Chapter 1481, the strength of the rule!

Suddenly found a problem, how many hours must humans sleep at least? The time is calculated in one month. This poor Daoist finds that you have to sleep at least 5 hours. Well, for Mao, this poor Daoist will sleep for two or five hours to feel awake? ? ? ?


At the moment, Zhao Yun is riding a white horse to go all the way around, waiting for an attack on it.

However, under the arduous struggle, Zhao Yun’s attack did not attract much attention from Naha.

On the contrary, the monster Monster King used erupts at this time, but it was clever. Seeing this tyrant attempted to go up the mountain, and even around the mountain, from top to bottom, constantly accelerating, and finally hit the body under the tyrant.

Under the Naha, the body type Giant is incomparably, but it was difficult to go up the mountain. Then it was hit by the monster Monster King, and then it swung down.

As a result, the tyrant climbed a distance and was slid down a distance by the monster Monster King, causing the speed of the mountain to slow down a lot.

There is no doubt that at this critical juncture, the red Stone Tower wants to recall the tyrants and help them!

Can’t let this tyrant go up the mountain!

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei thought of the key to the problem!

Don’t say anything else, if this tyrant really goes up to the mountain top, just need to go straight in, it is possible to smash the Buddha light and let the red Stone Tower get out!

This is not impossible.

You know, this is not the usual iron stone Monster, it is the son of Zulong.

And what kind of existence is that ancestral dragon?

It is the first True Dragon between heaven and earth!

To put it bluntly, it is the Innate god!

How can a bloodline like this exist in the ordinary like this?

This big Tianlong Temple is even more powerful. Under the tyrannical collision, it is impossible to trap the red Stone Tower.

But it is not an easy task to stop Naha from going up the mountain.

It’s like the monster Monster King. I didn’t pay much attention to it before, but after the monster Monster King slammed himself down the hill several times, there was no restraint under Naha, until the monster Monster King went down again. When you hit it, the tyrant is directly a slap in the face.

Hey, a loud noise, almost spread throughout the Tiewei Mountain.

Body type More than 100 meters of the tortoise Monster King at this time suddenly slammed the palm of the fan to fly out of the kilometer.

During the period, the stone Monster hit by the monster Monster King was turned into pieces and could not die any more.

The monster Monster King himself was fanned by the palm of his hand and almost half-length. He vomited a few mouthfuls of blood in his huge pit.

As a result, the monster Monster King is almost useless and cannot stop the tyrants from going up the mountain.

In this case, Wei Xiaobei is also not polite, grabbed the Iron Mountain Monster around him again, and then based on the positioning of more than a dozen weak pigs, after calculating a moment in his mind, aiming at the direction, loudly shouted, will The stone Monster move towards the mountain is down!

With Wei Xiaobei’s strength, as long as the calculation is accurate, even if the iron-clad mountain is full of clouds, it can’t stop it from finding the target!


The iron gorilla’s body type is extremely thick, like a huge boulder. It is more than 20 meters tall and weighs more than 20,000 tons. But in Wei Xiaobei’s hand, it is like a small toy, and it is instantly thrown out.

Subsequently, the stone gorilla crossed a parabola in the air, with a sharp whistling sound, and the move towards the foot of the mountain fell.

At this time, the monster Monster King was in front of the tyrant, desperately trying to slow down the speed of the mountain.

However, Zhao Yun saw the ironstone gorilla that was arguing from the mountain top and notified the monster Monster King at the first time.

Monster King is not a fool, and even if he is desperately dodging, it does not want to withstand the violent impact with the tyrant.

As for the tyrants, there is no concern about the move to their own rock gorillas, and continue to climb slowly.


After a short moment, a loud bang came, and the iron gorillas squatted on the head of the tyrant!

The violent impact caused the head of the tyrant to rise upwards in an instant, and to see the twist angle, the monster Monster King suspected that the neck would break instantly.

But after all, the hegemony was overbearing. More than 20,000 tons of heavy objects with huge force hit the head, which brought the impact of Giant. The iron gorilla also smashed into pieces.

But it was that there was a pit stuck in the scales of the head, and the action of the tyrant was stopped.

But he did not suffer too much damage.

But in any case, due to this blow, the tyrant was also slightly dizzy.

Not long after, another stone Monster screamed from the mountain top, and the move towards the tyrant fell.


Another loud noise came out.

But this time, the precision of Wei Xiaobei’s aim seems to be a bit wrong, so that the stone Monster squats on the back shell.

As usual, the stone Monster smashed the bones on the back shell, and the body move towards the ground sank a few meters.

This blow seems to seduce the anger of the hegemony again.

For the first time, the tyrant raised his head high, and the move towards mountain top snarled, and then accelerated the speed of climbing.

