Chapter 1449, ugly unparalleled

Later, this poor Daoist never went to the buffet again. I went to eat a buffet barbecue yesterday. As a result, I came back and got out of my stomach.


A man and a woman, the male indigenous god is more than 30 meters tall, the body type is strong, but the ears are hung with two blue snakes, two black horns on the top of the head, and a Giant Thighbone on the right. His Majesty is riding a Giant Bison.

The female indigenous god is full of black fangs, and several large snakes are drilled from time to time in the nostrils. The torso is covered with scales, but the arms are fluttering with long hairs, holding two giant teeth and stepping on a crocodile. It looks more Terror than the male indigenous god.

Well, Wei Xiaobei has studied a lot of myths and legends in this area of ​​the claws, and at a glance recognizes the origins of these two indigenous gods.

Compared to other indigenous gods, they are the patron saints of the indigenous tribes that have perished. Compared to the ancestors, these two indigenous gods are somewhat different, but they are animal gods.

The male indigenous god is a bison god. In the myth of the claws, the bison Divine Power is infinite. Whenever it is angry, it likes to hold the islands in their hands and throw them around.

The female indigenous god is the crocodile goddess. In the myth of the claws, the crocodile goddess is also powerful and cruel, and the favorite thing is the Eruption earthquake, which ignites the volcano.

Well, light can be seen from the descriptions of myths and legends. These two indigenous gods are really powerful.

In the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, the brilliance of the two indigenous gods, Spirit Body, is indeed stronger than other indigenous gods.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei is also cautious about these two indigenous gods.

When the crocodile goddess waved his long teeth and smashed the Arrows that Wei Xiaobei shot, and he sneaked away with a long tooth move towards Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei had already turned the big bow into huge spear, and then he shot it out. , stabbed on the other’s long teeth!

Wei Xiaobei wants to try the power of this myth and legend, what it is like.


The long teeth collided with the sun gun, and the two giants suddenly met, bursting out the heaven-shaking loud noise!

However, at this time, the Bison God holding Thighbone was insidious, and took a move to Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei is not a fool, and immediately retreats.

But at this time, the face of the crocodile goddess has changed a little.

In the previous hard hit, the crocodile goddess suddenly found that the long teeth that he went all out to stab could not shake the other half. If it wasn’t for the Bison sneak attack, forcing the other party to retreat, I would have to be defeated by the other side!

Even the sturdy long teeth were smashed by a ghost spear like a toothpick!

Regardless of strength or weapon, the crocodile goddess lost Wei Xiaobei!

However, there are so many gods here, and you don’t have to be afraid of each other!

It was discovered that several indigenous gods on their own side were quietly surrounded at this time, and the crocodile goddess who had shaken his heart could not help but give birth to a bit of conviction.

In contrast, Wei Xiaobei, after the gun, his face brought a smile.

The power of this myth is so great that it is just for it.

You know, the shot that Wei Xiaobei had pierced before was just 40% force forget it!

Even the strength tides are not used!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is also a helpless choice.

Within the territory of the gods, Wei Xiaobei, as an outsider, will naturally be suppressed and weakened.

Just the weakening of the natural suppression of Wei Xiaobei by the gods on the ground, let Wei Xiaobei be suppressed in all directions and weaken 20% or more!

As a result, Wei Xiaobei also needs to leave some cards to deal with the indigenous gods, thus making 40% force is half of Wei Xiaobei’s full efforts.

This is also an adventure. If the shot can’t resist the long teeth, Wei Xiaobei will undoubtedly lose many advantages in the next battle.

But now, Wei Xiaobei has induced those indigenous gods, and let the indigenous gods think that their land god country has firmly weakened the strength of Wei Xiaobei by more than half!

This erroneous understanding will undoubtedly make the indigenous gods pay a heavy price!

It can be said that the strength of Wei Xiaobei can now be Eruption. If it is 100, the strength of the indigenous gods will probably be only about 30. By the tampering of the rules of the gods on the ground, their strength can climb to 70. about.

That’s it!

Wei Xiaobei, who took the gun and walked, could feel the suppression of his own gods on the ground and the rules of the rules that the indigenous gods wanted to deprive themselves of their strength.

In fact, the battle started at the rule level.

The focus of those indigenous gods fighting is to use the rules to maximize the weakening of Wei Xiaobei!

It can be said that if it wasn’t for the fact that the gods on the ground weakened Wei Xiaobei from all aspects, Wei Xiaobei had the confidence to directly inflict the two indigenous gods in the first encounter with the crocodile goddess and the Bison God.

It can be said that if Wei Xiaobei did not consume the more than two million Evolution Points before the battle, so that he has the ability of the rules level of strength tide, I am afraid that Wei Xiaobei has been defeated at this time.

