Chapter 1615, the best!

Think about it, the buffet is too expensive, this poor Daoist still wait a few months, then consume this food and then go.


Wei Xiaobei Although the spirit was severely damaged due to the fall of Jinu Avatar, at this moment, perhaps the role of the golden rune, or perhaps a special state of death, Wei Xiaobei feels that the time flow of all around becomes Very slow, slow arrived yourself can carefully observe the change in gravity.

But in any case, the flow rate is slower and flows forward.

…. Five interest….. Seven interest….. Eight interest, nine interest, ten interest!

Wei Xiaobei Seeing that he was about to slam into the darkness, his heart could not help but sigh, but he did not see his son born, so that he was slightly unwilling to forget it.


Wei Xiaobei body slammed into the darkness, and for a moment, Wei Xiaobei felt his body shattered……..

Time doesn’t stop for anyone, it’s still passing by.


what happened?

Wei Xiaobei was originally prepared to quietly welcome his death.

But just after feeling that the body was shredded, there was no follow-up.


what’s the situation?

Wei Xiaobei suddenly opened his eyes and stared blankly at the sky.

Well, anybody thinks that he is dead, but after he has not died, his brain will always be demented for a while.

After a while, Wei Xiaobei’s brain seemed to be awake, but then it was the pain of heartbreaking.

In my mind, it was like a bomb explosion, and Wei Xiaobei shook his head.

After waiting for the pain in her head to be better, Wei Xiaobei noticed the intense pain in her body.

After enduring the pain, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sigh after exploring the situation in the body.

As if it were to be described in one sentence, then Wei Xiaobei’s situation is like two blockbusters in a building.

It can be said that most of the organs and even the bones, Muscle and the like will tear.

Wei Xiaobei’s state at this time basically relies on the skin to bind those organs that are like meat paste. Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei will become a bolognao that spreads continuously on the ground.

And even if it’s the skin, it’s covered with a crack, and it looks like a slight movement, it will burst open.

Well, my body is in this state, and it has not completely collapsed, which makes Wei Xiaobei very surprised.

Hehe, Wei Xiaobei smiled and slowly closed his eyes.

This smile, Wei Xiaobei’s body is like a skin filled with water, shaking back and forth a few times, if there is a person watching, I am afraid that there will be a trembling in fear, for fear that Wei Xiaobei’s body will blow like a balloon.

Of course, at this time, Wei Xiaobei was unable to move half a point because the body was too heavy, and the only thing that could be done was to close your eyes and rest quietly.

Indeed, this time Wei Xiaobei was too heavy, because the damage suffered at the moment of inhaling the white ball was a rule-level injury, so Wei Xiaobei’s resilience at this time was also limited by the award, and he could only wait for his body. A little recovery.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

But Wei Xiaobei can only be patient.

Time passes by.

Wei Xiaobei is thinking about what happened before.

But no matter what you think, it should be the day when the great god fell into the white ball when Wei Xiaobei crashed into the white ball, so the gravity of the white ball suddenly dissipated, which made Wei Xiaobei finally escape.

Of course, as can be seen from the previous description, Wei Xiaobei has not escaped from this robbery and is in a state of sudden death.

If there is a ghost coming over at this time, there is no need for a big strength, just touch it, Wei Xiaobei will blow it up and mourn.

Fortunately, this kind of thing has never happened.

I want to come here too. This is where the little white ball was. Before the ghosts escaped from the previous disaster, I am afraid I will not come here.

Time does not know how long it has been, Wei Xiaobei feels that he is going to be moldy.

But as time went by, the injury in Wei Xiaobei’s body improved a little bit, and as the injury improved, the resilience was also enhanced.

Finally, Wei Xiaobei’s body moved, his hands on the ground and stood up.


Wei Xiaobei could have been ruined before the previous move.

Now that the internal injuries have been repaired by about 50%, Wei Xiaobei can’t wait to move.

Of course, in the current state of Wei Xiaobei, it is impossible to do more things.

Stabilizing the body, Wei Xiaobei looked around all around.

The land under his feet has been torn into several pieces. As for the land on the top of the head, the land is almost the same. It is full of mess, and even the dense gravel is suspended everywhere. It looks quite spectacular.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but shake his head. From the suspended gravel, it can be seen that the rules of Gao Tianyuan were probably destroyed a lot.

Looking at the end of the land, the invisible space barrier is probably also very ruined. Many gravels will disappear suddenly after they fly out of the land.

Obviously, the space barrier was destroyed, and once the gravel flew out of the land, it fell into the void.

