Chapter 1644, devour!

I slept for two hours and was woken up by the lovely kindergarten song. Forget it, or codewords.


But now Life Altar is much more advanced than it was at the beginning, even if it is in the process of evolution, such as cultivating Life Form, the ability to devour treasure can still be used.

The giant net made up of shredded pork covered the ghost door.

However, Yin Qi, who was shrouded in the ghost gate, was not vegetarian. After a while, the pork was not eroded.

Of course, acting like this is tantamount to exposing yourself to the sun more thoroughly, speeding up the melting of the ghost gate.

Even Yin Qi, who had eroded the shredded pork, was wiped clean by the sun.

For such a result, Wei Xiaobei had expected it before.

After all, this is the first time Life Altar has swallowed the Netherworld building, as if it had swallowed a trace of blood on the Ao Yan dragon scale, and the pork could not withstand normal.

However, Life Altar’s shredded pork is able to continually adjust its evolution according to the characteristics of the target. Therefore, after the second shredded pork gate is closed, the maintenance time is reached for more than twenty seconds.

After being eroded several times in a row, Life Altar has completely adapted to Yin Qi of the Ghost Gate. Therefore, after the last shredded gate is closed, the Ghost Gate will not erode the pork, no matter how many Yin Qis are poured out. Constantly melted.

At this time, the pork is constantly moving towards the inside of the ghost gate. The ghost door is melted under the sunlight, making the invasion of the pork a lot easier.

In Wei Xiaobei’s mind, the internal situation of Ghost Gate is coming out with the intrusion of shredded pork.

Of course, for the time being, Wei Xiaobei has not yet seen where the mystery of this ghost gate is, and can only record its morphological structure and even its characteristics in mind, leaving it to be studied later.

Finally, the shredded pork completely penetrated the ghost gate, and even penetrated into the foundation of the ghost gate. It was dense, like the root of a towering tree, and the ghost door was infiltrated from the inside out!

Hu, Wei Xiaobei put put out a breath gently, then move towards Life Altar to give orders.


For a moment, the shredded pork that had penetrated the ghost gate began to suddenly force up and swallowed up.

Soon, Wei Xiaobei saw that the hollow shredded pork turned into a dark blue color, Yin Qi, which constitutes the ghost gate, and even something unspeakable, which was absorbed by the shredded pork and then along the shredded pork pipe. Move towards Life Altar.

Well, just as the blue color spread to the left hand, Wei Xiaobei suddenly felt an extreme coolness into the palm of his hand. This coolness is not the same as the ordinary cold, more similar to the kind of collision. Ghost’s Terror has a cold feeling.

Wei Xiaobei can even figure out from this that if an ordinary human is exposed to this thing, how long will it take for the soul to die.

Of course, with the solidity of Wei Xiaobei’s soul, such a cold Terror can’t hurt him much.

However, this taste is extremely uncomfortable. It is like a pipe that constantly absorbs the mud into its body, so Wei Xiaobei can’t help but feel some nausea that wants to vomit.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei could not give up letting Life Altar swallow the projection of this ghost gate.

In one sentence, it is said that the shackles that you pull yourself are swallowed with tears.

Ok, to be honest, the feeling of extracting the ghost gate is really like swallowing it!

At this time, the ghost gate projection seems to feel the advent of his own end, struggling to struggle.

At this time, the struggle of the ghost gate is not as slight as the sun shines before, but like a mollusk, it constantly stretches out the tentacle composed of Yin Qi and stretches out into the sky, as if to grab something.

There is no doubt that the struggle of the ghost gate has no use at this time.

Not only does the sun’s rays give it great damage, but Life Altar’s shredded pork is the biggest damage to it.

The dark-black substance is continuously extracted and enters Wei Xiaobei’s left hand along the shredded pork into the Life Altar.

Gradually, the Yin Qi tentacle that protruded from the gate of the ghost door melted continuously, and even with the whole ghost gate, it was like a pile of mud softening.

Finally, after the Life Altar was drawn to a certain extent, the ghost gate could no longer be supported, and it collapsed into a strange object that slowly squirmed on the ground.

But even so, Life Altar was not wasted, still desperately pumping, and fighting with the sun.

This is also a helpless thing. Wei Xiaobei broke through the hustle and bustle of the sky before, and brought the sun down. Although it gave the ghost door a heavy blow, but because of the existence of the sun, the melting speed of the ghost gate was accelerated, and many substances that constitute the ghost gate It was wiped away by direct sunlight evaporation.

This invisibly saves Life Altar a lot less.

Of course, there is nothing to regret about Wei Xiaobei.

