Chapter 1509, retreat

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“So, if you promise this, Wei Family Island can leave a place for you and your family, and you can take refuge at Wei Family Island at any time.”

Seeing that the fire was enough, Wei Xiaobei did not continue to perform. To be honest, he was somewhat worried that the old man had an accidental heart attack and it was troublesome.

Listening to Wei Xiaobei, the face of the prime minister suddenly became complicated, both angry and anxious, and a trace of silk joy, even if the body that has always been pretending to squat is also frozen.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei’s words are the key to hitting the Prime Minister.

This prime minister is facing a state of chaos in the country. It can be described as anxious and worrying. In the back, he did not think about letting go of his authority and find a safe place to mix and have fun.

But now the world is not very good, there are Monster invading the reality everywhere, even if it is going, where to go.

Therefore, the mind of the Prime Minister’s adults has always been in the heart, but now, Wei Xiaobei’s promise is like a heavy artillery shell that blows up his heart lake.

Well, anyone at this time, the thoughts in my heart will probably balance back and forth in both directions.

The prime minister’s adult wants to have the right name and wants to arrange a good road. The anxiety in his heart is increased several times.

However, the Prime Minister’s adults have always been in the political arena for many years, and they have been able to defeat many political opponents in this position, and they are not a generation of people.

After forcibly calming down, the Prime Minister found that the conditions given by Wei Xiaobei are now the best.

As long as things are done secretly, it is not necessarily known to anyone in the current chaotic situation in the country.

Besides, even if someone knows, these things can find a few scapegoats.

And the benefit you get is the best way out!

In the troubled times, the life of the family and the family can be preserved.

So after a few minutes of meditation, the Prime Minister broke the silence in the Chamber of Secrets, and his face was filled with smiles and began to chill with Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei also had a lot of interest in communicating with the other side. He knew that there were some things that didn’t need to be explained.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei made this request. The most important reason for this is that the level of civilization and technology in Qing Mu Paradise is too low.

It is not that I can use Arrived some technical information to copy it in Qing Mu Paradise.

However, if you can learn from a complete technology system at any time, it will be beneficial to the development of Qing Mu Paradise.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei feels.

Qing Mu Paradise is not just about the land, the sky, the lake, the magma, but the Life Form inside is also part of Qing Mu Paradise.

It can be said that with the development of human beings in Qing Mu Paradise, the cultivation of fields and the opening of mines have accelerated the growth of Qing Mu Paradise.

And by drawing on these scientific and technological materials, Qing Mu Paradise can establish a system of its own civilization, then the growth of Qing Mu Paradise is limitless.

With the strength of Wei Xiaobei, it is not too much trouble to get these things from Eagle.

After all, the Eagle State is now in a state of chaos, and it is easy for Wei Xiaobei to steal something.

The problem is that this is too slow, and it is impossible for Wei Xiaobei to know exactly where there is any technical information.

And even so, it is impossible for Wei Xiaobei to find all the technical information.

But if the Prime Minister is not the same, let’s not find all the information, at least the information found is systematic, and Wei Xiaobei does not have to work hard to sort out.

With this opportunity, Wei Xiaobei introduced the status quo of the Wei Family Island to the Prime Minister, and even provoked the heart of the Prime Minister.

This is the case, as long as the bottom line is broken, then it will not matter if you break through the bottom line.

It is like wearing a pair of new shoes. In the rainy days, I am afraid that the muddy water will stick to the upper. If one foot steps into the puddle, the next thing will not need to be mentioned.

From the next day, the Prime Minister’s adults began to secretly summon a number of national, private universities, various research institutes, and high-level libraries to preserve the Great Eagle Empire technology, to prevent the Great Eagle Empire from losing its scientific and technological materials after the chaos, and began to copy and store. Scientific and technical information in various institutions.

Of course, even if the Prime Minister is going to do this, it will not be done in a short while.

To be honest, any country, even a small independent country, has a considerable amount of scientific and technological information in all its aspects.

And the Lord who has been so widened like the Eagle Country is more.

It can be said that if all the domestic scientific and technical materials are stored on the hard disk, I am afraid that even more than ten hard disk cabinets are impossible to install!

The scientific and technological materials scattered in various organizations are copied one by one and then concentrated. In this chaotic society, the time required is longer and more cumbersome.

Of course, in order to ensure that the Prime Minister did not encounter any accidents before the event was completed, Wei Xiaobei even cultivated more than 20 Common Persons as the bodyguards of the Prime Minister.

