Chapter 1459, Crazy Evolution

This poor Daoist suddenly found that there was no manuscript, and I needed to work on the codeword! ! !


This idea has been around since very early.

Mainly based on the appearance of the Loki finger.

At that time, due to the consideration of the safety of the mutant Life Form, Wei Xiaobei set the test site on the small desert island and the desert island, but achieved a lot of results, greatly enriching the life base of Life Altar.

However, the life form experiment of such a gene mutant on the island is undoubtedly a big risk, not to mention that between the deserted island and the Wei Family island, it is only twenty or thirty nautical miles away from it, it is absolutely impossible. Safety.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei stopped the Life Form gene mutant experiment on the desert island.

Now, Qing Mu Paradise has begun to take shape. If the Life Form lab is set up in Qing Mu Paradise, it is basically safe from a security perspective.

After all, in terms of the control of Qing Mu Paradise, Wei Xiaobei can easily create the closed environment needed by Life Form Labs, so as not to let those mutant Life Forms escape, which has a greater impact.

It is as if now, to shape a Giant basin, from the top of the road, most of the life form escape routes are eliminated.

You know, this basin is still slowly rising, its all around the height of the mountain wall has reached a hundred meters, and the surface is steep and smooth.

According to this trend, the height of the basin eventually reaches 300 meters is not a problem.

Of course, it is unrealistic to rely solely on terrain to prevent the escape of the mutant Life Form.

So next, Wei Xiaobei took out a Divine Attribute of the indigenous gods.

This Divine Attribute is a tiny form of crocodile. As soon as it is taken out, it makes an attack on Wei Xiaobei.

The Divine Attribute of the crocodile goddess has not yet been processed, and part of the consciousness of the crocodile goddess is also placed in the Divine Attribute, so it is normal for the attack posture of Wei Xiaobei.

See Wei Xiaobei sneered, the surviving consciousness of the crocodile goddess is not aware of his current situation.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not have the idea of ​​keeping the crocodile goddess consciousness, so he was too lazy to say anything. With his hands together, a real mercury mixed with lightning flowed out of the palm of his hand. After wrapping the Divine Attribute, a current was interlaced. The sound then came out.

It wasn’t long before Wei Xiaobei separated the palm of his hand, and the Divine Attribute had lost its crocodile pattern and restored the unique light pattern of Divine Attribute.

In any case, the consciousness of the crocodile goddess pinned on the Divine Attribute is always unable to withstand the thunder and lightning, and eventually it is exhausted.

After processing the Divine Attribute, Wei Xiaobei was moved, and a distant rain cloud quickly flew over.

Wei Xiaobei raised his right hand, and the processed Divine Attribute flew out of the hand and rushed into the rain cloud in a blink of an eye.

As the Divine Attribute rushed in, the rain cloud suddenly glowed with a layer of pale gold, and soon after, the pale golden radiance faded, a trace of thunder and lightning generated between the clouds, this rain cloud gives people It feels a bit more spiritual.

Of course, this rain cloud will not be born out of wisdom after being integrated into a Divine Attribute, but with Wei Xiaobei’s guidance, this rain cloud will have some simple wisdom.

Under the instructions of Wei Xiaobei, this rain cloud will take responsibility for monitoring this basin.

Any mutant Life Form attempting to escape from the basin will be hit by thunder and lightning!

The lightning that is condensed by a common rain cloud may not be able to be used for many erupts, but after the integration of Divine Attribute, the development direction of this rain cloud is somewhat different.

Undoubtedly, this can be regarded as its creation.

In time, this rain cloud may be able to become the god of the Thunder in Qing Mu Paradise.

Of course, these preparations were not over. Wei Xiaobei took some seeds from the Storage Ring and planted them on the walls of the basin all around.

These seeds are the product of the miracle mutant ivy after many evolutions of the mutan, which contains some natural Divine Attributes.

They have been separated from the limitations of their ancestors who need flesh and blood to grow. They are spread on the mountain wall by Wei Xiaobei. After the rain clouds drop a rainwater along the mountain wall, the seeds quickly germinate.

There was a star-green green on the mountain wall, and then quickly spread and connected to each other.

Less than half an hour before and after, a circle of mountain walls became green and full of green.

Under the circumstance of these mutant ivy and rain clouds, it is even more difficult for those mutant Life Forms to escape from the basin.

If you add the sun in the sky, the monitoring of the moon is worthy of nothing.

After doing all these preparations, Wei Xiaobei immediately landed at the center of the basin and took the Loki finger out.

To be honest, Loki, as the Vulcan in the Nordic gods, can’t count anything in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes, but his unique gene mutant influence is too powerful.