However, at this time, neither Zhao Yun nor the monster Monster King dared to get close to the hegemony.

Because of the outside of the body, there is a ray of yellow!

What is horrifying is that all the iron and stone ground shrouded by the khaki ray is quickly transformed into rock!

That’s right, it’s rock!

You know, the surface of this iron-clad mountain is made up of countless stone Monsters, and now these iron stones are turned into rocks!

Even the hegemonic body of his own, under the radiance of this khaki-colored light, turned into a rock.

And Wei Xiaobei’s third headstone, Monster, has just entered the ray of yellowish light, and was struggling to struggle with the stone Monster that wanted to change his destiny. Under the ray of yellowish light, it quickly became petrified and eventually turned into a piece. The rock, and magically removed the giant force, suspended in the khaki light.

But this is not the end. The rocky Monster, which was turned into a rock, is suspended in the khaki light. After a short time, it slowly rotates, and then it gets faster and faster, and finally, like the same shell, it slams. Before the fallen track, move towards mountain top shot it!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei has seen the changes under the Arrived Naha through the weak pig at the foot of the mountain.

To be honest, this change really surprised him.

Although it is not directly seen by one’s own eyes, but by seeing those khaki rays turning the stone Monster into a rock, Wei Xiaobei can feel some of the rule strengths contained in it!

That’s right, only the strength of the rule can turn those ironstones into rocks so quickly and unimpeded.

And the rock that flew back is undoubtedly aiming at Wei Xiaobei.

Even on the mountain top, Wei Xiaobei faintly felt that the eyes of Naha far locked himself.

Without hesitation, Wei Xiaobei reached out and grabbed a stone Monster in his hand. Then he did not do anything and threw it down.

To say that these sleepy ironstone Monster can be considered as a mold for eight lifetimes.

I slept here well, didn’t recruit anyone, didn’t provoke anyone, but today it became a cannon fodder.

Just flew out less than five or six hundred meters, and it collided with the rock that flew up. After a loud bang, whether it was the stone Monster or the rocky Monster, it became a violent impact. Splashes of debris.

Wei Xiaobei’s early attack has undoubtedly resolved a crisis.

You know, there are still some khaki rays on the rocks that fly up, so that the Monster, which is smashed into pieces with its impact, is also rapidly transformed into rock fragments!

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but have a cold sweat on the back.

Before the fight with this tyrant, to tell the truth, what is revealed by the tyrant is nothing more than a huge body, great power, unparalleled defense, huge waves, and constantly falling mountains!

These, in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, can only be said to be strong enough to get the ordinary side of 5-Star, but it is extremely cumbersome, and Wei Xiaobei has full confidence to entangle with each other.

But now, the hidden killings of the other side have appeared.

That khaki light is undoubtedly some kind of rule strength!

Within the coverage of this rule’s experience, the only change in any matter is to turn into rock!

Wei Xiaobei is not quite sure that his own rules of light and heat are against it. In the end, there are some odds, and the odds of winning are extremely low.

This is not to say that Wei Xiaobei’s light and heat rules are lower than their rule strength, but the two sides have different understandings of the rules, which leads to the difference between the strength of the rule strength!

Now, even if the tyrant is very cumbersome, but the khaki ray is out, even in the far distance, it may be attacked by it!

In fact, the opponent’s attack has begun.

Through the soul connection of the weak pig, Wei Xiaobei sees the following picture.

After a failed attack, the tyrant appeared to be more violent, and the khaki light that appeared on the body became more and more intense. Then all the rocks around the ground rose from the ground, suspended in the khaki light, and began to rotate on its own. It’s up.

Just by counting the number of those rocks, Wei Xiaobei felt a numbness in his body.


The number of those rocks exceeds tens of thousands, and the smallest one has more than ten cubic meters. The largest one has thousands of cubic meters. If so many boulders fly on the mountain top, don’t say anything else, it’s the big one. Tianlong Temple may not be able to bear it!

Not to mention the impact of the accumulation of earthy yellow rays attached to these boulder.

If you can’t stop these boulders, then there will only be one result, either Wei Xiaobei will be killed, or the Big Dragon Temple will be broken, and finally the Red Stone Tower will escape!

But then again, Wei Xiaobei feels a bit confused about the ability of the Eruption to suddenly come out.

How is this going?

This tyrant is always a corpse, and the corpse can master such a strong strength of rules, which is really a little shocking.

And if there is such a strength, is it released before the hair?

If that is the case, I am afraid that Wei Xiaobei was pitted before, and it is impossible to go to the mountain top.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei has no more time to consider!

Under such circumstances, Wei Xiaobei has only two choices, one is to escape!

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