Chapter 1612, self-destruction, Divine Attribute Ghost!

Hey, today I was complained. My classmates and friends are sunning on the Internet one by one, showing off how happy they are on vacation. This poor Daoist can only lie in the shabby and dark old black house code, okay, This poor Daoist is actually taking a breath, peat, etc. This poor Daoist is developed, one by one! !


Just kidding, the Lord of the Day has just been promoted to Innate, and in this Qing Mu Paradise, with the strength to mobilize the strength of Qing Mu Paradise, you can compete against any enemy, but once you leave Qing Mu Paradise, due to the environment The changes will be greatly weakened.

If you accidentally encounter any other Innate gods, the Lord of the day will become the object of the other party!

In the words of Master Qin Niu, Innate God wants to improve himself, then the best way is to hunt other Innate gods!

This point has been clearly stated in the battle of dragons and phoenixes in ancient mythology.

The war between Phoenix and Zulong is a manifestation of this kind of thing. Many of them, Phoenix or True Dragon, are both Avatars. The killing of these Avatars can also capture the strength of each other!

Therefore, even if only Avatar goes out, Wei Xiaobei is not willing to train the human head of the day to send out the human head, let others casually kill three, four kills, five kills.

Fortunately, although the owner of this day is very reluctant to leave Wei Xiaobei, it is always a good boy who is obedient. After Wei Xiaobei opened the space passage, he was stunned and tried to make Wei Xiaobei agree to bring himself with a pitiful look. Go out.

When the space channel is open, Wei Xiaobei gently puts out a breath and slightly feels the opposite of the space channel.


It seems to be playing very intense outside?

Wei Xiaobei Even on the side of the space channel, you can still hear the violent explosions and crashes from time to time.

The battle in Gao Tianyuan is still going on?

To be honest, this situation is beyond the expectations of Wei Xiaobei.

Prior to this, Wei Xiaobei did not consider the situation of his six gold Uva Avatar in Gaotianyuan.

After all, according to normal circumstances, the six Jinwu Avatar can resist the light and heat attack of the Amaterasu, but it can not be supported for too long.

It should be common sense to fall down one by one.

But now it seems that the six Jinwu Avatar still seems to exist?

However, after the change, Wei Xiaobei remembered the problem of the time difference between Qing Mu Paradise and Gao Tianyuan.

I have been in Qin Mu Paradise for so long, but in Gao Tianyuan, I have only spent half a day.

Therefore, at this time, the six gold Uva Avatar has not yet fallen, and it is normal to play with the body on the day.

In this case, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate, took a few steps and took the space.

For a moment, the heat wave rolled, and a high-temperature airflow that was enough to melt the steel instantly moved towards Wei Xiaobei.

The space channel closes itself behind Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei looked around all around and found that he was not in the body at that time.

In the distance, a Giant Fireball is inextricably linked to the six-legged Jinwu. The scene is like the end of the day, and sometimes countless Fireballs descend from the sky, and the ground is covered with magma, sometimes erupts, heat waves, even the space of Gaotianyuan. The barrier was broken through a large hole, revealing the darkness in the void.

Seeing here, Wei Xiaobei has a slightly loose heart.

Undoubtedly, the astronomical body at this time is already an arrow at the end of its flight.

The body, which was originally more than ten kilometers long, has shrunk to less than three kilometers and continues to shrink under the constant attack of Jinu Avatar.

From this, it can be seen that after the Amateur goddess and even the Avatar of the light man was swallowed up by the sun, this day the god of the gods has declined.

Of course, even so, this day is not to be underestimated.

Six heads of gold Uva Avatar besieged together, this kind of momentum, even if Wei Xiaobei personally confronted, I am afraid it is a little hard.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei will not give the opportunity to turn any of the a trace of the day, and the legs will be smashed, and the figure will move toward the day.

At this time, the Amaterasu is indeed in a desperate situation. With the godhead, the Avatar is swallowed up. It seems to have broken the root tree. It still looks very powerful, but in fact its strength source has been counted. Being cut off, every battle with Jinwu Avatar will consume countless strengths, but these strengths have no half-tongue.

In this way, Amaterasu himself can also predict that his own miserable will end in the near future.

At this time, the Azure God sensed the appearance of Wei Xiaobei, and the heart could not help but be cold, where he dared to hesitate, and even made the final big move!

I saw that the body of the Great God slammed inwardly, and collapsed from a diameter of three kilometers to less than a kilometer. Then, a blood-red light bloomed and moved towards the village of Giant below.

In the blink of an eye, the Divine Attribute ghosts in most of the villages were illuminated by the blood red light.

For those Divine Attribute ghosts, the appearance of this blood red glow is not a good thing.

