Chapter 1454, Arthur’s anger

Today is the last day of the password red envelope! Don’t waste it.


But the Chinese soldiers who led the team were also very helpless. What songs were used as military songs? They said that they didn’t count.

People in the country have their own traditions.

Wei Xiaobei At this point, there is no need to worry that the satellites in the sky can see the previous space channel.

First of all, although the gods of the earth have dissipated, their influence on the blue cotton island has not completely dissipated. Among them, there are a lot of electric charges, electromagnetic waves, and so on, which are enough to make the satellite unable to detect the following movements.

In addition, the space channel is unable to leave images on photos and videos.

Any light entering the space channel from the side cannot be reflexed and then captured by the satellite.

At most, you can only see those ants disappearing somewhere.

Next, on the side of the claw country, Wei Xiaobei is not ready to intervene.

After all, this claw country has been searched for something that is valuable to Wei Xiaobei.

The rest is China’s constant penetration control of the Kyrgyz country.

After taking out the satellite phone, Wei Xiaobei exchanged with the commander of the Chinese fleet and returned to the northern isle.

The monster Monster King swallowed the bodies of the indigenous gods and squatted on the ruins of the temple.

When Wei Xiaobei approached, the monster Monster King woke up.

“Let’s go back first.”

Wei Xiaobei lifted her leg on the top of the monster Monster King and patted the plate on the top of his head and told him.

The monster Monster King slammed and lifted Giant’s limbs. Move towards the sea and rushed away at a slow and slow pace, eventually rushing into the sea and igniting the waves.

Seeing the Monster King in the sea, the giant whales that patrolled all around the Blue Cotton Island surrounded them, surrounded by the monster Monster King, and moved towards their way home.

The new army of the claws captured the various places on the island of Blue Cotton by means of travel, and then sent back the victory of the successful recovery of the Blue Cotton Island to the government of the claws.

This victory news undoubtedly cheered the people of the claws.

However, when the civil affairs official sent by the Kuwa country went to the Blue Cotton Island to take over the relevant affairs, I could not help but be surprised by the status quo of the Blue Cotton Island.

To put it simply, the status quo of the Blue Cotton Island is that there are no permanent residents, there are few buildings left, there are no factories, no shops, nothing, and some are just white bones all over the Blue Cotton Island!

Well, if the Civil Administration officially took over the Blue Cotton Island, then the six hundred claws of the new army stationed on the Blue Cotton Island will be transferred to other islands for military operations against the remaining indigenous soldiers.

Once these new claws are transferred, the Blue Cotton Island will truly become an uninhabited island.

Not to mention the headaches of the official Officials and the enduring annihilation of the islands in the country, only to say that after the return of the Weister Monster King and the Wei Family, Wei Xiaobei dispelled the giant whales.

These giant whale giant sharks also rushed away and returned to their own territory.

Although the remaining Shrimp soldiers will not be able to take power, but these are the giant whales with their own territory. For the long time away from their own territory, they still have some bottoms.

After Wei Xiaobei arrived at Wei Family Island, Li Lanxing greeted Wei Xiaobei with a message.

To be precise, it should be a request for assistance!

The eagle country that claimed to be the empire of the sun a hundred years ago could not hold it.

King Arthur, who was originally crushed by the advanced military strength of the Eagle State, suddenly turned over recently!

I don’t know if it was the master of Merlin’s Master, or the handwriting of King Arthur. The giants of the European myths, Hill Giant, appeared in large numbers and attacked several big cities except the rim city!

While the Eagles’ military mobilized fighters went to annihilate these Hill Giants, a large number of red dragons, Black Dragon appeared, and under the joint force of Hill Giant and the dragon, the Eagle Air Force suffered heavy losses.

More than 50 fighters dispatched only came back five!

It should be noted that the number of active fighters of the Eagle Air Force has been continuously reduced in the wake of the de-industrial wave.

These more than 50 fighters accounted for 10% of the total number of fighters in the country!

In the battle with King Arthur, the Eagle State originally lost a lot of fighters, and the chaos in the country has made the production speed of the fighters unable to keep up.

After the successive wars, at least one-fifth of the territory of the entire country was occupied by King Arthur.

The most terrible thing is that at this time, a group of Druids known as plant spokesmen appeared in the Sugarland Heights. Although they seemed to be peaceful, due to their appearance, the entire Sugarland Heights was separated from the Eagle State. The rule of the government!

To put it simply, in the current Eagle State, the control of the Eagle State government is limited to some large cities and small and medium-sized cities and one-third of rural areas, while the rest is King Art, Hill Giant, Dragon and even Yude. Ruiui divides!

