Chapter 1497, half-blood

Headache, I bought a pressure cooker. After receiving the goods, I found that the diameter is beyond my imagination. It is bigger than the washbasin. The biggest problem is that I want to close the lid. I need to use the power of the whole body to suppress it. The whole family Only the person who has this poor Daoist can shut it down, really want to vomit blood, is it possible to cook a meal later?


Mr. Special Envoy saw Li Lanxing come in, but he politely got up and apologized to Li Lanxing.

“Nothing, you are a guest, please drink tea.”

Li Lanxing slammed back and left again.

Wei Xiaobei smiled apologetically and chatted with each other.

Relative to the blue eye of the other side, the Chinese ambassador’s special envoy, Mr. China is very fluent.

The name is Zhang Xiongxiong, also known as Zhang Jieke. Well, in fact, many people live in foreign countries, and they retain the traditional Chinese family in China. The name of the descendants is not only the name of a proper China, but also the foreign local name. Will bring the Chinese surname.

Zhang Shaoxiong is the name of his orthodox China, and Zhang Jie or Jack Zhang is his foreign local name.

Zhang Xiaoxiong was extremely talkative and had a self-sufficient ability to quickly get acquainted with Wei Xiaobei.

This is probably one of the reasons why the Eagle Government appointed it as a special envoy.

In the face of Wei Xiaobei, Zhang Xiongxiong was extremely open-minded and soon introduced some of his own situations.

He graduated from Life Form College of Eagle Sword Sheath University, specializing in Life Form genetic engineering. After graduation, he did not go to research institutions, but inherited his family business and operated a farm in Niutan County, Yingguo.

If it wasn’t for Monster’s invasion, Zhang Yixiong would probably use his Life Form knowledge he learned at Sword Sheath University to improve his own livestock, in order to create quality livestock, expand his own farm, and become a well-known farmer.

But with the advent of Dust World Monster, Zhang’s career was ruined, and he also entered Dust World and became a Dust World practitioner.

Of course, its ability to grow to the Creativity Rank of 3-Star is also an opportunity.

At the time of Dust World’s experience, this hero was lucky to get the blood of a bloody prince, and it was a coincidence that absorbed this heart of blood and became a strange existence of a half-human and a half-blood, and finally climbed a little bit now. strength.


Listening to Zhang Xiongxiong’s story, Wei Xiaobei understood it. It’s no wonder that the smell of this male will give him such a strange feeling.

The so-called blood family is the Vampire forget it in the Europa mythology.

It is said that these special Life Forms abandoned by God, they come out in the morning, like to suck human blood, sleep in the coffin, like to become a group of bats to swim in the night sky, because of God’s curse, they can not see the sun for life, the sun is their The fatal wound, any Vampire has only one end in the sun, was burned to ashes.

But Zhang Xiongxiong, a half-human and half-blooded guy, has no fatal wounds like the bloody family. Even at noon on the top of the sun, Zhang Shaoxiong will not be affected by it.

But there are advantages and disadvantages. Because only half of the bloodline bloodline is owned, Zhang Xiongxiong cannot become a bat.

The reason why Zhang Shaoxiong does not have too much bloody and killing atmosphere is that he does not use human blood very much. Even when he is hungry, he will only use the blood of other Life Forms.

From this point of view, this Zhang Xiaoxiong is a Vampire with his own principles.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised by Zhang Xiaoxiong’s openness.

If you switch to any one person, I am afraid that you will not say anything about yourself in front of a stranger.

Especially the ability of some blood races, it is almost the life-saving cost of Zhang Xiongxiong.

Could it be said that this man wants to rely on himself? With this name?

From this point of view, it makes sense.

The best way to believe in a stranger is to put your deadly handle on the opponent’s hand!

This is like an ancient bandit cottage. Anyone who wants to get involved must go out and rob a ticket. This is called a cast name!

This will enable others to believe in themselves!

Like a lonely wolf, you need to expose your most vulnerable belly to be accepted by other wolves!

It can be said that through the things that Zhang Yuxiong himself exposed, Wei Xiaobei’s strength can only be the life of Zhang Xiaoxiong even if it is only equal to the other party!

After thinking about this, Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time and entered the topic directly with the other party.

See Wei Xiaobei speaking directly, the Yan Xiong also pointed out his attitude.

It really wants to join the Wei Family Island!

The reason is very simple. Zhang Shaoxiong is not an orphan. His family is also a big family. From the fathers to the brothers and even the next generation, there are hundreds of people!

And now the Eagle State, or the whole world, Zhang Shaoxiong can’t see a safe Territory.

To be honest, Zhang Shaoxiong is also a powerful figure in the Dust World eagle of the Eagle Kingdom.

