Chapter 1628, Qianjun Yijiang

Hū hū, today the rain finally stopped, cold, diarrhea, I feel that the whole person is going to be moldy, but now Yang Bright, Wanli clear, although the body is still a little uncomfortable, but the spirit is extremely refreshing, listening to the downstairs kindergarten put The brainwashing song, this poor Daoist can only say brother, please, don’t let go, then let go, this poor Daoist is a big move!


Most of these demons and monsters are devils. They are such a series of Spirit Body or semi-Spirit Body. Because their bodies can be immune or resist most physical damage, most of them are not afraid of the big demon attacks. Also has the courage to escape.

But let them absolutely not think that they just sneak out from the demon group, escape less than a few kilometers, and there is a dangerous fear that is hard to suppress!

this is?

When they turn back to see the dangerous direction, they only see the endless light and heat!

After a sharp scream, these demons and monsters fell into the heat, without exception!

Seeing more than three hundred demons and monsters whose strength is not weak, the time before and after the break is turned into ashes in the light and heat, leaving the remaining demons and monsters one by one, like the ice cave, the whole body is cold.

They didn’t even dare to look directly at Wei Xiaobei on the mountain top with fearful eyes, fearing that they would bring disaster to themselves.

And those big demons almost cut off the idea of ​​coming back later.

Just kidding, the more than three hundred demons and monsters are just escaping, but even if they go all out, they can only kill five or six for it.

Now, this human countdown will kill more than 300 demons and monsters!

It’s just this strength, it’s more than I don’t know how much.

Too Terror, can humans reach this level? This will not be a fairy?


On a hill outside Yandang Mountain, Zhu Xinyi and other disciplines are waiting anxiously.

In fact, the time of Wei Xiaobei’s entry is less than an hour, but in the heart of Zhu Xinyi and others, it seems like a few days have passed.

“Master will not have an accident?”

Cheng Dalong touched the back of his head, randomly said.

“Nonsense! How can Master have an accident, you say yes, Big Senior Sister.”

What is surprising is that it is not Zhu Xinyi that confesses Cheng Dalong, but Yang Tingting.

At this time, Yang Tingting was a little excited, and a water dragon was generated on the top of the head. If there is a big change, Cheng Dalong will bite the trend if he does not admit the mistake.

Undoubtedly, at this point, both Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun are on the Yang Tingting side.

Seeing the excitement of Yang Tingting and the look of Zhu Xinyi, Cheng Dalong immediately took the soft clothes: “I was wrong, I was wrong, I just care about Master, nothing else.”

Just kidding, Yang Tingting said that if Big Sister is angry, Cheng Dalong is really worried about being violent.

No way, the big Senior Sister is too strong now. Even if she doesn’t summon those Monsters, it is close to me, and a Zhu Xinyi can easily knock over seven or eight Cheng Dalong.

Besides, although Huang Kun Senior Brother did not look at himself, Cheng Dalong also knew that if he was to blame himself, the Second Senior Brother might be the first to jump out.

“Okay, wait a little longer, I will go in and see.”

Zhu Xinyi seems to be in a bad mood at this time, waved his hand, but his eyes still stared at Yandang Mountain.

“Senior Sister, I will go in for a while.”

Huang Kun spoke at this time. To be honest, if it wasn’t for the big Senior Sister, he would have just rushed to Yandang Mountain.

Now Huang Kun is completely a fighting madman. As long as his little girlfriend is not around, then he has an inexplicable fighting impulse. No matter what enemy, he has the idea of ​​rushing into a violent meal.

Time passes by.

Suddenly, there was a violent explosion and strong radiation from Yandang Mountain. Zhu Xinyi couldn’t stand it when she saw this scene, but she knew how much she was responsible for, and she could not act rashly.

But after ten minutes of time, Zhu Xinyi really couldn’t stand here. She reached out and called Huang Kun to be arrived: “Junior Brother, I will be handed over to you here, I will go in and see.”

“No, this kind of good thing, Senior Sister, you can’t eat alone, I have to go.”

Huang Kun, where he is willing to stay here, protesting, and rushing out, he has the idea of ​​grabbing Zhu Xinyi.

At this moment, there was a new movement on the Yandang Mountain. A group of demons and monsters passed through the unique Demonic Qi cloud of Yandang Mountain, which appeared in the field of vision of Zhu Xinyi and others.

“Is it that those monsters are ready to launch an attack?!!”

Seeing this scene, Yang Feifei, who has not spoken, stood up and said with some anxiety.

“Good, this time I am going!”

Huang Kun saw so many demons and monsters appearing, and my heart suddenly became overjoyed. He didn’t have so many ideas of Zhu Xinyi, he thought about killing a good time.

