Chapter 1489, get supernatural!

Here is a question to say, the introduction of the broken clock and the broken water bottle in the front is reversed. Hereby explain, to avoid everyone seeing problems later.


But the Buddha’s head is always not a true Buddha, so it is not surprising that such a situation arises.

After all the process was completed, the half-resident Buddha’s head burst into a dazzling golden Buddha light, and move towards Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei knows that this golden Buddha light is harmless and therefore does not dodge, and it does not move on the futon.

When the golden Buddha light rushed into the forehead, Wei Xiaobei’s mind immediately showed a picture.

There are Buddhas and flowers laughing, there are Buddhas preaching the meanings, mouth vomiting White Lotus, Bodhisattva’s ambitions, Pudu sentient beings, Luohan descending from the dragons, there are great virtues and sorrows, and many pictures are swiftly swept from Wei Xiaobei’s mind. Over.

Even Wei Xiaobei, only the blurred scene of these pictures can be seen at this time.

Wei Xiaobei also knows that these pictures are actually some of the scenes revealed by the Buddha’s thirty-six Lesser God. But what kind of supernatural powers, but he can’t know.

To put it bluntly, the whole process is like a flop, and the picture is just the back of the card. What card you choose, after you open it, the things you get may not match the picture.

Therefore, even if you feel that the picture related to the Buddha is higher than the picture of the Luohan, the magical powers that are actually drawn are all one of the Buddha’s Lesser God, and the overall value is not much worse.

However, some of the Buddha’s Lesser God tend to fight, while some of the Buddha’s Lesser God generals tend to be for other aspects of it.

After understanding this, Wei Xiaobei didn’t think too much, and the heart random touched on a certain screen!

Suddenly, the picture was fixed, and the rest of the picture began to dissipate quickly, leaving only this picture to stay in the mind.

Well, this picture looks like a level that is not too high. It is a picture of a great virtue. In the picture, a white-browed old man carries a wooden coffin, standing in front of a small farmhouse and turning to a farmer.

Well, Wei Xiaobei is not very clear about the profound meaning of the thoughts in this picture, so there is not too much observation, and the mind immediately touches the picture.

In the twinkling of an eye, this great German sorghum edge map was turned into a glimpse of Buddha light move towards in all directions, and finally a white lotus flower was formed in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

It seems that the supernatural powers should be acquired.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sighed in relief.

To be honest, this is what the magical power is. He really didn’t care much about it at this time. The idea in his heart is that if he is here once, he really wants to vomit blood.

Going back to God, Wei Xiaobei immediately looked at his own Attribute Panel.

To understand what magical power you have, it is undoubtedly the quickest and most detailed to view the Attribute Panel.

White Lotus: This supernatural power is one of the 36th Lesser God of Buddhism. It is learned by this magical power. It can express White Lotus, enhance the charm of speech, and improve the ability of humanization. The ability to integrate, there is a chance to promote it to Buddhism, the mouth of the gods.

Looking at this introduction, Wei Xiaobei understands what this white Lotus is all about, probably the mythical version of language art and speech.

But how about the specific effect, Wei Xiaobei feels that I have to test it.

From the futon, Wei Xiaobei move towards all around Looking around, all around are busy soldiers.

These soldiers are divided into three classes and are repairing various defenses on the defense line.

Although this may not have any effect, it is better than not doing it. When the Ironstone Monster invades, it can kill more Iron Monster.

Well, the best experiment here is the soldiers.

However, Wei Xiaobei is not too embarrassed to disturb the busyness of these soldiers. Besides, what is the meaning of White Lotus? Will it cause any sequelae, Wei Xiaobei is not clear, so the subjects should not choose them as well. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, your face will fall.

Then there is only one kind of experimental object left, and those rare stars Monster that are swaying outside the line.

To be precise, those Ironstone Monsters don’t want to run against the line of defense.

The purpose of coming over is to want to forage.

There are too many bodies of the stone Monster on this battlefield. Zhao Yun is busy moving people to Qing Mu Paradise after the war. Wherever it is possible to arrange for the recycling of these iron Monster bodies.

The stone Monster is also to eat, their food is the ordinary stone or the body of the stone Monster.

As a result, it is not surprising that these iron Monsters have been attracted.

Wei Xiaobei’s only concern is that these Monsters are always ironstones. Whether they can be influenced by their own white Lotus is a question mark.

Of course, even if it fails, no one knows what Wei Xiaobei is doing, no one laughs at himself.

The Buddha’s head was taken into the Storage Ring, and Wei Xiaobei moved toward a rat-like stone Monster.

