Chapter 1633, Black Hole Movement

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But after the thunder net dissipated, the black hole stone did not change at all in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes, it was like a piece of eternal stone.

Seeing here, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but frown the head. It is said that the thunder and lightning of mercury is not only the Terror voltage of more than 100,000 volts, but also the property of real mercury.

As long as there is a little flaw in the stone of this black hole, even at the molecular level, it will be eroded by real mercury.

But the result is obvious, there is no way for the thunder and lightning to take the black hole.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei gave birth to a small whirlwind on his finger.

The whirlwind will wrap the black hole stone and accelerate it to rub against the stone of the black hole.

Arrived Finally, the speed of the whirlwind is up to the arrival of 100,000 rpm Terror high speed!

It can be said that under such a whirlwind package, any substance may be directly cut into pieces by this cyclone!

Of course, with Wei Xiaobei’s current research on the rules of the wind, it is only possible to raise such a small group of whirlwinds to such a high speed.

And to upgrade those Giant’s whirlwinds to such high speeds, Wei Weibei’s strength is still somewhat unrealistic.

But in any case, the whirlwind eventually failed.

The black hole stone completely ignores the high-speed friction of the cyclone, and under such high-speed friction, even a little heat is not generated.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sigh, and once again extended his finger, a little light and heat appeared on his finger, and then pressed on the stone of the black hole.

Silent, as the finger presses on the stone of the black hole, the light heat suddenly disappears.


Seeing this unusual scene, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but be amazed, and then condensed a group of light and heat, pressed on the stone of the black hole.

The result of this time is the same as the previous one, and the light and heat disappear instantly.

this is?

Wei Xiaobei didn’t notice where the heat went, but could guess.

Is this stone of black hole absorbed by light?

Wei Xiaobei stared at the stone of the black hole and experimented again.


More than two hours have elapsed. During the flight, a flying member also deliberately went to the cabin to check Wei Xiaobei’s situation and asked Wei Xiaobei if he had any needs.

From here, we can see that China now attaches importance to Wei Xiaobei.

The flying members naturally don’t know Wei Xiaobei’s identity. They only know that Mister Wei’s identity is extremely honorable. The order has been issued. From takeoff to landing, all matters on this road need to follow Mister Wei’s instructions, even if It is for them to drive into the ground and they must resolutely complete the task.

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei did not avoid the flying member during the test, which shows how much this impact on the flying player’s worldview.

Therefore, when the flying member left, Bi Gong did not say, and there was a look of awe in his eyes.

Obviously, the flying staff completely regarded Wei Xiaobei as the kind of hermit expert.

Of course, no matter how the Flying member looks at Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t have much time to deal with these things.

The stone of the black hole has absorbed thousands of light and heat!

To say that these light and heat are gathered together, at least one week can supply electricity energy consumption in a county!

But after the black hole stone was absorbed, it did not change at all.


Wei Xiaobei After the increase in the amount of light and heat, the black hole stone finally showed some changes.

Simply put, its faint gravitational pull is enhanced by that point.

If you have to use numerical values, then it is one thousandth of the original gravity!

To be honest, if Wei Xiaobei had the ability to have an electromagnetic field, and the Intelligence attribute was as high as the 140 point, it would not be possible to find this a trace change in gravity.

Finally changed!

Hu, Wei Xiaobei gently spit out a sigh of gas.

I am not afraid that this black hole stone absorbs more light and heat, I am afraid that it has not changed.

And it has changed, which is beneficial to Wei Xiaobei’s next research.

Thinking of this, the light and heat of Wei Xiaobei’s right hand continued to emerge, and it was continuously injected into the stone of the black hole.

And the stone of the black hole is like a crater that will never be filled, and let Wei Xiaobei inject a lot of light and heat, it is still Rock Steady, there is no change.

Well, there is no change, just saying that there is no change in the surface, but in the gravitational world that ordinary humans can’t touch, Wei Xiaobei can clearly feel the increase of gravitation by a magnetic field covered by it.

The time has passed about an hour.

Wei Xiaobei pulled back the right hand on the stone of the black hole and hurriedly breathed a few breaths.

At this time, at least 30% of the light and heat in his body was injected into the stone of the black hole, but its gravity increased by less than 50%!

Be aware that its original gravity is extremely weak.

There is still no change in its surface.

Wei Xiaobei eventually had to help the black hole stone temporarily into the Storage Ring.

You also need to ensure a certain strength to solve the problem, instead of consuming all the strength on this seemingly difficult black hole stone.

But then again, in Wei Xiaobei’s opinion, this has already made him very satisfied.