Being photographed, regardless of strength, any kind, the first feeling of these Divine Attribute ghosts is that the body’s bloodline bursts, and it seems that countless heats emerge from the body, and in the next moment, they have no consciousness.


A series of bursts of sound came from all over the village, intertwined, but it was a bloody nightmare symphony.

The Divine Attribute ghost, which was photographed by the blood red light, was filled with red blood, and the body swelled, and the explosion exploded. The blood was splashing like a self-propelled human-shaped shell!

Among the blossoming blood flowers, a lot of golden streamlights immediately burst out, and after a short while, it seems to be an invisible suction, and the moving towards the sky above the sky is flying.

I have to say that even Wei Xiaobei can see that it is cool to back.

This day, the gods are really a bit vicious, just for their own lives, the countdown time allows millions of Divine Attribute ghosts to blew themselves, in order to take away their Divine Attribute in order to maintain their lives!

Indeed, the number of Divine Attributes in the millions of Divine Attribute ghosts is unimaginable. If you let the gods really get so many Divine Attributes, the trend may be biased. .

The result is probably not in two directions.

One of them is that the Amaterasu has received so many Divine Attributes that it has turned a lot of power and made a comeback. The second is that it can’t bear the problems of such a large Divine Attribute.

Of course, no matter what kind of result, Wei Xiaobei is not willing to.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei turned the sun gloves on his hands into the sun god bow in the first time, then the big bow opened, and more than ten Arrows, which were formed by photothermal polymerization, appeared on the bowstring.

The tricks like this can only be made after understanding the rules of light and heat to a certain extent.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

A burst of bowstring vibration came, more than a dozen light and heat Arrows immediately detached from the string, after shooting a hundred meters, these Arrows suddenly turned into a Fire Dragon, stopped in the Divine that flew up to the Amaterasu Between Attribute!

The Fire Dragon mouth is full of flames, and the Divine Attributes are like the ants on the hot pot, struggling, but at most, they are burned out by the heat!

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh.

This sigh is for the damage of those Divine Attributes and for the millions of Divine Attribute ghosts.

If Wei Xiaobei is given the time, the Divine Attributes will be taken away and injected into the main body of the day. The benefits of Qing Mu Paradise need not be said.

And if Wei Xiaobei can kill those Divine Attribute ghosts, the Evolution Points will be enough for Wei Xiaobei to promote the attribute to a level of Terror.

But all this, with the help of the gods of the heavens, urged the Divine Attribute ghost to blast itself and become empty.

It is impossible to say that Wei Xiaobei is not painful.

Whether it’s Divine Attribute or Evolution Points, choosing one is an unpredictable benefit.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei had to take action to destroy those Divine Attributes even if they were hurt again!

Otherwise, after the day when the gods get these Divine Attributes, the trouble is not small.

As the light and heat Arrows continue to shoot, a series of Fire Dragon emerges in the air, constantly spurting the fire column, trying to intercept the Divine Attribute turned into streamer.

But the number of Divine Attributes is too large. These Fire Dragons are so fast that they can’t intercept all Divine Attributes one by one, so there are still a lot of Divine Attributes that penetrate the Fire Dragon’s interception, move towards days. Fly as the gods.

At this time, the six gold Uva Avatar spread wings, a bird’s beak, and even a myriad of light and heat Arrows flew out, like a huge network of moving towards the countless Divine Attribute.

The light and heat Arrows sprayed by these gold Uva Avatar naturally did not change to the skill of Fire Dragon, but they are extremely expensive, and they are tens of thousands in an instant.

Under the double interception of Wei Xiaobei and Jinwu Avatar, the number of Divine Attributes that can reach the Amateron body through this piece of giant net has suddenly dropped, with less than 100 per interest!

Of course, the body of the day is not a fool who stays in the same place.

In the face of the interception of Wei Xiaobei and Jin Wu Avatar, the body of the day is probably mad.

But she also knows that the other party wants to kill herself, and there is no room for relief between the two sides.

Therefore, this Tianzhao body did not think of any other tricks, but instead moved toward the ground and swooped down.

The tricks used by this celestial body can be described as conspiracy. Since you intercept Divine Attribute, then I will go on my own and shorten the distance between Divine Attribute and see how you intercept.

The reason is very simple. The body of the Azure body has already shrunk to kilometers, but once the diameter of the kilometer is close to the ground, Wei Xiaobei, Jinwu Avatar wants to intercept the Divine Attributes that move towards the astronomical body. It is.

However, Wei Xiaobei is also impossible to achieve the wishes of this celestial body.

Of course, it is impossible to face the body on the face of the day.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei’s approach is to remove the falling soul clock hanging around his neck.

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