Chapter 167, asking for trouble (seeking a monthly pass)

The second chapter is sent! Seeking a monthly ticket! Let them despair! Continue with the code word ING. . . . . . . .


Wei Xiaobei didn’t dare to ask when he was in the kitchen.

Cheng Sisi didn’t hide it. He said that his father would return to school and prepare to transfer. There are many complaints about Cheng Biwu in his speech.

After all, I went to college very well, and suddenly I turned myself around because of the sudden reason for Dojo to move back to his hometown.

Wei Xiaobei knew that Master had concealed the matter of Dust World, and naturally he did not dare to speak things out.

But in any case, Cheng Sisi is still a filial daughter, so even if he is dissatisfied, he can only listen to father’s arrangement.

After that, Cheng Biwu will arrived a dry discipline and announced a thing.

Cheng’s Dojo immediately moved back to his hometown in Suzhou.

Really migrate back?

Wei Xiaobei feels a bit stunned, but when I think about it, I understand it.

Master’s arrangements are appropriate.

In accordance with this trend, Green Lake City will inevitably have a lot of troubles, and instead of being in a mess, it is better to leave first, and then enter the game when there is a chance.

Of course, this is safe and sound, that is, once there is an opportunity, it may be missed.

Wei Xiaobei is also impossible to persuade Master to stay.

However, Zhang Zhilong said that he wanted to stay. After hesitating for a while, First Senior Brother decided to go back with Master. Third Senior Brother did not hesitate and said that he would go back.

As a result, Cheng’s Dojo is like a split.

Fortunately, this society is now technologically advanced. As long as there is a cell phone, even if it is far apart, it is very convenient to find someone.

Since Master made the decision, several disciplines were immediately busy.

Zhang Zhilong went out to contact the handling company, and Wei Xiaobei stayed in Dojo to clean up the things that needed to be removed.

Probably something like weapons and so on.

As for the humanoid stakes, Cheng Biwu did not take it away and stayed in Dojo, saying that it was used by Wei Xiaobei and Zhang Zhilong when they lived in Dojo.

That is to say after the master’s entire group left. The manager of this Cheng’s Dojo will become Wei Xiaobei.

Zhang Zhilong’s movements were very fast, and it took a long time to find a large truck.

As a result, under the choice of Cheng Biwu, there was not much to take away. Most of the things were left to Wei Xiaobei.

For example, what kind of cutting machine in the warehouse, etc. are all left behind.

In the words of Cheng Biwu, it is better to leave these things and carry them back to the wrong things. It may not be long before they come back.

Of course, when Cheng Biwu said this, Cheng Sisi glared at the father with his eyes. Probably thinking about it, turning back and turning back, I don’t become a joke.

People who practice martial arts are very good at doing things. Less than three hours before and after, everything that was taken away was loaded with a large truck.

Wei Xiaobei and Zhang Zhilong Two Senior Brothers gave Master, Senior Brothers bid farewell, when Arrived and Yao Wu bid farewell, Yao Wu took a string of keys and handed it to the armed Wei Xiaobei, and took a picture: “Little Junior Brother, the car will be handed over to you, so stay tuned for it.”

Wei Xiaobei confused. Then Reflex came over, and Third Senior Brother said it was the broken van.

But then again, this Third Senior Brother is very emotional, a broken bread is so cherished.

Wei Xiaobei hasn’t come back yet, First Senior Brother came over and took a bank card in Wei Xiaobei’s hand: “Little Junior Brother, the password for this card is six six, you use it yourself. For the time being, don’t Go to Black Fist, um, remember to hand over Dojo’s water.”


Wei Xiaobei took the bank card and didn’t know how much money there was.

But no matter how much money there is, it is the mind of First Senior Brother.

Finally, Master Cheng Biwu came over with Cheng Sisi: “Be careful. Don’t be too rash, people have hope.”

Wei Xiaobei nodded.

“Little Junior Brother. Remember to call.” Cheng Sisi looked like a cell phone and had a trace on his face.

Although Cheng Sisi didn’t ask what was going on, she was smart and she was able to guess something more or less.

This is definitely going to be a major event.

Otherwise, Cheng Sisi is not likely to go back so honestly.

She knows that if Father, the Senior Brothers don’t tell her the truth, it’s always good for themselves. Anything is not known to understand, it is a good thing.

Although her curiosity was strong, she eventually suppressed it.

Move towards The big truck with the smoke of the buttocks waved, Wei Xiaobei was a little silent. Suddenly, there were two people left in Dojo, which made Wei Xiaobei somewhat unaccustomed.

Zhang Zhilong didn’t regain his gaze until the big truck disappeared at the corner of the street. He looked at Wei Xiaobei and hehe smiled: “I will go out first and see the situation.”

After that, Zhang Zhilong hired a taxi on the street to leave.

