Chapter 1647, Life Altar promotion!

This poor Daoist found that since yesterday, mosquitoes have sprung up like mushrooms, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them in a dense manner. You can imagine that when you talk in one mouth, you will have one or two mosquitoes flying into your mouth.


The other side of the flower is still so fragrant and fragrant.

However, after feeling a floral fragrance, Wei Xiaobei was almost able to resist the scent of this flower, and thus did not reveal his own memory.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei had a few shredded pork on his left hand, and the pork shredded into the flower core of the other side!

For a moment, the other side of the flower seemed to tremble as a whole, and there was a bit of painful fluctuations, but this painful fluctuation quickly disappeared as the pork shredded.

A red-hot substance is quickly fed into the left hand of Wei Xiaobei along the shredded pork.

I have to say that this other side of the flower does have some out of the ordinary, even Life Altar, after swallowing this other flower, it suddenly fell into a confused state, Wei Xiaobei gently touched with the gods, It was discovered that this Life Altar was caught in an recall state.

Of course, this Life Altar is not a human being. It has neither the same high intelligence as human beings nor the human mother’s memory.

So it didn’t take long for Life Altar to recover from that state of memory.

Of course, the focus of Wei Xiaobei is not on the other side, but Life Altar has finally been promoted!

This swallowing the other side of the flower is just a life test after the evolution of Life Altar.

Name: Life Altar (Preferred Spiritual Treasure)

Introduction: This is a by-product of the mutual agricultural market condensing Divine Power. After many evolutions, it has formed its own intelligence and achieved the highest level of Spiritual Treasure….

Effect 1: Can engulf the energy reserve conversion reserve, the material reserve upper limit 8000000.

Effect 2: Can swallow the soul conversion reserve, the soul reserve upper limit 10000.

Effect 3: The Life Form gene can be ingested to enrich the Life Altar gene pool.

Effect 4: The basic Life Form can be cultivated, and two hundred meat chops can be formed at a time.

Effect 5: Transform the modulation, consume Evolution Points or substances, and transform the basic Life Form to prepare a new basic Life Form.

Effect 6: Combat evolution, nurturing Life Form can absorb Evolution Points in battle to achieve evolution.

Effect seven: has been recognized Master.

Effect 8: The food can be designated by phagocytosis, and the evolution of the treasure is enhanced.

Effect 9: It can be given to cultivate the Life Form soul to make it a real Life Form.


After Wei Xiaobei looked at the attribute table after Life Altar re-evolved, he couldn’t help but vomit a long sigh.

To say that this evolution, most of the effects in the Life Altar attribute table have not changed, but only the part that changes, it is enough to prove that Life Altar has undergone earth-shaking changes before evolution!

The first is that the material reserves have increased tenfold! This means that if the material reserves are overflowing, the Life Form that Wei Xiaobei can cultivate will be ten times that of the previous one!

The meat chop that was formed at one time has also changed from one hundred and twenty to two hundred, almost doubled.

But these are small changes in Wei Xiaobei’s view, the real change is the effect two and the effect nine!

Effect 2: Can swallow the soul conversion reserve, the soul reserve upper limit 10000.

Effect 9: It can be given to cultivate the Life Form soul to make it a real Life Form.


From the literal meaning of these two effects, it can be seen that the second effect is to reserve the soul, and the effect nine can give the soul of the reserve to cultivate the Life Form and make it a real Life Form!

The so-called real Life Form is a Life Form that can reproduce its own genes and thus continue its own genes.

In other words, it can form a complete population!

This was not possible with previous Life Forms, and even the Common Person, who occasionally developed self-awareness, could not do this.

No breeding Life Form can breed for future generations!

This is a Life Form that was developed by Life Altar, a limitation of invisible existence!

So what is the White Fog shrimp mother, although it can produce shrimp eggs and breed White Fog shrimp, but White Fog shrimp is not White Fog shrimp mother, White Fog shrimp mother can never produce white Fog shrimp. Shrimp eggs come!

Even if Wei Xiaobei wants to do this, it can’t be done!

But now, this has been broken through!

what does this mean?

Wei Xiaobei is in the heart.

This is the authority of the Creator!

Although in Qing Mu Paradise, due to the continuous improvement of the rules, the continuous growth of Qing Mu Paradise has caused many new species to evolve in Qing Mu Paradise.

But know, Wei Xiaobei, even if it is the creator of Qing Mu Paradise, can’t interfere with the form, ability, etc. of these species, even when these species appear, Wei Xiaobei can’t know or control. .

It is like Wei Xiaobei opened a piece of land, but what kind of crops will grow on the ground, Wei Xiaobei is not known to the farmer before it grows.

