Chapter 1452, Totem Stone Column!

It’s too late to get up today because the poor Daoist slept too late last night and was busy conceiving the plot below.


After a specially paved stone road, Wei Xiaobei came to the front of the temple.

The temple is still majestic and tall, and there are some lights in the half-opened door.

But in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes, this temple is no longer brilliant, the sun sets, only a little Divine Attribute flows back and forth in the building.

Going and seeing, Wei Xiaobei does not agree with such things as blood sacrifices, but as long as he finds the key points of the godland on this land, Wei Xiaobei can also discover some of the mysteries of the godland on the earth.

For Wei Xiaobei, these mysteries are much more interesting than those of other things.

If you can, Wei Xiaobei can even design a small experiment to improve the earthly gods that are built up by this blood sacrifice.

But when Wei Xiaobei stepped into the temple, I didn’t know how, the strength of the body surged, and then Wei Xiaobei stood unsteadily and fell to the front and moved to the front.

Well, for the existence of Wei Xiaobei, even if someone deliberately makes a blind man, it is very difficult to fall to the ground, not to mention that he accidentally fell down.

Whether it’s walking freely, Wei Xiaobei is absolutely balanced, or the power of the attribute makes Wei Xiaobei impossible to fall, or Martial Arts’s skill.

To put it simply, Wei Xiaobei, the possibility of accidentally falling, is undoubtedly a man standing on the beach and letting a girl across the sea get pregnant!

But this happened.

Wei Xiaobei fell to the ground with a dog robbing the ecstasy.

Bang! A loud noise came out!

The thick slabs laid in the shrine suddenly crushed, centered on Wei Xiaobei’s planting, and a circle of dust suddenly rises, and numerous cracks spread out like spider webs.

This spider web is spread all over the temple!

Not far away, Monster King, the tortoise of the indigenous gods, was attracted to the attention.

In the stunned look of the monster Monster King, the temple made a creak that shattered the crush, and then it slammed and the whole collapsed!

The temple collapsed and the dust flew. For a moment, the temple was replaced by a dust that spread from the air.

The Monster King, the tortoise, dragged a few indigenous gods to the edge of the sea, and looked like it was worried that the spread of dust would affect the flesh of the food.

At this time, the commander of the China fleet in the aircraft carrier bridge thought that Wei Xiaobei had an ambush and could not help the Chinese fleet to be fully guarded.

“Cough and cough…..”

Wei Xiaobei swears that this is probably the most embarrassing performance of his life.

After struggling to climb out of the ruin that was constantly falling, Wei Xiaobei sipped a large amount of powder and was coughed.

This forced Wei Xiaobei to drive the thunder and lightning to cover the outside of the body to prevent something bad from invading itself.

It is said that the material of this temple is somewhat special. Even if it is collapsed as a whole, the dust caused by it makes Wei Xiaobei unable to observe.

Wei Xiaobei was able to clearly see the all around environment until the dust caused by the collapse of the temple fell.

Needless to say, a lot of ruins formed by the collapse of the temple.

In the center of the ruins, Wei Xiaobei found a standing pillar!

this is?

Wei Xiaobei smashed through the steps and carefully observed the pillar that had not been affected by the collapse of the temple.

This pillar is only about 12 meters high and about three meters in diameter. The material is an unknown stone and looks quite bulky.

The stone pillars are engraved with a variety of abstract pictures, which should probably describe the hunting, gathering, fishing and other activities of the indigenous tribes.

The mysterious strength of a trace is flowing in the groove forming the picture.

And Wei Xiaobei can see that the thin line connecting the whole land of the gods is from this stone pillar!

In other words, this stone pillar is actually the hub of the earthly kingdom!

Well, although Wei Xiaobei can gain some knowledge through the Divine Attributes of the indigenous gods, this does not mean that this stone pillar has no value.

Wei Xiaobei move towards Lanmian Island looked at it. With the demise of the indigenous gods, the indigenous gods hiding in the blue cotton island seemed to be mad at this time and killed each other.

Undoubtedly, for these redeemed indigenous soldiers, the demise of the indigenous gods is like a sky.

Wei Xiaobei reached out and grabbed the stone pillar with his left hand, and could not help but snorted.

His strength was less than a thousand tons, but he was not able to shake the stone pillars half a minute.

I have to say that when this stone pillar is connected to the entire land of the godland, its solidity can almost make human despair!

Wei Xiaobei even suspected that even if several nuclear bombs were thrown here, it might not be possible to blow the stone pillars to the ground.

One hand was not so strong, and Wei Xiaobei immediately put both hands on the stone pillar.