Wei Xiaobei is a bit stunned. He thought that Second Senior Brother would wrap himself around to find out how to get into Dust World.

I didn’t expect Second Senior Brother to leave like this, quite a bit of a feeling of not leaving a little bit of anything.

Well, Wei Xiaobei also knows that Second Senior Brother is a big family, and his status in the family is not too low. If you want to come from a high point of view, I’m afraid I can’t pull my face and wrap myself. It seems that Second Senior Brother It’s time to test the way to get into Dust World.

Wei Xiaobei shook his head and, to be honest, how to get into Dust World is now a mystery to myself.

Wei Xiaobei now knows how to get into Dust World.

I have drunk and entered myself. There are Zhu Xinyi reading books to enter, Huang Kun playing games to enter, and some lying in the hotel to sleep and so on.

There are different methods and basically no uniform features.

In Wei Xiaobei’s view, perhaps everyone can enter Dust World, but the way to enter is different, and it is more difficult to find the way to enter.

I hope that the Second Senior Brother will succeed!

Back at Dojo, Wei Xiaobei sorted out the seemingly messy Dojo, sitting on the outdoor tool next to Martial Field, and it seemed like nothing to do.

Even the enthusiasm for practicing martial arts. There are not many ideas.

After sitting for a while, the cell phone rang.

It is the phone of Huang Kun.

“What’s the matter?”

Wei Xiaobei picked up the phone and asked.

“Well big brother, when will your old man take me to Dust World, I can’t wait!”

Hearing Huang Kun on the phone with a big fanfare, Wei Xiaobei frowned head, this brat is still almost honed, not too careful to do things.

“Then you are coming to Dojo, I am waiting for you.”

Finished. Wei Xiaobei hung up the phone.

It may be that I immediately came over. After a long time, Huang Kun appeared in the door of Dojo, and the probe came in. When I saw Wei Xiaobei, I rushed in.

Wei Xiaobei looked up and saw that there was a laptop bag hanging on Huang Kun. It seems that this brat is really anxious, and even the notebooks needed to enter Dust World are brought.

“Wei big brother!”

Huang Kun rushed to Wei Xiaobei and stood still for the simple reason. Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are a bit cold.

“Remember, in the future, outsiders, on the phone. Can’t say these things, even if you want to say, you should hide a little, don’t eat so much.”

Wei Xiaobei screamed with some tone of hateful iron.

“Okay, I get it now.”

Huang Kun is not too stupid. He was scorned by Wei Xiaobei and knew where he was wrong.

Green Lake City has just been out of the zombie incident, and I am afraid that the violent agencies in Green Lake City are now looking for clues. It is undoubtedly easy to say something on the phone.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei didn’t blame too much. After all, even if it was said on the phone, those listeners thought it was the game forget it.

But if you say the words zombie, I am afraid it is really troublesome.

correct. Wei Xiaobei thought about it at this time. I am afraid that the upper level of Green Lake City is probably about some zombie things. After all, this kind of thing is what individuals associate with.

In this case, I have appeared on the scene and quite a lot of myself. I am afraid that they are the objects they are trying to find next.

Think about it, know if you are found by them. What will happen.

When the mice sliced ​​something, it was too exaggerated, but it was intensively monitored, or under house arrest, even with their investigations and experiments.

Wei Xiaobei can’t want to live like this.

In short, Dojo may not be able to stay.

Wei Xiaobei was hesitant to think of it.

“Ring bell.”

At this time, the phone rang again.

Ok? How is mother?

Wei Xiaobei has some doubts, I don’t know what mother is calling at this time.

After picking up the phone, I heard the familiar roar of mother: “Wei Xiaobei! If you still recognize me this damn it, immediately! Immediately! Come back immediately! Hear no!”

go back? Is it going back to blind date?

Wei Xiaobei frowned, the topic has been discussed between mother and child for a long time.

Wei Xiaobei, who is approaching 22, has been urged many times by mother, or immediately find a girlfriend in Green Lake City, or return to his home blind date.

In short, the guardian and the mother-in-law are watching the children of the family, especially the mother-in-law, she even wants to keep Wei Xiaobei and a girl in a room, after a good thing, waiting to hug Grandson.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei arrived in Green Lake City and did not return home, so the plan of the mother was not implemented.

This time, the guardian is determined to give Wei Xiaobei a wife.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t know that the reason for this was that he had to blame himself.

Wei Family’s economic conditions were not too good, but also to support two students. Although Wei Wei had blindly made Wei Xiaobei blind date, Wei Jini did not intend to make a close relative, and was ready to wait until Wei Xiaopeng University graduated to do the marriage.

Now, Wei Xiaobei hit back the 50,000 pieces, which directly eased the economic crisis of Wei Family, at least in a short period of time, no shortage of money. (To be continued~^~)

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