Anyway, I can let Life Altar extract the constituents of this ghost gate projection, and I am already earning an award.

This is always more than the ghost gate to withdraw their own projections, and I have not fallen too much.

After more than ten minutes in the past, the last afterimage of the ghost gate was completely dissipated in the sun.

With the disappearance of the ghost gate projection, the ripples on the sky slowly rejoined, making the delicate sunshine difficult to transmit again.

Of course, it is precisely because of the disappearance of the ghost gate projection, the cockroaches above the belt have become thinner even if they are re-aggregated.

Wei Xiaobei squirted a stream from the nostrils. The torrent was with a gray color, which was some cold poison that was accidentally brought into the body when Life Altar absorbed the ghost gate.

With Wei Xiaobei’s current Vitality, it is not difficult to excrete these cold poisons.

However, after absorbing the ghost gate projection, Wei Xiaobei’s left hand basically lost consciousness, which made Wei Xiaobei feel a little uncomfortable.

Of course, the existence of Wei Xiaobei, even if it loses a left hand, the weakening of its combat power is less than 20%, so don’t worry too much.

What’s more, Life Altar has greatly accelerated its evolution after absorbing the ghost gate projection. Calculated according to real time, Life Altar can be re-evolved at most one day!

As a result, the loss of this left-hand function, for Wei Xiaobei, is only a small cost forget it.

Of course, in order to make this Life Altar evolve again, Wei Xiaobei’s price is not too small, and he doesn’t say that Dantian is half-dead in the golden, and he doesn’t know when he can recover. He only tells the ghost door. After absorption, Wei Xiaobei undoubtedly offended the slut in Dust World!

To put it simply, this ghost gate is actually a living thing, a living thing used to guard the border between yin and yang. It is thus conceivable that it is at least a watchdog in the yin!

There is an old saying in China that the dog has to look at the owner!

Projecting such things, in a way, is equivalent to the existence of Avatar.

And Wei Xiaobei drove Life Altar to swallow the projection of this ghost gate, which will undoubtedly make the ghost gate very uncomfortable, which is almost equivalent to hitting the ghost gate off the body!

As a result, I am afraid that the existence of the entire Yin Shi will not have much affection for Wei Xiaobei.

Well, since Wei Xiaobei has already done this, there is not much concern about it.

Now, Wei Xiaobei needs to pay more attention than this!

After the giant baby plague was dried up by Wei Xiaobei, the seven emperors did not disappear.

Even after the ghost gate projection was absorbed by Life Altar, the seven emperors were still fighting with those lights.

However, at the time of the arrival, the seven emperors have become extremely weak. They have even been unable to transform the sky, and can only rely on the body to fight with the light.

Wei Xiaobei, whose eyes fell on the seven emperors, couldn’t help but lick his tongue.

Well, for the current Wei Xiaobei, there are too few good things that can attract his attention.

The previous ghost gate projection was a Spiritual Treasure level of treasure, but it was the same in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes. Otherwise, after being unable to be collected by Wei Xiaobei, Life Altar would not be swallowed up.

But this imperial atmosphere, the importance of Wei Xiaobei’s heart is undoubtedly higher than the ghost gate projection!

If you think about it, you will know, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the atmosphere of the Northern Emperor!

What is the northern emperor? I am afraid that many people are not clear, and perhaps they know the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

In the Taoist map of Heaven, the Heavenly Court gods are all orderly, each with its own ranks, like the ancient courts of the mortal world.

And this squat in the gate is revered as the northern cave yin 朔 绝 绝 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五

It can be seen from the introduction that the Black Emperor is in the power of Heavenly Court.

The soldiers will be 500,000!

That is not an ordinary soldier, a general, but a heavenly soldier!

I want to see the life of the Tota Li Tianwang Feng Yudi, to catch the demon monkey Sun Wukong, but only with 100,000 soldiers and soldiers!

From this point of view, although this is not the power of the world in the Heavenly Court, it is not an ordinary fairy.

At least, the Seven Division Jade Lady that Wei Xiaobei met was far too far away from the Black Emperor.

But if you move the breath of the Black Emperor, it is hard to say that you will not offend the Black Emperor!

Wei Xiaobei looked at the seven emperors who were constantly weakened in the fight with the heat, and the brow could not help but wrinkle.

This is a very real problem.

When you think about your own master, Qing Niu, you know that even Laojun’s mounts are in reality. The black emperor may appear when.

If you offend the Black Emperor, I will not have too few troubles in the future.

But Wei Xiaobei has a hunch that if you can get the seven emperors, then the benefits to yourself are almost impossible to describe.

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