If it weren’t for the Druids under the Druid’s rule, the sneak threatened Arrived Arthur, Hill Giant, and the dragon’s back, I am afraid they have already launched a general attack, flattening the big, medium and small cities ruled by the Eagle State government one by one!

Arrived at this critical time, the Eagle Government has only two choices.

The first is to lose nuclear bombs and level off your country!

After all, the Eagle Kingdom is also a veteran power. Although its domestic nuclear bomb reserve is much less than other nuclear powers, it does not matter, it is still no problem to level its own territory more than ten times.

The second is to ask for help from other powerful countries, what China, what Sam and so on.

But as long as it is not brain damage, this first choice must be abandoned.

How do you have to brainstorm your mind to choose to level your country?

Of course, it is okay to selectively align some places where people are sparsely populated.

The problem is that such a nuclear level will also have a big problem. Nuclear pollution is a trivial matter, and it is more likely that Monster will retaliate against the remaining cities.

Needless to say, the outcome will accelerate the demise of the Eagle State.

Then the rational choice is only the second choice.

Ask for help!

According to the traditional diplomatic relationship, the Eagle State government sent a signal of assistance to the USA for the first time.

The problem is that this is already the tenth time to ask for help from USA.

From the appearance of King Arthur, the government of the Eagle State has sought help from the USA many times.

But the USA is now self-sufficient, and it may be possible to pay attention to the eagle country that lives on the other side of the ocean.

Even the several aircraft carrier fleets that the United States stationed in Europa were dispatched when they encountered the deep sea Giant attack in countries such as Gaul and Rome. As a result, they are now in trouble and they are overwhelmed.

It is said that even the nuclear bombs have lost more than a dozen in the sea, but those deep sea Giants have been killed a lot, but they have led to more Terror Titans!

In short, the USA is not counting on the decision.

Therefore, after the USA routinely issued a request for help, the Eagle Government put the hope of asking for help on China.

Although due to historical reasons, China, the world’s number one powerhouse, has not been stationed in the Europa fleet, but nowadays worldwide, in the head of Monster’s massive invasion of reality, the most convenient is China.

what? Africa? Oceania?

Well, as I said before, Africa and Oceania are the luckiest places in this wave of Monster invasions.

The problem is that the blessings of the colonists before the centuries, the disputes on the African continent.

Although many tribes have been protected by the ancestors and continue to win in the battle against Monster, the previous disputes have quickly continued.

The Eruption battles between the ancestors and the chaos.

As for Oceania, although there is no Monster invasion, the military strength of Oceania is also weak in the world.

Of course, this weak military strength is mainly for the blessing of USA.

At the beginning, the military development of Oceania was based on self-development and self-innovation. The various weapons and equipment developed by the company were also advanced in the world.

But when USA came to help Oceania develop weapons and equipment with “goodwill”, it all changed.

First, military exchanges between the two sides, followed by joint research and development, and finally a group of elites in Oceania are known to jump out and say that they can not buy! This can save a lot of research and development costs.

Although from a strategic point of view, it is simply brain-destroying to make this statement, but it is enough to fool the people.

As a result, Oceania has entered a deformed fast lane in the military.

Buy and buy!

In the end, Oceania’s weapons research and development capabilities were completely castrated, and military strength continued to fall, becoming an international laughing stock.

Even in the end, Oceania recognizes the seriousness of this problem, but it is too late.

Wugong is completely abolished!

I want to re-examine weapons and equipment, and there is no foundation at all. Even the original research drawings do not know where to go.

It is only by re-establishing those arms research institutes that they do not know how much time and material resources they will spend.

And in terms of the current level of research on armaments, it is impossible to break the decade and want to catch up with the world average from scratch. It will take 20 years and 30 years to be impossible.

One of the most terrible problems is that the study of armaments is costly. The armaments that were studied in the first two decades are undoubtedly behind the world trend. Can the Oceania military endure twenty years of backward equipment?

If you can’t stand it, then you won’t buy it. If the military doesn’t buy it, those arms research institutes will have no profit at all, but they will lose money.

And the loss business is no one will do it.

To put it bluntly, this is a vicious circle.

Ok, the words are far away.

After receiving the request from the Eagle Government for help, China transferred Xu Feiyang to Wei Family Island without thinking.

Like a country closer to China, China has sent troops to help, but it is also extenuating and able to capture the benefits of reality.

But a country as far away as the Eagle State has a long way to go, and the risk of sending a fleet is greatly increased. Even if the Eagle State is willing to give benefits, China will not be willing to send its troops.

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