Chapter 163, weird Evil Thought reappears

This is the third time today. From last night, this poor Daoist is in a particularly bad mood. I cried out when I was sleeping. I don’t know if the code word should go any further. To be honest, except for a few great gods, most of the code-word machines hold thousands of pieces of income each month, give up most of the holidays, and look at the eyes that the family does not understand. I am very embarrassed to say that I am a code word. What do you do, why, at home, the pressure in your heart is great. Sometimes I really want to give up, just find a job, there are weeks, holidays, and accompanying family members, not to buy a house to buy a car, at least three insurance and one gold, every month comfortably at least seven or eight thousand. What is the code word? Hemorrhoids, frozen shoulder, conjunctivitis, stomach disease, sudden death! Sorry to say this, this poor Daoist don’t look so beautiful, the average is down every year, and the monthly income is 4,000 yuan. To know that the tax on the codeword is very high, 11.8%, what is the deduction after the deduction? There are no three insurances and one gold, and there is no money for even porridge. Do not say, vented a bit, my heart is much more comfortable, continue codewords. Give everyone trouble, thank you.

“We went upstairs.”

Wei Xiaobei chose this experimental small building as a storage place for food and drinking water.

Compared to the house on the rented street, small building, this experimental small building looks a lot stronger, Wei Xiaobei believes that for quite some time, there should be no collapse like a rental house.


Wei Xiaobei kicked off an office on the first floor, and placed some dilapidated bookcases with textbooks piled up inside. The book was completely unusable.

After a moment of emptying the bookcase, Wei Xiaobei put most of the food and drinking water into it, leaving only a backpack full of dangling.

This is only a temporary storage location and Wei Xiaobei will be able to change locations at any time.

Carrying a few safes that have been rusted and ruined. Lost in the door, Wei Xiaobei was slightly sighed in relief.

The only small mice in this experimental small building were subdued by Wei Xiaobei and given to Zhu Xinyi to control the speed of the goblin.

“take a break.”

Wei Xiaobei smiled and sat at the edge of the roof, his eyes moving from top to bottom and moving towards all around.

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei remembered one thing, took Zhu Xinyi to the side and took a mineral water bottle from his backpack. It is filled with red liquid, which is like blood.

Zhu Xinyi looked at the mineral water bottle and hesitated: “Is this blood?”

Wei Xiaobei smiled and said: “Yes, this is blood. It is the blood of Monster Shang Fu. After drinking it, it is good for the body.”

After that, Wei Xiaobei handed the mineral water bottle to Zhu Xinyi and gestured for a drink.

Zhu Xinyi wrinkled the beautiful and delicate brow, Wei Xiaobei thought she would refuse, but what he didn’t think of was. Zhu Xinyi even bite his teeth, twisted the bottle cap and pointed it at the mouth of the bottle. Hey, he drank two big mouths.

Undoubtedly, the pungent bloody smell made Zhu Xinyi sick in the first place, and he kept his mouth and squatted there.

Wei Xiaobei had to remind me: “Don’t spit, spit it will have no effect.”

If I change to her other girl, I am afraid I will not pay attention to the reminder of Wei Xiaobei, Zhang mouth will spit out this disgusting blood.

But Zhu Xinyi listened to Wei Xiaobei’s words, and swallowed the blood contained in his mouth. After that, I hurriedly drank a few mouthfuls of mineral water before I suppressed the bloody smell.

“There is a heat flow in my body. What is going on?”

Zhu Xinyi’s words made Wei Xiaobei nod. It seems that it is useful to put Shang Fu’s blood back with a mineral water bottle.

However, Wei Xiaobei looked at the remaining half of the blood in the mineral water bottle and shook his head.

Just after Zhu Xinyi drank the blood of these two Shang Fu. The blood of Shang Fu left in the bottle completely loses the effect of improving health and endurance, becoming ordinary blood, and drinking it at most is to add some water and relieve a little bit of hunger for it.

It seems that I want to do something in this regard. It is not easy.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t drink the blood of Shang Fu on the spot, but put it back with a bottle of mineral water. Just want to see if the blood of Shang Fu can be divided into several parts for others to drink.

If you can maintain its effect, then the benefits are great.

Unfortunately, Wei Xiaobei is miscalculated.

Even if you use a bottle, just drink a bite, then the rest of the blood will completely lose its effect. This strange change is not surprising in Dust World.

Zhu Xinyi quietly stands there to enjoy the heat flow from the blood of Shang Fu, and appreciates the health of himself and the thrill of endurance.

This area is very quiet, not to mention the humans who came to Dust World, even the zombie has no one, those green skinned, the white mouse is in the small building all around alert.

Of course, in Wei Xiaobei’s view, their vigilance is useless.

If there is a Licker, I am afraid it will not take long before these green skinned mice will be killed.

Their number has not reached the level of quality.

“Wei brother.”

Zhu Xinyi The soft body sat next to Wei Xiaobei, and looked at Wei Xiaobei with big eyes. It seems that the effect of Shang Fu’s blood is over, but Wei Xiaobei does not intend to check the other’s attribute.

After knowing that the Investigating Attribute is very likely to trigger the other party’s vigilance, Wei Xiaobei is not willing to use this thing for himself.

