


Wei Xiaobei doesn’t want to take this phoenix bird into Qing Mu Paradise.

Helpless, this golden-winged bird is extremely poisonous because it swallows a large number of large snakes. If it is placed in Qing Mu Paradise, it is not known to pollute a large area.

And in Wei Xiaobei’s view, the growth potential of this golden-winged bird is extremely low, and 4-Star Terror is already its limit.

It can also be seen from this that the golden-winged bird family is just like that.

According to this golden-winged bird, its family is wet, viviparous, and oviparous, and its strength is low.

In fact, after Wei Xiaobei let go, the golden-winged bird, and hit a few golden-winged birds, they determined the metamorphosis of the golden-winged bird.

To put it simply, this golden-winged bird is almost the same as the 4-Star, and the viviparous is directly out of the awarded 3-Star elite. As for the egg, it is only the 2-Star elite.

Of course, with their natural golden Flame, there are few Monsters of the same class that can compete with them.

When Wei Xiaobei flew over the capital, the old capital, it was seen that the arrived was a mess.

Perhaps the capital was so prosperous in the past, but now the ruins of the collapsed buildings are everywhere, the ruins of these buildings are blackened by Flame, and even the streets have seen the metal that has solidified.

There is no doubt that these rogue metals that can be seen everywhere should be the result of the melting of cars and even tanks and the like.

As for the bones scattered during the period, there is no need to say more.

Undoubtedly, this ruined metropolis has attracted many Monsters, many little monsters and even other Monsters that Wei Xiaobei did not recognize are in the ruins of this metropolis.

Just below Wei Xiaobei, a giant snake with a body length of more than 50 meters was smashed on the exposed surface of a semi-collapsed skyscraper.

This giant snake probably felt the threat of the arrival of the arrived Wei Xiaobei, thus raising the head of the snake, opening a huge mouth, move towards Wei Xiaobei threatening sī sī!

An 4-Star elite snake forget it, Wei Xiaobei just glanced at it and turned his attention away, without paying more attention to it.

Wei Xiaobei felt the strength left by the demon king at this time.

From Wei Xiaobei’s point of view, the whole city is shrouded in a thin black air, from the ruins of the building, from the broken concrete pavement of the street, from the city, a breath of black gas, move towards all directions A little bit spread out.

That’s it!

Seeing the a trace of blackness in the city, Wei Xiaobei saw something.

These dark breath all around spread out, and suddenly put some rules that are not real into reality into a little bit of reality!

It is precisely because of this that Monster, which is centered on the city, is so active within a hundred kilometers.

Undoubtedly within this range, they are minimally limited by the rules of reality, and they don’t feel as difficult as breathing.

Of course, this real-world limitation has the least impact on those weaker Monsters, so the range of weak Monster distributions is much broader.

But then again, only a part of the rules affected by these black gases are for it, and the rest of the rules embedded in reality come from other places.

Well, anyway, Wei Xiaobei is at least looking for an origin of such a source.

So what Wei Xiaobei needs to do now is to destroy this source!

To this end, Wei Xiaobei fell on a hill near the city, took out a futon, and randomly chose a position to throw it on the ground, and sat down.

The ancient violent yang is awakened, and Wei Xiaobei naturally needs to wait, and only after the awakening of the ancient violent yang, Wei Xiaobei has enough strength to really erase the city, so as to sever the Dust World pair. The erosion of the rules of reality!

Of course, since it is waiting, Wei Xiaobei did not waste time, but took the black hole stone out and put it between the palms.

The black hole stone and Wei Xiaobei’s palm are constantly rubbing, a trace of the light and heat of the light slowly through the Wei Xiaobei palm into the black hole stone.

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are closed, and the a trace of the black stone is slightly gravitational.

There is no doubt that the connection between the black hole stone and the light and heat rule is very close. Even from the change of the day, it can be seen that the gravity rule contained in the black hole stone originated from the light and heat rule, but it In a certain sense, it is a variant of the rules of light and heat, or an extension rule of the rules of light and heat.

Wei Xiaobei tried to relate the strength tidal rule from the body to the gravitational force while experiencing the a trace of gravity.

But after a long time, Wei Xiaobei sighed and closed the stone of the black hole.

To say that from this black hole stone, Wei Xiaobei has developed something, such as combining with the floating rules, to control the gravity of the object.