After wearing the sun gloves, Wei Xiaobei can ignore the physical gap between the stone pillar and himself.

Muscle bulging, suddenly force!

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei’s Eruption wearing a glove has more than 50,000 tons of strength!

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei can easily grab and throw out even a 10,000-ton ship at this time!

Not moving!

The stone pillars are not moving, and the giant force of Wei Xiaobei’s Eruption is like mud cows entering the sea, and the half effect is not revealed!


Wei Xiaobei understands that this stone pillar is not a general stone pillar.

If you change to a common stone column, even if it is about 100 meters high, Wei Xiaobei can easily trip it.

But this stone pillar is the hub of the earthly kingdom, connected with the whole land of the kingdom of God. Even if the indigenous gods who created this land god country have been destroyed, the godland on the earth has not died!

Therefore, the ordinary strength wants to affect this stone column, which is too difficult.

Strength tide!

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei decisively activated the strength tide in the body!

In an instant, with the surge of strength, the strength of Wei Xiaobei’s whole body Eruption, from a certain point of view, enters the rule level, and thus reaches the arrival of the rules!

This time, Shi Zhu finally swayed, but the amplitude was relatively slight.

Wei Xiaobei At this point, it can be said that even the strength of breastfeeding is used.

After more than ten rounds of force, it was only possible to pull down the stone pillar and put it into the Storage Ring.


Sitting on the gravel floor, Wei Xiaobei also refused to take up the dust, sweat huā lā lā shed, and a mud ditch on his face.

too tired.

Even if the strength tide is activated, Wei Xiaobei is now close to the dry state.

It can be said that if the indigenous gods did not defend at first, let Wei Xiaobei rush into the temple and induce Wei Xiaobei to move the stone pillar, it is impossible for the indigenous gods to turn defeat into victory.

But in any case, Wei Xiaobei is really tired at this time.

With a strength wrench wrist on the earth god, it is not something that can be done in general.

But the price paid is worth it.

After the stone column was included in the Storage Ring, it seemed as if the switch was pressed, and the red mask over the blue cotton island began to fade rapidly, and disappeared without a trace.

And the bombs dropped by those fighters, even if the power has been improved a lot, even the missiles that have been fired have returned to normal, and they can accurately hit the target!

All these phenomena have confirmed that the stone pillars disappeared and the earth country of the earth collapsed and disappeared.

It’s time to end the battle here.

Wei Xiaobei immediately connected the aunts who were sleeping in the mountain range of the Blue Cotton Island.

Wei Xiaobei gave instructions to sleep after the end of the evacuation operation.

Those ants, together with all the soldiers, ants return to the depths of the ground to sleep.

Now, with the announcement of Wei Xiaobei’s recovery, the ant colony, which was originally the same statue, began to move.

They flooded the ground from the underground caves like black tides and began to sweep everything that passed!

Plants, animals, insects, and even indigenous sacred soldiers who are killing each other!

“God! What happened on this island?”

“Is there an oil field below?”


Undoubtedly, the actions of the China Fleet on the Blue Cotton Island are difficult to hold on to most of the world’s powerful countries.

They watched it all through satellites suspended in space orbit.

So after the ant colony was dispatched, these peepsers were very surprised.

As you can see from the video that came back from the satellite, a small black stream swallowed a bit of a large, green, blue cotton island.

After the arrived, the picture of the Blue Cotton Island has turned into a black spider web!

As for the Chinese fleet soldiers who can watch this scene at a closer distance, they are even more stunned.

The indigenous gods who were madly killing each other were covered by black tides in a blink of an eye. When the black tides left, the indigenous gods had become a white skeleton and then collapsed in the shock!

If placed before, Wei Xiaobei will probably collect the bodies of those indigenous soldiers into Qing Mu Paradise for the growth of Qing Mu Paradise.

But now, with Qing Mu Paradise growing up, the creator of the 1-Star elite like the Indigenous Pioneer is less helpful for the growth of Qing Mu Paradise.

To put it simply, even if the body of more than 200,000 indigenous gods on the island of Blue Cotton is put into Qing Mu Paradise, the role played by it is at most equal to the ghost body of an 4-Star elite, even Something worse.

In this way, it would be better for the ant colony to swallow these indigenous gods and turn them into more ants.

It is also considered waste utilization.

The speed at which the ant colony swept the Blue Cotton Island was not slow. Less than an hour before and after, the indigenous squadrons on the Blue Cotton Island were turned into white bones, and the ant colonies began to retreat quickly, returning to the underground as quickly as they came. .

“You can let them log in.”

Wei Xiaobei picked up the satellite phone and dialed the communication channel of the commander of the China Fleet.

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