Chapter 1624, Gorefiend

This ghost weather, a few days of continuous rainstorms, estimated that if the rain piled up, they could flood the second floor. Sitting in front of the computer, shivering cold, had to turn on the electric heater………..This is May!


The little demon who stood on their side were all drooling.

This is also helpless. Nowadays, due to human blockade, Yandang Mountain can’t get blood food as freely as before. Even the flesh and blood of ordinary domestic animals need to consume a lot of time and energy to get it, not to mention human beings. Blood food.

Even if these blood foods are made by the mountain owners, they will get their hands.

This is also a helpless thing.

These demons and monsters practiced the array, it seems to consume stamina, but in fact, in the process of practicing this array, their energy is very expensive, if there is not enough blood food to make up, or a few, these demons And monsters I’m afraid I’m going to be skinny, and the Spirit Body’s demon may be flying away.

“Hahahaha, dear brothers, how is the practice of the battle today?”

Far away, a bloody red mist swept over, and a burst of laughter like a rug came, so that the demons and monsters couldn’t help but shrink their necks.

They know that blood red mist is not a little monster, but the second-hand in the Yandang Mountain Gongzhihui, Yandang Gorefiend!

This geese gossip is said to have been a bloody hell in the bloody hell of the 18th floor of Hell. It has swallowed up the blood essence of a big demon and turned into a fine, an occasional chance to escape the 18th floor of hell.

The mystery of its strength is in the Yandang Mountain group, there is no monster to know, but the blood food for these demons and monsters is the second-hand.

In the suburbs of the human army, it is still possible to do this. The means of this geese swaying the blood demon can be seen as a few points.

With the sound of the laughed heartily, the blood mist was arrived at the mountain top, and after a short time it fell into a systemic red blood robust man.

“Hahaha, Gorefiend brother, has been trained to 80%, and it can be completed in a few days. By then, those humans can no longer stop us.”

Seeing this Yandang blood devil drive, several big demon who presided over the formation of the law had come forward to see the ceremony, and the monster of the head of the head of the person responded with a smile.

“Not bad, a few hard-working brothers, and when we break the human encirclement, we can arbitrarily take blood food. By that time, all of us can be heroes.”

Yandang Gorefiend knows that he has no innate talent in terms of formation, so he hopes to put them on these big demon.

But they don’t know that a human being is quietly observing them above the overcast sky.

Even Wei Xiaobei had to be applauded for his own luck.

The arrays practiced by the following demons and monsters, although there seems to be no singularity, are like the battles of the ancient army, but Wei Xiaobei’s keen predictive ability has discovered the hidden threats in this battle. !

In fact, this kind of problem can be understood if you think about it.

These are all demons and monsters. They are not ordinary humans. If this method has no magical effect, why are they working hard here and treating them as the squadrons that break the human encirclement?

It is conceivable that, with the threats felt by the ability to predict, once the law is fully developed, its power will threaten itself, not to mention the Dust World practitioners of the special joint forces.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei also knows that the demons and monsters in these Yandang Mountains, if they really want to fight desperately, to the special joint forces and even the army outside Yandang Mountain, it is impossible to block the attacks of these demons and monsters.

But the demons and monsters were originally selfish, and they were not willing to rush to the front to serve as cannon fodder. This made the human encirclement form possible.

This method undoubtedly solves the selfish problem between demons and monsters. After all, the heads of the mountain monsters do not need to personally charge, but the dangers are the demons and monsters that form the array.

Just as Wei Xiaobei observed the movement below, another multi-colored streamer move towards the distance flew over here.

Not long after, the streamer turned into a multi-colored, but very charming woman.

“You big brother, the little girl is coming.”

I didn’t see anyone, I heard the sound first, and the sound of the delicate drops came, so that the demons were heavy and heavy.

This shows how attractive this charming woman is to those monsters.

“Āiyā, it turned out to be Nine Tails younger sister. I don’t know Nine Tails younger sister. What’s the matter with the big brother?”

The Yandang Gorefiend had long been waiting for the arrival of the charming woman, and she grabbed the woman’s little hand and asked with a smile.

“It turned out to be the Gorefiend big brother, Āiyā, younger sister. I was bored in the Dongfu, and my heart was moved, but I found out that I was in the Yandang Mountain.”

The so-called Nine Tails younger sister was clever, and while talking, he took his hand out of the bloodsucker’s palm and said it made a lot of demons and monsters.

Blood disaster?

