Chapter 1652, Bao Xiangwei

This poor Daoist is in a bad state of mind today, first update the four thousand words, and see if there is spirit in the back.


Wei Xiaobei, who stood on the small building, was able to feel the coolness of the ghost when he was drawn by the shredded soul.

After the ghost disappeared, Wei Xiaobei took a look at Life Altar’s attribute.

Well, a very obsessed evil spirit gave Life Altar a soul reserve of about 30 points.

Not bad, beyond the calculations before Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei previously speculated that a normal human soul could probably provide Life Altar with a little soul reserve, and evil spirits, devils should be higher, around 10 o’clock.

But now, a goblin provides a 60-point soul reserve, but it makes Wei Xiaobei feel a little surprised.

In this way, you don’t have to worry too much about the soul reserve in the future.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei left the red mask.

The evil spirits that had been hovering around all around couldn’t get into the red mask, so when the martyrdom often waited for them to stop attacking them, these evil spirits appeared to be more leisurely, and there was not much consciousness to wander around.

But when Wei Xiaobei left the red mask, these evil spirits felt the breath of the living, and suddenly became excited, move towards Wei Xiaobei!


Wei Xiaobei was thunderous and thunderous, and suddenly the body’s breath move towards all directions was released!

4-Star Calamity’s Terror breath suddenly spread. Any evil spirits that have been swept by this breath will lose their former fierceness in an instant. It is like a little lamb smelling the angry tiger, and it is scared and shivering.

Wei Xiaobei’s breath is mixed with the semi-sacred powers, which have a natural pressure on these evil spirits.

If these evil spirits do not reach the realm of the ghost king, they have no ability to resist this power.

This is also Wei Xiaobei just noticed the problem.

Well, I knew this early, when I first arrived in the county, I shouldn’t converge on the air, lest the ghosts seem to see the flies of the flesh, and rushed up.

Of course, now is not the time to consider this issue, Wei Xiaobei stretched out his left hand, and a piece of shredded pork squirted out, forming a giant net to open up, and the evil spirits who were attracted but shook and shivered were covered. Go in.

Next, the evil spirits are continually plunged into the body and their strength is extracted.

The number of evil spirits converted into soul reserves is more or less, more than 30 points, and 17 points and 8 points.

After almost absorbing five hundred evil spirits, Life Altar’s soul reserve is full.

After all, Life Altar’s soul reserve now has a limit of only 10,000 for it.

Waiting for Life Altar’s soul reserve to be full, Wei Xiaobei did not study the life-giving life of the Life Form, but sat down in the air on the spot, and then took the half-water bottle from the Storage Ring. Lightly holding, the right hand squeezed a handprint, his eyes closed slightly, and his mouth began to read words.

The group of people on the roof next to the small building saw Wei Xiaobei’s move at this time, and they could not help but feel the spirit.

For most of them, 3-Star Terror has entered the expired bottleneck period, and wants to go further, and the difficulty is so great that they can’t find directions.

But there is a strong presence at least 4-Star is showing his strength, which is undoubtedly an opportunity for them.

They know that the difference in the level of strength is different from what is displayed. If you can find something from it, perhaps the breakthrough bottleneck period will become possible!

Therefore, at this time, everyone’s breathing is almost closed, as if afraid to interfere with the arrived Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, in fact, they all know how the existence of Wei Xiaobei may be so easily disturbed, it is only a psychological effect for it.

I saw that with Wei Xiaobei’s mouthful of words, his body suddenly spread a circle of golden merit.

It is too far to say that the golden light of this circle is far worse than the peak.

No way, I said before, Wei Xiaobei spent almost the same time in the study of the rules, and now can evoke such a circle of merit, Wei Xiaobei is already doing his best.

With the spread of the light of this circle of merit, the evil spirits shrouded in the light of merit are instantly incomparable.

The light of merit can be described as a panacea that eliminates the law and eliminates the evil spirits. It is natural to deal with the evil spirits in this area.

Moreover, with the spread of the light of merit, Wei Xiaobei came out with a white Lotus from Giant.

