Chapter 147, the heart of the crisis!

Ps: Seeing that everyone is so hard, this poor Daoist is a bit less interesting, but it is a few votes away from the 800 monthly ticket. How can we struggle to survive? Looking at the other books on the monthly ticket list, shuā shuā shuā, oh, this poor Daoist feels like going to do hemorrhoid surgery. Is it so hard for everyone to let this poor Daoist go to a sin again? Fusheng is boundless Tianzun, Sanqing bless.

The thin man was angry and glaring, and the slap in the move to the woman fan, but the woman did not care about the slap in the face, directly rushed up, hands clenched to the thin man, mouth moved towards the thin man’s face.

The thin man was unable to struggle under the restraint of a woman, and he was bitten by a bite.

Seeing a woman going crazy, a few people who touched the porcelain gang went up and jumped out of the woman, but the thin man at the time was full of blood and a big hole appeared on his face.

I haven’t waited for these people to hold the woman down, and the other two women, a man, turned white and fell down.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei fully understands.

This is because they were bitten by zombie and infected with the zombie virus!

This is beyond doubt.

The question is why these zombies have lost their ability to spread the zombie virus when they are in reality, and even the body cannot detect the zombie virus!

These questions made Wei Xiaobei feel a little headache.

However, at this time, it is not the time when Wei Xiaobei takes time to consider these issues.

With the two women, a man fell to the ground, the woman who had been transformed into a zombie, while the remaining three men lost their hearts, bite on a man’s finger and bite hard, hurting the man lost for a while. Resilience.

Arrived at this time. The last two men were also flustered. I don’t know if I should look after a few fainted accomplices or rescue the accomplices from the woman.

In fact, they didn’t have to think too much, and Wei Xiaobei made a decision for them.

The knife flashed, the zombie woman’s head was cut off, the knife light flashed again, and a woman lying on the ground turned around.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the people were shocked.

Fuck. This is the killing madman!

One of the remaining two men was a bit daring. It blocked Wei Xiaobei and pointed at Wei Xiaobei: “You, you dare to kill!”

As for those onlookers, one by one was so shocked that they stepped back and watched Wei Xiaobei screaming.

This is too bloody, too violent!

It simply exceeds their ability to withstand.

Wei Xiaobei eyes passed over the man and saw a man with a tooth print on his shoulder.

Infected by zombie!


The bone blade flutters, passes from the man neck, and the human head flies up.

See this scene. Even those who are more gutsy, this time did not dare to question Wei Xiaobei.

Waving the bone blade will be the injured man, the woman beheaded one by one.

to be frank. Wei Xiaobei At the end of the cut, they all felt inexplicably soft.

Some of these people have been transformed into zombie, but some have not yet been transformed, and they are still human, so it is conceivable how much impact this Wei Xiaobei thought has.

But this is what Wei Xiaobei has to do. After these people are converted into zombies, they must be their own enemies. It would be better to kill the threat in the bud.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that if he does this, these people will probably regard themselves as demons.

However, Wei Xiaobei didn’t care about this. Here is Dust World. What happened to killing a few people who are about to be converted into zombies?

The police in reality may not be able to hunt down themselves across the border?

Do not make jokes. . . . . . . .

In other words, those who have just converted or have not yet converted to zombie have given Wei Xiaobei three hundred Evolution Points, on average. Everyone is fifty.

There are a lot less 80Evolution Points than mercenary, but it’s not bad.

In a twinkling of an eye, there were only two men shaking their trembling with eight porcelain gangs.

Well, they are not a man now, they should be called a little sly who has just weathered a thunderstorm.

These two little sisters are now most afraid of Wei Xiaobei. I don’t dare to move when I am on the ground.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t have the idea of ​​communicating with these people at all, and moved towards the new rental house. When I came to the fountain, I stopped and didn’t enter the new rental house. Instead, I focused on the Attribute Panel.

Previously, Wei Xiaobei wanted to raise Intuition to 20, and now Evolution Points are elevated to 314, which naturally won’t delay time.