But just rushed out of Huang Kun, less than a hundred meters away, the face full of joy is shrinking, and the face is standing in the same place.

The reason is simple. The demons and monsters suddenly separated, revealing a passage.

And this channel soon came out of a human!


“Master, you are back!”

“Master, how come you are here when you are old?”

I have to say that the appearance of Wei Xiaobei made Zhu Xinyi and others happy, and even greeted them.

Huang Kun alone has a bitter look. Seeing that the monsters are honestly behind the master, they know that these monsters must be surrendered by Master.

As a result, there is no object of killing yourself. It is a pity.

Compared to the joy of Wei Xiaobei’s disciples, the Dust World practitioners who got the news came to see the mighty demons and monsters behind Wei Xiaobei, and could not help but be stunned.

Wei Xiaobei entered the Yandang Mountain and knew not many people, but even if he saw this scene, he knew what was going on.

For a moment, even the arrogant Dust World practitioners felt the Giant gap between the self and Wei Xiaobei.

Who can say that he can surrender so many demons and monsters in such a short time?

Well, in fact, many Dust World practitioners, even if they are duel, may not be able to win a demon.

As for the mountain owners, I am afraid that only Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun and a few high-level special joint forces will be able to fight.

After the initial joy, Zhu Xinyi remembered asking Master about what was going on.

Wei Xiaobei just said the story in an understatement, and then handed over the placement of those demons and monsters to Zhu Xinyi, who didn’t have much time to do this.

In the previous battle, Wei Xiaobei initially experimented with the fusion of the rules of light and heat and the rules of the wind in actual combat.

Undoubtedly, the fusion of these two rules makes Wei Xiaobei’s Arrows Powera reach an incredible degree.

Of course, this practice of combining the two rules in actual combat is quite high for the Intelligence attribute, and after Wei Xiaobei’s initial use, the spirit is very expensive. At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s only thought is to stay in bed comfortably. Take a sleep.

Therefore, after explaining the matter, Wei Xiaobei did not stop, and the figure quickly returned to the station of the special joint force in the breeze, and found a room and fell asleep in bed.

Of course, before going to sleep, Wei Xiaobei did not completely sloppy, and turned out the two weapons Avatar to guard the door.

Although the weapon Avatar is low in strength, it can wake up Wei Xiaobei in time when danger comes.

Just that, it will suffice.

Not to mention that Zhu Xinyi was too tired to accommodate those demons and monsters, only Wei Xiaobei was so fainting all day, and after awakening slowly, Wei Xiaobei suddenly found his Intelligence attribute unconsciously. , self-improved 0.1.

You know, if Wei Xiaobei wants to promote 0.01 for the Intelligence attribute, then you need to consume 640Evolution Points, then 0.1Evolution Points are needed to improve 6400.

It’s just a rare surprise that you just use the two rules together and the spirit is clean, which is equivalent to getting 6400Evolution Points.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei can use such means to improve the attribute. After all, Wei Xiaobei’s current strength, the acquisition of Evolution Points has entered a bottleneck period.

It’s hard to find a place where you can get a lot of Evolution Points like Gao Tianyuan.

After getting up and drinking a cup of cold water, Wei Xiaobei sat cross-legged on the bed and began to recall the fusion of the two rules before, in an attempt to find certain rules to improve this skill.

You know, just one arrow, Wei Xiaobei has a feeling of collapse. From this perspective, this technique seems to be a bit sloppy.

After all, even if Wei Xiaobei is in normal combat, the power of his mental exhaustion is more than just an Arrows.

But as I said before, this kind of skill, Wei Xiaobei has just begun to study, and the consumption of the spirit is naturally many.

If this skill is promoted, then the mental consumption will undoubtedly weaken.

Any kind of combat skill, at the beginning, comes at a price.

After studying a battle skill, Wei Xiaobei took the black hole stone out of the Storage Ring.

In Gao Tianyuan, Wei Xiaobei did not get much, and this black hole stone is one of the most important.

It is the product of the Amaterasu god to play with himself.

It can be said that the stone of the black hole in Wei Xiaobei’s view is the final essence of the day.

If you think about it, you will know that the Azure God will form a black hole at the cost of life, and the black hole that it has formed will form a black hole stone after it hangs.

It can be seen that, without mentioning the black hole, Wei Xiaobei only makes a study of the white dwarf star, how the neutron star is formed, and earns a lot.

Holding the stone of the black hole in his hand, Wei Xiaobei slightly padded the cushion and felt the weight of the stone of the black hole suddenly increased.

If it is not Wei Xiaobei’s current strength attribute to reach an amazing degree, this black hole stone may directly penetrate Wei Xiaobei’s palm and draw a hole dozens of meters deep on the ground.

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