Compared to the larger Monster Monster with the body type, Wei Xiaobei feels that this body type is smaller than the Iron Monster, which is probably easy to be affected.

For the iron rat, today is probably the happiest moment of its life.

On the Tiewei Mountain, the Monster, like the iron rat, is undoubtedly the bottom layer. They can only pick up some iron ore, iron grass and iron bark. For the stone Monster, they want to grow up further. Things are not enough.

The stronger the strength of the stone Monster, the larger the strength contained in the body.

Now the body of the stone Monster on the battlefield, in the eyes of this iron mouse, is like a Baoshan!

The only problem is that the body type of the iron rat is too small, even if it is a full stomach, it is only the residue of the stone Monster body for it.

If you want to be stronger, you must eat it repeatedly and eat it!

In just one day, the iron rat swallowed more than 50 times its own weight, so that it was long from half a slap in the small accomplishment, and the creator was also quickly upgraded from 1-Star. !

Compared with other iron rats, this iron rat is already considered a king!


Is there a personal class coming over?

The iron rat, who was extremely sensitive to changes in the external environment, did not give up vigilance while eating, and soon found Wei Xiaobei, who was slowing down.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei didn’t mean to hide himself, but worried that he would rush to scare the iron rat away.

And it turns out that Wei Xiaobei really wants more.

After the iron rat found that Wei Xiaobei was close, he even slammed the body, move towards the human being, and tried to scare Wei Xiaobei in an attempt to defend his food.

Because this iron rat once saw those humans dragging these bodies away!

Even when Wei Xiaobei didn’t stop, the iron rat took the initiative to move towards Wei Xiaobei and launched an attack!

“If I smell…”

Seeing that the iron rat dared to move towards himself to attack, Wei Xiaobei was not angry and rejoicing, let the iron rat rush, and after starting the white Lotus, he began to read Diamond Sutra.

If I heard the four words just exported, the iron rat that jumped in the air would relax in the body and then fall on the ground, revealing a trace of confusion.

It feels suddenly, the human being gives it a very affectionate feeling, so that it can’t bear to hurt the other party, but it doesn’t want the other person to take away their food, so it feels very confused.

As Wei Xiaobei pulled out a word in his mouth, the look of the iron mouse quickly turned from obscurity to obsession. He even got up and came to the side of arrived Wei Xiaobei, using his body to touch Wei Xiaobei’s calf to show himself. Closeness.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei smiled, squatting on the body, continually verses in his mouth, and fiddled with the iron rat by hand.

The iron rat turned over and lie on the ground to reveal his belly.

For the vast majority of Life Forms, revealing your belly to other Life Forms means only one thing, that is, surrender and obedience!

Arrived at this time, Wei Xiaobei was horrified and found that as his verse continued to sound, he spit out a fist-sized, translucent white lotus from his mouth, and this white lotus floated in front of himself. The rhythm of the text is ups and downs.

this is?

This is what Wei Xiaobei didn’t think of.

In the past, Wei Xiaobei did not see the idea that White Lotus appeared in the introduction of Shentong. After all, the name of this magical power is a simple introduction to forget it, and White Lotus is not really white Lotus.

However, Wei Xiaobei always has a lot of knowledge, and he will not forget anything because of the appearance of White Lotus.

A Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand is lost on White Lotus, and Wei Xiaobei reads the White Lotus’s attribute table while reading the scriptures.

Well, Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand has only one sentence for White Lotus.

Buddhism White Lotus: This is made after the White Lotus Shenmall small accomplishment. It can be condensed into a solid body. After taking it, it can cure part of the effect of White Lotus. The degree of curing depends on the level of White Lotus.

Well, seeing the introduction of this Buddha’s White Lotus, Wei Xiaobei can understand, and the effect of this white Lotus power will probably disappear with the passage of time.

Otherwise, there will be no curing effect of this Buddha Word White Lotus.

Arrived at this time, although the iron mouse seemed to be obedient, Wei Xiaobei did not stop the scripture until the white Lotus was turned from translucent to physical, before stopping and reaching out to white Lotus. For a while.

To say that this white Lotus is superficial, except for the body type, which is not much different from the usual White Lotus, but its fragrance is very attractive, even Wei Xiaobei himself. There is an illusion that you are about to indulge in it.

As for the obese iron mouse, it was almost rushed at this time, screaming, desperately moving towards half empty, wanting to swallow this White Lotus.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not rush to feed White Lotus to the iron rat, but waited patiently until the iron mouse showed some symptoms of disobedience.

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