You must know that in this land of God, only the weakening of all aspects is enough to turn a dragon into a white rabbit!


At this time, Wei Xiaobei had a pair of legs, and the huge spear swayed. If the same tree pear bloomed, dozens of guns blossomed and turned into dozens of Spear Qi shuttles!

This Spear Qi suddenly shot, but the indigenous gods who tried to sneak Wei Xiaobei were so embarrassed that they hurriedly evaded.

This land god country can certainly weaken Wei Xiaobei’s many abilities, but the strength from the Eruption in the body like Spear Qi, the strength of the tide, etc. is not limited.

Spear Qi shot is extremely sharp, the indigenous gods who are lucky to avoid, the indigenous gods who can’t escape, Spear Qi suddenly has a hole in his body, so that these indigenous gods who have been pampered are all painful. Called up.

This is the first time that a pain has fallen on these indigenous gods!

For these indigenous gods, they rarely take action directly, and most of them are hiding behind the scenes to manipulate those indigenous soldiers.

Thus, after the Spear Qi attack by Wei Xiaobei’s Eruption fell on them, the mental blow to them was actually more intense than the physical pain.

This made them realize for the first time that damage can be landed on themselves, and death is also possible.

It must be said that when the overseas Chinese were evacuated, one of the indigenous gods was beaten by Wei Xiaobei, but there was always no major harm.

Now, this problem is beginning to appear in their minds.

As a result, these indigenous gods became a little daunting in the next battle.

They are worried that Wei Xiaobei will target the attack and cause himself to suffer.

Even these indigenous gods are selfish, so to speak, their selfishness is more serious than ordinary people.

They even thought about the possibility of Eruption disputes, contradictions and even wars between indigenous gods after they ruled the claws in the future!

This kind of harmonious partnership will eventually break down.

Every indigenous god has its own wild vision. To be honest, they are more vigilant than defending themselves against Wei Xiaobei!

In their view, the greatest threat to themselves is always the other indigenous gods.

It is as if the previous seven indigenous gods gathered in the temple to explore the fact that the indigenous gods were attacked by Water Race. The first time they thought of it was the return of an indigenous god, not other threats.

Human beings are so powerful that they cannot threaten their theocracy!

This is probably the stubborn thought of the indigenous gods who have been formed for centuries or even thousands of years.

However, this idea has not been much wrong before.

In the past, the human kings were even more powerful, and it was impossible to let these indigenous gods die.

I remember that in the history of the Kuwa country, the first green king who unified the big half-claw country, sent troops to destroy the gods, but at most it was to let those indigenous gods fall into a deep sleep.

On the contrary, many indigenous gods joined forces and instead destroyed the green dynasty.

The only thing that can make an indigenous god die is probably their kind.

Therefore, these indigenous gods, while fighting Wei Xiaobei, thought about how to ensure their own safety, instead of making sacrifices themselves and assisting other indigenous gods to kill Wei Xiaobei.

Perhaps some indigenous gods still think about the indigenous gods.

With the advent of this kind of thinking, there is a big problem with the joint efforts of indigenous gods.

Wei Xiaobei is keenly aware of this in the battle.

The fact that the gods on the ground weakened their limits seemed to be solved a little bit.

At this point, the Bison God is waving Thighbone with the crocodile goddess to contain the Wei Zhibei.

It can be seen from this that the relationship between the bison god and the crocodile goddess is good, and it is more intimate than several other indigenous gods.

But it can also be seen that the rest of the indigenous gods have deliberately slowed down a lot, making the seven indigenous gods have a trace of the encirclement formed by Wei Xiaobei.

Switching to other people may not be able to seize this opportunity, but Wei Xiaobei is who, this has just emerged, and even aware of the arrived.

Strength tide!

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei suddenly let go of the strength of the body’s strength!


An invisible explosion came, Wei Xiaobei body all around suddenly appeared in a circle of constant diffusion!

Wei Xiaobei’s speed has suddenly increased several times, and Huge spear opened in the hand, and it suddenly collided with the Thighbone under the Buffalo!

It is said that Wei Xiaobei’s huge spear is about three meters long, but the Thighbone in the hands of the wild buffalo has a length of fifty meters. Compared with the two, the gap is as big as chopsticks and thin needle.

But the giant spear in Wei Xiaobei’s hand collided with the Thighbone, and the Thighbone contact was lifted off the crush, and then a huge force recoiled, and the Thighbone rebounded!

The next moment, in the horror of the wild buffalo, a slightly distorted huge spear pierced like a lightning, and went straight to the skull of the Bison God!

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