Of course, he will not hand over his safety to the strangers, so he will open the distance and come here.

After all, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know what happens when this Intuition is promoted to the 20 point.

With the investment of Evolution Points, the Intuition attribute began to increase.


In the eyes of the onlookers who entered Dust World, Wei Xiaobei just stood in the fountain, but they are now bold enough to follow the past.

But they did not dare to stay here. The man was too Terror, and he pulled the knife in the same direction. The headless body on the ground was also extremely scary. Some timid girls and women could not move.

Anyway, when Wei Xiaobei passed the fountain, they began to move towards the edge of the square. When Wei Xiaobei was not chased, the guts were a bit bigger, and they went away, no matter where they were.

Intuition enhances the arrived 20 point in a blink of an eye.

Wei Xiaobei only felt a wave of heat in his mind, and then there was no change. It seems that this Intuition was upgraded to the 20 point, which did not bring any benefits at all.

But Wei Xiaobei looked at the Attribute Panel and added a new ability to Intuition Early Intuition!

Its ability is to greatly enhance the Intuition’s danger to Reflex, and even other special things.

Special things?

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but be amazed, and his heart inexplicably gave birth to a feeling of being peeped by something. This kind of peeping made him very uncomfortable, just like all his inner privacy was seen as arrived, and a cold touch appeared in his heart. .

Without hesitation, there was a blue lightning on Wei Xiaobei. Oh, lightning is like a torrential flood, and move towards all around.

Just then, a scream came out faintly and then drifted away.

After a blink of an eye, the lightning is immediately hidden under the skin, and there is no trace.

The blackened traces of the fountain statue closest to Wei Xiaobei have been left behind.

At this time, the cold touch of Wei Xiaobei’s heart disappeared, and the mood was exceptionally comfortable.

But the only trouble is after the lightning energy Eruption. Wei Xiaobei Terror hunger that has not appeared for a long time has appeared.

Wei Xiaobei had to take off his backpack and take out the high-energy nutrition bar inside, and swallowed it with a big mouth.

The energy contained in this high-energy nutrition bar is higher than Hardtack. Just two high-energy nutrition bars go down, and the hunger that Wei Xiaobei emerged disappeared.

What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that he also pulled out a piece of dried meat from his backpack.

This dried meat is the previously baked Shang Fu meat, and for Wei Xiaobei, it is also delicious in Dust World.

It was a bit dry to eat, and Wei Xiaobei had to drink the last two bottles of mineral water.

After the hunger has subsided. Wei Xiaobei gently burped and then focused on the Attribute Panel.

He has some hunch, and the sudden screams should have some relationship with the discomfort felt in his heart.

Battlelog :…..Starts Intuition Early Warning. Discover the strange Evil Thought …..lightning energy Eruption lurking deep inside, clear the strange Evil Thought…

Surprise Evil Thought?

Wei Xiaobei At this time, it is back that it is a little cold.

To be honest, this strange Evil Thought has been lurking in his own heart for a long time, and he doesn’t know. If he didn’t raise Intuition to 20 point, he got the ability of Intuition Early Warning and found the lurking Evil Thought. . I don’t know when, this so-called weird Evil Thought will have problems.

Attention was swept away from the words Evil Thought, and Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised that he could not get any information at all.

Be aware that as long as something appears in the Battlelog, more or less can get some information, except for the strange footsteps heard in the new rental house!

Is there a connection between this strange Evil Thought and that strange footstep?

Wei Xiaobei looked at the look of the new rental house, and some were amazed.

After staring for a while. Wei Xiaobei took back his eyes and at least he had cleared the weird Evil Thought.

As long as there is a way to deal with it, don’t be afraid, Wei Xiaobei comforts himself in his heart.

Just then, a mess of cry for help came from afar.

Wei Xiaobei looked at the square. Everyone, including the last person who touched the porcelain gang, left.

The direction of the cry for help is in all directions.

Imagine. These people are not too trusting each other, so the direction of departure is also different.

