Chapter 1660, Mixed Flood Dragon

Suddenly, running is also a kind of exercise that depends on the weather, unless you have a hobby of rain.


Of course, as for the hybrid Blood Dragon, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t care.

Anyway, now that the mixed-blooded Flood Dragon has revealed the figure, it is not so easy to escape from Wei Xiaobei’s eyes.

Well, in Wei Xiaobei’s opinion, the other party is not so embarrassed, and turned away to escape without a word.

Water pillar Avatar soon became a sneak peek with those water monsters.

I have to say that the battle between the two sides is still somewhat worth seeing.

A sudden battle of Eruption on the river suddenly attracted the attention of the humans on the banks of the two banks.

“Where did those people come from? It was so powerful that they ran to the river and dried up with the water demon!”

“I don’t know, but their body is very good!” Well, this is a young woman, but these Avatars made by Wei Xiaobei didn’t wear clothes, but they made a lot of wolves full of eyes.

“No, how do they all look like one?”

This is the guy with a sharp heart and I quickly see the problem.

Wei Xiaobei’s Avatar is naturally a look, even if Wei Xiaobei wants to change this, it is powerless. At least Cang Xuandong’s method of incarnation is not capable.

If this supernatural power can make Avatar look different, it is a bit abnormal.

Of course, if you use the high quality treasure to display this magical power, you may be able to retain Wei Xiaobei’s skin reproduction ability.

But in front of these water pillar Avatar is not possible.

Well, this does not prevent them from slaughtering the water demon.

That’s right, the whole battle process is almost a unilateral slaughter!

Hundreds of water pillars Avatar formed a frontal array, and the moving towards the water demon launched the impact.

The art of fighting, where the water demon knows what to do, they only know that they are embracing and using the number to attack the water pillar Avatar.

The difference in the number of both sides is achieved by one to twenty!

However, hundreds of water pillars, Avatar, easily penetrated the turbulent formation of more than 2,000 water monsters, and killed more than 300 water monsters, losing only nine Avatars.

This kind of war damage ratio makes the people on the river embankment stunned.

At first they thought that the water pillars Avatar wanted to fight with the water monsters. In their imagination, those water pillars Avatar might be able to make the water demon lose a lot, but in the end they will die.

But after running through the water demon’s chaos, those water pillars Avatar did not stop, then turned around and split into two, respectively, moving towards the remaining water demon!

In the eyes of the water demon, these water pillar Avatar is simply a demon who is not afraid of life and death!

When the water demon’s weapon penetrated into the body, these Avatar did not dodge, but instead smashed the sledgehammer of the water on the head of the demon, and smashed the head!

This way of fighting is something that the water demon has never seen.

Therefore, after the water pillar Avatar once again runs through the water demon group, these water monsters are afraid and fearful.

They ignored the command of the mixed Blood Dragon, and turned and fled, completely ignoring the loss of the water pillar Avatar this time reached more than thirty!

You know, the two runs through the attack, the number of water pillar Avatar has dropped by nearly half, and the water demon side, although the loss is heavy, but at least there are more than a thousand.

In other words, due to the large loss of Avatar’s second penetration attack, the water demon has the possibility to fully smash them.

But the water demon is always a single individual. They do not have the indifference of Wei Xiaobei Avatar, and see that their own family has suffered heavy losses. I am afraid that the next deceased may be his own time, and he will not be able to hold it.

Seeing that the water demon turned and fled, the bloody Flood Dragon hiding in the rain cloud was furious, and it stuck a claw from the rain cloud, move towards the escaped water demon!

Suddenly the water demon screamed in pain, and the body screamed fiercely. After the count, a translucent black Demonic Qi rose from the water demon, in the painful roar of the water demon, move towards The mixed Blood Dragon flies away.

After losing the black Demonic Qi, the water demons were soft on the river, and the half-human demon body quickly degraded, and soon became a semi-dead fish and shrimp!

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

Undoubtedly, those water demon should be this hybrid Blood Dragon to use some means to click on a monster!

And to be able to spot these monsters, the Mixed Flood Dragon can naturally turn these water monsters from monsters into ordinary fish and shrimps!

Seeing the end of his own family, the water demon who had not yet been taken away from Demonic Qi could not help but back up the air, where they dared to run away, and turned again, move towards the water pillar Avatar.

Wei Xiaobei is not concerned about the water pillar Avatar is dead or alive, he is concerned about the mixed blood Dragon Dragon.

With a right hand grabbing, Wei Xiaobei immediately appeared on the right hand with a golden spear that shines a little golden light!

Sun gun!

Wei Xiaobei then stepped on the air with a little bit of his legs, and moved toward the mixed-blooded Flood Dragon.

The mixed-blood Flood Dragon is cautious, but it’s also a mixed-blooded Flood Dragon.

