Chapter 151, crazy improvement!

Ps: This afternoon, the update time of this chapter is delayed. This poor Daoist apologizes to all the friends. The reason is that I overslept, the body is too tired, I remembered when I slept at 10. As a result, I thought about sleeping for a while, and then I slept the upcoming 12 points, then I cooked, ate, busy with codewords, now Only updated. Look at this poor Daoist so hard, and subscribe to the book’s friends. There is one more thing, that is, the friend who has booked the “Driving Court”, “Urban Edition Heroes Invincible”, “Preaching Daqian” and “Terror City”, remember to collect your own light of the gods, this thing needs to be collected by yourself. .

Well, Reflex works with several other Agility branch attributes to allow Wei Xiaobei to reach out and easily catch the raindrops falling from the sky.

I don’t know, what ability this Reflex will give when it is promoted to the 20 point.

Wei Xiaobei thought about it and started to return according to the original path.

But what Wei Xiaobei absolutely didn’t think was that there were more accidents on the way back.

Initially a group of zombie dogs came up from the side, Wei Xiaobei killed two heads, and found five Licker rushing from a distance!

Arrived at this time, Wei Xiaobei has some regrets, knowing that, when he started, he should bring the hoe.

Now that Licker is alarmed, he can only run first.

Wei Xiaobei turned a few laps before he was able to smash the Licker behind his ass.

Of course, thanks to the zombies who have no brains, some of them will accidentally hit some buildings, roadside seats, and make a sound of falling to the ground, attracting the attention of Licker. So, Wei Xiaobei can escape easily.

Ok. The front should be the basketball court of the community.

Although the two basketball frames are extremely ragged, they still stand on both sides of the basketball court.

The two Lickers were kneeling on the basketball court, and they looked extremely confused and their heads were everywhere.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s footsteps are hard to escape the listening of these stalkers.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei’s footsteps have not yet slowed down, and the two Lickers, who had nothing to do, jumped from the ground and move towards Wei Xiaobei.

Two Licker!

Wei Xiaobei This time I don’t want to run away.

As long as you can kill these two Lickers, you can take Reflex to the 20 point and gain a new ability.

This is the Evolution Points that 500 runs around.


Wei Xiaobei lightly shouted, the right-hand bone blade slammed down. In the middle of a move towards Wei Xiaobei spurted the tongue.

If the blade of the bone blade is cut on a thin iron pipe, it can be cut into two pieces, which can be cut on the tough Licker’s tongue, but it is bounced off the tongue.

The strength of this Licker seems to have been enhanced!

Wei Xiaobei’s heart was secretly surprised. The right leg slammed into the ground, and instantly moved toward the left side of the meter a few meters away, and it was able to escape the sneak attack of another tongue.

The two Lickers chased each other from the left and the right, keeping the distance from Wei Xiaobei like a wolf, and occasionally popping their tongues in an attempt to shoot Wei Xiaobei!

Not only is the strength enhanced. Wei Xiaobei can even feel that Licker’s IQ has improved a bit, and they actually know that the cooperation is hunting the enemy.


Wei Xiaobei Left-handed move towards the backpack, a chopstick appeared in Wei Xiaobei’s palm. With a violent shake, chopsticks are like Arrows shot!

The distance is too close, less than six meters, which is more than the range that the tongue of Licker can cover.

Be aware that Licker’s tongue can eject more than three meters.

Licker on the right side didn’t even have the chance to dodge the chopsticks that had been turned into the brain. After a while, he fell to the ground.

The tongue ejected by Licker on the left side collided with the bone blade again, giving a crisp crash.

But after solving a Licker. Wei Xiaobei’s pressure suddenly weakened a lot.

After once again escaping from Licker’s slam, Wei Xiaobei took a chopstick and took action to easily shoot the Licker.

Even so, Wei Xiaobei was sweating after the end of the battle.

Being able to kill two Licker sieges in a short period of time, Wei Xiaobei’s effort is enough to kill the hundred zombie.

So, Wei Xiaobei thinks that the 500Evolution Points won after killing two Lickers. It’s impossible to say that it’s a fortune, it’s just a bottom-up benefit for it.

After all, the Evolution Points that can be obtained by killing the hundred zombies can be more than half of this.

But Wei Xiaobei can feel that he has a higher level of mastery of the pseudo-hidden weapon.

Sure enough, actual combat is the place to really martial arts.

it’s here. You may encounter more Licker at any time, just 741Evolution Points accumulated. Wei Xiaobei didn’t dare to keep it, and even raised branch attribute Reflex and Flexibility to promote the 20 point.

The increase in these two branch attributes has never been a pain for Wei Xiaobei.

Like the magma, the hot heat flows from the inside of the body, destroying the nerves, nerve endings and other parts of Wei Xiaobei.

You know, in terms of pain, the most painful thing is that the nerves are stimulated.