The only thing he can do is to lay the land well and lay the foundation for the growth of the crops, or to open up the land.

But now it’s different. With Life Altar, Wei Xiaobei can develop the Life Forms that they need, and these Life Forms can reproduce themselves and form their own populations like the Life Forms in reality!

This is not the authority of the Creator, but what else?

This kind of excitement suddenly made Wei Xiaobei forget that he was still on the road of Huangquan and began to experiment with great interest.

But this trial has just failed.

When Wei Xiaobei cultivated a Flame bird and prepared to give the soul to the other party, it was remembered that Life Altar’s soul reserve was zero!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but think of the dense ghosts in the city of Qidu.

If Life Altar’s evolutionary advancement can be advanced, it will be fine when you first arrive in the county.

Although the number of souls of this Life Altar is a little soul reserve, the dense ghosts in the town of Qidu County are at least enough for their own experiments.


Wei Xiaobei sighed, but after that, the mentality also stabilized.

As long as Yin Qi does not dissipate here, the ghosts in the town of Yidu County will not disappear. In that case, after waiting for them to go out, those ghosts will not run away.

After all, those ghosts can only rely on Yin Qi. Before Yin Qi of the capital city of Yandu did not spread out, those ghosts did not have the chance even if they wanted to harm all around.

This is like the previous blood-sucking worms, which can only harm the warm areas, and the colder parts of the north will not appear as blood-sucking diseases.

In any case, there is no soul reserve, and it is a joke to cultivate a Life Form with a soul.

What should we do now?

Wei Xiaobei looked back and looked at the front again.

This Huangquan Road really hurts the human head.

Wei Xiaobei felt that it was a waste of his life when he spent more than a minute on this Huangquan road without studying the time spent on killing.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei took out the sun god bow again, pulled the bowstring, and an Arrows condensed by thunder and mercury, which appeared on the bowstring.

This time, Wei Xiaobei was ready to follow the move of killing the ghost gate and dispel the cockroaches over it, so as to break the circular space of Huangquan Road.

After all, the foundation of Huangquan Road is located in the extremely rich Netherworld of Yin Qi.

Once Netherworld has entered the sun just to the sun, will Netherworld be Netherworld?


The sound of a bowstring vibration came, and the Rays intertwined Arrows suddenly broke out of the string. In a blink of an eye, it shot a hundred meters away, and suddenly it penetrated into the plaque that permeated the road in Huangquan.

But what makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat awkward is that after the Thunderbolt Arrows exploded, the cockroaches in the sky did not have any influence at all!

What is going on?

Wei Xiaobei then tried it and walked up the air. When he walked up to the hundred meters, he felt a faint layer of space barrier.

But this layer of space barrier is somewhat different from the ordinary space barrier. Wei Xiaobei punched out and hit the space barrier, feeling that his fist broke the space barrier, but in fact, the space barrier is intact, his fist There is still a little distance from the space barrier.

cycle? ! !

Wei Xiaobei suddenly understood.

This Huangquan Road was originally a circular independent space. Since he could not leave Huangquan Road, his fists, Arrows could not reach the space barrier, because the distance between himself and the space barrier could never be close, and the distance between the two sides had been The cycle rules are infinitely lengthened.

Dizzy, can’t you really go out?

Wei Xiaobei’s brow could not help but wrinkle.

To say that the environment here is not dangerous to him, but it has become the biggest trouble for Wei Xiaobei in his life!

If you can’t get out of Huangquan Road, then you can only be trapped here and the Yangshou is exhausted!


This is really a bit disgusting.

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei tested a variety of methods, want to break through the space barrier, let yourself leave Huangquan Road, but whether it is lightning, mercury, or light and heat rules, wind rules, and even a variety of rules The combination method will not help.

The circular rules of Huangquan Road perfectly limit the damage that any strength can cause to the space.

Arrived at this time, Wei Xiaobei really has some headaches.

Do you really stay here forever?

Undoubtedly, such an ending is beyond what Wei Xiaobei can’t tolerate.

Of course, it is also possible that Zhu Xinyi and others found that they have not returned for a long time and came to save themselves.

But in this case, Wei Xiaobei’s face is about to fall.

Wei Xiaobei did not fall to the ground, still suspended in the air, his brow wrinkled slightly, thinking about how to break the situation.

Do you want to be physically separated?

But think again, even if you are separated from your body, I am afraid that this situation cannot be solved.

After all, on Huangquan Road, even if it is a dead soul, you have to exhaust Yangshou before you can advance. It will not open because you are a dead soul.

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