Chapter 1626, is it reduced?

These days may be too much rain, the weather is too cold, the stomach is miserable, and people are exploding.


It is true that this Qing Niu is full of demon power, and it is also a rough and fleshy person in the big demon, but in front of Wei Xiaobei, there is still a lot of fire.

Wei Xiaobei is only a little bit of effort, the light heat runs through the back of the Qing Niu demon, destroying the body of Demonic Qi, making it completely lost its power!

After seeing this scene, those big demons are not only ugly, but rather scared.

Just two tricks, Qing Niu demon is like this, what is the sacred Fireball on that day?

The savvy big demon used the secret method to inform the demons and monsters who formed the squad to return.

But they also know that before those demons and monsters return, they only have to top it.

After the big demons looked at each other, they didn’t hesitate too much, but each of them Demonic Qi suddenly Eruption, each showing a supernatural power, and moved toward the heavenly Wei Xiaobei.

The Yandang Gorefiend turned into a blood mist, and took the lead in the forefront.

The blood mist of the Yandang Golem is extremely filthy. If you are not wary, any Life Form will stick to it and your soul will be polluted by the blood mist, thus becoming the blood slave!

And behind the blood demon is a snake that is more than 30 meters long, with a long black hair, but if you look closer, you will find that these black hairs are a thin hair. Black snake!

These black snakes continually ejected black mist, and when they passed, the trees and flowers were withered for a long time, which shows the extent to which the toxicity of this black mist is arrived.

Even the mountain owners who followed behind involuntarily opened the distance between the snake and the big snake, for fear that they would stick to the black poisonous mist if they accidentally.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but laugh when I saw these mountain owners move towards themselves.

Wei Xiaobei had to laugh, to say that if these mountain owners turned and fled, it would be difficult to stop so many mountain owners.

After all, in the special environment like Yandang Mountain, the body of the sun is turned out, and the body of the sun is just to Yang, and Demonic Qi and Yin Qi, which are filled with Yandang Mountain, are natural enemies.

Those demonic Qi, Yin Qi’s natural move towards Wei Xiaobei gathered, which made Wei Xiaobei have to consume a lot of strength to wear these Demonic Qi and Yin Qi.

Wei Xiaobei has a hunch that if these Demonic Qi and Yin Qi are gathered together, there will be unpredictable changes, and such results are not good for themselves.

In the case of the cover, if these mountain owners escaped, Wei Xiaobei would have a hard time taking action to stop them.

The most critical issue here is that after Wei Xiaobei swallowed the last golden black blood pulse of Amaterasu, the magical power of the ancient Jin Wu Lie Yang Jiu Jiu entered the awarded promotion.

However, Wei Xiaobei does not know when this supernatural power can be promoted. The only thing that can be known is that in the mind of his own, the sun that represents the nine-point technique of the ancient Jin Wu Lie Yang has become one. Sleeping Jinwu.

Wei Xiaobei knows that when this golden Wusu wakes up, the magical power of the ancient Jinwu Lieyang can be upgraded to grand accomplishment realm!

By then, your strength will be greatly improved again!

But because of this, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t make Jinu Avatar before Shentong was promoted.

As a result, the strength of Wei Xiaobei is greatly limited by the awarded.

To be honest, if there is not a real Jin Wu in Wei Xiaobei Dantian, I want to control the overall situation as it is now, and Wei Xiaobei is really a little troublesome in the face of more than 20 mountain owners.

Bang bang bang bang…….

A series of light and heat were ejected from the big Fireball, and the move towards the mountain owners bombarded.

The speed of light and heat is extremely fast. Most of the mountain owners have not been able to escape the light and hot bombardment. In an instant, it is like a fly sprayed only by insecticides, falling in the fire.

But the bloody demon rushing to the front, which turned into a blood mist, dispersed, escaped the light and heat bombardment.

Undoubtedly, if you look at the surface, this geese and gossips are extremely brave in the mountains. The other mountain owners have been shot down. Only one of them has rushed to the big Fireball above the sky.

This scene falls in the eyes of the monsters that are coming, they can’t help but praise the bloodsucker in the heart, it is worthy of the bloody devil, so powerful!

But at this time, the Yandang Gorefiend is in the dark inwardly shouted bitter.

Compared with other mountain owners, Yandang Gorefiend was originally a product of evil to yin. After it became a blood mist, it was exposed to the sun and consumed much more than other mountain owners.

Now that the other mountain owners have been shot down, there is no cover around them, and the closer to the big Fireball, the more the Yandang Gorefiend can feel the Terror light in the big Fireball!