After the light of merit and the white Lotus of the mouth, Wei Xiaobei will show Giant White Lotus under the white Lotus.

Undoubtedly, this adds a bit of a sell to Wei Xiaobei.

In the eyes of the group of people led by Taoist priests, Wei Xiaobei is exactly like the Buddha’s coming to the world, and the whole body shines brightly and makes people unable to open their eyes.

The bursts of the Sanskrit sounds, and there is a faint sound of music, which makes people feel a bit peaceful, and Wei Xiaobei is under the glory of the merits and goldens, and it is even more precious, so that people dare not give birth to Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

Several Dust World practitioners with a slightly weak mind even squatted directly on the roof, move towards Wei Xiaobei.

Seeing this scene, the martyrdom often could not help but be stunned. This scene made him feel incredible for a while.

Although he has been in Dust World for so long, he is the first time he saw the power of Buddha like Wei Xiaobei.

To be honest, if he is not in the direction of the door, then he really has a desire to worship the Buddha.

And the evil spirits are now in the glory of the golden light, the blackness of the body is constantly dissipating, and under the effect of the white lotus sound of the mouth, their embarrassing faces have gradually become more peaceful.

Gradually, the head of the evil spirits turned from the claws and claws, and the incomparable image was transformed into the image of life.

The grievances of the ghosts are dispelled, and they naturally return to the ordinary appearance.

About twenty minutes passed, and Wei Xiaobei’s mouth stopped, and the sky suddenly fell into a multi-colored glow.

Wei Xiaobei knows that this is a normal phenomenon after a large number of ghosts are dispelled.

Those ghosts are devoted, move towards Wei Xiaobei After a ceremony, the figure slowly dissipates into the air.

Undoubtedly, after their grievances were resolved, they naturally went to the place where they should have gone through a mysterious rule.

Hu, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but spit out a sigh of gas.

I have to say that it is extremely difficult for Wei Xiaobei to surpass tens of thousands of ghosts in one breath.

After dispelling so much resentment, Wei Xiaobei is now too tired.

But such hard work is worth it.

After the ghosts dissipated, the bottom of the semi-finished water bottle in Wei Xiaobei’s hand was covered with a drop of Xuan Huang Gongde juice, which had a tendency to fall to the ground in the next moment.

Unfortunately, these Xuanhuang Gongde juices could not be preserved, and Wei Xiaobei sighed, and Zhang mouth inhales dozens of drops of Xuanhuang Gongde juice.

As the Xuan Huang Gongde juice was sucked into the mouth, Wei Xiaobei’s more sturdy merits and golden light suddenly increased a lot.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei screamed: “Open mouth!”

Hearing Wei Xiaobei’s popping sound, the people on the small building opened their mouths subconsciously.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei gently smashed the semi-residual water bottle, and suddenly dozens of drops of Xuan Huang Gongde juice flew out from the bottom of the bottle, move towards everyone.

At the end of the arrival, those Xuan Huang Gongde juices are each invested in the population, not much more, three drops per person.

Compared to Wei Xiaobei, these people have a lot of Reflex to swallow the sinful yellow gong juice. Their eyes are naturally closed, and their faces show a pleasant look.

Looking at their appearance, it is even more embarrassing than eating prohibited items.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t continue to pay attention to them, swallowing the Xuanhuang Gongde juice that was continuously condensed in the semi-residual water bottle.

However, without waiting for him to finish, another wave of ghosts gathered from all over the county and rushed over.

This is really a happy worry.

Wei Xiaobei Zhang mouth swallowed a few drops of Xuanhuang Gongde juice that had just been condensed, and the sound of the scriptures was heard again in the mouth.

Waiting for Wei Xiaobei to complete this wave of ghosts, the martyrdom often waits for people to break free from the joy of pleasure that the Xuan Huang Gongde juice is integrated into the body.

They were excited and happy with their involuntary faces.

Indeed, the effect of this Xuan Huang Gongde juice far exceeds their imagination.

Just three drops, giving them the feeling, but it is much stronger than the evil spirits that killed so many before.

Perhaps this is just their psychological role.

But soon, Wei Xiaobei let them open their mouths and threw more than 30 drops of Xuan Huang Gongde juice.