Wei Xiaobei extended a right hand move towards a boulder not far from the front, and the boulder weighing more than several hundred tons, after a slight shaking, floated up and continued to rise until it was hundreds of feet away from the ground. Rice only stopped.

However, this gravity control is more focused on the floating rule, and the impact of gravity does not reach the rule level.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not confused about this, which only shows that his strength is not enough to support the grasp of this gravitational rule.

Time and by bit, the gravel of Wei Xiaobei body all around constantly floats up, condenses into a mass in the air, constantly shrinks and squeezes inward, and then suddenly collapses after being compressed into a round boulders. Falling down for the gravel.

However, sometimes the gravel will completely collapse into gravel, but soon it will gather into a rock and re-condense into a boulders.

Repeatedly, the time is constantly passing, and soon the sky becomes dark and the sun sets.

At this time, in the distant high altitude, several drones flew over with a slight snoring. After they arrived in the suburbs of the capital, they dispersed and began to cruise according to different paths.

These drones naturally did not appear out of thin air. The Tianzhu Capital Military District was responsible for monitoring several reconnaissance companies in the ruins of the capital. They released drones to detect the ruins of the capital at regular intervals every day.

After all, the amnesty of this military region is still holding the idea of ​​taking back the capital.

If you think about it, you will know that although it has been completely destroyed by the demon king, it is still the capital of the entire Tianzhu. If someone can take it back, don’t say anything else. It’s just this glory and even political significance. How many benefits are there.

Besides, as a capital, the various substances in its reserves are also extremely Terror. The demon king has destroyed a lot of buildings and killed many people, but most of the material is stored underground, so there may be A lot of retention.

In addition, confidential documents, information, and even scientific research materials from various government departments are an inestimable asset for any military district.

In this way, if anyone withdraws the capital and holds it in his hands, it can basically be said that it is the heart of the people and lays the foundation of the emperor!

Of course, it is very difficult to claim the emperor in this era, but there is still a great chance to unify the country and climb to the top of the throne. In that case, it is much stronger than the position of the military area.

But wanting to take back the capital is not that easy.

The most critical issue here is that there is too much Monster in the city that has become a ruin!

There are eight people, there are monsters, some folk legends, Monster, and so on.

Even if the Capital Military Region has taken the whole solution to recover the capital, I am afraid that the military will lose seven or eight.

At this time, the army in hand is the guarantee of the status of the big men. Who will stupidly consume the army on this, or the cost-effectiveness of withdrawing the capital in this way is too low.

Therefore, the amnesty of the Capital Military Region naturally wants to wait for those Monster to leave, even if they will not leave, it is good to leave part.

After all, in their opinion, there is not much food in this ruined capital. Over time, those Monster may leave on their own.

Therefore, they will send reconnaissance units to carry valuable drones to come over and explore the situation.

After being sent to the ruined capital, the reconnaissance troops sent out were undoubtedly very tense.

They are not many people. There are hundreds of people in total. After all, everyone knows that if you hit a powerful Monster, you can say hundreds of people. Even thousands of people may be dead ends.

“Everyone noticed, and found out what abnormal situation immediately reported to me!”

The company commander of the reconnaissance company was a typical scorpion bearded man. He lowered his voice and glared at the soldiers under his command, and tense looked at all around.

No way, when the first time the situation of the capital was explored, the company commander was still an ordinary soldier. As a result, after the exploratory mission ended, there were more than a dozen people left in the 100th, so he was promoted to become the monitor. .

In the subsequent exploration mission, due to the continuous death of his direct boss, he quickly climbed the high position of the company.

You know, in Scorpio, it is not an easy task to become an officer. Without a strong family background, it is absolutely impossible.

I have to say that the big beard’s luck today seems to be good. It has been three hours since I entered it, and it has not been discovered by Monster.

“Report, there are circumstances!”

Just as the bearded man prepared to smoke a cigarette, a soldier responsible for maneuvering the drone made a sound.

The voice scared the beard almost to point his beard, but at this moment, he did not go to swear the soldier’s thoughts, but rushed to join the screen before the screen, it was a drone on the screen. Picture.

Because the drone is equipped with a night vision system, even in the dim sky, you can see a lot of things.

what is that?

Seems to be a person?

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