From this point of view, the existence of this high Tianyuan is probably not much.

After losing the Azure God, it was devastated, and Gao Tianyuan was heading for the end.

Perhaps one day, this high heaven will be completely annihilated by the disappearance of the space barrier.

Standing for a while, Wei Xiaobei felt weak and had to sit down breathlessly.


Just as Wei Xiaobei sat down on the floor, he felt that his butt was a little bit stunned.

Wei Xiaobei 勉力 stretched his hand in the bottom of the ass, and grabbed a hard object.

this is?

Grabbed in Wei Xiaobei’s hand is a seemingly inconspicuous black stone, the diameter of which is only the size of mung beans, but unexpectedly hard.

The most important thing is that Wei Xiaobei feels the a trace of gravitation that it has uploaded!

Is this the case? ? ? ?

At this point, Wei Xiaobei didn’t hesitate too much, and directly dropped a Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand on the black stone.

Name: Black Hole Stone (????)

Introduction: Azure Great God compresses the body and accidentally forms a black hole. Eventually, the breath of life collapses and the black hole dissipates, but the core forms this thing…….

Effect one:? ? ? ?

Effect two:? ? ? ?

Effect three:? ? ? ?


There is no doubt that just by looking at its name, you know how it came.

What’s more, the description of its attribute table has been described.

The problem is that this thing can’t see the quality, and the effect is all question marks.

In this case, Wei Xiaobei was encountered for the first time.

Wei Xiaobei After a moment of contemplation, he took the black hole stone into the Storage Ring.

This is also the thing that Wei Xiaobei feels fortunate. Under the gravity of Terror, the Storage Ring is not damaged. It is a blessing in the unfortunate.

To say that this stuff is very appealing to Wei Xiaobei, but here, Wei Xiaobei does not think that he has time to study the stone of the black hole.

I have said before, this time there is not much time for the existence of Gao Tianyuan.

In accordance with its increasingly rapid collapse, up to three days, Gao Tianyuan will completely disappear into the void.

Therefore, what Wei Xiaobei needs to do now is to restore the body as soon as possible, and then benefit!

In any case, Wei Xiaobei paid the price of all the Jinu Avatar fall. If you can’t get some benefits here, Wei Xiaobei will really feel uncomfortable.

In order to recover the body faster, Wei Xiaobei took some of the top Yggdrasil juice from the Storage Ring and poured it into the entrance.

This top-grade Yggdrasil juice, Wei Xiaobei won’t get much, but occasionally it’s a luxury, it’s not a fault.

As the Yggdrasil juice swallowed into the mouth, it turned into a warm current move towards all around, and the Wei Xiaobei body surface opened itself, and a trace of black mist was sprayed from it.

This kind of black fog is not Yin Qi, the second is not poisonous mist, but the blood of Wei Xiaobei’s body completely inactivated.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei’s resilience has also begun to accelerate recovery.

From time to time, Wei Xiaobei, who is sitting on the ground, has a squeaky or dull squeaking sound. This is the movement caused by the accelerated growth of organs, internal organs and other organs.

It must be said that this top-grade Yggdrasil juice is truly extraordinary, and the enormous vitality of its inner strength has restored Wei Xiaobei’s injury to 7788.

Of course, the remaining injury is more stubborn. Even with Wei Xiaobei’s current resilience, it may take five days to recover.

But Wei Xiaobei Zhefan restore the injury has already consumed most of the day, so Wei Xiaobei did not continue to take Yggdrasil juice, then he got up, foot gossip, playing in place a set of Eight Extremities Fist, the sound of the ring joints during the endless, even It is like thunder.


After an Iron Mountain Lean hit a boulder and smashed it, Wei Xiaobei took the boxing.

After all, I was seriously injured and recovered. The recovered body seemed to be a bit stiff between walking.

However, after this set of boxing was finished, Wei Xiaobei felt that the whole body was transparent and the strength was restored to 60% or more. Other than that, there is not much problem with self-protection.

With a pair of legs on the ground, Wei Xiaobei is like a rocket, vacating, and moving toward the top of the land, it rushes up.

Compared to the land under the foot, the land above is the highest point of Gao Tianyuan!

It was originally the Azure God and even the land where God lived.

But when Wei Xiaobei rushed to the top, his eyes looked around and he could not help but shake his head.

At this time, the highest level is more crush than the land below, and it is very embarrassing.

It was originally a tall, magnificent palace, but now, with the collapse of the land, those palaces have long since become a pile of ruins.

Moreover, those gods of the Amaterasu god did not appear.

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