This pain is originally transmitted through the nerves.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s nerves were constantly destroyed, but after the nerves were destroyed, they quickly recovered due to the cold current flowing out, which made Wei Xiaobei unable to hinder the pain of these nerves in the brain.

The sweat rushed from all the pores in Wei Xiaobei, less than five seconds before and after. Wei Xiaobei’s sports suit seemed to be soaked in the water. I don’t know how long, a trace silk thread runs down the clothes and trousers.

A breeze blew, Wei Xiaobei’s body lost its balance, and the face fell down to the ground, and the nose bridge made an intimate contact with the concrete floor.

For a moment, two bright red blood flowed out of the nostrils.

Most of the bridge of the nose was broken.

Wei Xiaobei’s heart is secretly sighed, and at this time his body can’t move, but everything about the outside world can still be known.

Anyway, the most urgent need now is to recover from this state as soon as possible!

It’s too dangerous here!

But Wei Xiaobei also knows that this process of strengthening the body is not something that you can control!

What I can control is to try not to let myself stun because of pain.

But this pain from the nerves is a pain that all humans can hardly bear.

Must divert attention!

Wei Xiaobei resisted the pain and turned his attention to the Attribute Panel.

The Attribute Panel at this time. Flexibility, which has just been promoted to the 20 point, the two branch attributes of Reflex showed a reddish color, and Wei Xiaobei tried to focus on Evolution Points, but the test failed.

This reddish color probably symbolizes that the attribute has been locked, and can only be invested in Evolution Points after the body has been reinforced.

Wei Xiaobei took a look at Evolution Points and 281 points.

According to Wei Xiaobei’s Evolution Points investment plan, arrived at this time. The Physical Strength should be invested in Evolution Points, or the lightning energy, Eight Extremities Fist, and pseudo-hidden weapon.

281Evolution Points can’t raise Physical Strength to 20 points at once, and Wei Xiaobei is hesitant.

Before upgrading Physical Strength to 14.95, the height of the block has changed a lot, so that people who are exposed to it can easily see the changes.

If you raise the Physical Strength to the 20 point, the changes that occur will not even be imagined by Wei Xiaobei.

Is the height directly above 2 meters? The block is like Green Giant?

Just think about it. Wei Xiaobei feels that the scalp is a little bit fried. If this is the case, I really don’t explain it well.

Even at Master. In the eyes of Senior Brother, will you be Monster?

Physical Strength temporarily stops investing in Evolution Points.

Eight Extremities Fist has been promoted to Near Perfection, which means that more than two hundred Evolution Points in your hand want to improve the Eight Extremities Fist, which is not enough.

Besides, Wei Xiaobei, in addition to Refining Qi, is specializing in the Eight Extremities Fist. I hope to improve the Eight Extremities Fist further before using Evolution Points. In this case, in addition to saving a lot of Evolution Points, you can also make the upgraded Eight Extremities Fist more sophisticated!

At this point, Wei Xiaobei has been faint in the past, only to confirm the complete it when the last time the Eight Extremities Fist was promoted to Near Perfection.

The pseudo-hidden weapon, for the time being, does not need to be upgraded. Wei Xiaobei feels that if he strengthens the practice, he may not rely on practice or actual combat. It is possible to rush this skill directly to Tempered, even at the level of Mastering through Fusing and Linking.

After all, for Wei Xiaobei, which has Eight Extremities Fist and Near Perfection, it is really simple to practice this skill.

This is like a soldier who is shooting a target, innate talent. Just keep a steady stream of bullets and let them open their targets. After a year or two, not to be a gun king, the sharpshooter can’t run.

As for this kind of practice, if you want to upgrade to a higher level, you need some innate talent.

Wei Xiaobei, who is desperately diverting his attention, will finally determine the investment plan.

Release lightning energy!

With the input of 280Evolution Points, the voltage limit for releasing lightning energy is rising rapidly, and finally stays at 645 Volt!

This voltage is already high compared to ordinary people.

It’s almost as fast as the voltage champion Life Form in the real world.

According to the test records, the maximum voltage of the eMule can reach 880 volts.

Of course, this is a power of more than 1 meters 23, and the electric power is about 300 to 800 volts.

The lower the release voltage, the higher the current intensity, and the higher the voltage, the lower the current intensity.

The current that Wei Xiaobei is releasing now, if the resistance, humidity and so on are removed, the voltage is usually oscillated back and forth at the highest level, and the current intensity is also the same.

He basically can’t control the voltage and current intensity.

Unless all lightning energy is released at once.

But in that case, this ability was abolished before it was re-satisfied.

Wei Xiaobei also suspected that perhaps it was not enough to invest in Evolution Points.

Anyway, when Wei Xiaobei consumed the Evolution Points to a little bit, I found that the pain in my body had disappeared.

And on the Attribute Panel, two new capabilities have been added.

Flexibility 20 (Energetic), Reflex 20 (Early Warning Reflex).

These two new capabilities are different.

Energetic: Improves certain Flexibility, which complements Reflex. (To be continued~^~)

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