Wei Xiaobei doesn’t have to care about the lives of these people, but these people quickly escaped.

The number has been reduced by a small half, followed by more or less zombie, and the largest group of zombies is only thirty.

But for those who live in peacetime, the total of no more than a hundred zombies is enough to scare them to no resistance.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei who walked slowly, the cries of those people suddenly increased the volume several times.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but frown the head, these people’s cry for help is so loud, if not, it will lead to a more powerful Licker!

Of course, since these people have brought zombie over, Wei Xiaobei will not let go of the Evolution Points of these activities, and it will be a warm-up activity.

Letting a girl who was running out of breath, Wei Xiaobei’s right-handed bone blade flicked out and cut off the skull from the zombie that stretched out his claws.

Even if the head fell to the girl, the girl did not have the strength to scream.


Wei Xiaobei Once the decision is made, it will not drag the water, just like the previous knife slashed several bitten humans.

Killing zombie, killing more people, Wei Xiaobei found that his understanding of the knife is also rapidly improving, of course, there must be the impact of Eight Extremities Fist Near Perfection, this is beyond doubt.

Six Directions Blade Art is also a part of the Eight Extremities Fist.

Of course, in addition to this, the frequent use of Blade Arts in actual combat is also one of the important reasons for rapid improvement.

In fact, in the ancient wars, the new pink soldiers, as long as they have played more than a dozen battles, killing hundreds of enemies, and being able to survive, then naturally become a knife expert.

Between life and death, it is the best way to tempering Martial Arts, but it is also the most dangerous way. If you don’t pay attention to it, you will be gone.

The knife flashed, a youngster chased by zombie saw the zombie fall down, could not help but sighed in relief, but the next moment, the bone blade did not have a bit of mercy.

The head flew up, with a trace in the eyes.

This scene shocked those who moved towards Wei Xiaobei to escape.

Suddenly a few people were dragged to the ground by the zombie caught up behind them, and then a few zombies rushed up. After a scream, zombie chewed human flesh, throat and nose.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have time to explain why he suddenly killed.

In fact, as long as the person with a sharp heart will find the black blood that is constantly flowing out of the youngster’s arm.

Wei Xiaobei is just to excuse him from the greater pain of forget it.

Compared to Huang Kun when he first entered Dust World, these people were lucky, and the total number of zombies chasing them was only a hundred.

Under the constant killing of Wei Xiaobei, the number of zombies decreased rapidly, and the attention of zombie was also attracted by Wei Xiaobei, which made everyone escape.

The final human beings who escaped from the dangers were only twelve people, male and female, and two-thirds of them were killed compared to the total number of people who had exceeded 30.

Looking at the zombie group sprinting back and forth, every time a knife will kill a zombie Wei Xiaobei, lucky escape alive crowds even whispered.

“This is a demon. When I go back, I must go to the Police Department to report him!”

A youngster wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a dusty white shirt said indignantly.

Obviously, from the perspective of its temperament, it should be a white-collar person who has just left the school gate, but from the language, it is either a moral person or a hypocrite.

“In any case, he also saved us. Should we go up and help?” A white female college student wearing a ponytail bar whispered, but the volume was heard by several people around.

“What saved us? He is also afraid of death. There are zombies everywhere. He doesn’t kill these zombies and he is killed.”

A successful person with a big belly has wiped out some messy big backs and said disdainfully.

I have to say that the words of this successful person are still very confusing, and most people nod their heads.

The only surviving member of the porcelain gang also followed up: “This big brother is right, look at so many zombies, who is going to die!”

Originally there were several youngsters holding wooden sticks and eager to try. When I heard this sentence, the footsteps suddenly stopped.

To say, at this time, even those who are ignorant know that those madmen are not crazy.

But what kind of zombie is in a movie that is very hot recently, probably like a zombie, but the zombie sucks blood, and this zombie is eating human flesh, and after being bitten, it won’t take long, the bitten person It will also become zombie. (To be continued~^~)

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