According to him, there are more than 3,000 Dust World practitioners in the entire Eagle Kingdom, but there are only a few people who can reach 3-Star or above, and more than 50 people at the 2-Star level. The 1-Star elite is slightly stronger than the average human.

At the beginning of Zhang Shaoxiong, there was a little bit of lofty ambition and he wanted to build some achievements in this troubled world.

After the emergence of the dragon, Zhang Yuxiong even understood it. Those Monsters constantly invaded the reality from Dust World, and even if they were even more powerful, they could not protect hundreds of people in the whole family!

You must find a backer, at least to protect the back of your family.

But it is really difficult to find such a backing.

After searching hard for information, intelligence, and news, Zhang Shaoxiong set his sights on Wei Family Island.

Wei Family Island was not surprising in the eyes of Zhang Xiaoxiong, that is, there is no place for Monster to mess.

However, as Zhang Yuxiong joined the super-powered army formed by the Eagle State Government, his status has improved and he has received more information. Zhang Xiaoxiong discovered that the Wei Family Island, which is not seen, is such a powerful!

It is not necessary to clear Monster in some small countries. Zhang Yixiong organizes a group of people and can do it with good luck.

But being able to capture an aircraft carrier formation in the USA is not something that ordinary Dust World practitioners can do.

As for the USA, it is normal to ask Wei Family Island to help with Dust World Monster and so on.

Therefore, when the Eagle Government selected the special envoy to China, Zhang Shaoxiong spent a lot of money to win this position.

After coming to Wei Family Island, everything that Zhang Shaoxiong felt was made him determined to rely on Wei Family Island.

Zhang Xionong was shocked by the 3-Star Strong (Pmonmon Person) who guarded the entire Wei Family Island.

This Wei Family Island is also too extravagant, and the 3-Star ordinary strongman is just acting as an ordinary guard here!

Even the big dogs patrolling the island are the strength of 2-Star Terror!

There are still some wandering around, Zhang Xiongxiong can detect, but can not see the Yin soldiers and so on, let Zhang Xiongxiong feel the strength of the Wei Family Island Unfathomable.

Of course, just relying on his own strength, Zhang Shaoxiong did not impress Wei Xiaobei to accommodate his family, but Zhang Shaoxiong also has his own advantages. He is very familiar with the Eagle Country, whether it is acting as a lead party or something, it is more than enough.

Wei Xiaobei, after listening to Zhang Shaoxiong’s remarks, has no interest in wanting to be a lead party. He is interested in this research on Life Form genetic engineering!

It is said that the Life Form Institute in Qing Mu Paradise has been relocated, and research work has become somewhat slow.

In addition to the reasons why various research instruments are quickly scrapped due to strength extraction, there are also those researchers who are not Dust World practitioners or low-powered.

The reason is very simple. As the level of Life Form research increases, it is more difficult for ordinary people or Dust World practitioners with lower strength to participate.

At least when doing some research, not enough strength, it can be dangerous, and there is not enough Intelligence attribute to understand some of the things inside.

Yes, Wei Xiaobei now regards this special envoy as an important future researcher at the Life Form Institute.

But before that, Wei Xiaobei really had to go to the Eagle Country.

According to the news that Zhang Shaoxiong and Ying Guo’s domestic contacts, the current King Arthur has officially established the country in the western part of the Eagle Kingdom, and has also appointed a series of official titles such as the Royal Master.

It must be said that many human beings have greater desires for survival in times of adversity than any other ideology. Even if the King Arthur made the entire eagle country in the past, there are still many people in the eagle country. King Arthur vowed allegiance and accepted his rule.

From this point of view, the King Arthur probably accepted the fact that his descendants died, and considered the problem more pragmatically.

For the Eagle State Government, the official establishment of King Arthur is not good news.

There are two eagle countries on the island of Great Britain?

Spreading out, it will make people laugh.

Of course, after the founding of the country, King Arthur probably had to deal with a lot of affairs, and he did not launch another attack. This made the Eagle government take a few breaths and can live longer.

As for the dragons that appear in the air from time to time, it is said to have been in An Family in the Scottish Highlands in the north.

Compared with the threat posed by King Arthur, the ordinary eagle people are even more alarmed by the dragon in the An Family in the Scottish Highlands.

The reason is very simple. King Arthur always needs people to serve as his subjects. He will never kill the people, but the dragons that feed on people are different.

When they are An Family, they will multiply their descendants, and the number will continue to increase. It will not be surprising that the number of humans who will eventually eat will continue to increase, even killing the entire eagle country.

This is a very real problem. Even the high-ranking officials in the Eagle Government who are overstaffed cannot dare to ignore it.

Therefore, the Eagle State Government asked Zhang Xiaoxiong to urge the reinforcements of the Wei Family Island to rush to the Eagle Kingdom!

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