I can hear Nine Tails younger sister. The rest of the big demon can’t help but laughed out: “Younger sister is more worried, what is the bloody disaster in Yandang Mountain? I am here many people, those humans are not even coming in now. Dare, to say the bloody disaster, I am afraid that it will come to those human heads after three days!”

“The right pair, the big brother big brother is right.”


In fact, Wei Xiaobei, who is hidden in the dark clouds, sees it. This woman who is dressed in multi-colored but charming and charming is supposed to be the chicken.

This chicken is really powerful, and it can figure out the dangers that he may bring. It is no wonder that Zhu Xinyi and others have spent so much effort to get rid of this chicken.

I heard that the big demon didn’t believe in his own words, and the Nine Tails younger sister couldn’t help but hate it.

But this is also a helpless thing.

The pheasant was originally a foreign monster. There was no prestige in Yandang Mountain. Even the representatives of the Yandang Mountain Gongzhihui did not mix one.

In addition, most of the local monsters worship the physical violence, like the pheasant, which looks like a feminine monster, it is difficult to get the status.

Unless the pheasant smashes a few mountain owners in one breath, there is a possibility of erecting his prestige.

But now Yandang Mountain, whoever dares to do so, I am afraid that the first time will suffer the siege of all the mountain owners!

It can be said that these local big demons in Yandang Mountain are more about treating this chicken as a playable thing for it.

Therefore, it is really difficult to make them believe in the words of chicken.

The pheasant also knows this, so after the demon reveals the unbelief look, she can only helplessly put the matter down temporarily.

Next, these big demons drove away all other demons and monsters. After a few voices, all kinds of wild fruits, blood foods were sent by the little demon like water.

Undoubtedly, in this Yandang Mountain, only those big demon can enjoy this.

As the banquet opened, other mountain lords also got news from their respective peaks. For a time, the main peak was a group of magical dances, and a head monster was said to be able to kill the existence of the county!

I have to say that the chicken is really powerful. It swims between the big demon, like a fish, and every big demon shows its closeness.

But not long after, the pheasant suddenly felt that his heart was inexplicably depressed, so he took a bamboo stick from his sleeve and moved to the ground.

The bamboo sticks fell to the ground and looked extremely scattered.

But the cockroach chicken saw the scattered scene of the bamboo stick on the ground and could not help complicatedion changed. He also refused to contact the monsters. He just found an excuse and wanted to leave.

However, there are a few big demon here, but I have long wanted to include pheasant in my own house. However, this pheasant rarely leaves her own house. The big demons are also not blatantly attacking the pheasant.

Now, this chicken is sent to the door, and suddenly let these big devils move their hearts, and where will they let go of the chicken.

“Younger sister, do you feel that the big brothers are not entertaining?”

The most direct bloody demon smiled and once again grasped the small hand of the pheasant, in addition to eating tofu, there is also the meaning of not letting the pheasant leave.

The pheasant was so dumb, she was anxious, but she did not dare to turn her face with these big demon.

No way, due to being hit by a neutron bomb, the injury of the cockroach chicken has not recovered. If you turn your face with these big owls, you may not have the chance to escape.

But if you stay here, according to the previous bamboo stick sign, there is a big Terror coming soon!

I hate these big demon and don’t believe in their own words!

Do you want to be buried with them?

Indecisiveness leads to disaster!

Just when the pheasant thought about simply putting aside all considerations of face, he found that the sun was falling and his body was warm.

You know, because of the demons and monsters in Yandang Mountain, the large and small demons and monsters have surpassed tens of thousands!

Although there are many changes in the livestock beasts, and the strength is a little stronger than the prototype, but so many demons and monsters gather here, which makes the Yandang Mountain here and the place, Yin Qi Qisen, makes The sky is clouded all day long, and the sun is hard to transmit!

Suddenly, the sun actually penetrated the dark clouds.

This kind of situation is like a sudden snowstorm in the hearts of the monsters!

Therefore, after feeling the warmth of the sun, many big demons could not help but look up.


what is that?

The picture that falls into the eyes of the demons is not a ray of sunshine breaking through the dark clouds, but a golden day in the dark clouds!

What is going on?

With the eyes of these big demons, it can be seen that it is not the sun, just a big Fireball hanging above the height of more than 2,000 meters!

At the same time, they can feel the heat from the big Fireball is growing!

Some of the demon who are serving the dishes are even unable to withstand the power of the light and heat. One by one, they smoke from the whole body. After a short time, they are transformed into a prototype from the state of the half-human and half-beast, and fall to the ground.

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