After all, Wei Xiaobei is not willing to be treated as a satyr by Zhu Xinyi. Even if he is a satyr, Zhu Xinyi will not change his attitude, but this taste is not very good.

“what’s up?”

Wei Xiaobei can feel that Zhu Xinyi’s heartbeat is slightly faster, but it is not the acceleration of the feelings of men and women.

“Can you give me your call? I am worried that I will not be able to contact you when I return to reality.”

Zhu Xinyi’s face was slightly reddened and murmured.

If you change to a guy with a strong narcissistic tendency, I am afraid that this girl will fall in love with herself.

“189*******, remember?”

Wei Xiaobei also knows that the next time Zhu Xinyi enters Dust World, it may not appear here, so there is no rejection, and then he will tell his phone.

“My is 187*********.”

Zhu Xinyi immediately said his own phone. Afterwards, my eyes looked a little sluggish and looked at the small building.

After entering Dust World, everything that happened to a girl was a bit bigger.

Even though Zhu Xinyi is now able to slash those green skinned with a sharp edge, Zhu Xinyi feels a bit stunned when he recalls all this.

Can such a self be able to adapt to the calm life in reality even if it returns to reality?

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes fell on Zhu Xinyi, and from the struggling look on his face, Wei Xiaobei knew about the fluctuations in his heart.

However, all of this requires her to think for herself. Wei Xiaobei will not go to correct her thoughts more.

“Wei brother, I want to go back first.”

After a long time, Zhu Xinyi looked at Wei Xiaobei and hesitated.

Going back, this is not what Zhu Xinyi wants to go back to the grass or somewhere, but to go back to reality.

It seems that Zhu Xinyi has a hard time getting his own answer.

Wei Xiaobei nodded and then told Zhu Xinyi about some of the tricks to leave Dust World.

Although Wei Xiaobei left Dust World every time, he was unable to bear the spirit and left on his own.

But that doesn’t mean Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know how to leave Dust World early.

According to Wei Xiaobei’s instructions, Zhu Xinyi lay on the ground and closed his eyes. There is a thought in my mind, leave and leave!

As this thought continued to swirl in his mind, Zhu Xinyi gradually felt a sleepiness in his mind.


Looking at the Zhu Xinyi whose body is gradually transparent. Wei Xiaobei knows that Zhu Xinyi is about to leave Dust World and return to reality.

Looking forward, Wei Xiaobei was surprised to see the green skinned guards next to the small building, the white body, and the body gradually became transparent. The only difference from Zhu Xinyi is that they can still shake around, it seems This body is transparent. There is no effect on them in general.

Finally, Zhu Xinyi’s body disappeared completely into Dust World, and those green skinned, the same is true for mice.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei has a firmer heart.

In accordance with this situation, Zhu Xinyi will have these green skinned next time when he enters Dust World, even if it does not appear near him. The mouse has at least a certain guarantee of safety.

With the departure of Zhu Xinyi, Wei Xiaobei suddenly felt a sense of tiredness in her heart.

Too tired, not to say body, mental fatigue. It is the fatigue inside.

Wei Xiaobei suddenly felt that he did not seem to pursue the goal in Dust World, and there was not much mourning for everything.

Maybe you have been sitting here forever. It’s better to sit down and die.

Wei Xiaobei muttered in his mouth, his eyes were a little sluggish, and a trace a trace was struggling on his face.

An illusory red woman slowly appeared behind Wei Xiaobei, and her face was blank, only the clothes on her body were bright red.

Suddenly, a dead leaf was swept by the breeze and flew over from Wei Xiaobei.

Creak crackle and rattle !

Wei Xiaobei body A trace of silky blue lightning suddenly appeared on the surface of the skin. In a blink of an eye, a network of Wei Xiaobei was formed. After that, move towards all around quickly spread out.

At this moment, the illusory red woman screamed and the figure dissipated in the air.

As soon as the power grid expands and closes, it seems that there has not been a general situation in the blink of an eye.

Until then, Wei Xiaobei was only able to recover from the previous sluggish state.

Just seems to have happened?

Wei Xiaobei had some doubts. He looked at his body and burned it into a coke-like dress. When he stood up, the clothes broke apart and turned into black butterflies. The wind moved towards all around.

I just thought that Eruption had lightning energy?

At this time, Wei Xiaobei felt an unbearable feeling of hunger in his heart and immediately understood it.

After suppressing this hunger, Wei Xiaobei then checked the Battlelog.

Battlelog :…..Weird Evil Thought emerges, Willpower resists failure…Evil Thought possesses…Early Warning Reflex,lightning energy Eruption, weird Evil Thought Clearance Dissipation…

Seeing here, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but long suck in a breath of cold air.

Wei Xiaobei recalled everything that was in his heart when he was in a state of sluggishness.

I suddenly want to commit suicide!

your sister!

Fortunately, fortunately, the ability to get Reflex to 20 and get Early Warning Reflex is really good.

When I can’t control my own thinking, I started the lighting energy Eruption and cleared the strange Evil Thought.

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei knows that he is probably already playing himself.

It’s too easy to commit suicide in Dust World.

In other words, this strange Evil Thought has appeared for the second time. (To be continued~^~)

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