Chapter 1670, the nine-hole Tianbing

It is said that at the end of May, the server is migrating. Well, this poor Daoist really doesn’t know that today, the result update has not been updated for an hour, and I am afraid that the chapter will be repeated because of the delay, so this poor Daoist needs to be sure. Ok, okay, it seems that there is no big problem.


After spending a few hours and writing down the contents of the reel, Wei Xiaobei understood the mystery of the scroll.

To put it simply, if you just look at the words on the scroll, the maps add up to three thousand words in addition to more than twenty pictures forget it.

However, its inner strength contains a lot of content.

It can be said that the more than three thousand words plus more than twenty pictures contain enough information to be worth millions of words!

The Zhang Tianshi used a clever and magical method to combine the words and figures, which led to more content.

And this method contains the natural way of heaven and earth!

Simply put, this is talisman!

Among the gates, talisman is a very important thing, its variety and use.

The scroll given by Zhang Tianshi contains a method to draw talisman!

Of course, this method can only draw nine holes.

However, Wei Xiaobei is confident to find something from the drawing of the nine-hole celestial warrior.

Of course, for now, what Wei Xiaobei needs is to draw a nine-hole celestial character instead of imagining something that is not reliable.

Drawing a talisman requires some tools, and Wei Xiaobei doesn’t have it. Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei has the skills of a refiner, and the scroll shows the refining method of the required tools.

The pen is best to be the finest wood, and the aura of the hair is the front, and the requirements of the paper are much lower. Even the most common white paper is ok, but it requires a deep drawing of the talisman skills and strength. To make up for the lack of paper, and the top of the paper is not made of thousands of ancient wood, and needs to be stored in ample aura.

And cinnabar, gongs and so on are extremely particular.

But all this is not difficult for Wei Xiaobei.

The pen used the Yggdrasil branches to make the pen. As for the pen, it should be said that the best thing in Wei Xiaobei should be the feathers of the phoenix, but the little red now doesn’t know where to go, but fortunately, Wei Xiaobei had been prepared to collect some of the fluff from Xiaohong, and it would be best to make a pen.

For the paper, Wei Xiaobei uses the leaves of Yggdrasil. It is not necessary for refining. Just dry it and cut it into the required size. It is the best paper. To know the vitality of Yggdrasil leaves, the aura is The hugeness that the millennium ancient wood does not have.

As for the ring, Wei Xiaobei carved a piece directly with the suet-white jade, which engraved a set of rune on the reel to gather the aura.

Here, Wei Xiaobei found that the rune that Ao Yan taught to himself was similar to the rune on the scroll, but it seemed to be primitive, but the power was much larger.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei has long known the origin of rune, most of which comes from the lines that come with Divine Beast, and these lines naturally have a magical strength. In a way, this is actually a kind of Imitation of rules.

Because of this, these runes have those magical effects.

However, in addition to some talented human beings, it is too difficult for the rest of human beings to master the original lines. As a result, in the continuous research of the Daomen, these lines are simplified as much as possible to facilitate such knowledge. Learning and communication.

But it is also true that these runes become weaker than the original lines.

Of course, the rune that Ao Yan has mastered and the rune that the gatekeeper has, in terms of quantity, is naturally different.

It can be said that the rune mastered by Daomen is about a thousand times more than Ao Yan, and the gates also combine rune into talisman, which can exert more powerful effects.

After Wei Xiaobei found an rivasted cinnabar mine from a place in Qing Mu Paradise, all the tools were ready.

Sitting under Yggdrasil, Wei Xiaobei ignited the three-column sandalwood and inserted it into a small incense burner, which is a simplified worship of the Gods.

Of course, here is Qing Mu Paradise, Wei Xiaobei knows that this may not be useful, but the first time to draw talisman, step by step is the best choice.

The process of drawing talisman naturally does not need to mention much.

With Wei Xiaobei’s attribute, it is completely capable of completing the requirements in the scroll.

Uninterrupted in one breath, draw from start to finish!

At the moment of Wei Xiaobei’s collection, the divine light above the talisman blooms, and then disappears into the talisman, but this is the same, the talisman is completely different from the previous one, it seems to have a trace spirituality. .


Wei Xiaobei exhales one breath saying Come, touch the sweat that does not exist on the forehead, put the pen on the platform, and reach out and put this nine-hole Tianbing symbol in his hand.

In the mouth, I read a few words, and my right hand swayed. The nine-hole Tianbing symbol burned up, and then the golden light was taken out from the burning nine-hole Tianbing. When the golden light fell on the ground, it suddenly became a respectable soldier. .

The scroll has already explained that the nine-hole Tianbing can attract Tianbing, but the number of recruited Tianbing has a direct relationship with the paper, cinnabar and other materials and even the level of drawing.

