Chapter 1667, day penalty

First update a chapter of four thousand words, this poor Daoist is working hard.


A loud noise, the heaven-shaking slammed into the Buddha light of the Buddha’s image for a moment, and suddenly made a ring of Terror’s roar.

I saw that the Buddha light outside the phantom of the Buddha suddenly expanded outwards, and it suddenly blocked the shackles.

Of course, when the cockroach dissipated, the Buddha light became dim, and even the phantom seemed to be a little shaken.

“Bold, I am the future Buddha, will be born in …..”

Wei Xiaobei understood it when the Thunder screamed at Wei Xiaobei.

Judging from the extremely rigid view of this Buddha statue, it should be a seed forget it left by Maitreya, even if it is not even a seed, it is just the seed of the seed!

To be honest, if this Maitreya Buddha statue is really a manifestation of Maitreya’s Avatar, Wei Xiaobei really dare not say about it.

You must know that if you provoke such a existence, the troubles that will arise in the future will not be small.

Some people may say this, Wei Xiaobei even provoked the emperor, but also afraid of a Maitreya Buddha in the district, is one Buddha’s future Buddha?

For such a statement, Wei Xiaobei can only say hehe.

If it is in reality, or in Dust World, Wei Xiaobei is not afraid.

The problem is, here is Qing Mu Paradise.

If the Buddha is like a projection of Maitreya, the problem is too much trouble.

If you think about it, you know how great Maitreya is. It is really the future Buddha, but now it is Bodhisattva. From a certain perspective, this Buddha is probably the strongest of all the Buddhas in Buddhism.

At least Wei Xiaobei is absolutely no match for.

And if this phantom is really a projection of Maitreya, then it is possible to expose the spatial coordinates of Qing Mu Paradise!

By then, it will be really troublesome.

Fortunately, this Buddha statue is just a seed forget it left by Maitreya.

Simply put, this is the back hand that is strong!

For this, Wei Xiaobei knows.

No one can say clearly whether he will fall one day, so those powerful existences will concise their own a trace soul into seeds and scatter them at will.

If one day, it really falls, then these seeds will start to grow and make them resurrect!

This is also the secret that Wei Xiaobei heard from Qing Niu.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei is very interested in such a means.

To say that those Bodhisattvas are incarnate and preach, they actually borrow this means.

In that case, you need to send the seeds in advance.

In a way, this is almost the same as Avatar’s magical means.

Wei Xiaobei is a bit excited about this.

So next, Wei Xiaobei didn’t show mercy to the Buddha statue, but the right hand again moved towards one finger!

Among Qing Mu Paradise, Wei Xiaobei is the creation god, the master, the creator!

The superposition of this triple identity makes Wei Xiaobei’s strength in Qing Mu Paradise quite Terror.

Just need to be so lightly touched, and there will be a dark cloud in the sky of Qing Mu Paradise. After a short time, a thunder will fall!

The Thunder is naturally not an ordinary Thunder, but the power of the Prototype in Qing Mu Paradise!

This strength represents the punishment of the entire Qing Mu Paradise, reaching the ultimate rejection!

And this kind of strength often has quite Terror restraint for the Spirit Body class Life Form!

The seeds of this Maitreya Buddha are just a trace of the soul!

Heaven-shaking slammed, and the Buddha light outside the phantom suddenly shrank again.

But this Maitreya Buddha really out of the ordinary, even if it is just a seed of the soul!

After the Buddha light was fined again, the Maitreya phantom seemed to know Wei Xiaobei’s intransigence, and then did not continue to talk with Wei Xiaobei, but slowly recited the scriptures in his mouth.

As the scriptures chanted, the Buddha light of its outside the body suddenly became stronger again!

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised.

What he was astonished was not that his chanting could make Buddha light strong. In his heart, it was not surprising that Maitreya Buddha recited the chanting and made Buddha light strong.

What surprised him was that it was just a seed. This Maitreya phantom seems to have its own independent wisdom!