As long as they don’t face the Dragon’s Life Form attack and the rest of the accidental attacks, these Common Persons can drag the Prime Minister out of danger.

Initially, the Prime Minister did not quite believe in the capabilities of these Common Persons.

After all, the Prime Minister is more convinced of the secret service bodyguards that have been carefully cultivated by the Secret Service.

It is true that those special security bodyguards are really good. They are proficient in various vehicle driving, and even able to fly a helicopter. Reflex Agility can detect danger in time and use the body to block the gun at a critical time!

But in contrast to the Common Person, the limitations of the special bodyguards have emerged.

The secret bodyguards are even more powerful, and they are only the leader in ordinary humans. Even if there are several Dust World practitioners, the strongest is 2-Star ordinary forget it.

Compared with the average 3-Star common Common Person, it can’t be seen at all.

Therefore, for the sake of his own life, even if the Prime Minister adults suspected that these Common Persons were Wei Xiaobei sent to monitor their own personnel, they eventually had to accept the protection of these Common Persons.

Not to mention the psychological changes of the Prime Minister, only Wei Xiaobei, after reaching an agreement with the Prime Minister, began to rectify the defensive problems of the rim city in the early morning.

If you want to attack, you have to keep it first. If you want to hit someone, you must learn to beat it first!

You know, the status of the rim city is not good now.

Although the whole city is not completely in chaos like other cities, but the material poverty, the gangs in the troubled times, the smashing and looting events are endless.

It’s common to see people shooting and fighting from time to time on the street.

Even the timid soldiers fleeing their guns and fleeing their positions have occurred from time to time.

To be honest, when the round table knight and the dragon team joined forces to invade the rim city, if you don’t know that the rim market has fallen, and you have no retreat at all, I am afraid that the situation has already collapsed.

This is also one of the real reasons why the Prime Minister’s adult is finally willing to agree to the Wei Xiaobei condition.

After all, even if there is selfishness, if a prime minister does not have a way, he will not necessarily agree to such conditions because of his selfishness.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei wants to leave here and go to search for King Arthur. He must first rectify the defense line of the rim city. Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei will leave it to the chaotic situation of the rim city. It is difficult to say that after he left, If you encounter an attack again, it will not collapse in one fell swoop.

Of course, this rectification line, Wei Xiaobei as a foreigner, is quite inappropriate.

These things can only be handed over to the Eagle State Army to deal with it.

But Wei Xiaobei can strengthen the strength of the defense.

For example, the six dragons were forced to fill a few mouthfuls of Yggdrasil juice by Wei Xiaobei before they woke up in the morning, and then they were woken up and arranged to go to the defense line.

As for Huang Kun, he became the representative of Wei Xiaobei, who was responsible for guarding the rim city and commanding the six dragons.

Of course, this is not enough. Wei Xiaobei has cultivated more than 300 Common Persons and mixed them among the soldiers.

With these Common Persons mixed in, the defense of the defense is undoubtedly greatly improved.

Don’t say anything else, just because these Common Persons manipulate modern weapons, they can let those longbowmen and pikemen know what is called precision strike.

And if melee, these Common Person can easily kill those longbowmen.

The only thing that needs attention is the round table knights and dragons.

There is no good way for Wei Xiaobei to do this.

After all, even if it is Huang Kun, in the face of the round table knight, duel may be able to win, but if you are a group, you can protect yourself.

Anyway, after making arrangements, Wei Xiaobei quietly went on the road.

With a keen sense of smell, Wei Xiaobei has already recorded the atmosphere of those round table knights.

It hasn’t rained yet, and it hasn’t been twenty-four hours in time. It’s convenient for Wei Xiaobei, who can easily track the whereabouts of the round table knights based on the atmosphere left on the ground.

What’s more, those round-table knights are mostly injured, and the bloody smell left behind is even more intense.

The only thing that makes Wei Xiaobei a little uncomfortable is that in order to get the breath they left behind, Wei Xiaobei needs to be close to the ground and sniffed with his nose.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei lying on the ground is somewhat like a certain Wang.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei only found less than a hundred kilometers, and found the whereabouts of those round table knights.

To Wei Xiaobei’s slight surprise, these round table knights did not return to their nest, but camped on a hill near the river.

It was a simple military camp surrounded by a wooden fence. From the scale of this simple military camp, even if it suffered a big defeat in the suburbs of the rim city, there were still a lot of people left behind. Thousands.

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