That is to say, if the material is better, the higher the drawing level, the more the number of soldiers recruited.

If you reach the extreme, you will be able to recruit nine holes!

The nine holes here are actually a number noun, almost equal to nine thousand!

The use of holes as digital nouns, in the memory of Wei Xiaobei, is only the Jiuli tribe in ancient times.

Their army is to use holes as a unit, and each hole has a general, and the army is more than a thousand.

Obviously, the Zhang Tianshi named the talisman with nine holes. There is a reason for this.

Wei Xiaobei At this point, the Tianbing who appeared at the scene was really stunned. Is there such a soldier?

To say that the initial talisman burning began, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes were always on the talisman.

He saw that with the burning of the talisman, the aura contained in the talisman had undergone extremely complicated changes, and then all the aura was extracted and turned into golden light, which eventually turned into a famous soldier.

The problem is that the Heavenly Soldiers in Wei Xiaobei’s impression are almost all represented by the images in those mythological TV series.

In those mythical TV series, the Emperor of Heaven will send out tens of thousands of Heavenly Soldiers to conquer the evil gods or the big demon.

Those Heavenly Soldiers are tall and tall, wearing gold or silver snow-clear armor, holding a weapon of the gods, stepping on the clouds under their feet, and the momentum is huge, making people feel bloody at first glance.

Wei Xiaobei can appear in front of the eyes of a respected Tianbing, but the figure is sturdy, even can be said to be extremely strong, hehe, but they are not wearing a beautiful gold armor, but the animal skin, the hand is not Know what animal Thighbone is, or a pair of Giant’s antlers, and like a durian-like fruit with spikes and so on.

The most terrible thing is that these heavenly soldiers have long, thick fangs.

Well, this is where the mighty Heavenly Soldier is a group of primitive barbarians, probably no one will object.

No wonder that Zhang Tianshi will be willing to give this scroll to himself.

To know that such a talisman can summon a large number of Heavenly Soldiers, there is no secret rumor in the door, whoever is easy to give away, is almost equal to the traitor.

And the Tianshi is willing to send this scroll, and it is also a feeling that the Tianbing, who is summoned, is a bit unbearable.

Whoever points to this group of barbaric Tianbing said that it is a heavenly soldier, it is really thick and a certain degree.

But then again, it is true that Wei Xiaobei’s drawing of the talisman’s material is really good. When the nine-hole Tianbing is burning, the number of Heavenly Soldiers appearing in front of Wei Xiaobei is more than three thousand!

Of course, the individual strength of these Heavenly Soldiers is extremely low. Only the level of the 1-Star elite is almost the ultimate in ordinary humanity.

But it can also be seen from here that the nine-day Tianbing does not say anything else, and the ability to make cannon fodder is indeed powerful.

The most important thing is that the nine-hole Tianbing can be drawn in large quantities and stored up. This is even stronger than Wei Xiaobei’s Cang Xuan hole.

And even if it is an ordinary person, as long as it is lit, it can also recruit a Large group.

In this way, in the increasingly chaotic world, ordinary people can also have a certain degree of self-protection.

And this is the first time that Wei Xiaobei has drawn talisman. Although a strong attribute is used, a trace is drawn unscrupulously, but the level of drawing is naturally not high, probably about the same as the little priest who practiced talisman for one year. .

In other words, Wei Xiaobei has an enhanced Giant potential!

According to Wei Xiaobei’s estimation, after practicing for a week, the nine-day squad will be able to pass through, and the number of recruits will be almost nine thousand, and the individual strength can be upgraded to 2-Star.

Well, this is actually the limit of the nine-hole Tianbing.

Think about it too, just a talisman can summon nine thousand 2-Star ordinary barbarian soldiers, it is quite Terror, what people think about it.

In addition, these nine holes are not easy to draw.

Wei Xiaobei suspects that even if the Tianshi himself draws ten photos, it is a great luck to succeed.

And with the strength of Zhang Tianshi, one can draw one every day, it must be exhausted, and it will not be able to reach the number of nine thousand, can be the same as Wei Xiaobei, three thousand, even if it is very cattle.

Be aware that this stuff is tied to the material.

I am afraid that even Zhang Tianshi may not be willing to draw the nine-hole celestial symbol with the letter of Yggdrasil leaf.

As a result, the nine-hole Tianbing is a bit sloppy.

If you think about it, you know, if Zhang Tianshi has such a precious paper on Wei Xiaobei’s hand, why not use it to draw a more advanced talisman?

After all, although the Tianshi is a sect master, the resources that it can enjoy are the ones of 40% forget it.

And even if it is all the resources of a group, it is impossible to compare with one of the ones of Qing Mu Paradise!

This is the difference in the overall power, the difference.

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