The descendants can be described as powerful, what the world snake, Great Wolf, goddess, etc., compared with him, is completely ups and downs.

In the previous Life Form genetic test, the impact of this Loki finger was quite Giant.

Of course, Loki has been at the fingertips for so long, and Wei Xiaobei has not been able to crack out all the mysteries it contains, so Wei Xiaobei will pay so much attention to this finger. After all, it is rare, like this kind of treasure that cannot be copied. It is always more precious than the treasures that are easy to obtain or copy.

As Loki’s fingers are removed, an invisible radiation fluctuation spreads out.

Suddenly, with Loki’s finger as the center, there was a scene in the 100-meter radius that made people look terrified.

Due to the previous ground movements, the original green grass and forests in this basin were destroyed, and the ground in the entire basin was bare.

But now, with the appearance of Loki’s fingers, some green shoots began to grow on the ground.

After all, even the grasses and the seeds of the trees will not be destroyed as easily.

But soon after these green buds had just grown out of the ground, there was a rapid change.

It should have been a bud that grew into a green grass. Some of them were as fast as a vine, and the leaf stalks that were originally one foot long were pumped to a few meters in diameter, while others were sharply covered on the leaves. The teeth are more swelled, and the leaves are swollen like a big sweet potato on the ground.

Such a kind of thing can be said to be strange and varied.

Of course, there are also a large number of buds that grow long and burst into a mass of juice, which quickly disappears into the soil and disappears.

Wei Xiaobei Automatically, these bursting buds are the gene collapse phenomenon caused by the rapid mutation of the gene.

I have to say that in this Qing Mu Paradise, the Life Form gene mutan experiment is much faster and more effective than it is in reality.

Don’t say anything else, just the abundance of aura in Qing Mu Paradise can support the consumption of Life Form in the rapid mutation of genes, avoiding more gene breakdown.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei created such a basin in Qing Mu Paradise, not for the grass, the genetic mutation of the trees.

With the heart of Wei Xiaobei flashing, Life Forms around Qing Mu Paradise began to mysteriously disappear, and they eventually appeared in this basin.

As the master of Qing Mu Paradise, the creator, Wei Xiaobei can easily move the location of these Life Forms in Qing Mu Paradise, and the strength consumed is almost between breaths.

Of course, this is only limited to the Life Form in Qing Mu Paradise. If it is a powerful intruder, Wei Xiaobei wants to do this, and the strength consumed is not just breathing.

From the number of Life Forms teleported from all over Qing Mu Paradise, it can be seen that the Life Form category in Qing Mu Paradise has begun to explode compared to the last Wei Xiaobei statistics on the Life Form in Qing Mu Paradise. growth of!

Wei Xiaobei remembers the number of Life Forms that were counted last time, even if they are added together from reality, there are only one hundred forget it.

There are fewer Life Forms in Qing Mu Paradise, only twenty-four!

But now, there are more than 500 types of Life Forms that have been teleported into the basin by Wei Xiaobei!

And there are still no more than thirty Life Forms that can maintain some of the actual attributes. That is to say, in the Life Forms that have migrated in reality, there are more than 70 species that have been completely converted into Qing Mu Paradise.

According to Wei Xiaobei’s understanding, these species are blunt, and they have already become the space brand of Qing Mu Paradise!

This change is big.

To be a little bigger, as long as it has the space brand of Qing Mu Paradise, then its life and death will be controlled by Wei Xiaobei!

To be smaller, Wei Xiaobei can feel its growth state and even various situations.

Of course, this also requires Wei Xiaobei to connect with the mind to do it.

If you want to know everything about the Life Form in Qing Mu Paradise, it is not what Wei Xiaobei can do now, at least not now.

But this also allows Wei Xiaobei to get a closer look at the situation of the mutant Life Form.

In addition, the variety of Life Forms that Qing Mu Paradise has created is up to 400 kinds!

These Life Forms range from plants to animals and span a considerable amount.

There are even a lot of types of life in the water.

But for now, these aquatic species that have been teleported are considered to be bad molds, falling on the ground and struggling.

Although the body is rapidly evolving mutants under the influence of Loki’s finger radiation, it is difficult to evolve a series of organs suitable for ground life before they die.

After all, the evolutionary mutant under the influence of the radiation of this Loki finger is not completely benign.

Simply put, the direction of the evolutionary mutant is extremely confusing.

Under the influence of the radiation of Loki’s finger, the organs that Life Form may evolve from mutan are unpredictable.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei had to build a lake for those aquatic species.

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