This time, after they swallowed, it didn’t take long for a while to make a faint golden glow!

“Kungde Golden Light!”

After the squatting and waiting for people to see the abnormalities in their bodies at this time, they almost all have to go crazy, one by one to be wild with joy, and hurriedly sat down.

Although Wei Xiaobei didn’t pay attention to them, he was able to know what happened on them with his powerful inductive power.

Even Wei Xiaobei had to marvel at their good fortune.

To say that the production of merits and golden light, although there is a relationship with merit, but also has a relationship with luck.

Some people accumulate countless merits, not necessarily able to produce merit, and the merits of accumulation are also in the midst of the effect.

And some people accumulation some merits will have the merits of golden light, which produces a variety of effects.

Obviously, Gongde Jinguang is more similar to the supernatural power of the merit type, and its role is naturally greater than the intangible merits, and more choices.

It is as if at this time, after the martial arts and other people have won the merits and golden light, they will consume the merits and goldens in the first time. Some people will consume the merits of gold and the others will be consumed on their own bodies.

In short, after the disappearance of Gongde Jinguang, the momentum on them became stronger than before.

Of course, it is impossible to raise too much with the merits they have gained.

But as a result, their bottleneck period will be greatly shortened, and there will be great hope to step into the 4-Star level, which is a fact.

After Wei Xiaobei cleaned up the ghosts in the county for several times, the number of ghosts gathered again was greatly reduced, and hundreds of them made Wei Xiaobei unable to surpass their minds.

What’s more, although the county town said that Yin Qi has passed away, the number of ghosts has been decreasing, but to make these ghosts no longer appear, it is not just super-existing.

The only way to do this is to eliminate the projections of the building that project the yin into the reality, and the Yin Qi in this area will completely dissipate, thus cutting off the generation of those ghosts.

Well, at this time, Wei Xiaobei has no idea of ​​going to the township station for the time being.

Next, Wei Xiaobei greeted everyone and left the county with them.

After staying away from the county for more than 30 kilometers, Yin Qi fell to a normal state.

I have to say that the appearance of this gloomy architectural projection is indeed a bit big.

Except for the innocent people in the county town who are stunned by evil spirits, even other places are affected by the award.

Thousands of square kilometers were affected by Yin Qi.

Normal humans or other Life Forms under the cover of Yin Qi will be suffocated by Yin Qi for a little longer, either physically ill, or mentally disordered, unconscious, even some people who were originally sick and sick. It’s a common thing.

For the vast majority of people, this is undoubtedly a sudden disaster.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei did not have the kind of pity for the time being.

After letting everyone rest on their own, Wei Xiaobei took the dragon scale pot out, took out some ingredients, and processed them in order, proceeding in an orderly manner.

The mixed-race scorpion was originally lazy and made powerless, but now I saw Wei Xiaobei preparing to cook, and suddenly I was in a strong spirit. The weak state suddenly disappeared. I even jumped from Wei Xiaobei’s shoulder and scraped the edge of the wheel. The eyes are coveted, and the eyes are staring at Wei Xiaobei’s move. I can’t wait for the dishes to be ready, so that I can taste them.

I often didn’t dare to ask Wei Xiaobei about the matter. Just after the tent was built, I walked over and wanted to ask for the next thing. For example, now that the weather is late, how about the appetite of adults?

You know, the martyrdom often waits for someone to come, not to be unprepared. They are very prepared, even if there is a guy who was originally a chef of 5-Star, preparing a lot of good ingredients.

But when they get close, they can’t help but see, Wei Daren is already cooking.

Routines are often people who have no eyesight. Just look at the way they handle the ingredients, and they know that this adult is not doing it casually.

Especially the chef could not help but marvel, whispered: “The cooking of this adult is probably a lot better than me!”

Of course, this way of cooking, in peacetime, is naturally sought after, and the status of some well-known chefs in the society is high enough to envy people.

But now, the whole world is in chaos, and the martyrdom often waits for the strength to be respected. As for eating and drinking these things, you can fill your stomach, and it is not very careful to eat and eat.

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