However, it seems not surprising that I think about it.

Imagine the Buddhas recorded in the Buddhist classics, the avatars of Bodhisattva, and the scenes of sermons in the three thousand worlds. It seems that this is a common situation in Buddhism.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei’s gaze towards the Maitreya phantom became more and more hot.

No, the Avatar magical that Wei Xiaobei learned, the Avatar that is produced can not have much independent wisdom, they are more in accordance with Wei Xiaobei’s instructions and character, and do not have their own completely independent wisdom.

In other words, if someone understands the character of Wei Xiaobei, then it will be extremely easy to deal with Wei Xiaobei Avatar!

In other words, those of Wei Xiaobei’s Avatar have fatal weaknesses!

But if you can get the secret of this Buddha’s incarnation, then this weakness will not exist.

This is not a big deal for the benefits of Wei Xiaobei.

However, in a short time, Wei Xiaobei seems to have some trouble to get this secret.

This Maitreya phantom has resisted two waves of punishment!

But this also makes Wei Xiaobei see the eyes of Maitreya phantom like a hungry wolf!

No way, the more the Maitreya phantom behaved, the more Wei Xiaobei wants to get the secret of its inner strength!

At this time, a human fleet is following the road that has been opened, passing near the central mountain range and going to another city.

Compared with the simple situation of the original human migration to Qing Mu Paradise, the situation in Qing Mu Paradise is now almost the same as human beings have established more than 20 cities and hundreds of towns!

These cities are located in the town of Qing Mu Paradise.

As the capital of Aoki City, with the advantage of a fixed space channel, the population has long been reached a 300,000 giant.

However, in the previously determined rules of Wei Xiaobei, in Qing Mu Paradise, the urban population cannot exceed 300,000.

The reason for this is very simple. If a city has a population of more than 300,000, its environmental impact on all around is very large.

So after the population of Aoki reached 300,000, then Tian Yuwen started planning to build a new city.

Of course, building a new city is not that easy.

After all, there is only one fixed space channel, and Aoki City is able to develop so quickly with the aid of space channels.

At the beginning, in Qing Mu Paradise, due to the phenomenon of energy extraction, there was a considerable amount of trouble for human beings to establish a new city in Qing Mu Paradise.

Therefore, Tian Yuwen’s choice is to establish a group of villages with two or three hundred people.

These predecessors opened up enough Liangtian, and then the extra population in Aoki City gradually moved into these villages, making these villages grow and expand from the village to the town, and the town expands into a function-independent small city.

However, there are also many villages that have declined due to geographical factors and eventually have to evacuate.

But overall, the human footprint has spread throughout the entire Qing Mu Paradise.

In addition to Aoki City, the largest cities in other cities have a population of tens of thousands.

This is naturally not to destroy the environment of Qing Mu Paradise.

But this is also the case, except for the city of Aoki, other human cities must look a lot in the original.

It is like this transport fleet between the cities.

In reality, the so-called transport fleet is naturally composed of a heavy truck, which whizzes on the road and whizzes away, sending bulk cargo to where it is needed.

But the transport team in Qing Mu Paradise is made up of a large iron rhinoceros with a body type of more than 20 meters. The iron rhinoceros with a body type of more than 20 meters dragged a trailer larger than its body type and ran in the flat wilderness. The humans who drive these iron rhinos are thinking about arriving at their destination. They should go to the bar to ease the fatigue of the journey, or go home and reunite with their families.

Just as they laughed at each other and watched all around, they saw a thunder falling in the central mountain range in the distance. The roar of the thunder even made them unable to understand the words. .

What’s going on here?

They involuntarily let the iron rhinoceros slow down, avoiding these big guys accidentally surprised, then it would be more troublesome.

Well, in fact, they don’t need to take action, these smart big guys slow down their own speed.

In the end, the team stopped.

The leader of the team was surprised to see the dark clouds gathering over the central mountain range.

What happened there?