So no matter what, the Mixed Dragon is impossible to escape without fighting!

Seeing Wei Xiaobei rushing, the Dragon Dragon’s protruding dragon claws pressed down, and suddenly a huge wave was lifted over the river. After the huge waves picked up, they immediately turned, and move towards Wei Xiaobei.

Although this huge wave does not have the same Terror as Wei Xiaobei has seen, it is also reached at a hundred meters high, and its inner strength contains a strength that is the peak of the awarded Terror!

Well, if you can, Wei Xiaobei is actually not willing to confront such a heavy object, because it is a bit stupid, even if you are infinitely powerful, it is very disadvantageous to compete with such a natural power.

But the figure has already been opened, Wei Xiaobei pay attention to the direction of the arrival of this huge wave, it turned out to be a river embankment!

No way, you can only hold it!

If this huge wave hits the river embankment, it can be much more harmful than the giant turtle.

At this point, at least the gap of the river can be pulled out of the river bank!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not a fool, really prepared to use his own flesh to resist the impact of the huge waves.

The figure fell to the bottom, Wei Xiaobei landed on the river, and by his side, the dying giant tortoise opened his eyes and looked at Wei Xiaobei wearing a glove.

“Sorry, borrow your body.”

Wei Xiaobei said with a smile on his face, and did not care whether the giant tortoise was clear, and his hands were caught on the ridge of the edge of the giant tortoise shell. Then the Muscle bulged and suddenly made a force. The turtle lifted up from the river surface.

Of course, in the case of the river tumbling and the rain curtains, the people who can see Wei Xiaobei lifting the giant tortoise are a minority. The more people see the giant turtle floating on the river face inexplicably erected.

Is this giant turtle playing acrobatics?

The people who attracted the battle yelled.

“Sorry, take you!”

Wei Xiaobei smiled apologetically, then leaped high and smashed the huge waves that the giant turtle moved towards!

Of course, the huge wave carried nearly a million tons of water, just a giant turtle in addition Wei Xiaobei 200,000 tons of giant force, want to completely defeat it, how much is still a little difficult.

But as the giant tortoise was pulled out by Wei Xiaobei, the giant turtle outside the body produced a breeze.

Under the impetus of these breezes, the speed of the giant tortoise has increased several times in a flash!


With a loud noise, the giant tortoise is like a chess piece breaking into a huge wave.

At this moment, the huge waves that had been whizzing suddenly suddenly stopped. At the next moment, the huge waves appeared numerous cracks from the giant tortoise. After a short time, the huge waves collapsed and turned into countless water flowers on the river. Above.

Although this made the waves on the river surface become more intense, the waves that flowed into the river embankment became much larger, but the river embankment was at least preserved.

Wei Xiaobei rushed to the mixed blood dragon after stepping on the air after taking out the giant tortoise!

The mixed-blooded Flood Dragon saw some of the giant turtles being stunned by Wei Xiaobei.

This is actually an accident that it is absolutely not thought of.

A human being, it seems to have some supernatural powers, but in the eyes of the mixed-blooded Flood Dragon, it is just a little trick for giving it.

However, Wei Xiaobei was able to lift the giant tortoise and defeat the huge waves that he had set off.

It is able to pick up huge waves and even drive the condensation of rain clouds. It is a torrential rain. It is a hybrid Dragon Dragon that activates the true Dragon Blood and understands the rules related to water.

This is the strength of the rule!

The problem is that the mixed dragon Dragon also noticed the rule strength released by the arrived Wei Xiaobei!

Otherwise, the giant turtle wants to defeat the huge waves, which is absolutely impossible.

If you want to use ordinary strength to deal with the strength of the rule, the price will be thousands of times!

The use of the rule strength to deal with the rule strength, but also so easy to succeed, naturally attracted the attention of the hybrid Blood Dragon.

But no matter how important it is, the bloody Flood Dragon’s consistent contempt for humans is difficult to dispel from the bones.

So when we saw Wei Xiaobei rushing, the first Reflex of the Mixed Blood Dragon was to extend a Giant’s dragon claw. From top to bottom, the move to Wei Xiaobei of the skull cover was taken!

In the eyes of the mixed dragon, it is his privilege that this human being can use a dragon claw to deal with him.

But let the Blood Dragon absolutely unimagined that after the dragon claws were photographed, they actually encountered a resistance, and there was no way to continue down!

This turned out to be the human claws that stretched out their hands and took pictures of themselves!

“courting death !”

The Blood Dragon draws two words from the teeth, and the strength above the dragon claws has increased dramatically several times, but it is intended to make this human being a meat sauce!

However, the dragon claws did not move, and even they were slowly lifted up!

How can this be? !

A human being has no less than himself, and even more than his own flesh strength! ! ?

Should this be my own illusion?

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