After all, the condensation behind this god is not so easy to play with.

After a short break, Wei Xiaobei sat down cross-legged and whispered something in his mouth. It didn’t take long for Wei Xiaobei’s pores to open, a trace of silky light slowly spurting out, gradually, Wei Xiaobei was lighted Wrapped up to form a round of human-shaped light and heat.

But at this time, if the flying person came over to look at it, it would be amazing to find that the light and the light are moving slowly all around, but the seats in the cabin, the parachute bag, etc. are not affected by this. The slightest effect of light and heat.

This light and heat is like being in another world, and there is no way to cause damage to reality.

But in fact, this is just the performance of Wei Xiaobei’s performance of near-perfect control of light and heat.

It’s just a part of the outside world’s light and heat, and for Wei Xiaobei, it’s really perfect.

Even if all around is full of petrol cans, the air is filled with a lot of oil and gas, Wei Xiaobei can also control the light and heat, not to turn this into a violent explosion of firecrackers.

The light and heat that escaped from the outside body began to gather between Wei Xiaobei’s hands. Gradually, the light and brightness of the hands increased.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei’s hands were like a tiny sun rising up, dazzling!

But just after the brightness reached its limit, the brightness of the light and heat suddenly dimmed, and in a flash, it retracted into a small bead that released a faint golden light.

Called, arrived at this time, Wei Xiaobei only spit out a sigh of gas, his eyes fell on the small beads.

It became.

This is a true red apple.

Wei Xiaobei Condensed himself with a red sun.

I have to say that the method of condensing the red essence is really good.

From a certain point of view, this method is actually a supernatural power.

This point, Wei Xiaobei’s mind is a proof of a red sun.

But then again, there is only one use of this supernatural power, that is, the condensation of Chiyang Zhenjing.

For the time being, Wei Xiaobei’s efficiency in condensing Chiyang Zhenjing is still relatively low, and the body’s light and heat consumption is about 20%, only to condense a real thing.

You know, the 20% of the light in Wei Xiaobei is enough to destroy a small city!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not in a hurry, and the process of condensing Chiyang Zhenjing was originally the cultivation process of this magical power.

Wei Xiaobei The more the number of condensed red yang essences, the more the realm of this magical power will continue to increase.

Wei Xiaobei slightly felt the heat in the body. After the black hole stone and the condensation of Chiyang Zhenjing, only about half of the light and heat remained.

This is a bit too expensive, but it is more troublesome to make up for the consumption.

It is necessary to know that due to the fact that the magical power of the ancient Jinwu Lieyang is being promoted, it takes a lot of light and heat every moment, which makes the heat generated by Wei Xiaobei’s body completely compensate for this.

In other words, if there is no other means, the light and heat in Wei Xiaobei will not recover.

Wei Xiaobei thought about it. After the Chiyang Zhenjing was included in the Storage Ring, he took the opportunity to explore the Storage Ring.

It didn’t tidy up the Storage Ring for such a long time, and it became a little messy inside.

Well, there are a lot of sundries in the Storage Ring, what sun rifle, dragon soft armor, dragon chopper knife, pancake pot, dragon scale pot, Dragon Fire Cauldron, all kinds of ingredients, seasoning, corpse, all kinds of Gems, materials, and even a bunch of soul fragments.

After that, he joined the Black Hole Stone, Chiyang Zhenjing, the Divine Attribute of the Big Dark Lord, the City God Order and a large number of weapons used to make Avatar.

In short, if you change your personal view of the two Storage Rings, I am afraid that the first time will be drained by the spirit, causing dizziness and direct coma.

Of course, for Wei Xiaobei, these issues are not a problem.

After a little finishing, Wei Xiaobei found an arrived one that was more suitable for him at this time.

With a gentle lift, Wei Xiaobei has a jade bottle made of suet-white jade in his right hand.

Jade bottle fine!

Speaking of this jade bottle is also a bit of a hard time.

Originally it was Wei Xiaobei carved with a suet-white jade, then inhaled some emperor’s slurry, self-destructed demon, and enjoyed a lot of aura in Qing Mu Paradise.

After being admitted to the Storage Ring by Wei Xiaobei, it was forgotten.

Until then, Wei Xiaobei remembered it and took it out.

Fortunately, this jade bottle is just the beginning of the demon, the sense of independence is not strong, otherwise, it is thrown into the Storage Ring, do not know how sad the days.

Wei Xiaobei Uncover the bottle cap, and the jade bottle has a strong sweet smell.

This does not seem to be the taste of a hundred years of chalcedony. It should be known that although this centuries-old chalcedony has aroma, it is a refreshing fragrance.

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