Although the leader of this team has the strength of the awarded 3-Star elite, he still has some unclear about the power of such a world.

After hesitating for a moment, the team leader came to the armed team with the body type’s largest iron rhino, and communicated with the leader of the iron rhinoceros in a slow language.

Don’t think that these big guys are just like the buffalo, they are stupid things.

These iron rhinos have the wisdom equivalent to the human age of twelve years old. As for the leader of the iron rhinoceros, they have the wisdom of being equal to adults.

Of course, having the wisdom of an adult is not to say that it is really smart.

However, in the event of such an accident in the world, the team leader is more convinced that the iron rhinoceros has a premonition to the outside danger.

After talking with the iron rhinoceros leader for a while, the team leader gathered all the people together and looked solemn: “Everyone sees the current situation, and according to the iron boss, it feels the destruction of the gathered where it is gathered, everyone talks about it. Look, should we return now or continue to move forward?”

The words of the leader of the team are not that he did not take responsibility.

Because he is the leader of the team, he has the obligation to bring everyone back safely.

But he can’t be too dictatorial. Coupled with a person’s shortcomings, he also needs the wisdom of the masses to see the situation.

“Captain, return to the original road, safety first.”

“Captain, go ahead, anyway, the central mountain range is so far away from us, afraid of anything.”

“If you don’t detour, you lose some time for it.”


Everyone has a lot of talks, and there are different opinions. Their opinions are mainly divided into three types.

Return to the original road, move on, and add a detour.

This situation makes the captain feel a bit big.

Of course, if he wants to say something, he is still more inclined to make a detour.

After all, the team is responsible for the transportation tasks, and they have traveled more than halfway. Now, if you return, the wasted time is not a little bit.

And if you continue on the way, the risk is indeed a bit big.

Therefore, the detour should be the best choice.

However, the captain also knows that if it is really an accident, I am afraid that even if it is a detour, it may not be able to avoid it.

Of course, the idea of ​​the captain is not high enough.

If you change to Tian Yuwen and others here, you will worry about whether the Thunder will hurt Yggdrasil.

And if Yggdrasil is damaged, then the blow to Qing Mu Paradise is unimaginable.

Just as the captain hesitated, suddenly he found that he did not seem to hesitate.

The reason is very simple. The dark clouds over the central mountain range suddenly disappeared, and as the dark clouds dissipated, the Thunder naturally disappeared.

Looking at the distance over the central mountain range, the captain was a bit stunned. For a moment, it was as if nothing had happened. This kind of gap really made people want to vomit blood.

Of course, it is best to have nothing happen.

Fearing that there will be some subsequent changes, the captain did not dare to delay the time. After asking the iron boss, the team immediately started again, and quickly rushed away from the central mountain range at twice the speed.

In the end, the transport team left the road.

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei is not quite sure about the confusion that his actions have brought to the transport team.

Although Wei Xiaobei controls Qing Mu Paradise, as long as he is in Qing Mu Paradise, nothing happening in Qing Mu Paradise can’t avoid his eyes.

But this requires him to pay attention!

If Wei Xiaobei is not interested, then he will not know what happened inside Qing Mu Paradise.

After all, Wei Xiaobei is too tired to monitor every move in Qing Mu Paradise.

Even if Wei Xiaobei has twelve minds, it is impossible to maintain this state all the time.

Occasionally check out the situation in Qing Mu Paradise. If the time is maintained for more than two minutes, Wei Xiaobei will almost burn his brain.

No way, although Qing Mu Paradise is still relatively weak, it is always a completely independent world!

In Qing Mu Paradise, which is more than 800 kilometers in diameter, what happens every moment is unimaginable!

After all, God is not so easy to be.

In any case, after a long period of use of the daily penalty, the Buddha light of the Buddha statue outside the face of Wei Xiaobei has been completely broken.

No way, this Buddha statue is quite powerful, but here is Qing Mu Paradise, Wei Xiaobei can mobilize the whole world’s strength!

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