To be honest, if you don’t consider your face problem, the geese gossip has long turned and fled back to the mountain top, and it is as hard as it is now to rush to an enemy that looks like Unfathomable.

Seeing that the geese gossip alone, a demon move towards himself, Wei Xiaobei smiled.

A golden bird emerged from the big Fireball, then swooped down and rushed through the blood mist in a flash.

The speed of the golden bird is too fast, and the goose goosefish that turned into a blood mist didn’t have time for Reflex. It felt like an extreme high-temperature spread, and the blood mist was evaporated most of the time.

The next moment, the golden bird returned and passed through the blood mist again.

Then a very fierce scream came out, and the blood mist suddenly evaporated, leaving only a red-hot core move towards the outside.

Undoubtedly, the core of the fire red is the core of Yandang Gorefiend, where the vitality is!

As long as this Gorefiend core can escape alive, just give it a period of time, swallow a lot of blood food, you can recover.

For Gorefiend, this core is its true body!

But let this Gorefiend absolutely not thought that the Gorefiend core just flew less than a hundred meters, the golden bird opened his mouth and spewed out.

After a moment, the light and heat hit the core.

Without the slightest struggle, after losing the blood mist as a cover, the core had no chance to escape. After being hit by the light, it suddenly showed a bloody red face, and after making a silent scream, it opened its mouth. Dissipated in the burst of light and heat.

Yandang blood magic pawn!

The big demon who fell on the mountain top saw this scene, and they couldn’t help but have a back.

But they don’t know. In fact, this Yandang Gorefiend was able to escape the light and heat bombardment at the beginning, which is Wei Xiaobei’s deliberate hand and foot.

Otherwise, the Yandang Blood Devil can’t escape the original light and heat bombardment.

The reason why Wei Xiaobei did this was not to be bored, but he found that the blood of the Gorefiend was more than that of the chicken.

According to the blood concentration of his body, the number of humans killed by him is at least 30,000!

This is a fairly Terror value, and Wei Xiaobei can even see the myriad of souls surrounded by all around.

They silently accused the evil of this Gorefiend.

We must know that Wei Xiaobei entered Yandang Mountain this time. Although it helped the female discipline to solve the problem, he did not say that he did not ask for the indiscriminate, take the action directly, and destroy the monsters of Yandang Mountain.

These demons and monsters, Wei Xiaobei almost watched it. There were a lot of blood-stained guys, but the blood was thin, and there were even more guys.

Think about it too, not all demons and monsters like to eat blood food. Besides, there are not many humans in this Yandang Mountain. Many demons and monsters have no chance even if they want to eat blood food.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei is ready to surrender some of the demons and monsters directly, enhancing the strength of the special joint force.

After all, China is so big, Wei Xiaobei is even a take action, and there are four demons and monsters across the country, where there is so much time to calm down.

However, like the Yandang Gorefiend, such a bloody guy, Wei Xiaobei will naturally not let go.

This is also considered a killing of chickens and monkeys.

“Don’t it?”

With the fall of the Yandang Gorefiend, a loud and incomparable Giant’s voice echoed above the mountain.

Wei Xiaobei put a mouthful of white Lotus in the mouth, the sound spreads, those Demonic Qi faint little demon squatting, move toward the big Fireball above the sky.

And those big demons are also a faint heart, and they are so scared that they have closed their ears with Demonic Qi.

Arrived At this time, even the most arrogant big demon knows how powerful the opponent’s strength is.

Just by seeing the situation, you can figure out that the strength of the other party can completely crush one side!

Under such circumstances, many of the big devils could not help but be shaken.

After all, even if it is demons and monsters, I know a truth.

It’s better to die than to live.

If you die, nothing is gone.

And if you are alive, everything has hope.

“If you drop, there is no blood, you can enjoy the sacrifice of the fruit, a little bloody, you can redeem ….”

Wei Xiaobei mixed with the words of White Lotus, and the words of the gods are slowly and steadily, shaking the will of those demons and monsters.

Finally, the youngest demon who claimed to be the strongest Yandang Mountain took the lead and said that he was willing to surrender.

Any sturdy dam, as long as a small opening is opened, then the next thing is flooding.

The big masters of the Yandang Mountain Communist Party have surrendered, and the remaining big demons have not hesitated more, and they have surrendered.

Only a few of the big geeks who knew the blood and blood were shining, and after looking at each other, they vacated, and each chose a direction and fled quickly. This naturally included the pheasant.

Undoubtedly, for the escape, these big demon have their own rich experience. When they were weak, they escaped from the strong enemy more than once, and today they can become the strong among the demons and monsters!

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